ee Today’s Weather Tomorrow’s Tides ‘ ° Saturday, July 23, 1932 light Rig oS 4:35 am. 17.7 ft. 3; ¥ . 17:15 p.m. 184 ft t, - ; "v SO rs itech 10:52 am. 5.4 ft. 23:32 p.m. 629 ft. pri! pert—Overcast, ¢} nd; barometer, 30.06 : 54; sea smooth. _eliiiagal dallas 4% ®. % “ty eee. AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER "7 ) Y, “ee re —— scenesenetiasinesiiinsiiclapllisie ws % *, _PRINCE ; RUPERT, ‘B.C, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1982 a > : = EN ERMAN «VIATOR ON WORLD FLIGHT a se ——~ meme nae tmeaonce MPERIAL C ONFEREN CE aptain Von Gronau Is Flying Atlantic Today On Way to Chicago mg Distance Flyer Expected to Stop at Prince Rupert, Fuel Having Already Arrived—Is Accompanied By Three C ompanions -Atlantic fli botn h rT ) , kel ISK and, La Gronau plar 4 i rie R ” rt it , in i pe ta t re here f four week ELEGATION AT MEETING 1B Gives Little Satisfac- tion to Retary Club Kepresentatives : eliminate manual t resort and it wa riment might be re year. An} uget it be offered with a ning the department mea J. Gillis, im the course thly remarks on the ressed the opinion that t condition of health of | as shown in the re il examiners was a h should receive atten- ill possible n W. J. Greer and Trus- Brooksbank also ex- the delegation why it necessary to eliminate il training ‘egation from the Rotary sisted of Capt. W. P. Ar- A. Bryant and V. 8S. Moore whom stressed the desira- continuing the manual Gepartment in operation ng that, if possible, other ents might be curtailed to ! this, Co-operation and of the club in any way toward this end were ‘ by the delegation horse races are run down- 4 grass track without side- IST d of Sylt, July an long distance aviator, who has already ghts from Son took off ay for Chicago whence } Coast and thence his seaplane, * » Buchanan Boys ! Boys GirlsTot SWIFTLY GETTING DOWN TO WORK Rsdisia “Slaves” Sold by hwvaten Business of Economic Parley “ag OTTAWA, July 22: 22:—Capt. Wolfgang von e plans on flying to around th e world. He is ac- ‘Greenland Wal,” by Franz committees as follows P, ARMOUR IS SPEAKER Tells of Wonderful Breakfast Gath- ering in Seattle When Work On Way North, Detroit Coal Merchant Making Bt Annual Trip te Alaska With i Youthful Protegees i eee Among Boys Was Discussed George E. Buchanan, Detroit coal ‘ 4 a merchant, who has been bringing é i boy through Prince Ru- Slave block Gays were recalled in I Angel recently when the services »f unemployed clerks. Urges Local Action Alaska for the past several! cooks and carpenters were dispo f by auction. “Slave” Vivian Roberts drew a 50;cents-an-hour Prince ce wotte bound ont Pe a eer An intensely interesting address Skagway with a group ol hy Bors. i" A, £ Was given by Paul Armour yester- y will go into the lin dis- day at the weekly luncheon of the etun with on the Pr Prince Rupert Rotary Club in which ‘ I t 1 xt b it te Pi ‘LAST CALL Ten Thousand Mineral Claintes {ine told of attending a breakfast gathering:at the Hotel Olympic in eee during the recent interna- os mocianans vis.he) — QF SEASON On Which Taxes Are Not Paid [scat ung ine ss nen boy ee sey a eee ee . ac ard r the past me money requin for the 4") Dorothy Alexander to Be Placed or To Be Thrown Open to Public ee ee eer 4 : |33 years of Sing Sing Prison, New | York oy} he j ne them the balance ‘alt 7 while he advances tl dala California Cervice on the understanding ‘lat it is t Pd ’ _— >T be repaid when they are older to} rhe pacifie Steamship C . VICTORIA, July 22:—The provincial Department of | Among the interesting things n acl 8 snip os it. jlearned at the breakfast was that esist in sending more boys north _,., wands has cancelled the survey field notes and official plan | , . es niral Line) excursion steamer D0- I an| of all boys sent to the reformatories if ‘ ) . hinies shonin Cent. &. We. Mies | 2 the Gold Drop, Prince Rupert, Evening Star, Vancou 50% sated inated Ym inti lim. tha OLMENT ker + wi a in port this morning on| ‘© r, Gold C up and Gold Sovereign mineral claims in Range | other hand where the probation er final call of the season. On ar- Four, Coast District, ace ording to notice contained in the | system was in force 94% of the pro- at British Columbia Gazette. a is understood that approxi. |ationers were not again reported run to handle her sha in ull crov ted, whicl ic In the state ‘of New York 900,000 ssenger tralile lo ana iron ve reverted to the government fo! : Guilty on Charges i of the men had been Boy Scouts Total of 1124 Pupils in Attendance | Olympic Gam n-payment of tax are unde! jand not one had ever found himself in June, Reports of Principals Northern Shipping ¢ I review by the Department of Mins Of Burglary Here in jail. This spoke volumes See Ge Show agents for the line, states thal |and all those in rrears for | work of that boys’ organization. It _ es nov J know W : : will be throw yen to pro |'ndicated that where the boys were Enrolment at the schools of f foi yt vesse f free which may One Case agniest Fishuk and Olsen | riven the proper training they be- som Unis cheats off Sens j OW ’ eA if $2.50 cla und Disposed of in a Court— | same good citizens ‘chaliah AEA th Gah itiner } e. will make ere customa Three Others Proceeding | One of the Rotarians’ at the rts of principals presented to the| a, auring remainder ol! essment work of ) per clair otitis © is cadet Lana foreakfe~t told how in the town ward at its regular monthly meet irist seasol is done each year Io! ve year oor ~~ - on : a ifrom which he came, a place not I Dorothy Alexander had a uilty tefore Judge F. McB. Young} very much larger than Prince Ru- ast evening. Per school the e1 . “? ; . . ‘ . : a | ; as {oll passenger list. which it County Court yesterday after-|»ert. all delinquent boys were turn- ment was as lollows ; y roe of wlary : ; md trip p nge! 100n on a charge of burglary IN| .q over to a committee of five Ro- 7” atiend i nee tion with the breaking and}; ; S bho} arians and only one of the boys in an : AY ¥ ’ c no) 117 12 f g rec t] y High School 111 - a ‘1B. R. Hubbat from Juneau. we recently of W. H saan” ie number of years had been repor- th School 257 25% 5101”: * > - pniaaetina ; : Booth School 20/ ) ) em nad of the nortl Elme: prospecting cabin on ted as again running foul of the a ae Peale ft oe Kndcel dtaia’ ts “a 308 ve ai he M. Rootvik, in charge : i and the removal of jaw Borden Street 148 142 ar, is iy of tha Oo ic tharets mm. Sam Olsen was Mr. Armour then drew attention Westview 12 12 of) ‘ wl I Former Mayor of Island Coal City | ‘om guilty on a similar charge)io the conditions in Prince Rupert ; \ R B f Dies at Age of 66 i fternoor Sentence was re-| where weather and other conditions Totals 555 569 1124 “A - ge nf ved until after further burglary! made it difficult for the boys. Man- Attendance percentages om the Admiral Lit t I Angel NANAIM), Jul 2:-~Thomas | Charges against the two men in con-/ yal training was one very necessary jSchool, 9.1 gan Bert ogy and her i " h ister, Mi fodgson, fermer n if Nanaimo, | nection with the breaking and en-| thing under those conditions, It wa Borden Street, 95; Westview, 97.5 C. R. Stuart and son of Glendale, | ‘lied yesterday He was a native of|tering of the Swift-Canadian Ct:.| fgund that this was a better me- School savings—Booth School lcal. Mr. and irs. J. M Piazzek of | £1 und and 66 vea! f age warehouse, Canadian Fish & Colt) 4jum than any other of interesting $13.86; Westview, $4.06 Valley Fa Kar embarked her | Storage Co. premises and U. Suga’s those who were apt to get in Miss E. Roe reported 227 girls in attendance at home _ economics classes and 88 at health classes al total of 315 | boatbuilding plant have been dis-|trouble. Not only had the loc: from the vé | | posed of school board decided to stop the , Prince Rupert Is ; OTe ot oe Toasted by Club in proceeded _ this afternoon * COL, HIAM RESIGNS; + using it for a class room for other OFFICE IS ABOLISHED ¢) E | d R tl 'subje ts. If this were done it would Halibut Landings : 4 ng an ecen y WEATHER REPORT be fatal to revival of the work at a VANCOUVER July 22 + Dead Tree Point—Overcast, light future time Summary Word was received from Mon- #| At the Rotary Club luncheon yes-j| southeast wind; barometer, 29.96; Right of Boys American—31,000 pounds, 4c and 4 treal today of the resignation # terday, a letter was received from |temperature, 58; light chop Mr. Armour urged that the boys | 2c l# of Col. T. A. Hiam from the # the secretary of the Rotary Club at Triple Island—Overcast, light had as much right to manual train-| Canadian—23,000 pounds, 4c and) position of assistant to the * Wolverhampton, Eng,, stating that,| southerly wind; sea moderate ing as had the girls to domestic | 2c, |# president, Canadian National #| at a recent luncheon, the club had 7 — —~--— science. There were 182 boys wh’ American |# Railways at Vancouver. It was # drunk a toast to the Rotary Club at Ernest Unwin, after having bee would be deprived of the benefi! Arcade, 15,000, and Fremont, 16,-| further stated that in the in- # Prince Rupert, Canada a paticnt in the Prince Rupert Gen- 1f the training and they were for it} 000, Cold Storage, 4c and 2c i# terests of general economy the # The local club decided to send era) Hospital for some weeks, has almost 100%. The cost of the course, ; Canadian # office would be abolished at # greetings to the Wolverhampton now left the institution for his suite including the salary of the teacher Bayview, 10,000, Atlin, 4c and 2 # the end of the current month, # Club and expressed appreciation of; in the Federal Block. He is now able was $2,460 a year. He thought it was Viking, 18.000, Cold Storage, * * ¢ | the toast and of the friendly to be around with the use of crut- up to the club to get behind this Sas \1@@#@¢4¢4¢464¢4 @ ¢ @ @ #& thought that went with it iches ‘Continued on Page Two ) land 2c j The additional charges are being! manual training classes “but it also} talked of dismantling the room and} Five Committees To Be Named To Go Into Main Matters of Importance at Ottawa Divided Up Under Various Headings—Each Delegation Will Choose Nominees Before Appointments Are Made —The Imperial economic conference has passed swiftly from opening declarations of policy to less impressive methods of work. Heads of delegations met after the formal opening and decided to appoint five 3: promotion of trade within the Bri- tish commonwealth of nations, customs administration, * %commercal relations with foreign ;countries, monetary and financial questions and methods of economic s0-operation. No appointments to committees were made. Each delegation will decide on its nominees and then the formal appointments will be made. WOULD CUT SR. MATRIC Principal Hartness Makes Recom- mendations to School Board Regarding Next Year's Work at High School On the grounds that the class will not be self-supporting and for ither reasons, D. H. Hartness, prin- cival of King Edward High School, in a report presented to the board of school trustees at its meeting last night, recommended that the senior matriculation class be dis- continued next year. Mr. Hartness informed the board that up to el- even pupils might be offering for this grade next term but the num- ber would not likely be in excess of six or eight Principal Hartness also recom- mended to the board that home economics instruction for girls of Grade 9 and 10 be dropped until such time as manual training for the boys was resumed Mr. Hartness further suggested hat the commercial class next year be limited to thirty pupils. Four- *n pupils for this class were al- eady offering Forty pupils are expected next year in Grade 11, 74 in Grade 10 and 109 in Grade 9, Mr. Hartness’ re- ort stated. Two teachers would be required for Grade 10 while Grade would need three There would probably be a shor- of seating accommodation in he high school next year, the re- pol stated The report of Principal Hartness is laid on the table until next month : Matriculation on Fees “And Text Books Are R . > esolution Subject The local school board will pre- sent a resolution to the annual convention of the British Columbia | School Trustees’ Association to be eld September 19 in Kelowna urg- ing that the present excessive fees in connection with the matricula- ltions be reduced or eliminated by ‘}the government and also that there ibe fewer changes in_ prescribed |text books for the High School. The matter of the matriculation exam- ination fees was brought up by Chairman W. J. Greer and the text books by Trustee W. O, Fulton, ie Pee oS ‘8 “2 vy" a Pe ? * ~ De ZL FG ~ ™ Sa - -- ae Se - =P pd ‘ 3 tt : ” i ye ' : : €