THH DAILY M!iWH. Page 2 ! v MAIL. SCHEDULE m si raPTOMwmH Butt The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East, . . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and SaU Third Avenue. trdays at 0:30 a. in. Printing and Publishing Co., H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. , .. . . . Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. r r i imr- ' -n i .ni i .11 -ni m t. Now flint itin nrw lays at 0:45 p. in. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: government standard flour is in general esc, the Tor Vancouver: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c quality of the yeast yon 10 Sundays p. in. By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per yeaf $G.OO. use is more important Tucsduys 5 P.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. than ever, iisetioyai Thursdays 10 p. m, Yeast Cakes. Their quality Saturdays 7 a.m. i . m A'f I mmmmmWmWtrM IIVIS) Telephone 98.- is absolutely reliable. Bread made with Royal From Vancouver TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - .50 cents per inch. Yeast will keep fresh and moist longer than that (Sundays 10 p.m. Contract Kates on application. 10:30 made with any otucr. Wednesdays a.m. 1 DAILY EDITION. Thursday, Nov. 21, 1918. for Send copy name Royal and address Yeast laturdays For Anyox:10:30 a.m. Any Way You Turn XJOOK. I Sundays 10 p.m. LW.GHLETTCO.LTD. Power of Advertising TORONTO, CANADA Wednesdays 10 p. m. you will find WRIGLEVs. fihfiwn In itrinnv Lnan. WINNIPEG MONTREAL Saturdays 10 p. in. Jt is generally acknowledged that the success of the Victory From Anyoi: Everybody thinks of WRIGLEY'S Loan was due largely to tne advertising campaign put up uy tue Tuesdays .a.m. when chewing gum Is mentioned. tifvmnnre" Disrussinir u this the Vancouver World savs: Thursdays . . . . a.m. "The success of the Victory Loan campaign throughout the : undays p.m. This Is the result of years of TO SUBSCRIBERS province must stand forever es a proof of what good organization For Port Simpson and Na&a Rlvoi effort to give mankind the and zealous salesmanship can do. It is in no way derogatory of Subscribers to The News points: these if we say that it was pre-eminently a proof of the power are asked to pay the do-livery Sundays 10 p.m. benefits and enjoyment of this of newspaper advertising and publicity. boys each month Evfirv nlher means of nublicilv was Dracticallv uaralvzcd when they call, except From Port Slmpton and Nas low-cost sweetmeat. where payment has beer, Public meetings were prohibited, parades were cancelled, even Klver Point: made for the year in advance. Tuesdays a.m. tjpen-air gatherings were discouraged, tne puipits were unoccupied. The boys when WRIGLEY'S helps appetite and Dinners and club gatherings were impossible. All the collecting carry oITlcial re Queen Charlotte Islands: ordinary memoas, ouisiue ot newspapers, oi lniorming me puuuc ceipts which should always For Massett, Tort Clements and digestion allays thirst-renews mind and of generating enthusiasm were barred. On top of these bo preserved. upper island points: was tne depression due to ti:e epidemic, and most fatal of ail in Vcdnesdays C. p. m. vigour. the final davs of the camnairn. the news of ncaee. MADE IN CAHADA "Each succeeding difllculty was met by the press of the AVOID PNEUMONIA Trom Upper Maeaet,Island Port points:Clements and "Ate province with a bigger blast of printer s ink. The work of the ridnys, p. m. Seated editors was rendered peculiarly diflicult by a simultaneous order During Convalescing Period. from the government to reduce the consumption of white paper. Vor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ,r?m&m&ly Flavour " When convalescing frpm the Every extra column therefore had to be deducted from a reduced Flu. a powerful blood - making City and Lower Island points: space for news. Publicity committees, realizing the situation, tonic is an absolute necessity, and Yom aiuruays SkdegalV: Oun'charlo.l 8 m used paid the merchants backed them But nnn Mini i c I I generous copy; up. ft " I CitV and Lnnnr IntnnH nnfnla the free reading matter donated bv the Dress editorial and nnws delicate stomach should be avail Tuesdays. able. was three times as great as in the last loan and has probably KENNEDY'S TONIC POUT is the never been equalled before jn this province, not even in a political most efficient general tonic and For 8ksgway and the Yukon. Every ten days. campaign. builder of body tissues you can From Skagway and Yukon. "If.any papers are worthy of special mention it is the weekly possibly use. Fvrry ten days. ones, whose staffs in many instances were reduced by the influenza, It is a reliable restorative and and who gave without stint often when they could ill is enjoyed when other medicines Advertise in the Dally News disagree. allord to do so. JJIG DOCTORS PHESCIUDE IT. "The campaign proved two things: It proved the unselfish Dnuo STortcs sell it. tf ness and patriotism of the editors, and it demonstrated beyond question that there is no combination of adverse Advertise in the Daily News. which can defeat any worthy campaign behind which is ranged LAND ACT rorm no. ti. Keep the I intelligent and adequate advertising." up Nolle Of tntnttnn In Annlv an f f.n Erylng to Take IN Ol'LEN CIIAIlLOTTK .KI.1MK I1M.I assured thd Sting From Defeat, SkEE.NA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SIIOHl I llllf pwpic A il. am TI it' The Germans are trying to pull the sting from the Allies l.v ABOUT ur uuuun ONE MILE i.ilet,FIIOX HlincSHY ITS ISIJINL:MOUTH. Food Supply spond to every cofl endeavoring to the TAKE NOTICE lhll f. John U (.i-Illl.n permeate countries which they represent with of Vanrntivip R iwiinitinn .nn w. necessary io the juc-cess the spirit of anarchy and thus make it impossible for them to luiruui m appir i or ptnniuioii 101 tciih of our cause secure proper retribution for the crimes which have been committed. Commendnr t poat pUotd on tbe and bouiu Bnore oi Ltinnn iniii. unr.tiv is. Help the same indomitaUe . Bolsheviki methods are being introduced and also it is land, about one rolle from it muuin ardour and devotion reported that an endeavor is being made to set the Allies against cbalna: tbfnee eaat SO chaina mar or Imi to low VlttF fYl.rlr 11 th ta-ti. one anotner in order to break in peace the combination which oulberlv followlnr low -itp mrir t.. ih. that have filled me with Make held together so well in time of war. iuiui acrei more ut EuuuucuccmeDi,or leia. cnaiaimnr Victory Pride and gratitude That the Huns -will succeed in their recent nefarious design nTK acinttrr JOHN McLARTY 10th. 1P.MACMILLAN.r ta since the war began." is hardly likely, but democracies are often misled and effort every LAND REGI8TrtY ACT. tlu Majjstt Kino Cioioi i i nas 10 oe maoe to Keep contamination away. (Sectlona 3S and 1H.) Sure Prepare to Fish It Application NO. 7S-I L 9T71.1 Coming Season. TAKE NOTICE that amrtlfation h 'n wade to resiater Nathan Louli Undo and The fishing game is tnmplhinir mr nikn. fri,n.. rora scHelnman as oncr in tet under 1 li - iinv i-ivj unit;. i llls e j soldiers about to engage in it are very apt to leave everything to the last i ax oaie uttai irom me Collector of must be fed; the people at tbe CI lr of Prince nuoert. hrmrtnw i.i.l OUR twju iuua mac a fuuu ueui oi vaiuaoie time in tne spring when the ine sun aar of November. 1917. of ALL must be fed. And in spite of marvel i guou ana ouen lose tne opportunity to get boats and AND SINOULAH that certain nirr.i gear at a reasonable price. tract of land and Dremnec iiih.i ivin4 Germany's murderous to Most boat owners will be using their outfits in the spring, ana wring- in tbe Municipality of tbe City campaign and those boys who sold out in order to join either the British aim f Trlnce ucicruwu nuperl,at more ui eieren particularly),known Block cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking or American forces will hp. hnrk h luenty-nve (. section of them at anyrate. What preparations are tt being imut made vuuto,to nun meet J U loi Section imrteen (13) Block tlilrty-nve aeen T,(3).and... every ship on the High Seas an ample and this demand? No boats arc being built here and none to order quired to elrht cgnteit-(gj. Man the claim Oil. You nt u.ih. i.. unfailing flow of food and for the fishing business to England at the isouth coast towns so far as can purchaaer within 21 dava from th .1.1. 1 jjttiucjcu. mere win oe a lew boats released by the Imperial oi ipe aerrice or thlj notice (wulcb may France must be maintained. Munitions Board, but the owners will still rAnniu ihnm be effected by publication In the Dally Newt, and your attention la called to Those wanting new boats will either have to build or pel 36 of tbe "Land Derlalrv Apt- ee-tlon mem num.. ii is ouen wen to nave them built to order, as the luciiujueiiu, ana to the following eitracl This is National Service-Not individual fisherman Knows best what he wants and can work tbererrom: 'and In default nf n..t . io aavaniage with a boat that suits him. What we wish to im- . " to the Farmer only i icno i mui whs is me time to act, not leave it till the spring and tratlon a nun.r nf th.-- fv..M .UIHICU 11 But to YOU to ..en iu?c nun wie season wnue tne boat is being made ready. everybody V..r. ' iihjiii, ana an peraona nr .iii .7A i . V v ,",, "t "iriue This appeal is directed wT .,"LruPJ. no. all I miereii in tne land by Ueacent whoie nil i n.i ...i.i... under the pronalona of this Act, ahall Le WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden .mail or Urge. Utilize Good News ! to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, PLANT back yard. Cultivate the ! ir.c5'Vf.1 ,he ,"ri0n ""'d under women and children; the young, the middle vacant lota. Make them all yield food o.h ot ,.ix. tbe land so aged and the old all can help in the AND WIIEIIEA8 annllf.iinn i... . Nation's Army of Production. Peace, Dry Dock, Fuller's made lo tbe for above-mentioned Certificate of lands,Indefeaiihie in the name Title WOMEN of towns can find no better Grocery of Nathan Louis Lando and rinra- fl.lM.ln.III EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps Important outlet for their ONE man.AND WIIEI1EAS the cost of living and addo to energies than In cultivating a vegetable AFTER THE OTHER. on Investlaiilnr th. tin. t appears that prior to the ih n.. the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. ietober. 1016 (the rtt nn ,hi-. ..... - "linn uq 1U lands ","were rramerea sold for owner overdue thereof.taxes), you Be patriotic in act as Phone 45 Phone FUItTIIEII TAKE NOTlf ih.. i. for information on any tultftct rtlating ' pursuance same time of,1 shall such effect application and lnue to tht Farm and Gar dm, mitt: well as in thought. vcrHHt.ii. or maereasibie Title to the INFORMATION UVKtAV aid lands In ibo mm,, .r . ...... Better Service VI ' 1 1.III. LAJUIM Deportment of Agriculture - Better Goods - Better Prices Lando and Dora 8Lheiiim.n ,,i.. ..... ... Use means available" and ,.ro.ecule iho proper every proceedings to OTTAWA Motor Delivery .......... ,rour ciaim, if any. to Hie said Overlook nothing. PreVe"' ,Vp.rt Wh Pr0po,', ,c,,on on Open About December DATED al th. f .--t n 6 1st r.nc0 nUperrB.c7 IS August, 19g. l.y of Dominion Department of Agriculture L. Murray Fuller, General Manager. ' f. MACLEOD, TTAWA, CANADA. hdwln Smart, Store Manser. Howard SUen. Service Manager. Frsncls J?'.' ouw' "niaiu., HON. MARTIN BUHRJLL, Minister. clve, prince nuper. D. c