3 s .....Afiiber 21. 108. T1IE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 mouths of such streams; also ALASKA FISH (lint Rili'.h flAliinc tin nrnlilhllcil in Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 lakes Or others waters tributary to1 such streams. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service SITUATION IS In the renort of the crand Jury in session at Juneau In January, THE PAIN - AND ACTS QUICKLY 1018, the belief was expressed STOPS 1ombsiro,nuralra prJp.m hk. iootluh, w DISCUSSED that the salmon of Southeastern i Alaska are being depleted and that F. T. BOWNE33, Mii 'kfb.ln.ry tal-'"" nowlrwl the annual takes of salmon are Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Proposal to Stop All Fishing Near exceeding the natural nroduc- mouths of Streams in tion. The grand Jury, theijefore, Homo Running Hot and. Cold Water I; Territory. recommended that a hearing be Cooking held by the Secretary of Commerce InMtii'Hrir Wnlkp.r nf (tin liureau during the year 1016 to de of Fisheries is holding two preliminary termine the advisability of limit hearings in Alaska on ing or prohibiting commercial the advisahility of prohibiting fishing for salmon in all sireams Ldward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsettr Manager 1.1.: i. ... a j.I r f nn Vice-President Look Brighter MB ii wig m streams ana wuuin uuu of SoutheasTeiTi Alaska and for a Edward Cunningham, Ill ings yards of the mouths of streams In distance outside the mouths the Southeaster Alaska district. thereof of not to exceed 500 yards. The first was held at Ketchikan inningham ov. l, and the second at Juneau, Uasy chairs and rockers the Nov. 7. The information thus substantial gift, at Tite's Special LIMITED "Mirro" Aluminium Ware secured will be considered at the Xmas Iriccs. If formal hearing to be held at be-attle FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMEHT MARINE HARDWARE Pcrcolatcrs Bread Pans Nov. 25. The to Mixing Bowls proposal Good assortment of pipes at Steamship Supplies, Qas Enalnes and Accessories imnnt such restrictions linn Kettle and Double Boiler Combination Gil's. If and Cordage arisen from apprehension regard Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes it-. Frypans ing the fuluns runs of salmon, LAND REGISTRY ACT PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. owing to inroads made on the (Section I sad m.) Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping supply by reason ot the rapid increase Registered Office: Prince Rupert Oftlcs: "Mirro" of Ashing operations. Re Appllcstlon Ho. lOltl-L Pile 0. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 Interferes With SDawnlno. TAk NOTICE Uul ippllcitlon tu beer P. O. Box 1698 C. B. nude to rerutcr Brenton O. Moore and Vancouver, the to In respect to proposal the latest shipment at P.or L Uoore of Prince Rupert. B.C. u Call and see prohibit fishing in and near the owner in fee under a Ttx Sle Dee4rroin mouths of streams in Southeastern Um Collector of tue City of Prince Rupert, Alaska, Dr. Hugh M. Smith, bertnf date tne Hth day of November, FRED STORK S HARDWARE U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries, niml 1917. of nr ALL trrl AND of land BI10ULAR and DremllH that eeruln lltu nays that for some time past the ate, lylnr and belnr In tbe Munisipallty of SECOND AVENUB liureau cf.Fisheries has been con-j tli City or Pimce napert, more paruca Class Printing corned as to the future of the Urly known and described as Lot elsnteen High (18), Block elsnteen (IS), section su j salmon industry in Southeastern (8), City of Prince Rupert, Map tit. Yon ! Alnulrft liikpmiuA nf Mia nlltrminfiT.. Ui purchaser with in Si days from tbe datt-nf Iv heavy catches which have been tit wrviec of this notice (wblcb may A? be effected by publication), and your at made recently, this being due in tention is called to section ao oi uk -uou do the considerable measure to the increased nritrr Act" .wltb amendments, and to The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to Block P.O. Box 772 and ih rallnvlnr extract tberefrom: Office 14 Smith number of canneries reasonable Phons 131 other fishery establishments and "And in default of a caveat or eertincate finest kinds of printing at the most of lis penaens oemr una jrciorc i ic ji. Engineering & Supply Co. the resultant close competition der..iAn such.. nu-u.-tax tale,nf thji all TMrnn persona nulled to served un prices. No job is too small to receive careful Prince Rupert and scouring of all waters to secure wttb noUee and those clalm- as many fish as possible. tnr.. tnrourh. .n or int.M.l nnaer inera.In h ana land su tiv pencnu Virtue attention and none too big for the shop to handle. Jobber, Contractors Much or this fishing has been in nv ,tnrriird Instrument, and all Engineer, Interest in Vtx land small streams, and in some in persona claiming- any aeaceni t.uo uu. i uu. i.iuki.u oy Eitlmatei furnished for Electric Wirinc and Complete stances almost directly upon tue under tbe provisions of this Act, shall be Plant Installations nawninc beds of salmon. Under for UU ever J lull,estopped..u A w.m and.In debarred.MIIM.I" from"Of thj setuns lifUl ItUSINESS AXD SOCIAL CARDS the law. fishing is permissible In so sold for taxes, and tbe Realstrar hall Northern B.C. Representatives - . ....j.,. register the person enUtled under such NOTE HEADS AND ENVEIjOPEB streams over aou jeei in wiuiu tax sale as owner of the land so sold for Canadian Vestinghouse $S3ST& with movable and fixed gear, and taxes A?lb WHEREAS appueaUon has been DISPI.AV POSTERS AND DODGERS with movable gear only in streams of Indereaitble Title Co., Hamilton Lamp. &c made for a Certificate less than 500 feel in widtn, provided o tbe above-mentioned lands, in the name I100KL.ETS AND FOLDERS Goodvear Tire Sz Rubber nchsnfcmi Rubber Goods, Ho such gear is operated not r firanion O. Umn and Roy L Moore. Co.. Toronto. than one third the wuun oi AM) WHEREAS on lnvestlraUnt the ClRCTJIiAR3 AND rOSTAIi NOTICES more tile It appears that prior to the lttb day Canada Wire & Cable Dare and Insulated Copper. the stream. nr nnnhr. the date on which tbe SOCIETY WORK Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. Narrow Streams. said lands were sold for overdue taxes). FRATERNAL Co., in mn mrr the assessed owners tbereor. streams NVarlr all of the CHECKS Domestic Engineering Product! PfRTIIER TAKE HOT1CE inat ai ine RECEIPT BOOKS AND "Dele" Llefat Alaska are less than Electric Plants Southeastern um time 1 ihaU effect reststratlon In pur Co., Dayton ,. Jlsolated 500 feel in width. In fact, most suance of such application and Issue a Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and of them arjj less than 150 reel in Certificate or Indefeulhie Tine to ine miu aforesaid parties i.nrt. m the name of the Hydraulic Apparatus id Hi nnd as a rule .they are San Francisco n unless f6u take and prosecute the proper comparatively short on account of proceedings to estaoiisa your ciauu, News Print Shop Pacific Coast Pipe Cb.j The Daily Wood 8uw 1Hptt Tankg etc the mountainous enaracver oi iu to the said lands, or to prevent sued pru- Vancouver i . I'rrpnt in the few waters m-Mi aetlon on mr part t Dated at tbe Land Registry omce. Prince Dodge Manufacturing T",Ky already closed, it is frequently Rupert. B.C. this 6th flay or sepiemueii Third Avc.Prince Rupert v.. nmntie nf fishermen to op- D. 19IS. CO., Toronto Hangers, etc A. crate In these small streams, this H. r. MACLEOD, AUne of Westlnghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical being permissible under, tno provisions To Walter 0.District Laurie.Registrar of Titles Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention Equipment and Goodyear Bellini carried in stock of law altowing the use Robert Williams. of movable fishing gear not over William Jones, one-third the width of such Prince Rupert. B. C i... Theoretically this part of the law is wise, but in actual practice Us weakness is ouiuu invariably under - - iltLUUOK the guise of fishing one-lhird the width of the stream me uci, actually set and operated almost the full width of the stream, thus n-rtmitimr the easy captures of salmon where they are closely Royal Standard Flour confined. It is not uncommon for i. in nrocecd upBtrcam and frighten the fish down into As u war flour. ROYAL STAN DAUB FLOUR is in a nets waiting some uisiam;c lua 1, iisclt. Richer in gluten, it is easier Iq handle; TUr., nrp hundreds of such ' qunkc!" Dsmg"; producing uniform results; and with streams in southeastern Alaska, Flour will remedy hence it is exceedingly uuiu big oven-spring." Royal Standard law involving the technical oianv a , our baking troubles making tho host possible enforce niceties a of determining ex-...h.tliiiK wse ir use with substilules. n niece of fishing is extended more than apparatus.. , . ...i.iih nt n stream. Vancouver Milling & Gram one-iniru Purse me "seines. It's rubbins LIMITED Not only i there fishing in the soap on CO., but considerable fishing Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" streams, seines in the tone is done by purso Millers License 139 Wholesale Licenso 12-195 immediately off Iho mouths of Blankets that shrinks and ,. lou wuuin 2043 (except Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to streams Ited salmon of the mouth of any as lite "su viu-v streams oollect in schools at the stream stiffens them m0uths before moving up into How to wash blankets water ouove. im i -irn.i to wash them Use two tabtespoonfula of Lux to a fi-osh And using ordinary soap in seasons oi gallon cf water. Dissolve in idling ot draught when the water in the That vras the old way of washing, aod it was lather,wry hot then water,rut the whiak blanket into in,thick and BANK- 0FM0NTREAL Btrrnms is froquontiy so iu ruinous for woollens. sti with a smooth stick. Let them soaktili the water has cooled enough fish uotualiy cannoi bcv r. Wool fibie consists of tiny overlapping scales (or the hands to bear with comfort, Lt the instinct which causes like the scales of a fish. When you rub or twist Then aqueexe the suda through the iheni to suek spawning beds is so woollens,when you use ordinary soaps containing blankets. Do not rub. strong that they persist scme-Umes alkali or other strong cleansingr agents, these Rtnae three limes in clear water of fAe in their efforts to and interlock, and ianpere'MM 4hat you washed the that dating for days tiny scales shrink your um, Bank of Montreal announces hNrk't in. Dissolve a little Luc in THE is while the salmon woollens become stiff, matted and shrunken. October 12th, the foxol ascend. It tail I ' ! 'inn vrater, but do not beat Saturday, will be ....... ..nil-tiled off tho mouths With Lux thete. no tutting. Only .ou.in3 in the rich, ir.to lather. This leaves the blankets the Bank of British North America streams that they fall easy puie lather, and geMly pte.sing the .uda through the eoltar and nuttier. Uo of the operated as Brandies of the Bank of Montreal. ..uiim. in ourso seines, oiled perta. Lua comes in delicate flalet. which di-solve not twut. Put through instantly in hot water and whisk tip Into a wonderful a loose wringer, ox extend Prohibit AH Salmon Fishing that it won I shrink even the the water Bank a lather. Lu is eo pure, aqueexe To of that we the customers U has been suggested that the delicate wool fibres. out. Dry in the cordial invitation to continue their accounts with tho situation is Have them shade. l,..st isnnedy for Waah your hlanlete this year the Lua way I u and an assurance that their business, whether it to prohibit all fishing for salmon. like new egun. Your grocer of department store has Lus. 1 large or email, will receive our best care and IH-.. V .-- nshintr in tho prosecu-- attention. of which salmon are laKuu or tion injured, in all streams of Southeastern LUX XEVER BROTHERS LIMITED FREDERICK W1LUAMSTAYLOR, Alaska cast of tho longi-tudo TORONTO of Capo Spencer less than 61 500 feet in width nnd within a iono of 500 yards outside tho