THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Page CONSTANT PAIN BUSH MINE AT TO EATING STEWART WILL SHIP 2000 TONS The Tortures of Dyspepsia Corrected by "Fruii-a-tiYes" (Continued From Pago One St. Mabtm', N-B. Dig Missouri from an ore body Tor two rears, I suffered tortures that had formerly Deen ucemeu from Severe Dyspepsia. I hid loo low grade lo bo worth in eonUnt pains after eating; pains vestigation. , down Mm sides and back ; and These, two properties arp located horrible bitter stuff often came up upon, the same mlncraliicd In my mouth. zone, the boundaries of which I tried doctors, but they did not have not been determines out, mo help me. Hut as soon as I started surface extent of the mineralization taVIng Truil-a-t ires', I began to may bo reckoned in acres, Improve and this medicine, made the greenstone forming me coun-been of fruit Juices, relieved me when silicifled and everything else failed." mineralized for hundreds of yards MAKSIIBAVK. MKS. HUDSO.V oxi-llio the trial site Sia. and in somo instances Mc.a box,C for$2-50, has slalued oro At all dealers or sent postpaid by Ottawa. ihn surface with brilliant color Fruit-a-tives Limited, prominent features or mo ing, She lets Inn.Urnnn wllifill UlO early POS- nectors were prompt to recognize Sunlight Read Sunlight To the Public: and jKo locate,ilnvelonment and on work which had been do the work. $5000 guarantee done for; years, but without bring of purity ing to light oro of sumcientiy high grade to warrant tne equip HARRY HANSON Inventor Patent ment of a mine. of the Harry Hanson Patented Fait othip Developments. Heating Hot Water Coll Tor Ranres bis returned to town to star. Tim discovery of high-grade An Improvement In said coll Is oro on these two properties of a now be lor offered. It Is now msde similar character to that of the Sunlight dispels the shadow that once or brass pipe, and prices are as follows.- Hush mine lvinir about three miles to the south in a straight line With a three-yean' guarantee S2S. hns triven an impetus to the de- With a nve-jresrs guarantee. S30. wash velnnmpn t O f other properties hung over day This coll Is guaranteed to beat and' al- water four times faster than any ihrnuehout the district, coli now on the market See rpadv a number of claims have Harry jHanson been idle for bonded years that have been lying IN 'fact many women do not say "wash day" any more. Th Rillabl Plumber In the Bear Hiver section tne It's to say "Sunlight Day". a genuine pleasure use Phon 4S9 139 2nd Ate. forward movement has not been Prlne Rupert. so marked as on the Salmon, but Sunlight Soap because it means mi economical wash, it means number of properties have been a 8TCEN A LONQWILL examined, several of them already a quick wash. Why? Hccausc, Sunlight h absolutely pure Phone tnd Ave. Agents, Prince nupert t, now extensively under developed,consideration,mey and are you need only half the quantity as compared with ordinary soaps, thfiro Is every reason to believe nor will Sunlight harm any delicate fabrics, or hurt your hands. somo of them will be reopened during the coming season. And it really takes the labour out of the washing in surprisingly STEEN & LONGWILL A gratifying feature of the will following the directions. present movement Is the great little time as you see by ataKaHHHgaHgMi interest that is now being taken 6ANITAR. nnD HEATINQ in the district by prominent rnin- ElVaiNEERS mg operators oi me LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO mininir engineers representing Agents) for well-known opeiptors In the min 1 McCLAItY FUHNACE ing field visited tne camp during i ... - . f i I- hl i Uio Dast summer, and were favor 59 v 1 frh PLUMBING ably impressed with it, Judging from the amount of capital now ind being invested and forthcoming. SHEET METAL WORKS Augment Transportation. 1 W Wrakffi WMhTiy iUilifi HIEjO Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Conseauenl upon the develop a u u a at AEvr Night phones 576 ment of the Salmon Hiver area. and Blue 270 transportation facilities will have "HB The rlflht work, at the right lo be greatly augmented to handle time, and at the right prise. the tonnatre of ore from the prop erties now being opened up wagon 8YNOP8I OF -I j I. n roads will serve for a time, but lo LAND ACT AMENDMENT onerate them on anything like a scale will necessitate a rail I"T-empllon now cnflod to survey large this already being consider urai Ilecopl oniy.will ba crmnted eorerlnf onlr A Song for Every Mood way, The P. R. Feed Co. Ufid aultatle for agricultural purpoeaa ed in a tentative way. ana l"arU.rhlp wnicn u nn-iimbr pra-eraptlona una.aboIUhed. but parties of not raor than four may SOTICE OF CAKCELLATIO.'I "f IlSKMVE arrange for adjacent pre-emption., with Music expression to human emotion. Hare got in a New Seasons NEW HAZELTON Joint reeldence, but each maJilns necee gives every Supply of aery ITe-mptor ImproTcmenta must on occupy reiftlve cUlma etalma.for AH that is happy and beautiful in life, has been eilitlnr on certain porUons of Lots Two Brw years and make tmprovemenla to Bulbs, Hyacinths, Dr. Wrjnch has sent to the au uuuujcu auu ur txus ana two nunarea vajue oi n per acre, isxaumne; -'ear;d( expressed in music. and eight (JOS) lunre Tort (J) Coast and cultivation of at least i tera, be- thorities at Victoria a report on fore rcel Crown Orant . Daffodils, Tulips, . . "f' sua anown ,SS II c becauie Where In occupation not When and cheerful i emptor things seem bright the extent of the epi .t-u..i influenza, aa. leeej than i ,rare, and hu made proper Crocus, Easter Lilies demic. It November Eleven""cu iiuuurcu hundred maa uiy-ona mei) sna Ikmate Dnprovementa, he may, because of has into life, need was prepared and ill tr-1 wo diet) tij oi m-nnuia or omr cause, ce trrantM a ray happiness come your you time showed reaton of a notice ipptrlnt In I be Hi .iub Intermediate certiorate of that 8 and to Iraproveinent Make the Home Beautiful up Columbls Oazette or I7IU December, K07. ana tranaier nia Claim an outlet to give vent to your feelings. cases here 150 and deaths 5; Itecords without permanent realdenee Have Some Winter Blooms I cases at Smithers, 60, deaths i; uiii iviu utj it oi victoria,Bepirmocr.uritinn A O,columns,I91S may Improvements te laaued in provUed extent applicant of flOO per makes an. When sorrow or depression comes, the need of cases at Telkwa 5, deaths 1; u n. muu, cum and records same each year Tail Indoors and OutsiJe DepnO MlnUtr of IjniH or to make Improvementa or record consolation is even greater. cases at Moricctown 1. These .earn will operate as 'nrf.lture. Title figures do not include Indians. XAVIOALLE R.S.WATEIIS C. CHAPTER MtOTECTIO.X lit. ACT lesa cannot than be(obtained years, with on Improvementa Iheae claims of tn It is at such times that you derive the greatest 908 Third Avenue 110 per acre. Including I acres cleared and cultivated, and reside ace of at comfort from Phone 58 P.O. Box 333 Mr. and Mr-j. II. A. Harris have The Port Edwird fliherli-i Umltd least 2 years. Hereby rivti rniUce that they hare, under I're-emptor holding Crown Orant may gone to Vancouver for the winter, record another pre-emption, U he re- acci.011 the Mipister oi or me Public saiu Act,Works deposited st Ottawa wiln ?ulree land In conjunction with hla Tie EDISON without actual oocupatlon. provided NEW Slid In tne offlee of Iho Dtllrlrt nrrlnrir made and The death occurred here a few statutory Improvementa '.i ine una nefiitrr, District or 1'rlnce residence roalstained on Crown gawtited days ago of Peter C. Dale, an em itupen, si rnnce uuperi, u. c, a deserlp land. Soul" Walker's iiuu vi lue biic ma tne Diani or a nn Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding; JO "The Phonograph with a ployee at the Silver Standard nery and wbsrf proposed to be built situ acre, may be leased mm homeeltea; He leaves widow and five ate on portion of Porpoise Harbor at Port title to be obtained after fulfilling- real, mine. a Kdward, U. C, In front of dentlaj and Improvement conditions. Case, part of Lot of the voice of Anna Then Music Store young children. ITor greilrig and Industrial purposes, one sweet note And take notice that irirr th tnir.iinn areaa exoeedinsr tit aerea may be (eased of Albert ui une iiionm rroni tne date cr the first by one person or company. or one ripple of melody from the bow Mrs. J. O, Powell and her publlcaUon of this notice, the Part trtu..r,i PRE.EMPTORS' FREE QUANTS ACT. with the world. High Grad? Pianos. Shed Music. Klsberlrs Limited will, under Section 7 of Spalding, soul in harmony V. Sortwell, have The a cope of, this Act Is enlarged to puts your mother, Mryj. uw iim acu 10 i e appiy Minuter or Public Include all persons Joining and serving boons. Small Musical Goods. gone to Vancouver, where the Works si bis omre to the city of with Hla Uajestya Forces. The time Music real music-is one of life's greatest Oltsws. for approval of the iii in ni within which th heirs or devlaeea of a Piano Tuning. Pianos for Rent. funeral of the late Mr. Powell will pian ana ror-jeare to construct the said deceased pre-emptor may apply for Kdison music is real music because the New Edison iiiiuery ana wuarr. title under this Act la extended from take place. Mrs. Powell expects Dated at Vancouver, B. C, tola twenty one year from the death of such person, docs not merely imitate, it re-creates. One never Victory Bonds taken at in to live with her parents at Sieves fourth day of October, ttts. as formerly, until on year After th par PORT EDWAItn nSllKHIKS LIMirm conclusion of th present war, This tires ofthe New the novelty never wears payment. ton. ov. II. E. WAI.KEH. Rerrelarv. privilege Is also mad retroactive. Kdison, MINERAL ACT TOWNSITE PROPERTY ACT. ALLOTMENT off, because there is no REMEMBER THE LUSITANIA . Provlalon la mad for th grant to novelty to wear off. It is persona holding uncompleted Acre Certificate of lioprovemenis. menu to I'urchas from th Crown of Frederick van Werkhovenj Kfforts are being made, to obtain uch proportion of th land. If divisible, not just another "talking as th payments already made will of Tha Royal AcuiernT for IfiuU of permission to erect a buoy OTICE cover in proportion to the sal plica of machine". It is decidedly Drum Lummon. IIL CaVdnni. the whole parcel. Two or mora persona u.i Th Haru-, Holland. monument off Kinsale Head to holding such Agreements may group different- To appreciate Ibis, Kitchener. Die TEACHER OF PIANO mark the grave of the Lusilania, Thlnr. rmmrri.. their tntereata anj apply for a proportionate Monlslve, Indei, Milschlte, Cupprlie, Orey allotment Jointly. If It Is not the difference must STUDIO-Phoki Gbeem 1ST and as a permanent memorial of Capper, Wharf snd Bunker minr.i considered ad rlaable to divide the land you the foulest crimo in history. An slluste In the Skeena Mlnlnr Dlvuion of covered allotment,by an application an allotment for a of protor-tlonat land hear it. the nanre i, uoait nistnei. Where located: of equal value selected from a valla 1.1 other, idea is to place in buoy Crown landa In th locality b On Copper Creek. Doua-Ua Chinni may submit a cauket containing tbo story of mad. These allotments ar conditional W e will gladly TAKE KOT1CE that I, ohn . Anderson, upon peymsut of all taxea dii th Cleaning, Pressing the atrocity and the infamous u. i.. o., or Trsu, B.C., acllnr as arenl rlghta Crown or of to any municipality. Th the Ner Kdison to your persona to whom tne pur 'Lusilania medal" awarded to the ur nm 17 ruin summon nmui ui... ' chaaer from th Crown has agreed to musical either murderers. Limited, Free Miner's Certinraui Nn aell ar also protected, Th decision of judgment and Repairing IJJB-C. Intend, silly days from the date adjustment the Minister of of a Landa proportional In respect allotment to the here or in your own home. nrrei, 10 appiy to the Mlnlnr recorder Is rinaL Th time for making applies-tlon a"i Oh sayl The Newo Print Bhop for Certificate of Irnnrovrmmt.. t,.. for thas allotments is limited to LADIES AND GENTS does its work about as cheap as yuruuie oi OLiain inr Crown- nr.m. u,t lug h. the tlon 1st made day after of May.this Any will applica.not b most shops and quite as well, above claims. considered. Thee allotments erply to Charles Wesley Tcelze!, Prince Rupert And further lake nottr. th, .,n n town lota and lands of th r'ro.n sold 1 1 gives the work time when " m m v waif WU" at public auction. you on der section 17, roust be I L "Z commenced before For Information to Provincial Jack Dunbar ever possible and hands it out be issue of suen Ceriirioat" or imr,v,w' Government Agent apply cr any to aasaxi fc " with a pleasant "Thank you." ments. O, IL NADKN, Dated this , Deputy Mliililer of Lnds, STH. l AlsVfAfS lilt dar tit m,r.i... n Phon 510 725 Sttoni A. Vhat do you say to giving them 1(11. " Victoria n f n- in The Uaiiy Advertise a trial on your next Job? I, D. AJIDEIUOfl. Advertise in tho Daily Now,