TUB DAILY NEWS. Page 6 Ifiu GENERAL MAN6IN IS Fire Insurance SEATTLE LABOR THROWN FROM HORSE MEN TO STRIKE A SLm. a0' TO HELP IWOONEY Thoroughbred Unused to Trumpets Our Winter that is approaching.the lire tfsk Rears and Fall on Rider; resses This means to your property is Increasing Seattle, Wash., Nov.. 21. Patient Is Now Doing through the hotter fires With an unanimous veto Well. in your stoves and in your the Seattle Central Labor neighbors' stoves. Huildings Council voted to strike on (Mx-clal b O. T. I. Ttlfirepht.) are getting older, many havo December 9 unless prior It It nothing 1 Is w It to be ne r-lected Are scttled more or less on their, until it leads to that terrible 1'aris. Nov. 20. General Man-gin foundations. In some instances to that time Thomas J. scourge consumption? Peps stand was injured by being thrown this has caused the Mooney. convicted of mur- between winter coughs and cold, under his horse while reviewing and become chimneys to crack and aerlous consequence. I'epi with tho dcr in connection when win-er brigade of French troops at dangerous arc tablets made up of l'lne n fires are lit. Would Jt San Francisco bomb ex- extracts and medicinal essences, Met. The Ueneral's horse, a not he well to protect yourself plosion, lias been granted which when put Into the mouth thoroughbred and unused to noise Individual against loss by insuring turn Into healing yspors. These now a new trial or given his tho band of frightened by your property? are breathed down direct to the was freedom. v lungs, throat and bronchial tubes trumpets. The animal reared We Wrlto Fire Insurance. An immediate refcijen- not swallowed down to the ami fell on its rider General dum vole on the strike stomach,which Is not altlng. when H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Tit a SO, koi of PrM tet ' ". Mt-.iplti was unconscious resolution is asked of ail rouk, krackitia of ulkaa. All nuWi u4 been pirked having injured up, affiliated with UM of rM Con Teroto,wUI !! Bcaiiiifui labor unions about the head mid legs, lie remained the Council. in a Male of coma for twelve hours, but m now making Hi. t STEPHENS ftps excellent progress. HOTARY PUBLIO ARE REOCCUPYING THE CELEBRATION and Smart MUCH TERRITORY OF THE ARMISTICE Either Cash or (Special via 0. T, r. Telerrapns.) Local News Notes Victory Bonds London, Nov. 21. The Belgians, Arrangements for the All Day Some are direct Importations from New York and otrri end urn will buy two eplendld rapidly carrying out the Holiday Events Well Under are from leading- makers In Montreal and Toronto. The 4-roomid houaea with bath on a reoccupaliou pi their country, Chopped suet.. Atkins, butcher. Way Will be Ore at designers for these firms are men of wide reputation eplendld low near Sal Cot. have advanced more than fifty Three cash registers for sale, 8pectacle. follow closely the style tendencies. tho Price $1,600 miles frpni the lines held by them Only Table Supply. Tomorrow there will While hundreds when the armistice was signed. evening of cno style may be turned out,ttV with liberal discount for all oath. Iia n rrnflnt at ihn TVmfaa nnrl Th(a heueee aro plaatered, have They have entered Turnaout, 2 i.- i.i i !....I 4 11,-1 - -u one of these will be seen in this city, for we aim to lactrlc light and are very comfortable miles"northeast and lirenthals 18 cuiiurt'u ul i 0, w our customers exclusive models. a wall at convenient to miles east of Antwerp. ments for the carrying oql of th Induatrlal and of the Citf. JUolh the Americans and lirit The While Lunch has bejn re- their part in the great day of Dresses in Serges, Jersey Cloth-all new. ail nioderttt. thf SO Inveetment.si la not too fou much cannot to aipact afford on ish have advanced about 30 miles, opened for business. celebration of tho signing of the ly priced. Only ono model of a kind. whan ha while the French have armistice. The different unions to par rant jrou an op-portunltjr penetrated Ilka thla one. 40 milea fnlo the former German Mall orders receired now in town are determined that they PRICED FROM territory, reoccupying Sarbrucken. Fuller's Grocery, phone 15. are going to do their puti, and do M. M. Stephens it well. T. A. Sandison, of Aliford $18.00 to $54.00 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Bay, There will also be a gathering FISHERMAN DIES FINANCIAL AGENT is paying a visit to the city. uf the committee fpr the Naval 623 Third Ave. Phene 222 iteview, when further arrange James Henneberry Was Native of Fancy goods and cut glass at ments will be made in detail. This Halifax and Only 35 Years Tile's Xmas discount prices, tf review, which will take place dur- Of Age. nev.Thos.J.Alarsb of Tence, forenoon of Wednesday, E. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. one of Ihe jnost inter- Sickness and rived in town by last night's James Henneberry. a fisherman, train. estin? eights ever witnessed tn died this morning at the home of the harbour, Kvery craft that Accident Insurance J. 1L Meagher, 521 Fifth Avenue. J. Wood.' of Thurlan Harbor.- i floats will ...be allocated to its West, lie was a native of Halifax, aiylved yesterday by tho l'rince BrPer Ilon. anJ it will De a We represent the Dominion N.S., and was a fine young John. - fine sight when the numerous of Canada Guarantee man of 35 years. lie was attacked (leet moves forward iff line ahead. and Accident Co., with influenza, which developed E. C. Seeley, of Lockeport, O-lpast the saluting base NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! into pneumonia, from which he C. I came across from the Is- The Carpenters' Union have to which writes a special ' Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the preen was unable to recover. lands yesterday. do with the building of the trium policy oovering indemnity phal arch, and in the iroccssion against allSickness BrasB Jardiniere, Brass Smoking Handsome framed pastels andUiiich will narade lhrouKh the -:- Watch this space for our and Accidents. Sets and Brass Fern Pots, at waler colored paintings at Tile's cny in t,e afternoon all the So announcement of n new supply The annual cost is very Tites. tf tug Ajnas uispiay. " cicties in town will be asked lo low. The police court had a clear be represented. WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED In the evening, later on, a THE DAILY NEWS sheet this morning, there being BUTEDALE .C torch light procession will be - - - Gibbons uo cases to be placed before the McCaffery, formed down town, which will magistrate. Classified : Advertise make its way to the Exhibition Doyle, Lid. Captain W. L. Das, of the Atli Building on Acropolis Hill. In Inlet logging camps, has arrived U'e bi u"l'ns there will be a Insurance f- Real Estate Phone 98 in the city on a visit. He came in short ei:es of ten minute YE OLOE COUNTRIE There are no Smcbsm Tbie it the AdrertU'ng Column lbl by the Prince John. speeches and after these a huge FISH AND CHIPS Prince Rupert,B. C. people read wheo they want anytlunj bonfire will be lit outside. , , Germanj. It bringa reaulU The train for Edmonton arrived The program as sketched out 717 Second Avenue. about one o'clock this morning. by the committee i a good one EMPLOYMENT WANTED having been delayed by the t.lidefr such a celebration and it is Get your parcel of Will be open every day at near Tele Jaune Cache. luting that a public holiday should oLD CAMP COOK wants Job stationary mark the occasion. 11 aum. Tobacco for the LUMBER cuukinr Apply Edwin Snilln. General The SI. Andrews Night ball Delivery. tVAHTED. which usual was November to have 30.been lias held been as DEAD AT ISLANDS TAKE SOME HOME. Soldier Boys 1 Agents for postponed until December 12. on their rr,2 " BerS WASTED General Servant for bouaework. James Thomas Passed Away at the Prince Rupert Lumber Co. 0hm1 or phone wages.Green Call SOS.39 nrib Avenue, Hi W Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macintosh, Queen Charlotte City Was made n of Swanson Bay, arrived in the Well Known Hero. and WANTED First Claaa Cooper. Address city yesterday on a visit and are Hotel Prince Rupert I". I. Hoi lis. Ryder Hastlng's Saw Mills registered at the Hotel J'rince The death occurred at Queen WAN I ED Keliable woman or nn for & housework. Phpne Slue fill. tf Itupert, Charlotte City on November IS of Cigar Store COAL James Thomas a well known fisherman Portland Canal, B.C. WASTED Woman Cook Apply Inlander Lorjie Peck is this morning re- who lias beeu on this coast Parlor Agents for Boardlnj House. jKirieo.SJt..to oe very low. jie naa a tnr tanmn vnra fi rwl f u-nll nnA M. It JAMIESON, Proprietor Billiard Nanalmo Wellington Coal WANTED Furulahcd room with use of relapse after bis first attack of favorably known. He was aged THIRD r E and piano. Private family. Central. Apply influenza, and has been seriously 31 years and he leaves a mother Gattieoy let tU fmimut 3)h Attn l.ot 170 Dally News omce. ill for the last two days in Best Billiard Hall in Yellowhead Coal Newfoundland and a brother WANTED Three yocnr ladle, one as n 41.. rA rv-..-,- Now for Business Town. Hi Open hue UiU uuuuu, C. Evans Harry will tune , , waitress, two for bouscmald work. Apply your Uf- tr-i - - m Complete line of to Matron, I'. H, General HospllaL. nlnnn Pl.nnn iV n ll.,l,..'i. "0"' OU B numoer OI BUILDING MATERIALS Jewellery 8torr .Ti,lr, Av,,.. pKr'"u ' irioce nupen, wnere WANTED Woman to take charge of bouse I he made his home for a long timo leave and two cMSfrea Apply V. O. box 74 1 orders with C. W. Teetzel, and where bis death will be Albert & McOsfrery.j Ltd. WANTED or phone Good Black woman J95. Cook. Must X7t i Singer A special Shop,meeting Second of Avenue.the Trades Icrjtilly regretted. gen. Hotel Prince Rupert I PRKFNTS rood baker. Good salary.lo tlie rlfht Wharf Oftlca. Phone 664 Miss Francis .NorrJo-Loewenthal and. Labor Council party. Apply Knox Hotel. tf will be held OIT.c Sacond Avenue, Phona lie toniorijjw evening at 8. lluslneia "id her niece Miss Hose Norrie- EUROPEAN PLAN WANTED ly. H.'a-b Girl wares.for bouse Apply work at office Immediate of Peck, is to arrange for the celebration Loewenlbal have com all the way $1.60 per day and up. for Soldiers Moors 4k. Co., or telephone 130. tf f the signing of tho armillee:M'"iJoiiannesburg, South Africa. lo visit air. and Mrs. W. G. Nor. FIRST-CLASS CAFE WANTED to .buy old col postane stamps Neat designs in rie-Loewenthal of the Silver Black507 lections, alio current issues lu guantltles. fancy China at A La Carle. Box let. Tile's Xmas Prices. tjfUandard inlno, New Hatellon. Fountain Pens They left South Africa in August WA.MTEQ Waltreai. Hote: Trisee impert. Wrist Wa'-chxs FOR HOLIDAY CARDS CARD OF THANKS and arrived at their destination FOR 8ALE last week, .Mrs. W. O. Norrie AND BANNER SIGNS Mr. and- Mrs. B.9 H. Pearco and Loewentlial who lias been ill for Suggestions forte roil almoat 8 ALE now. Arply i'oriabl La llutbard Catso Uakrry.Ovrn. family desire to convey to their several weeks, Is again con St. James Hotel Cigarette Cases Window Decorations )'. O. Box 1 3, Trlnce lluprrl. if many friends and those of their valesccnt. (LATH "CUt-INS") Cutters Have your son, their thanks for the many Fill ST CLASS llOOMS Cigar mm SALE Olmnr-room aulle. fumed Board of School Trustees Safes Permanent quarter oak; Wilton kindly expressions of sympathy Hot and Cold Water. Watch Signs carpet itiyit; oak and rocker; tmall tnpy nave received on the death Substitute Teachers Wanted, Kings table, quarter oak, rood SOe per Night, and i per Week, Military done over during the winter-rates a new Apply 3U Third Ave. of their son IJerl. Anyone wishing to have their a 0 Photograph more reasonable They wish aluo to ihnnk n. ,a,n Placed on the substitute Leather 1 Guarantee to Please You FOit BALK Pun EXprw, tf members of the flrpni Wnr vi l of the Prince Itupert Public Holders ' C. W. C'ALHOUN roil linn SALE 1.., AAa Old newpapra v...-. - la bundlei, ier erans for their kindly Interest and r01100' lcachln 8taft w'" kindly UUY Til KM FB0M activity on the occasion of hl noiuy 1110 occrciary, j'.u. hox Phone 93 P.O. &ox 38 Jeweler 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert ion SALE Home and lot is, blk it, Sc funeral. 275 . Offico: BULGER - The 67 rwiwa, price f.000, Caib l,t00, Srd Ave. and 2nd St. VonHo Autos : Painted j balance on eaay term. 1. Dyman, Sit Correct nd 7tU Ave., W. tf Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher. DENTISTRY LOST Tile's Annual Xmas d rawlnna. Pioneer Boarding House L0ATI?rJnLPure tonlalnlnr more than For every $2.00 Cash Purchase orriCE nouns: Belmont Rooms a.m. to 1S iisa p. m, t BiSO p. Grncral Teaming THIRD AV&, CLOSE TO DRV DOCK panera and purae o. id. a. Krem v it ( ..... 1 ri ea, Under New Ml ' DR. J. 8. BROWN Storage Nice(Mil ruomi, good board. Hot and ux cuy. jvaiue u.uo; Sectional Book Case void waUir, llda He. up. LOST Bunch of keyi between the p0airalU0 ,b0 and '"Be Baby Doll, DENTIST Furniture, Saf and Piano J'HOMB BED m omce and cor. till and Sad Ave, iwturn Va,ue W.S0. See window for dls- 'Will Smith Phene Block,464.Third Avenue. Moving. Daggage