November 23, 1018. gjlurdaf THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 UNITED SI AitS Uil' LOST 354,449 TONSIN WAR Ul 0f 15 Vessels and 775 Lives Ut Through Acts of Th Enemy. special vU 0. T. V. Tele rrphfc) 15 PER PACKAGE Wellington, Nov. 22 The loss American passenger and Irchaiu vessels of 35 1,4 49,ton J, , itivcs through acts of tlie Mnrinir inc icuvu hum. ' il.n ...nrJ.I wnr ffi Ilia ' - III!i... .... Vrt ember U bown by flKur made public today by the Depart-ment of commerce Bureau of .. ri!irl does not Include vessels, the loss of which tit not been established as duo lo sets of Hie enemy. .Nineteen vessels and 07 lives ,tre icsi l" acls of torpe-MI mines and gunfire prior to jitealrac oi me unites cities Ijlo the war, NAVY CU AIDING SOLDIERS TO GET ON THE LAND CIGARETT Uli to Be Introfluceo ai next Session of House to Olve Effect to Conference Plans. UpeeUl ru O, T. I. TtlefraphM BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING (U3t iOV. 'iiiuuuuvuuu of but at the neit session of Pirlitment to enable land colonization and soldiers' settlement ichcmrs dis ussed al the Con-fere mi mi im nil iim in i nil nil ill ! iiii 1111 in i irn :e t Provincial Premiers ittt lo lo br-.ugbl Into effect Is rans.dcrcd ue!y. The first of INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE IS THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH these prujerts. introduced to the I SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE COLUMBIA. :an.'c-cs. :e by iln. J. A. Calder, Minister f Immigration and No Danger ol' Contracting is THE MTTER ACT OF THE ADM1.M3TRA-TIOS S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Ci.:;S:aatf-i. involves the pur sad Influenza. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OR thsie by the provinces, with IS VAC CVJETkOVICH; OTHERWISE . . . .. . . .... .... V f 1.1. 1 B I lent to them by the Do money S.S. PRINCE GEORGE soTHX u Urtbr siveo that Um Sale So states a well known Vancouver mir.ion if pmally owned, un r Laads lo b Utli ea Um iwefiir-feanft TAKE NOTICE Uut In order or HI doctor who offers to swallow liuoour r. Mtli. Youor. nude the tStb cut developed land, and (be sale of Air T OttUxr nctt upoa ablcli JeUiMacil ol Sovemlwr, JLD. 1918. 1 was tPDointed uirt ire due im ben ptuoMt so tu a capsuleful every day for a week. SAILING Adntiniiirttor to Um etuie or Isaac Crjei- : tut land teiynt to, set Uadi la n eay Um ITloc Kcpcrl AiMJimrnl The Doctor is ij'ght. loHrU. decraJ. tad all paniei barlnr! tlers. DUlrtrt r eooeented od Ual on Um till tlaUti araltut Um laid etuie are berth v I MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, diy ftf ."orrmJfT lullovuif mm IU Im With plenty of fresh air, good required lo rurnlan, properlr vertned, The viid srbenie suggested brid of sit mica Undi la um iakI Am food t&ble-spoonful w ujt, uu ur uriurv uic lem oays oi uc Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vicorla and Seattle. by Won. Arthur JUeighen, Minister meat imirirt nourishing and a rrthber. A. D. 1918. and all DarUes In. MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. c w HOMER. AM-or taS Colkctor of KENNEDY'S TONIC dettieJ to the estate are required to par of the interior, provides for giving- 01 tO l W tD4 3r Ol Oeubrr. A. D. It IS tbe amount ol their Indebtedness to me POUT four limes daily yod can addiiiiisal aid lo rorinwiin. S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. returned JOHS H. ilcXVVUX. SkE&SA USD DISTRICT DISTRICT or keep your body strong and soldiers desirous of settling VUJL CHARLOTTE ISLASnS. ifTlrla I lilmlnluntn. to Charlotte Islands. on thoroughly fortified against the dated this Itih day or .Novemher. 1918 Alternating Weekly Queen V9 una. - ravages of influenza, asthma, is TJiE 5CI'imiE-COi;RT OF"BRITISH GREENWOOD SMELTER of Vtocwarrr. B. C occvpaUoa bronchitis, colds or coughs. CULUSIIIIA. TRAIN SERVICE naotrymxa. inirM to ttftj tor prrmli DIG DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT. Passenrer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and3ATURDAY at ll:J0ajn. for Smltbers Mu to Wm Uia rUolat dtcrtli Ua&i DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf IS TIO.X THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMLMSTRA Prince Ceorre. Edmonton and Wlnnlper. making direct connections Tor all on a ounl of having found cxmmtnant tl rMt pltat4 on Um and point east and south. tUl tb onto loort of Uroaa Bir. Montbj U IS THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF pay-grade ore In the liad, tMHit ocm milt from lu moiith. It is just as cheap lo gel your HLK3IA.-V NCM.tAOS; DECEASED. ti'Atr Lode mine. Is a little Vbruet svuib to chxlat. Umikc mI tl printing done well and done at TAkE SOTICE that In order or Ills For information and reservations apply to tmUr in quantity than anticl-Ned, rtulo, tbrorc north to chiian, throre lome as it is to send it away. Try Honour F. Mcb. Vounr. made tbe 15 th day Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Tioket Agent. tbe t c railcrlj orr Um ibor 11m to point of for .overaoer. a. it. tvis.iwas appotniea Co is still able lo 10 The News Print Shop. Acmuusiraior to tne esute or the said City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 CDOiiarorrfBtBi. coautnim cret more tt:p -a t-.-m the mine and keep Herman Mcklnnon. deceased, and aU parues lbs f ItM. tUaViUK claim aralnst the said estate are it jr:- running, says the JOIIS MeLARTT MINERAL ACT hereby required to furnish same, properly 6tmv.;ifd Ledge. It is not Dllnl 1IM I0U. ISU. rcriaeo, so me. on or uerore tne inuk day pos-fcn uf Deot mber, A. D. 1918, and aU parties t ' rMtmale the exact date Certificate of Improvements. indebted to the estate are required to pay tbe amount of tbelr indebtedness to me the smelter will have $c GOOD HUNTING FOR rortnwlth. trrti KOTICE JOILS II. McMCLLIS, ti) la or Hnij con DEER ALONG COAS t'erro Fraction Mineral Claim, situate In omclal Administrator. 'aae It' operate, possibly for two tbe Skeena Xlnlor Division of Casslar Dated this 18th day of Sovrmber. 19 IB CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY eeii more. District. IS THE SCPREME COURT OF BRITISH Wber located: Sear tbe bead of Alice COLUMBIA. Bucks Easy to del At This Time Arm. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ".unr leather hand bags, Of Year Do Not Make Off TAKE KOTICE Urn I. Lewis W. rauuore, IS THE MATTER OF THE ADMLMSTRA via Steamer to Vancouver and the -ly purses and bill folds for On Approach of lYee Miner's CertlOcatj So. J0107 C. as TIOS ACT Wici and gentlemen nl Tile's reel for John Walford Strombeck, Free and Canadian Pacific Railway Hunter. IS THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF oi diss- Miner's Certificate So. 1I191C Intend, JAMES WILLARD WATT; DECEASED, nls. If Miijr dajrs troiu the date hereof, lo aopty Meals and Berth included on Steamer It is so cldoin that hunters get lo the Minins Recorder tor a ceruncaie or TAkE SOTICE that In order of Hi for the purpose or obtain Honour F. McB. Vounr. mad the lath day a ral balanced pair of antlers on lainroTemenis, or Soveuber, A. D. 1918.1 was appointed Inr a Crown urant or the above claim. Administrator to tbe estate of the said FOR VICTORIA AND SEATTLE when VANCOUVER, the deer they kill that one And further take notice that action, un Jauuw W lllard Watt, deceased, and all par k P. R. Feed Go. is secured they usually have dr section St must tie commenced before ties nartntr claims ariinst tne said estate mounted. Last week II. 8. Parker the. Issue of such Cer tin rate of Improve are iwrrny reauirea to runusn same, prop S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November erly verHied, to me, on or before Uh- lull 2'jtd; December Cth, 20th, and January 3rd. and he is mcnti. day or uect inner, a. u. ibis, ana an car secured such a pair now DATED this JSUi daj or August. A. d ue Indebted to tbe estate are required to Hurt in busily engaged in setting it up lis. OSS !ay tne amount or ineir tnaenieanes lo FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRATXILL, SKAQWAV, ALASKA pot a New 5Aoni me forlhwuu. Supply of It is a four-pronged nnller, but MINERAL ACT. JOIIS II. MCMULUS. S.S. Princess Mary sailo from Prince Rupert November Bulbs, Hyacinths, tuch side is just alike and sucn Dated tbi 18th umciil day of Sovember,Administrator.l vis. 18th, December 2nd, 16th,ind 30th. a one is valued highly. CERTIFICATE OF IMPHOVEMESTS. I. THE SUPREME COURT OF JilUTlSH DafTodiU, Tulips, when This is the rutting season tULU.UBIA. Crocus, Easter Lilies it is easy to secure deer. Usually r.artlxw Fracilii N0T1CK.Mineral Claim, situate W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. the bucks run away on the ap IS THE MATTER OF THE ADMLMSTRA lo inc Skn-M Minlnr Division or uissiar TIOS ACT Make the Home Br soUful nroach of a hunter, but Just now bltlrlct. Where located. At the head of and Co ner Fourth Street end Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.( noise and are Alice Am in the Skeena Mlnlnr Division. IS THE MATTEn UF THE ESTATE OF we they approach any that I, I. a Surk. owner VISCE3ZU RUSSIi OTHERWISE KSOWS Some TAkE SOT1CE Winter Blooms ! much easier lo kill. The snow of the ibove claim. Free Miner's Certificate AS JIM 11USS; UtttAbtU. Outside Imx driven them down from the no. ii m. iulend. ilitr days from the TAkE SOTICE tbat In order of Hi Jndoorsand hilltops and they may be found date hereof, lo ai'pljf to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder Honour F. MrU. Youur. made the lliu day or aovrruuer, a, u. iiB,iwai appointed almost anywhere along the coas for a Certificate of Improvements, Administrator lo the estate of the said 908 Third Ave nue me the puroose of obtalnlnr a Crown Vlnrenzo Rossi, deceased, and all parue rkoM s, pa Bm 3J3 A number of fine deer have Grant of the above claim. narinr riauu arainst tne Mia estate are Tbe Union COAST SERVICE. I been brought in lately and veni And further take notice that action, un hereby required lo furnish same, properly verteca. iu me, on or uerore tne leiu aay t son has been rather o common der section SI. niuit be commenced be- or lHcinber. A. L. 1 9 IS, and ill parues For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. r,.r the issuance or such Certificate or indebted to tba estate are required lo pay Steamship Vancouver, sailing SaL, G delicacy for some time past Ihe amount of their Indebtedness to me p.m. Improvements. Some line deer have been shot at Dated this tth dsy or July, a. u. ISIS forthwith. Anyox, Mondays, 7 a.m. JOUS H. McXULUS, Co. of B.C. Port Simpson and Naas Points, Tuck's Inlet and others at 1'ori omclal Administrator. mm LAND ACT FORM' NO. 11 Dated thli Uih day of ftovember. IU. Fridays, p.m. Edward, but there is no particular Ltd. nlnxn whom it Can b Sttld the M1TICE OF 1NTENTIOS TO APPLY TU is THK SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH John Barniley, General Agent LEASE LASD COLUMUU. nnlmnU nre lo bo found. IS QL'EXS CI1ARLOTTC ISLANDS LA.1U FOR H3UDIT CARDS The hunting season lasts only DISTRICTt RECOftDISU DISTRIUT U IS THE NATTER OF THE ADMIMSTRA-TIOS so moso m-tonmlating SkEESA ASD SITUATE OS SOUTH ACT AND mm SiSNS to December IB, and OF LAQOOS ISLET, MOllESBY getting a deer this SHORE IN THE NATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Suggestions lor Imas time. ISLAND, BOUT OSE NILE FROM ITS EMASULL SIS CLAIR; DECEASED. year should lose no MOUTH. Window Decorations TAkE MOliCE thai I, JOIIS M, MAC- TAKE SOTICE that In order of III Honour F. McB. Youur. made the Itth day NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! H sve your THinDS REOCCUPIED M1LLAS of Vancouver, B. O, occupation r Aovrmber. A. u. 1918.1 was appointed TWO Canneryroan. Intend to apply for permit- Administrator to the esiale or the said permanent Signs sku lo lease tbe foUowins described lands: Liuauuel biuclalr, deceased, and all parlies Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present two- having- claims aralnst the said estate ere Nov. 22 -Fully Commenclnt at post planted on um London, hereby required to furnish properly rlng the winter-, same, f !iiiMnm has been re south shore or Ltroon Inlet, Moresby li-land, verified, to me. on or before the 18 th day Watch this for more reAsonablo inn u.i ji j.v.o-- - At about one mile rrotn Hi mouth; or December, A. D. 1918, and all parlies -:- space our -:-announcement irantee to Plee You hv the Alliod armies thence west JO chains thence north 10 indebted to the estate are required lo pay of a new supply than Ihe aiuoUUI of their liidthtdnefui la me no point are ihe Allle more rhalns; thence east 10 chain more or lesi roitbwllh. CALHOUN miles from the IUUrie. to low witer mirk at tbe beich; thence JOIIS II. McMULUS, 100 southerly followlnr low water mark to the Omclal Administrator. WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED - im Avenue, Prince Itupcrt the point or commencement; eontilnlnr 40 Dited thii Ilia day or Aovembtr, 1918. i. rockers or less. BUTEDALE - acrei more - - B.C. Painted substantial gift, at Tito's Spec.a JOIIS NcLARTY MACM1LLAS, Neat designs in fancy China at tf,paled Auruit Klh, ISIS. H I 'IWa Xmas Prices, tf Xmas Prices. V