frldtT, November 22, 1018, THE DAILY NEWS. Page S INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE jjWSTRICT NEWSj SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE I.. ... Then We No Danger of Contracting WHS S. S. PRINCE RUPERT nueiua llio mayor nf ii....! Meet Influenza. OR I I LAS HAill "iH.IIUHI Some that tliero had , S. S. PRINCE GEORGE So states a well known Vancouver ffitn you hare Indigestion you u n aim at nrpni there Like This doctor who offers to swallow SAILING ,,r,r take lunif medicine. "Why, were i7 case in town. a capsuleful every day for a week. when you nave & cough, a t The Doctor is rdsrht. MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, bronchltU (Innr. troubles) In ltdy told one bt cur girls last With id or order to neoini..,.,i.. .... tlul she plenty of fresh air, good Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. shallow thln down Into liked I'sclOc Milk well J. yon stomach It Is a mistake. 'ueni. patient.7 k n? enough for cooklnr but tlist fresh milk nourishing food and a table MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Bay. uti the PP treatment for colds, Jionlon-. Hotel lmabeenc,aged what siic uies mostly. epoonful of KENNEDY'S TONIC brtmchltli and asthma, etc, cornets "But," she sdded, "my husband Insists POUT four times daily you can S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. tbli mistake, I'epa Are Ub-... have been l hsve l in the house for his keep, your body strong and 126 made up of I'lne extract and eases and one eorrto snd pon-ldte." Alternating Weekly to Queen Chrrlotte Islands. death fortified . ifdlelnal essences, which when put We nnd s mat many bornos like thoroughly against th tW. Some frankly admit they sre ravages of influenza, aslhma Tbeae are breathed down Tl. tn.i ... pivlttdiwi artiml tinned milk snd do bronchitis, colds or coughs. TRAIN SERVICE npora. ...u.aim o Jioona 1 urn iin tni use it. street to tbe lungs, throat and tng away win, Hje DIG DOCTORS PrtESCltlBE IT Psssenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:19 ajn. for Stnllhers otters, like tronchlal tnbea not aw&Ilowed It nn this lady, ret It because DIIUG Prince Oeorge. Edmonton snd Winnipeg, making direct connections tor. all and are irw ramily prefers It for eot:i. STORES SELL IT. arranging for te esst.and south. to tbe rt aach, which la not a survey points down of Hie lands in nr.w i,. u But the bulk of our output Is used On the face of It, ii not this I'rrso,, nig own for wur tooklns s we prore by bouse to It is just as cheap to gel you properly. inTesiirsiion. For information and reservations apply to treatment of coughs and colda . printing done well and done at non rational than tbe old-fash, J. I). Charleson Pacific Milk Co lomc as it Is to send it away. Try G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. toned war Tepa are recommended of Vandfrlmnf me iSews Print City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 It doctori, by nnraea, by people In ,ri,u". mat i 'v of tli w Ki..n LIMITED Shop. autborii eeerywhere, who once orceK Indians and foiv nr n, 332 DRAKE STREET MINERAL ACT tried this new treatment Of.. s -f-r w iiTtn ovuari. lko Factory at tribe have fallen vie Ladner, B.C. vlll oerer so back to the old form, W could send you books of teatt-jnonUls, um to iniluenza. The fur trade causes Food Board Llctns 14-188. Certificate of Improvements, If you would like to read wis year will bo adversely niTWi. t&em, but one trial of I'epa will lu u cjianged oondilions. ffOTICE fin yea more peraonal eatlsfac-tton .rrro Fraction Mineral Claim, alluate In CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY tkan lots of readlnc about Tbe HEW GROCERY OPENING me Skeens Mlnlnt- Dlrlslon of Caaslar tilt others ear 60c, box, at drug-jlitj remains of JoscdIi Weal. wistrtet and stores. Remember the man, of llulton. who Where located: Kear the bead of Alice END OF NEXT WEEK Lowest Rates all Eastern Points tMie Juat four letters "cn taken to lrinc George irm. to iur inienneni. TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Pstraore. via Steamer to Vancouver and the rree miners cenineate Jio. fOI07-C as t About Hie end of next week irenl for John Watford Strombeck. Free Canadian Pacific Railway peps George II. Outram of there will be a new grpcery open Miner's CertlDcste Xo. I1I94-C Intend, Hoof, lias been appointed renr. in town. There is a good com t!y days from the dste hereof, to spply Meals and Berth included on Steamer 10 the Mlnlnt necorder for a Certificate of eenlativo of the Land Settlement bination of provision men open Improvements, for the purpose of obtain jwaru ior tt.e settlemcnl tng up on Third Ave. close the in of ian.t to a crown Grant of the above claim. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE in inc .eciiaco valley. News offlcc. L. Murray P'uller is And further take notice that sctlon, un . ... the general manager. Edwin der section S3 must be commenced before S.S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November & i tbe Issue of such Certiorate of Improve uaugiucr nas been born to Smart, store manager, and How menu. 23rd; December Ctli, 20th, and January 3rd. air. and Mrs. Campbell of En ard Sleen, service manager. The DATED this I lib dsy of Aoruit. A. D. dako. store hasti double front, is largo 1118. Oil FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KA0WAY, ALASKA and airy and being centrally lo MINERAL ACT. S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November The dealli occurred last week at cated will be particularly con 18th, December 2nd, lOtb.ind 30th. sonrjc is hereby siren Uut lb Sl ino Hmitiiers Bmergeney Hospital CERTIFICATE OF venient for those who call at the IMPROVEMENTS. t Ludi V tt held ou Um lentr.fonrtH of Sir Jl wtooer mi opoo blc6 delinquent Itoman Malkow. who had bean post office. uiu ar doe bil Vrra Dosipoaed so far working on tbe caneh of bis broth A NOTICE. W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL m luUi la ibt Prises Unpen Aascssmeot new auto delivery wagon is Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate fHtiMM Bra rmprtuvt ni t h. m llw tft rr !ymtro Malkow at Glenlanna. on its way bere and every modern In the Skeena Mining Division of Casslar sir or Soember foiiowtor s Ml will be C- net Fourth Street md Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. DIstrtcL Where located: At tbe head of krU : t-.' i tsadt in Um tt!4 Aess convenience is being installed In Mr. Campbell who fnrmrltr AHre Arm In tbe Skeena Mining Division. swii vwnci.W HmMCR. Assessor sod Collector mwi iii rjJer that patrons may have tho TAKE KOTICE that I, J. E. Slsrk, owner nas lenwa, taken tiTto ihii tai asy r October. A. o. ill a position host of service. All three of tho of the above claim. Free Miner's Certificate la the offlc of tho Government new proprietors are well and in. 7i. intend, sixty davs from the i.i tug srrhtME court or British assessor at Smithers. Jsie hereof, to spply to tbe Mining Re ' I.I BIA. favorably known hero and doubt- corder for s Certificate of Improvements, oi THE ADM1.MSTJVA- Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill have returned lee swill cure a good share of for tbe purpose of obtaining a Crown COAST SERVICE. t The Union business. Oram of tbe above claim. to Smithers from Frpncois t And further uke notice that sctlon. un n the matteh ur the estate or Lake. Mr. O'Neill will return to SARDINE PACKING IS BIG der section 85, must be commenced be For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. !IXtvn ASIS.U'vjetkuvkh.' ,-in,L,iiTiirnwHE pEULAStO. the lake district on business. INDUSTRY IN CALIFORNIA fore the itsusnee of sucb Certificate of Steamship Vancouver, sailinjr Sat, G p.m. Improvements. Anyox, Mondays, 7 a.m. take ; ri i: Uai i order or im Genuine leather band titled this Stb dsy of July A. D. Ills r r d r Port Simpson arid Naas Points, bags, i. r Mil lutflf, uuav m Ilia Gl T San Pedro, Cal.. Nov. 21 Sax. tr . tnucr: .1. iJ. illl.llll ineu vanity and bill LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 Fridays, p.m. purses folds for dim- packing and canning, for I frl ! i 'Hrh. Orcrucd. SBiJ U immim hitim ladies and gentlemen at Tile's years controlled by the Norwe- NOTICE OF 1.1TE.TTI0.1 TO APPLY TO aVI B U ) John tiarnsley, General Agent rrqwrtd i rnrB.n Mmr. pnt-erlr trrtOeJ.I Xma discounts. if ians and the Danes, and only of IN QUEEN CliAJlLOTTE LEASE LA.ND ISLANDS LAND rrabr.- A 0 ' ua JI psnivs u recent years an industry of the DISTRICT, REC0B.D1.NQ DISTRICT OF trtu ABK'-JC't U!er Utf lodttilCdocASi.Iii.iua Advertiso in tbe Daily News. United States, is rapidly taking on SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE OF LAGOON INLET, MORESBY HUH II. MeMlXUX. SlEETl LA50 DISTniCT MSTWCT-Or major'prjoporlions here, Iwenly-one ISLAND,"ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS Jm'1, AdiollilUlot. ql-ee charlotte islands. companies having entered the MOUTH. taiC lit- Uth ttijr of fiotrthbtr, it is. field of preparing the fish for the TAKE NOTICE that J, JOHN M. MAC- NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! n THt .ItKE TAKE NOTICE Ust I, John McLsrty Mse- domestic as well as the foreign M1LLAN, of Vancouver, B. C, occupation COfWT or Bkinsii milUn. tf YsoeoaTrr. 8. C, occupation Canneryroan, Intends to apply for permis ULCXBIA. rsnorrymsn, lotrods to spply for permis market. sion to lease tbe following described lands t Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present a Tai uirriB or THE sion to Irsse lb foUowlnr deertbed lands: Thcrnethod of preparing the Commencing at a post planted on tbe 1U.1 AWT ADMI.MSTHA- CoaaDenciar st s post planted on tbe sea-food presents an Interesting south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Island, Watch this for -:- our -:-announcement mnA so!H snore of La moo Bur. Moresby ! sight. More than 380 fishing about one mile from Its mouth: space " THE MlTTtn ir tiik mtitr or Isod. eooot m mile from lis mouth, thence west 10 ebatns; thence north SO of a new supply thA,t boats are required to keep the HtUXSOX, DECfcAStO. tbeore tooth to cbains, tbeoce west ts chains; thence esst 10 chains more or less Ulit .rii-r rbsiBi. ibroee north to chain, tbeore fonrerns Here operating at nor lo low wster mark st the iwscb; tneuoe tUl in order or Ills J or. Hud to 1 1 ID day tsswrly aloor Um sbor bor to polo I of mal output. southerly following low wster msrk to the WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED rouimeomntni. coouinioc to srres more !point of commencement: containing 40 UM said or !. ! acres more or less, BUTEDALE - B.C. rsus Htkinnon decesaed. sod su psruts JOItft MtUtRTY XA'.VILLA.t I ai d -signs in fancy C.bina at J0IW mclarty macmillan. J?f J; taliut toe aald eiltie are tra. u rsrtuan same, pmcrriyl Dsied June Tout. Itll. iTtt - Xma- Prices tf rated August tith, tits. ns thL. or "w'ore to istn day! iLSS?''.. v u IS. snd all parues' wuu r r-rquirtd lo ray I aactici i anssit J'-IIJt II. MCMULUN, H II . UN onicisl Admimstrstor I Ntea thii um air of November. ISIt-i " T fi PREME COURT Or BRITISH 'ULVMOIA. " ?4TTl;ft or THE ADMINISTRA- "AVr "A??01 OrTHE ESTATE OF I W II.LARD WATT DECEASED. I rili v ti,: tbl, m order or Ills! Jveiw,. A D lilS.lwss sppolnledi ' l eUlf or III !! s? Ji '' v1' leed. snd sll ti . 5 PER PACKAGE , .,' ,a": ssslnsl Ihe said emsie ,'"' Tiired lo fumUh same, pr-y ' , , ' ' um ou or before the I tin ... . w w. U-k. Wf ... ' eiiaie are require a in : ' w am- m .,r k.- ....,...... tii OIIN II. MCMULUN, ..... oniclal Ailminlsirslor Wl4 um day cf Novrmlier, 111 THi: i' I'UEMK COUIIT OF URITISlI COLUMBIA. B A! 0F T,,l: OMINISTIIA' U Tuc and Mil Till ..1. -rue. i.ri.i' a" irJ": 11 OTIIHIYVISK kNOWN 'SS. DECEASED. CV"":? ht in order of Ills i iIim lain riiv wst spixiiniedi !nii.7 V ' esisle or Hie sii "si riV."'- "eceSMHl, and sll parties r T : ainsi tho aald eitsie sre '"Um turuiati ssme, properly ?? 0"niL.? ' ."I1 wr Mit9 lhe d1' 'w i ih . nd sll psrues B'l iihxibs tS'V ,r" 'rnulred lo psy "rusaiih ,h"r Indebtedness to me 'OIIN II. MeMULUN, NAVYXUT hbi on'clsl Adinlnlitrstor IMS lilt) d,v of-Woeinlr. ISIS. W Ml! Slnm-w.. ... I u,uiiT of uniTisn l I'"! MiTTvn.OLUMUI. I10 Ai't T,IE ADMINISTRA CIGARETT r ""'I l,rt il lI TI,K J-TATE OF Hi DECH.SEII. l"' t XVh Fi. IU" nut or mi r adwiilie ""Fl "!" ffilwtsior C"l tHi.,.he t.lws.Of SPPOlnloa Site said BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET. SMOKING 'is ii. ";.dfMed. snd ail psrties g w f"1' to uiS4 furnish same, properly ff4 laij1.; l. snd sll psrties H tLru,luat ii ,!"1,e ,re feiuired lo pay "Uiiih. Indebtedness W ui nil - mi mi . un nil - nil . inn . . im un .niivini un - ini.ini .mrrwi P"4 IU1' ,,u Smc,'l Adminiiirilor JE3 0y of ovinber, lll.