. tlr"" DAILY THE NEWS. Page 5 l MAY PURCHASE TICKETS Red Cross Notes I FOR RELATIVES RETURNING S. S. PRINCE RUPERT I 'our inoro acknowledgements OR l'Jd Ketween the G.T.P. and the I"' purcels have heen received font Arthur Urislow, prisoner or trpns-atlanlic steamship companies S.S. PRINCE GEORGE in Germany. arrangements have been made wfiereby transportation SAILING it is hoped to renew the Friday tickets from European points to 1 t'd (.ru sate In tlio hut a week Canada may be purchased at this MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, end, and forwarded to the Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattls. 1 1 cm Friday. For the next few prospective MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granny Bay. '"utliB there will he great need passengers in Great Brit "f lu-lp lor the homeless ain. Anyone with relatives or; refugees 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. iricnds who intend coming to a- well as the soldiers, and the -witty earnestly hopes that these Canada from Great Britain or Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. -alea will continue to receive lhe elsewhere In Europe could save a support the public has given so great deal of trouble by purchas TRAIN SERVICE ing the tickets here. iiiiididiy jn the past. Paitenrer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for Smltbera This is particularly applicable Pjlnce Oeorre. Edmonton and Wlnniper, maklnc direct eonneeUoc for an A donation of fO.23 for the to soldiers' wives and families at points eait and south. THE BREATHEABLE REMEDY ruoners of War Fund from present fn Britain, where booking Mi8 Itothwell is acknowledged transportation overseas is some For information and reservations apply to YS keep a box of Peps .wi many tnanks. what more Of a J6b than it is here G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. t on hand.and immediately Full particulars may be had from City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 JUU J-v " " . It is eipecled to put on the O. F. Johnston, G.T.P. ticket Hit incert in aid of SI. Luntan agent, Third Avenue. tablet in your mouth. Peps a The medicinal fumes (rive Hostel for blinded sojdiers at the MINERAL ACT off by the disolvI.iir reps anest opportunity after ih hn Certificate of Improvements. minBlcwithtlicairyoubrcathc. I-. lifted on the theatre, as those nd like the Pine I orcst air of uniortunale men are in need of NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Switicrland,reach every nook all the help the public can give f'rrro Fneilon Mineral CHtm, ituit hi Hw Sfn Mlnlnr Dlrltlon of CaiiUr and corner of the throat and i firm Wftrtel. lungj, where the danger lies. Wlwre located: .tear the bead of AUce Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Fens bathe the breathing The Victoty l.oaii Urfvn n wil Arm. via Steamer to Vancouver and the with crmHJcstroyliitf a the influenza !t.Itmi , TAKE MOTICE tint I, LeU W. Patmor. a tubes 21 1 rre Miner's Orttncale So. S0I07-C at Canadian Pacific Railway vapor, which is a sure safeguard hampered fled Cross work to a rent ror John Watford Slromfceck, Free against infectious reitain extent for the past few Mlner'a Certificate .lo. J4I9I-C, Intend, Meals and Berth included on Steamer coughs and colds. When a Pens tablet wcciiB. me society iioned l mn Uly dari from tbe date hereof, to apply is In the mouth every breath taken unue to work until the laL nrl to the Mlnlnr rietorder for a CertUleate of Improveroenu, for the porpofe of obtain-mr strengthens your defence against throat oner is given uo by Oermanv .in,I a Cron-n Orant of the abore claim. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE and chest troubles. unlii help is no loneer rertnlrpi. And further tale notice that action, un 50c box, 3 for $1.25. AH dealers or oy liie wounded men ann th der lection SS mult be commenced before S. S. Princess Mary .sails from Prince Rupert November Peps CoToronto. FREE trial trackage the lnue 00 inch Certificate of ItDprore- 23rd; December 6th, 20th, and January 3rd. liK'iiteiess refugees now teing re meou. receipt of this advertisement sent upon i.-aseu by the Allied armies. - DATED tbl IStb day of AnruiL A. D. FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, 8KAOWAY, ALASKA and lc stamp for postage. 1911. .Oil S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November DISLOCATION OF 8TUDY MINERAL ACT. 18th, December 2nd, 16th,md 30th. WILL BE CONSIDERED CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. flOTJCK. , On account of the dislocation Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. l' study occasioned by the en In the Skeena Mlnlnr DMilon of Casilir , ' rCfflient if tli Knnniil. Inlli, DistricL Where located: At the bead of Ci- ner Fourth Street rnd Third Anu, Prince Rupert. B.C. I - -" Alice Arm In tbe Skeena Mlnlnr Dirtilon. uza regulations and the effect on TAKE NOTICE that I, J. Z. SUrk, owner ;'.n i he pupils advancement from or the abore claim.Tree Miner CertUleate ' ne grade to the next, the Hon. to. 11171, Intend, tlity dayi from the date hereof, to apply to tbe Mlnlnr Ae-cinier J. I. MacLean, Minister of Edu- .t tni t r British for CertUleate of Improremenu, INFLUENZA GERMS CAN DE aiioii, has announced that the l-r tbe propose of obtalnlnr a Crown SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE Department will take due cognU Orant of the abore claim. t THE Mania pf TK JMXI.MSTfU lance of the fact at the end of the And further take notice that action, un v.. Jil der aecUon St. .unit be commenced before ... No Danger of Contracting 14 year. tbe litaance of auch CerUOcate of s the xtTTtn r twc itate r isn vitrt.-viui. "Iiiikwim: Influents. In this connection, it should be tmproTements. k WS A IsUc VSBIX biXLASLD. noted, a request was recently sent Dated thU tm day of Inly. A. D. 1918. mi s..tm tui as nwr of Hit So states a well known Vancouver to the Minister by the principals LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 Royal Standard Jour of .Vnortr i.0 ltl.r. mtt las um airotDled I lift Ait doctor who offers to swallow of the various schools asking that ire dclni. i Chr ui of m CJet- a capsuleful every day for a week. the course of study for High NOTICE OF LXTE5TIO.X TO APPLY TO m'!tu u trtlt ar hereby haunt 1h Doctor is tfghl. School entrance be somewhat LEASE LA.1D As a war flour, ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR is in a LX 01'EE.t CHARLOTTE ISLAXD5 LASD r--J M Br 1 - tl" it".mil pretty dirt erf eruitC ftr- With plenty of fresh air. good modified in view of the loss of DISTRICT; IUXOriDI.NO DISTRICT OF class by itself. Richer in gluten, it is easier to handle; nourishing food and a table- lime byj-eason of the epidemic- SKEE3A A.tD SO DATE OX SOOTH "quicker rising"; producing uniform results; and with f 01 of KBNNKDVS SHORE OF LAOOOK I.I LET, MORESBY TOXIC s won Particular reference was made iATfi " w ISLA3D; ABOUT 05 E MILE FROM ITS a big "oven-spring." Royal Standard Flour will remedy I'OKT four times dally you can in the communication to such luax a m lux MOOTIL many of your baking troubles making the best possible fii r i.s IT"! J'tor. keep your body strong and subjects as literature, history and TAKE JSOTICE that I, JOH.X M MAC- thoroughly fortified against the geography, and In his ryply Dr. MILLAX. of VancouTer. B. occupation base for use with substitutes. a tut wtumt. txtvnr or ftiunsii ravages of influenza, asthma, Mac Lea u makes clear that he will Canoe rjTnan, Intends to apply for permission to leare tbe followlnr described lands: J I IISlA. bronchitis, colds or eoughs. bear the suggestion in mind when Commendnr at a post planted on the Vancouver & Grain lIO DOCTORS 1'RKSCntDB IT. considering the whole question as south shore of Laroon Inlet, Moresby Is Milling ""sJer A0,":,!,$T,U DltUO STORKS SIILL !T. tf already decided upon by the De land, about one mile from Its month; CO., LIMITED thence west 10 chains; thence north 10 ?rut Mr Ate or partment. chains; thence east to chains more or less Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Elour" Queen Charlotte Islanders can to low water mark at tbe beach; thence i fclu"r 1 ' ' m ritr r nit not do belter than mail their Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher. I southerly followlnr low water mark to the Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-105 5l " ww lit ar printing needs to Thn News Print arret point more of commencement;or less. containing 40 I Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 jl - Shop and gel the work done Good assortment of pipes at JOH.1 McLARTY MACMILLA.N. Jcl ornr.Kd. ttd tu trurt romplly and well OiVt. tf Dated Aurust Uth. 101S. Ml AH mi. and HI rM" Uttu lodcbMneM JO n ED nr-rn "Oirui Aiimimtiraior. ' oay f ut2tt ISIS, j '' !,-ur'nf -or liiumu "11 M6IA. 1 It Ml " "F THE AliMLMSTHA 1 Iff u. 'd - ' T,!. WTATE OF ""W.;.AMD VVATTl DLCI.A! U. t I . I thit ,n f Ills ' . md" U lltti oay m ""r tut.I was arpMBtM u a .. . eslal ut Uh Mia j 5 PER PACKAGE n - ataintl tlx rtlale , T. w or btfor tiw Uih Hi it. .t lh' ri are required to "x'r IndrLteduess ta "if H. MeMULIJN, uniriai Adutluiatraur. ii day of .November, tl. 3 tat i r' . .9L"T OF HIIITIHII " I." kutn "T THE AOMItlSTIlA-" tHk u. "'I ''" :Ml ,"" T'lK I'STATK OF ' 11 " I't' I.ASHI. "j'Ur " E "t n vrUer or Ills urn l.lwas aproiniei !ISf' ui ,. . "'' etate of me said S"11 ritiir , 1,,,'',1. atul all tarllr HIT" "Hi n,i . . " 'Stata are ? tii,Ln' . ;'.' "r before the lath rtay R.J,"imi ,r i.,UJ.u rwiulred to par y '"HX l. McMULUX NAVV CU ""O Ui ,mf'l AUniliilalrator. tlth jty of Noreinber, 18 1 i. '' T l ,V''M!i .,.:n!'HT OF IIHITIrll tt Tar TlO.tTJI'TIK n OF Hit, AiMIMSTII- CIOARETT llV.M"rTi1.,,;iTIIE K8TATE Or 1 Hi. DKCKASKI). 7' t !i,.Tu,Uv. 'h l order of Ills ''triio, Af: ill. I was stmoinieil C!!' "' lah or the said BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING Kff in. w rnlsh same, iroirly Sr" k ii. ' 11 It IS. anil all nartlea (oTi'Hini ,,u,. .! rniulred. to... nay m it, iiu. iri.ii,i -...l. "V MKIIIV.B til I11D iiii nil -it btita 4,",JL McMI'l.l.H 1 V" i in ill I HBliiiM iSBllslllIll Hth diLV AUniiriiii'rslor. j Movrmter. ttl.