iJt lit Till! DAILY NEWS. Page 6 NEW GENERAL AGENT Local News Notes j Phone 93 P.O. Uox 38 Fire Insurance FOR SOUTHERN B. C. Office: 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. Good Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher. News! Winter is approaching. " circular has just been Issued ... This means lhat Iho hre sk by the Orand Trunk Pacific Hallway Kverythlng in Toyland for tho Pacific Cartage, Ltd to vour property is ncrcas-ing and ll rand Trunk Pacific children at Tito's. tf flres through tho hotter in your stoves and in your nnnst Steamship Co., Ltd., an ' General Teaming Peace, Dry Dock, Fuller's neighbors' stoves, Htilldings nouncing the appointment of G. Tho Whllo Lunch has been reopened Grocery getting older, many havo to lor business. Storage arc E. Jenney, Vancouver, JJ. u, settled more or less on then: or General Agent ... Furniture, Safe and Piano ONE AFTER THE OTHER. foundations. In some instances Hie position Mail orders received now this has caused tho Passenger Department of tho Moving. Ilaggage chimneys to crack and become Urand Trunk Pucinc Hallway and Fuller's Grocery,. phone. 4G. Arcs dangerous are lit. when Would win-er it nrnnd Trunk Pacillo Steamship New laid eggs at Prlnco Rupert Phone 45 Phone not be well to protect yourself fin., with Jurisdiction over Uritlsh Tablo Supply 00c. per dot. tf NOTIOE now against loss by insuring Columbia, south of Hivcrs Inlet ... your property? including Vancouver Island, entire Fancy goods and cut glass at Owing to the abatement of tho We Write Fire Insurance. Slates of Idaho, Oregon and Tile's .Xmas discount prices, tf inPucrizn epidemic, the schools Better Service - Better Goods - Better Washington, Slate of Utah as far ... will be permitted to reopen on Prices H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. south as Ogden and Salt Lako Brass Jardiniers, Brass Smoking Monday first, and tho churches Motor Delivery City, and that portion of tho State Sets and Brass Fern Pols at in the oily on Sunday, tho 2Uh of of Montana west of and including Tites. tf November. The public holiday Open About December 1st Shelby Junction to Helena and . for the local celebration will lako r Butte. The Silver Standard Is continuing place on Wednesday, tho 27th, in I 1 STEPHENS Mn Jenney is widely .known in to work throughout tho slead of the 20lh ns at first ar L. Murray Fuller, General Manager. railway circles and has been con winter. . . ranged. If Jj Edwin Smart, Store Msmiger. Howard Steen. Service Msgtr NOTARY PUBLIC tinuously associated with tho T. McCLYMONT. Mayor. Orand Trunk System since 1894, Engineers have been examining when he joined tnc company as a a number of properties fn tho Beard of School Trustees Either Cash or clerk in the General Baggage De Sibola district. Victory Bonds partment at Toronto. The following .... Substitute Teachers Wanted. I.Jwatd Llpaett. President Harry Lipiclt Marum year ho became directly Handsome framed pastels nnd Anyone wishing to have their Kdwnrd Cunningham Vice-President and term will buy two eplendld water colored paintings at TiloV 4-roomtd houtM with bathe on a associated with the Passenger Department, name placed on tho substitute splendid lot, nir Seal Com. occupying consecutively Big Xmas Display. tf list of tho Prince Rupert Public the following positions: Soliciting School teaching sUfT will kindly Price Only $1,600 Passenger Agent, Toronto; Peter; Shufer has a car load of liollfy tho 'Secretary. P.O. box Lipseit-Cunningham & Co. with a liberal dltcount for all oath. Travelling Passenger. Agent, ore from his properly on Hudson t550. 275 Thsse houaee art plastered, hare Toronto and Pittsburg Pa., City Bay Mountain awaiting shipment. LIMITED -FISHING lectrle light and aro reer torn-forlable . . . aa wall aa conrenltnt to Passenger and Ticket Agent, & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Fifteen years' experience n an tha Industrial and of the VlXj. Grand Trunk Railway System at SO $4 la not too much to tiptct on Toronto, from which position ho optician is one reason our-work YE OLDE COUNTRIE Ctcamthlp Supplies, Oat Engines and Accessorial thia Inreetmtst. Vou canaot afford gives satisfaction. John Bulger, FISH AND CHIPS called to Vancouver to was occupy Fish Netting, Twlnos, Lines, Hopes and Cordage to pay rant whan jrou haa an opportunity Optician. 11 7 17 Second Avenue. the position of. General Agent Ilka thl on a. Passenger Department in 1914. . . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. M. M. Stephens .Mr. Jenney, with his largely Harry Lipselt, accompanied by Will bo open every day at Registered Office: I'riuce Ruprr! Ofll extended field of activity, will continue Mrs. Lipselt and child, relumed 11 a. m. REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL AGENT INSURANCE to make his headquarter at to the city this morning fron OS Water Street. Telephone N 9r 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 Vancouver. His new appointment Vancouver. ... TAKE SOME HOME. Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box im goes into cfTect on Saturday next, November 10th. George Clothier, tho Provincial mining engineer, arrived in the city this morning after a trip Neat designs in fancy China at Sickness and down the coast. I Tile's Xmas Prices. tf ... Hotel Prince Rupert There are no Smokes h Hotel Accident Insurance Genuine leather hand -bags, Hyder THE DAILY NEWS vanity purses and bill folds for EUROPEAN PLAN Germany. ladies and gentlemen at Tito's We represent the Dominion Xmas discounts. tf $1.50 per day and up. JPortland Connl, B.C. of Canada Guarantee Classified : Advertising ' . . . Get U. I:. JAMIESON. Proprietor your parcel of and Accident Co., The Harris Mines have been FIRST-CLASS CAFE which writes a special Phone 98 working steadily during the sum A La Carte. CtltUOV l lit amomt Jftttk Stint Tobacco for the policy oovering indemnity mer and have out a lot of lead and Thie it tho Advertising Column that xinc concentrates. Soldier against all Sickness Boys people read vraen they want anything ... Now Open for Butiness ana Accidents. It brings remits Many who havo been interested on their martfj U Berb The annual cost is very in the Delta Copper Co. will bo made up V the low. EMPLOYMENT WANTED glad to know lhat exploratory OLD CAMP COOK waqts Job stationary work will be resumed in the near St. James Hotel Prince Rupert Gibbons cooking Apply Edwin Smith, General future. McCaffery, Delivery- . . .lOTICE la berebr alcen thai lb Sala (LATE -QUIt!-) f Lands to tw held on toe twenty-fourtu -FIRST CLASS ROOMS Store I I). the United WANTED. Donaldson, of day of October neir upon ubicft delinquent Cigar & Doyle, Ltd. Stales Consulate, returned to tho aiei are du baa been pcitponed ao far Hot and Cold Water. ai land In the frlnco ftuperl Ataeaameol WANTED General Servant for housework. city this morning from Victoria, Dtttnct are eoucrrned and that on tbe ttll tO se Niaht, Ml M Wm. Billiard Parlor Insurance ?- Real Estate Oood wages. Call 3t fifth Avenue, W., where he had been on a holiday aT.ot WoTcmber rollowior a aal will be or phone Green SOS. 7J bll or ail aucb lands In the said Assess visit. tnent District. THIRD AVEN' E Prince B. C. WANTED First Class Cooper. Address ... C.- w--- -imurn... i........" . ai.l wimwi Rupert," I. I. Uox Its. October. A. v. till flest Billiard Hall In Frne&t Pcaree arrived back in riRC alausi a tot las. WANTED Reliable woman or girl for the city this morning from Vancouver, SKEE.-U LAD DISTIUCT DISTRICT Or Town. housework, Phone Blue Sit. if OUEE.1 CHARLOTTE !LAni the of oistcurr no. i. accompanying body TAKE ?tOT!C that I. Job McLarty.Mar LADY WOULD LIKE TO RENT AT OSCJE his brother lietf., who died In tninan, or Vaneourrr. B C. nerujailaii aa IS tlh SL and ird Ave. furnished flat, or two or three furnished Vancouver from influenza. ranoerrman. intends to apply for permls Dai IS eth SL and Ird Ave. LUMBER hju-.ekeopinr room. Apply P. O. Dox ... slon lo lease the folio In r dnrnfaml l.tiH. as 14 -Ith 8L and Ird Arc. 667. City. X71 t-omroenoaf at a post planted on the Cea 1G Junction of lit. tod and Harry C. Evans will tuno you south ibore of Liroon Bar. orsb u Jrd Area. 3 WANTED Boarding Woman House. Cook Apply Inlander piano. Phone 122 to Bulger land, auont one mile from its mouth. Bar 10 1st Are- U la tea Ith tad PRESENTS Agents for Jewellery Store, Third Avenue, or uienee south to chains, thence weal fa Ith Sis. (loo i Motel). Furnished with of chains, thence north to rhin in,,... it 17 -lit rt. aad Tlh St .Central WANTED room use leave orders with C. V. Teetzel Prince Rupert Lumber Co. piano. Private family. Central.. Apply easterly alonr toe shore line to point of Hotel). Dot 170 Dally News onice. Singer Shop, Second Avenue. conunenccment, cootainlor 4B acres more and ' . . . or leas. CIRCUIT NO. X. for Soldiers Hastlng's Saw Milla WANTED Three young ladle, one as rasscngers arriving in lown JOII.t McUtrtTY MACM1LLC1. Csi 22 -ira Are aod ird SL (Paat Dated June lOtb tin. waitress, two for housemaid work. Ap this morning stale that Seattle omca). ply to Matron, 1'. a. General Hospital ea ss ird Are. ant McBride St. has now resumed ils normal busl Baa 14 ist'Are. and McBride SL COAL WANTED Girl for bar at Shooting Gallery nes appearance after being OIL Baa SB Ind Are. and tnd SL Fountain Pens AgentB for apply on premises. 370 closed up by the influenza epi Baa S tnd Are. and tlh SL Wrist Watches Boa 17 O. T. P. Nanalmo WANTED Woman to take charge of bouse deniic. Vancouver was expected the poospecls of a Coal Wellington Wrist and two children. Apply P. O. Box 71 to open up again- yesterjJay. commercial oil field CIRCUIT NO. S. Radiolite and or phone Black 80S, 87 . . near Vancouver Watches Baa si Ith Are. and PuHon SL Yellowhead Coal WANTED Good woman Cook. Must be O. A. Woodland, of the Imperial Baa aa Oortlen and Taylor Sta. Cigarette ases good baker. Good salary to the right Oil Co., Ltd., returned to the city Bs S4 -7th Are. aod Fulton SL Complete Ifne of party. Apply Knox Hotel. If thi morning from Ocean Falls Bos SB im Are. and Coinoi Are. Cifiar Cutters Baa 37- ith Are. and Dodte riac BUILDING MATERIALS WANTED Girl for bouse work Immediate J. II. MacMillan, inspector o frH4UV Bat aa -tb Am and Tbotnpson SL Match Safe-? ly. High wares. Apply at otn.ee oti'eck, mines for the Pijovincial Govern Military Kings and Mooro ti Co., or telephone ISO. tf nient, returned to lown this morn CIRCUIT NO. 4. Oaa 41 -.4th Are. and Lnunersoo ' Leather Photograph nMSMcCanergjUl ing after a trip down the coast WANTED to buy old postage stamps col I'lace. Holders lection;, also current Issues in quantities, Wharf Offles, Phone 664 os 41 -ith Are. and MrSrldo SL Hot 109, Kay chairs and rockers th ill Bas 3 llh Are. arw I Oreen St. UUV THEM FROM Offlea Second Soenue, Phona 116 substantial gift, at Tito's Special Bis 44 th Are. and Dasil at. A'ANTIiD Blacksmith at once nias Prices. If Bat 4S 7U Are. and Ebeiu. BULGER The Jeweler apply Akerberg, Thomson Co ... Bas 141 lih Ave. and Younf Si. Wanted for rent Five or six 1'. W. Holler, supeidnlendenl Send for copy of Correct and Dependable Black 507 roomed house furnished or un for the bur Inlet Mines, was above book. Freo lo furnished. Apply P. O. Hot 407 among the passengers on the any address on request Prince George- arriving hero this to y ANTED Waitress, Hotel Prince XiuperL F03 flOUOli CARDS morning. Mr. Holler has been off S. W. MILLER & CO. .and mm SIGNS pon SALE duty .for some considerable lime Slock and Bond Brokers Wlietber owing to trouble with his sight, Vancouver Blook, Vanoouver. For Your sell SiijgestioiisforXinas FOH SALE Dlnlnr-rooin suite, fumed and is now recovering gradually. Hurler oak; Wilton carpet' by If: oak Members Vancouver Stook or aaa Window Decorations rocker; small table, quarter oak, goud . new apply sou I turd Ave. Exchange. Have your The total Victory Loan returns Gilt Jo your Friend Permanent Signs on SALE-v-Pony Express. If for this district arw not yet in. FOIl SALE Old in but the amounts to date- show the A Baal La.aa tlnal.ll.B newspapers bundles, per done over during the winter-rates Hundred toe. New office. district as having purchased more reasonable GOLD WATCH FREE. PERRINS bonds to the amount of f 500,300, I Guarantee to Please You Fon SALE House and lot leJjik ti, See, Lxact returns havo A mbUmvi not yet been w I i 7 rooms, price f,000. Cash 11,100, lrm mUMUtmi C. W. CALHOUN balance on easy terms. J. Byrcsn, SIS received from Pacilc, Hazelton. Srm. W. Mn slviaa ...r 7th Ave., W. " tf bmilhers and Tclkwa. There GLOVES aro 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert mmi4 kfi.. LOST also several of Iho banks that t. rar .hi. la have not yet quite tutm om. writ. Wvv. J completed tho Autos mm, mtlmH ss Painted trademark : M.U fat n4 9ml Th well known Perria LOST Brown nurse eontainlur mure than malting up of their totals lnhloiMitU Llllil' a t. nnuer aecp money, nut kindly aend OwaK, vt BWn In cuts ahould U on every twJ inH.-r aiiu purae to, M.A. Krallt, I'.O, miasm IM SlUru. M.t uoi un, t.ny. Tito's Annual Xmas drawings you tret, ss this aaaures you perfection 'Pioneer Boarding House LOST Bunch of keys between the posl For every $2.00 Cash Purchaso tbma SimtmIS IU S...t.h.l llm S.MM Hi M Style, Fit mid Finish onice and cor. eth and tnd Ave. lie turn Ives you chance for Brass Bed. TUIBD AVE.. CLOSE TO DRY DOCK News Office. tf value $80.00; Sectional Book Case hM oSar. ws ntt4 im M toll tml..UnmM rid Nice elaan rooms, good board. Hot and boail H u4 vWw tUmm U U.atU4ii U Uk. UmH dmmUr th ouM walar. Hade 6CC. tip, LOST-two value $42.60, and large Baby Doll, !w t think Ui',1 e(U la. ml.4 U tr. St 4 tweniy-dollar bank notes on Bft U.tUt tfiJ m4m wVnm WM.h. mm 1'JIONK RED m value $0.60. See ill k. UHri TilXUM Third Avenue Finder please return to window for dis MfitU, H,'tmmlt the police office. tf play, tf