ORiSLiTEB GEO.J.FRIZZELL Chemists fO.Druggists Box 1680 and i OJL Daily News Good Particular People Meats for Phones,82and 200 Phones, 10 and-25 VOL, IX. NO. 276, PMNCE. MJPEIIT,. B.O.,- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. FAMOUS SUBMARINES ARE Holland has disposed v the of Kaiser the Crown to deal Prince.vith. Now she has NEGOTIATIONS IN PROGRESS HANDED OVER TO BRITISH FOR TRANSPACIFIC LINE OF IN PRESENCE OF SIR ERIC DEUTSCHLAND HAD TWO CAPTURED AMERICAN OFFICERS MANAGER OF GRAND TRUNK STEAMSHIPS SAYS MORE ON BOARD; U-139 HAD SUNK 126 VESSELS THAN ONE CONCERN AT PRESENT NEGOTIATING AND HER COMMANDER HAD BEEN AND MAKING INVESTIGATION REGARDING ROUTE GIVEN DECORATION (Special to The News via 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) "Yes, we are negotiating in regard to the establishment.of a line of between Prince and the steamships Rupert Orient. The Harwich, England, Nov. 25. In the presence of Sir Eric principals are now in this country making investigations and it Geddes, Firsf Lord of the Admiralty, 28 German U-boats surrendered is not at all improbable that something may come of it." That Saturday. This was the most imposing flotilla to haul was the reply of Captain C. II. Nicholson, manager of the Grand down the German flag thus far. It included several large submarines Trunk Pacific Steamships, who was in the city yesterday, to a" and four of the cruiser type, one being nearly 350 feet in query from a Daily News representative, Captain Nicholson was quite enthusiastic over the possibility length. of there being "something doing" here in the near future. lie The noted cruiser submarine Deutschland U-153 was amdng said that it would not take very Ihe number. She carried two American officers who had been long to put in a dock, once there rtscued from the 'American army cargo ship Ticonderoga, tor NEGOTIATIONS was a certainty that the. steamships on September 30 last. The ofllccrs were taken to Kiel by would be coming. In an pedoed emergency the present dock could iho Tipnlsnhland which was returning from a three months' cruise FOR PEACE TO be iwv v - utilized until the new one was - ...nl nnrl ?n tA Innrtorl n f T T 1 m m n Vi A n r4 linn c n . r.eady. rendered boat was the U-130 which had just returned to a German BEGIN JANUARY The New Dock Site. port after a 04 days' cruise commanded by Lieut-Commander The new dock, he explained, Arnauld De-Laperriere who in 1910 wus awarded the Order Pour would be a jettty running almost Le Merite for sinking 120 vessels. The U-139, however, was THE UNWELCOME GUEST. No Modification of the Armistice at right angles to the shore .and would bo built at the far. end of brought in by the first lieutenant, who explained that Perriere Terms Le to Matin Be Allowed,of Paris.Says the townsite beyond Section 2. was too ill to undertake the duty. There piles could be driven and CANADA WILL TO PROTECT MEN WHO (Special via O..T. P. Telegraphs.) a dock of the right kind built so ALBERTA BANDITS AND WORK IN THE MILLS Paris, Nov. 25. Preliminaries be that able tho to ships tie1 ;up coming easily."here would CROWN-PRINCE to peace negotiations will begin MURDERERS ARE TAKEN HELP REBUILD about January I,- Echo de Parts Discussing the matter o f At the recent meeting of the freights the Captain said that of will bo declares and the protocol ASSIGNED Prince Ilupert Trades and Labor these IS course were variable; He signed about the end of February. Were Found Hiding In Straw Council a delegation was received anticipated no difficulty Sometimes Finance Minister Offers Extensive The paper adds that the Premier Stack In State of Collapse from" a mill up the river in the tho balance of trade ,was-eastbouna Credit for Supplies Purchased will go to London on December 4. LONELY ISLAND from Hunger. neighborhood of Terrace. The Marshal Foch's refusal to ac and sometimes "West, in This Country to Repair men complained that they found cede to the protestations of Ger but the district lierp ought to 'p'ro- Devastated Lands. duncuit to ineir cneciss vido a good deal of the (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) It securje man delegates, according to Lo freight .Among and then when the checks were for a lino of steamships and the To Live at Wlerlngen Prince Albert, Sask., Nov. 25 Matin, will apply to all proposals Small Dutch Farmers and Victor Carmel and Jean Baptislo (Special .via a. T. P. Telegraphs.) obtained they were charged a dis in future. Le Matin also states railway would do the rest. Ottawa, Nov. 25. Sir Thomas count for cashing them. Captain Nicholson said that Fishermen. St. Germain, bandits, who murdered that it is able to inform Dr. Solf, I James McKay and Corp. White declares that the statement The Council decided to take German Foreign Secretary, that tli ere were a good many people rfa T. P. legal advice on behalf of the men making inquiries in regard to the (Special O, Telegraphs.) yesterday Horsley, were captured which has been made that Canada the overtures he has inspired at 25. Moster-land, and to back them up in the niat-tey route. One new Arm, that had Nov. Amsterdam, in a straw stack at the farm of will offer to forjego all claim for The Hague are in vain and that a hamlet consisting of a Charjes W. Young on tho bank of of getting their grievances adjusted. the United States and Allied Gov never taken the matter up beforjb indemnity against Germany if the It suggested that had been inquiring quite TecenUy was and'flsher-men's g5ore of suialL farms of the.North Saskatchewan River, ernments will never; modify the bill on d;llar.c,xpende(l,in Canada while it little and he had provided them with all cost a money huts on the bleak, lonely six miles east of here. may armistice clauses- which have for materials be used in the reconstruction it was best to lake a question the; datd.. They up necessary were island of Wicringen, which is They were in a state almost been highly approved. situated distance from the collapse from of northern France of this kind right at tho first in now gone to New York' and other .-omo bordering upon Dutch uaval station at Ilelder, is hunger and exposure and were and Belgium, is without foundation. order to nip tho grievance in the eastern centres to make inquiries the home assigned to the interned taken without a struggle. !bud. PREPARING FOR and then intended returning and The question of indemnity as forjner German Grown Prince. crossing to btneria to see what The local pastor's humble two-story against Germany has no bearing Alderman Barrue met with a were the prospects at that end. residence has been leased KING ALBERT upon the right which Canada asserts nasty accident this morning, CELEBRATION There was nothing at all sure furnished for six months and of participating with other necessitating medical attention. about these things, but the very allies in the business arising out automobile that inquiries He was moving an fact people were making here the former Crown Prince MAKES SPEECH of the restoration by the Alliea of which went faster than he expected, showed that they were will live. France, Belgium and. other devastated causing him to overbalance Many Entries Received By Com looking to this route as the solution mittee for Naval Parade to countries. and fall. His head struck a projection of tho transportation question WESTHOLME FROM THRONE The position is that the Prime from tho machine and a , Take Place Wednesday insofar as Siberia was concerned, Minister took with him to England very severe cut was inflicted right Morning.' and even with Japan therp Billie Irish, the famous Hurke, memorandum prepared by to tho bone. Mr. Barrie lost a was!' a decided advantage in limo star-, is to be featured at tho 'tho Very many entries have been re Minister of Financo offering lot of blood before his wound was and cost'. Westholmo tonight in "Eve's Promises Equal Suffrage For All jan extensivo credit in Canada for stitched. ceived by the committee in charge Daughter," one of the finest productions Men of Mature Age In the purchase of materials and of the arrangements for the marine The Ladles' of the Q. Auxiliary in which this lady has Nation. supplies to bo used in tho wbrjk Of There will bo a meeting of the parade on Wednesday, and W. V.A. will hold a tag day Wednesday, taken part. this feature of tho armistico celebration construction. In return for this Seal Cove Red Cross Society, on November 27th, to oolleot The comedy feature will also bo (Special by O. T. P. Telegraphs.) 'credit which would be expended promises to be a great at 3 Tuesday, November 26, p.m. funds for' a Xmas tree for the a good ono and it Is anticipated Brussels. Nov. 25. King Albert entirely in Canada, tho Government All success. at the Seal Covo School. members children of our soldiers. Let us that there will bo crowd out. Tho MalasDina being In port, big a enthusiastically has been received would securities of accept are requested to attend. It all do our best to make the kiddles by the inhabitants of his regained an inter-allied"credit or securities tho mayor; has wired to the com happy. 276. SCHOOL BOARD NOTICE He mado an important of the nations mander of tho naval dockyard at capital. of ono or more Mr. Newton, son of the manager The public schools reopened speech from tho throne in Parliament, concerned. v of Lynch's mill, and his sister Esquimau for permission for her first utterance in the to lie over hero to take part In his flrjived yesterday from Port Clements today. School The Horden Street "DEMERS" For the of vessels. almost the beginning Union tho procession capital since The Salmon Fishermen's and went on to Vancouver as thoroughly renovated, the Wo have a serge' navy in tho afternoon other procession floors of war. Near the throne stqod at its meeting yesterday decided at midnight. and woodwork being washed arrangements well in hand, skirt of which wo can Goncral Plummer, representing to take part in the big parade on arp ith the recommend the a solution ,of carbolic, wearing ' has been made the British army, Goncijal Pershing Wednesday and to bo represented Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re-'duces and good progress liole school calsomined and fumigated, qualities. It Is plain tailor-- of the Trium with tho building of tho American army and on the float which is to bo pro-pared your fuel bill and gives which all carried od, trimmed with buttons, was other generals. Tho Chamber by the Trades and Labor atlsfectlon. Phone 15. .P. ft. phal Arch. out under the of the -price $6.75. supervision filled with members and in tho Council. foal Co. Late entries will yet be received Medical Inspector of Schools. .. was the diplomats for tho marine parade. "Another splendid" offer SCHOOL COMMITTEE.; galleries was is a Jan silk blouse in corps. . FISH ARRIVALS black or white, heavy qual- W One of the most vital points In WONDERFUL SILENCE AND ity and a pretty stylo. Price OPTICIAN the King's address dealt with suf, $3.75. ' and in this The fishing vessel Sitka has arrived Belgium EFFICIENCY AND EXPERIENCE connection frago for ho said tho Govern- SURENESS OF NAVY MADE in port with 20,000 pounds . COME AND SEE , Aro tb8 two molt important quail-"citiona nient proposes two cnamuers, iu of halibut; Pioneeij, 00,000, und necessary to satisfactory i the Tom and Al with 70,000 lbd. correction of poor vision with lowers by patriotic agreement The price realized" this morning tltases ancient barriers anS to make consultation FINAL VICTORY POSSIBLE reality on tho Fish Exchange was 10 1-10 Our Dr, Hoyt Is one or the most of the nation a Have entered efficient opticians In Canada with the basis of equal suffrage for cents, you m eiperlence of years of practise on required The nshingr boat Alaska, which In the united states a rraduate or all men of mature civil age rights. CONGRATULATIONS OF ADMIRALTY GIVEN TO SEA FORCES Is at present up north, had to call boat in the j he best exercise of colleges In the world. for your FOR SPLENDID RESULTS OBTAINED DURING in al Juneau lo put two men Quality Th Btt Satlaf action QuarantMd. Our $25 ladies' diamond ring is LONG FOUR-YEAR CAMPAIGN ashore sick. MAY Parade? UEIlnnnlUCR Tniin Ttiilcrer. limn i pnuiv. tiuuii ' ---. u ' nvv.w - It (Special to The News via O.T,P. Telegmphs.) Colonel J. M, MacMillan, who Jeweller. London, November 25. The Admiralty has addressed a message Is interested in canneries on .tho Auditing. J.F. Magulre, box 973. of felicitation to the Royal Navy arjd Royal Marines as follows: Islands, .sailed again for Vancou If do WESTHOLME ver last oyening, after a short not, so todays "The Admiralty desires to express to tho officers and men visit to the oily, TONIGHT of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines on the completion of their KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS great work, their congratulations on tho triumph to which history Auditing. J.F. Magulre, box 973. Adolphe Zukor presents knows no parallel. The surrender of tho German fleet, accom BILLIE BURKE Skeena Lodge No. 45. plished without the shock of battlo, will remain for all time an "EVE'S DAUGHTER1' All Knights are requested example of the wonderful silence and .surenoss .with which our WANTED Five Reels. to bo present Monday,of sea power attained its end. The world recognizes that this con November 25. Election work. summation is due to tho steadfastness with which the navy has First-class baker, wages jwo.neel officers and rank $35 a week and board, L K-0 Comedy G. C., maintained its tho FOR 'THE J, S.CARMIC1IAEL, pressuro on enemy throughout more than Self's Restaurant. ' QUALITY SIGN OF CUCUMBER" II. M. DAGGETT, K.R.C. four years of war, a pressure exerted no less insistently during SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 4"ll0n 8e,. children, 1Bc. the long monotony of waiting than in rare opportunities of attack. Food Board Lloence No. 10-734.