THE DAILY .NEWS Page 2 The Daily NEWS MAIU ia.iafitatsi bUrtbUUl-t. "War-Time Cookery PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. . . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News FREE Mondays, Wednesdays and 8at. Third Avenue., trdaj at 0:30 a.m. Printing and Publishing Co., Send name and address for H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From In East. no "War-lime Cookery" This Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. book contains recipes chosen lays nt 5M5 p.m. SUBSCRIFflON RATES: by lho judges as the best and Tor Vancouver: i City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c most practical recipes submit-ted Sundays 10 p. m. ; Mail or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. By -Canada in our recent cash prize Tucsdayt o p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Thursdays 10 d. in.' competition. It is intended to Saturdays 7 a.m. Telephone 98. assist in the conservation of I TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. food and to effect savings in From Vancouver Ta home cooking and baking. Sundays .....10 p.m. Contract Rates on application. , cdnesuays lo:30a.m. ApproTxl by CnJ Food Board laturdays '. ... 10:30 a.m. DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Nov. 23, 1918. ADDRESS For Anyox: Any Way Vou Turn K.W.Gillett Co. Ltd. Sundays . 10 p.m. Celebration to Be Vcdnesdars 10 p. m. you will find WRIGLEY'S. TORONTO, CANADA Saturdays . . 10 p. m. A Big Event. L The celebration of peace which is to take place here on From Anyox: Everybody thinks of WRIGLEY'S Wednesday will be a big event. Undoubtedly the Prince Ilupcrt Tuesdays a jn. when chewing sum Is mentioned. people will throw themselves into the spirit of the thing unre Thursdays ...... a.m.i servedly. A gay abandon is what is looked for, when everyono TO SUBSCRIBERS undays This Is the result of years of will give themselves up unreservedly to enjoyment. It will be For Pert Simpson and Naaa Rivet effort to give mankind the an occasion when we can forget the cares of business for a time Subscribers to The New a and be frivolous. are asked to pay the delivery points: benefits and boys each month Sunday io p.m. enjoyment of this Thppp will..... Iia vnl. In nnnpnl In nil r la Thnn whn - - if" - when they call, except low-cost have boats are asked to join the boat parade, no matter what the where payment has beer From Port Simpson and Naaa sweetmeat. class of boat owned. Plenty cf bunting will help to make it made for the year In advance. River Points: picturesque. It is hoped to have well over one hundred boats in - The boys when (Tuesdays ... .a.m. WRIGLEY'S helps appetite and the marine parade, and eveiyone with a craft that will float is collecting carry ofllclal receipts Queen Charlotte Islands: which should always expected to join. digestion allays thirst-renews bo preserved. For Massett, Port Clements and Ggantic Lumber Upper Island points: vigour. Company for Soldiers. Vcilnesdays fl. p. m. It is a pretentious scheme, ..that'returned soldiers' lumber AVOID PNEUMONIA ?rom Maswct, Port Clements and MAOC M CANADA company. Something of the sort was mooted a year or so ago, Upper Island points: but was rather frowned down by the Great War Veterans Association During Convalescing Period. ridays, p. m. Sealed tlibt The Kept rtsht committee that investigated it. Now apparently it is being done independently of any association. If it can provide a good When convalescing fnom the vor Skldegale, Queen Charlotte Flavour City and Lower Island ioIn(: Flu blood-making powerful living for 1,500 returned men it will be worth doing, especially a tonic Is an absolute necessity, and alurdars 8 n. m. as it has io do with the of the natural Lasts exploitation resources of one thai is accepted by the mos From Skldegate. Queen Chnrlnllo the country. delicate stomach should be avail, City and Lower ItSand points-Tuesdays. The ofllcials of the com nan v are well known canitalists hut able. whether or not they are to share in the profits of the company KENNEDY'S TONIC PORT is the has not been stated. If it is purely a scheme to make money out most efficient general tonic and For Skagway and the Yukon. Kvery ten days. builder of body tissues you can of the returned men it will fail as it deserves. lis activities will possibly use. From Skagway and Yukon. be watched with interest, especially in view of the fact that this It is a reliable restorative and Kvery ten days. is somewhat of a lumbering district. is enjoyed when other medicines disagree. Advertise in the Dally News Millions of Dollars' BIG DOCTOftS PRESCRIBE IT. Worth of Junk. DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf There are millions of dollars' worth of junk lying in the Kirth of Forth today. The British navy is already big enough Advertise in the Daily News. without German additions. More ships are not wanted. No LAND ACT other nation wants them, except perhaps Japan, and it would not Form Ko. II. Keep the be good policy for her to have them. Hotlet of Intention to Ann) in ! 1 mnA up 1.1 OL'EE.1 CIIAItLOTTE ISLANDS LA-NT T AM assured thd . If the League of Nations can so arrange matters. ihr seems DISTRICT! HECOBDI.KO DISTMCT OF 3k.EE.-XA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE A people trill it-spond no good reason why the navies of the world should not be re- Food my J I i i .. ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MUUT1I Supply to call uuceu io me size oi a ponce force. Japan is the only nation that TAKE NOTICE Uut I. John M. MacMUUo. every . . has any power to object, and with the.United Slates and Great Af VinMnnp n M I. necessary to the xuo intends mm, to apply for permission to Britain standing together, Ihere is no reason to believe she will cess of our cause -with Comnwoclor tt post pltaud on the and object. land uuiu nwre ahrtnt 01 Ana Lgiwa ml t mm. Moresoj I.a r. Help the same indomitable No Need of Navy Ibenco west 0 chains; thence norm to ardour and devotion uuini; locnre eisi io cnains more or less To 8ubjugate the, World. to low water mark tt the beiph; thenre that have with filled me southerly following- low wster mrk to um Japan has a stronger force than the Make Victory and - . . navy. She has what acre more or less. Pride gratitude uermany once nad, but which she had not JUII.l MCLARTY MACMILLAN. to sense enough stick DATE October 1 0th. Kit. D.I since the war began." to. She has an industrious and skilled people that are willing LAND REGISTRY ACT. Hu Majxerr Ko Caotoa to work for low wages. With that weapon she can subjugate the (Sections tt and ill.) Sure world. She can undersell every other nation and capture every market Like the Germans the Japanese are virile people and He Application No. 976S-I k 8771.1 TAKE NOTICE thai applies Uon bat oeen very ambitious. loaae io rrrister Nathan Louis Undo and Japan is the most Jo be feared of any nation in the world. Dora iwo in Sebplnman saie Deeds as from owners the la Collector fr under of soldiers must be fed; the people at The only hope in the situation is that her people will become the City of rrtnee Ituperl, beartar date OUR wise to the situation and will demand wages just as high as those tne AND 1 1 SINGULA!!ID flay or November,that certain 1117,prcel of ALL or must be fed. And in spite of paid here. It is not likely that this can happen at once, but the tract of land and nrrmlu iiimr. i-in Germany's murderous campaign to and Lctnt in the Municipality of the City workingmen should see to it that they are educated along this i rnnce Rupert, more particularly known line, for the danger is greater to the laboring classes, so called, and described as Lot elercn (, Block cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking than to any other. There is some awakening already but with Lot twenty-five thirteen(!),(It) Section Block thlrty-Ove seven (7),(,and every ship on the High Seas an ample and Japanese seamen paid little over $20 a month it is quite clear Section elrtl (I). Map ttj. Too are required that Canadians at 00 to $80 a month cannot purchaser to within contest it the din claim fnn of ik the i.i.ut unfailing flow of food to England and other line of endeavor there is a similar difference. of Un service of this notice (which msy France must be maintained. i eneciea uy puhllraUon In the Dally News, and your attention Is called to section tt of the "Land Drrlurr kn- .nh amendments, and to the followlnr eitrael This is National Service-Not uiereirom: - o'Jnn. &ttu ff i..""'" or 'rimeate to the Farmer only pendei Lelnr filed before tlx,.......reals-tratlon Good i nun.p r ik. r.-- News ! i'.1?.notice u "le ,u and WW those o clalmlnr served But to YOU to everybody ihroum or under them, and all persons rlaimlnr any Inu-resl In the land by virtue This appeal is directed hy descent whose title Is tx.l retlstered Peace, Dry Dock, Fuller's Grocery KK1" esionnt PiwiwiotM n or ihls Aet. ... WE must unite ae a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden email or Urge. Utillr to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the ONE AFTER THE OTHER. ihn.n ?.'.1 t0!i Ul"' to4 M IWtfstrar uo wa eniiuea under women and children; the young, the middle vacant Iota. Make them all yield food old tor taies- ,M ,,M M aged and the old all can help Jn the AND WIIEflEAS application bss been Nation's Army of Production. maae tor a certincata of Indefeulble Title find no better Phone 45 of towns can Phone to the shove-mentioned t.nrt. .in ,. . w . t " u umtuv I ...! tnr theil i ii.uiin louis undo and Dora Bcbeln EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps or more unpuimiu uuwv. man.AND ..... the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegew WHEREAS on Invriflr.i in, .k- Better Service - Better Goods Better appesrs thai prior to the itth day....of the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. - Prices ituwr. ivib iioe nil An vrhih .v.. hods were sold for overdue tates), you Be in act as Motor Delivery u irmierea owner thereof, For Information on any subjtct relating patriotic ruimiLii iaw notice that It the same lime 1 shall effect r.n.i-..,.. to the Farm and Gardm, wtIU: well as in thought Open About December 1st pursuance of such application and Issue INFORMATION BUJUAU ... ..... . .: " k ine ...... am naas in ina nirn ni . yj w. i u.u LAJUI1 Department of Agriculture L. Murray Fuller. General Manacr. Lando and Dora 6chinman .,ni...wivsy UU ...IflSfl Use every means available" Edwin Smart, Stors Manager, tfirteUta proptr P'oceedints to OTTAWA Howard Stern. Service Manager. Overlook nothing. oT in'y part. Proposed action DATED at the 6 Land rlnce nuperl, p. c., this netlitry Mnd day craee Dominion Department of Agriculture Aurusi, Kit. Advertise in "The Daily News" H. f. MACLEOD, OTTAWA, CANADA. , . District nctlilrar of Tlllei The Paper that gets Quick Result Michael Byrne. Bone. Montana , HON. MARTIN BUXRMJL, Minister. Francis Calve, i-rloce liapert, B. C