THE DAILY MKWB. r 23. FORMAL COMPLAINT 1 1 TORTURED BY AGAINST MAGISTRATE RUE UMATISM BY POLICE OFFICIAL Suilcrinfl from Things Loolt Brighter Local Commissioners to Meet Mr. !x uudc, low spirits and NOTIfK OK CANCEL!ATI0N Or ItEStllVE Carte on Monday and Discuss o of nppctitc wili nd rc-nr.ved BrouM Quick NOTICE is hereby glsen that lb ircr ,FRUIT.A-TIVES,' Matter With Him. strenth, -ijhtcr eilstlnt on certain Dorllons of Lots Two and rcncuem ncuu oks, better health and hundred and flirt (lot and Two hundred! 'Mirro,, Aluminium and eight (tot) Han to Three tJ) loan Ware At the meeting of the Police Jta.rr using District, surveyed and ktwwn as Lots compleJonshy Eleven hundred snd mtjrnine (till). Mixing Bowh afternoon Pcrcolatcrs Commission yesterday Becclum's Pills. 1 iicy give Eleven hundred and siitr-on tlUI) and BrenA D Sub-Inspector Adams of, the Dominion Lleren hundred and iiir-tQ llllli bj Combination Kettle forma! you ihc very hdn you need, reason or a nolle appearing in the Hi run and Double Boiler laid complaint police a Columbia Oaietle or f JW December, 107, against the manner in and are a natural aid to the Is ranerlled Tor salt purposes. Fry pans PATIO at Victoria, British CbtnrcMa, which cases had'been tried by stomach, liver, bowels tnd this 101b day or September. A. D. Ills. Magistrate Carss, and particularly blood. Gentle, and positive Depafy O, It.Sllnliler HAD EN,nf ttn1 "Mtrro" Aluminium Reflects Good against tho smallness of the in action, without any disagreeable itAVtOABLX WATERS FROTtCTION ACT. Housekeeping fines which had been inflicted. after-effects Use It.8. C CIIArTEIt III. said that he had The Inspector Call and the sec latest made a complaint to the Attorney The Port Edward rishcrlet Limited shipment at hereby tires notice that ihejr bate, under General, explaining that It was Section T or Ue said Act, deposited wilU useless for him to secure evidence the Minister or fublle works at Ottawa FRED STORK'S tod In the omce or tho Iiuirlcl itegittrsr HARDWARE and bring cases up when, or the Land tugistr). District or I'rtnot small Huperu at Itupert, U, a. a description the fines inflicted were so or lb site and toe plana or cannery 8KCOND AVKNUE MR. P. H. MCHUGH that they were no deterrent. The IJ and whirr proposed to be built situate on portion ot porpoise llirbor at lon 103 Church Street, Montreal. Attorney General advised that the Edwara. u. u., in rront oi part or Lul matter be taken up by the local lilt, in ore coast District. December 10th, 1917. And take notice that after the csnlrstlon Police Commission and a meeting or una month rrotu th data at the erst "I ws a creftt sufferer from Rheum Gars has been are worth a publication or tbls notice, the Port Ldwtrd with Magistrate atism for over 16 years, I consulted rubefies Limited will, tinder Section 7 o arranged for Monday next to discuss me sam aci. appij vt in siiniiur or r untie specialists, took medicines, used box Works at his nfnee in the Cur tt lotions ; but nothing did me pood. the whole matter of convictions guinea a otuwx. for tpprcTtt or th said sita and and fines .in the police plans and Tur leaet to construct the said Then, I began to use "Fruit- PfetdUa mt Sbl VJa.t.Vm n k EfS tm canike ry ana wnarr. court. Dated at vaatouver. n. c una twenty in the tiTCs"; and 15 days, pain nu fourth day or October, It It. easier and the Rheumatism ras There are other local cases fi;nT tDW taiiu nr.nits uxited. better. Gradually, "Fruit-a-tives" which it is understood that the Not. ?. W. C WALkKB. wwretary. The police chiefs report for, Royal Standard Flour will take at the overcame my Rheumatism;and now, commissioners up October showed the following MINEHAL ACT for fire years, I have had so return same time, especially some complaints Breach of Prohibition Act, of the trouble. Also, I had serero in regard to liquor cases! cases: the Certificate ot ImprOTtmeola. As a war flour, IIOYAL STANDARD FLOi n Eczema and Constipation, ssd 5;drunkencss, 11; breaches of u 0 'Truit-a-tires"relieved me of these Military Service Act, 20; under NOTICE class by itself. Hldier in gluten, it is easier to handle complaints ; and gave me a pood MUCH LIVE STOCK motor traffic law, 1; falling to Drum Lunuou. 1 X L, Caledonia. Marts, "quicker mintr"; producing tiniforrn reulU; and with appetite ; and in every way restored HAS BEEN IMPORTED report as alien enemy, 3; hoarding ibis. Kitchener, Blr Thlnt. Dumfries, a hg "oven-spring." Itoyol Standard Flour will Nimlalte; lodes. Malachite. reraedj Copprlte. Orey me to health". P. II. McIIUGIL flour. 1; breaches of Idler's Cuptwr. Wharf tnj Banker mineral claims. many of your baking troubles making the best 60c.a bos,6 for$2.50,trial site 25c. INTO THE INTERIOR Act, 1; theft, 1; breaches of the situate tn the Sleeo Mlnhif DUHlon or base for use with substitutes. pomible At dealers or sent post paid on closing bylaw, 1. Dsnre i. Coast DlttrleL Where toctted. receipt of price by Frult-a-ties On Copper Creek, Doutlii Channel It. A. Hunt, representing the TAEE NOTICE that I, John O. Anderson, Ont. limited, Ottawa, Land Settlement Hoard, arrived B. I'. L. S., or Trail,' B. C. tetinf srenl Vancouver Milling & Grain for the Drum Ltimmon Copper Mines. from Victoria during the past YE OLOE COUNTRIE limited, rre Miners Certiflctw No. ft. CO LIMITED week, and has been at Telkwa o FISH AND CHIPS tlt-C, intend, titty days froen the date business connected with the ship hereof. I apply la the Mlnlnr Recorder Killers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" To the Public: ment of cattle recently brought 717 Second Avenue. purpose tor Certiacate of obutclnr ol lrnprotemeaU.Crown Grants for of the the Millers License 139 Whoteiale License IM9S from the prairie under the lead of shore claims. Package Cereal Licenses 2010 to 2013 the board, says the Interior News Will ba open every day at And rarther take nolle that action, tin That the importation of cattle 11 a. m. der section J 7, most t-e eemmenerd before HARRY HANSON A be Issue or such Certificate of Imprest Inssntsr PatsnU was considerably larger than re i meats. of the Hsrry Hanson Patented Fast the announcement ported was "take some home. Daud this (1st day or September A. D. bis Heating-returned Hot Water to town Coll to for stty.Ran res made by F. S. Short, while i t If II. Advertise in The Daily News Smithers this week. Mr. Short I, D. ANDERSON. An Improvement ta said coll U now belsr offered. It Is now made was buying representative to th of brass pipe, and prices are as rol prairie for the Telkwa-llound lake lows: ring, and he ijeturned in charge Wltn a three-rears" guarantee $28. of six carloads of clock, five for WVs? With a nve-years' guarantee, S30. purchasers through the Land Tbls coll Is .guaranteed to beat Settlement Board and onk which water tour time's faster tban any he and J. W. Anderson brought in coll now on the market. Sea for sale. Harry jHanson The stock is practically all yearling heifers of the beef class Tfia Ratlabfa Plumbir and the shipment will' be distrib Phone 89 139 2nd -Prlac Rupert. uted as follows: F. M. Dockrjll 21; V. F. Wakefield, 20; It. E. TEEN A LONQWILL Wakefield, 10; E. Lemieux, 5; It Agents, Phone S, fnd Ave. E. Williams, 20; Win. Croteau Prince Rupert 0; F. S. Short, 22; Ira G. Short, 5; J. Iiakke, 15; E. C. Barger, 5; Jos. liourgon, 15. Under the same plan Mesrsr7 Wilson and Barrett each brought STEEN & LONGWILL in four carloads for the Glan lanna and Houston farjiierg re EAKITAA . Mrs D HEATING spectively. At the same lime one ENGINEERS carload was brought in by private enterprise, and dropped off at IJurns Lake for sale to the ranch Agents for ers in that section, making a total McCLARY FURNACES importation of fifteen carloads of cattle to the Bulkley Valley dur PLUMBINO ing the past two weeks. and She lets SHEET METAL WORKS WILL GREET WILSON Sunlight Read Sunlight Photie 5, 834 Second Avenue. (Special via a. T.P. Telegraphs.) Night phones 576 do the Avork $5000 guarantee and Blue 270 Home, .Nov. 22. At the opening of Parliament today it was decided The rlfiht work, at the rlcht of purity that practically the entire. time, and at the right prlos. chamber would go to Paris to greet President Wilson upon his arrival there. Walker's MILK 14c. A QUART Sunlight dispels the shadow that once Music Store Winnipeg, Nov. 22. Though an investigation showed a local creamery company to be making hung wash over day High Crad; Piaaoi. Sheet Music. large pijoflts, they are to be al Small Musical Goods. lowed to increase the price of milk a cent a quart on the understanding Piano Tuning. Pianos for Kent. that it goes to the producer. TN fact many women do not say "wash day" any more. The price is to be 14 now Bonds J- Victory taken in at payment. par cents a quart. They say "Sunlight Day". It's a genuine pleasure to use OCTOBER L08SES Sunlight Soap because it means an economical wash, it means a quick wash. Why? Because, Sunlight is absolutely pure Frederick Werkhoven 8pecial vis O.r.P. Telegraphs.) of Th Key J Aadmr van tor Miulc of London, Nov. 22. Merchant you need only half the quantity us compared with ordinary soaps, " Tha Hague,Holland. shipping losses in October due to will nor Sunlight harm delicate fabrics, or hurt hands. TEACHER OF PIANO enemy action as announced by the any your STUDIO-Phons Ckeen 1C7 Admlraly is as follows: British, And it really takes the labour out of the washing in surprisingly 83,952 tons; Allied (Including British) and neutral. 03.582. little time as you will see by following the directions. Sailings frjoxn United Kingdom Cleaning, Pressing ports, 7,591,476. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO Everything in Toyland for the and Repairing children at Tile's. tf Oh sayl The News Print Shoo LADIES AND CENTS (does its work about as cheap as most snops and aufte uk well. gives you the work on time whenever Dunbar possible w ii hi ar ai m m ui Jack and hands it Out with a pleasant "Thank you.' Phun 510 725 Stcond A. .Vhat do you say to givlnir them a trial on your next JobT