Tim DAILY NliWS Pago 2 ft SALE OF CROWN MINERAL CLAiW PRINCE thf RUPERT Daily- BRITISH News COLUMBIA . I "War-Time Cookery" For Delinquent Taxes in the Prince Rupert Asseim,nt Dili,; Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News FREE t Third Avenue. the Court House, Prince nupert, B. C.,1 shall oiler ror sale tt public auction 'the CrownXi.,!1 ?'clo In th. . Printing and Publishing Co., Srie out. of the persons In the said list hereinafter set out, for delinquent taxes unplid b "85 ,",!,nerl Cl Send name and address for June, 1918. Jnd ror costs and expenses. Including the cost of advertising said tale, tr tha lotal imounVlWrioni Z PULLEN, Managing Editor. to recelTj any nlformatlon respecting- the nt sooS! " H. F. This Th collector will be pleased following Hit new 'War-time Cookery" the Allied i Forces, and entitled to the berlts of Section 39 of the Taxation Amendment Act. igi,he own U lilSjH book contains recipes chosen LIST AUOVE MENTIONED) SUBSCRIPTION RATES: by the judges as the best and OWNER. NAME OF CLAIM AND LOT NO. TAX. C03T8. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. most practical recipes submitted E J Smith, J. if. uranuon. i. irimi, u. Margaret. Lot 110, flange 4, Coast 117 00 By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. in our recent cash prize Howard Warsroia,A. Turner n. niucu .............n. Cassle.Henrietta.Lot Lot 998,10V,Range.Ilange 4,4,Coast Coast 30 19 00 B0 1175 7 iii and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Etta. Lot 11)18, Ilange 4, Coast 3 71 To United States Howard A. Turner 41 98 R comoetition. It i3 intended to 3 75 "11 Howard A. Turner ............. Lake View. Lot 999, lunge 4, coast .... 37 SO 3 Dee. Lot 1016, Han(re 4, Coast 75 Telephone 98. 0 assist in the conservation of Howard Howard A,A. Turner Turner .............. Sea Fraction. Lot 1914, Ilange 4, Coast.. 87 40 80 00 8 3 75 71 tin in Olive. Lot 937, Ilange 4, Coast ........ A. Turner 31 26 food and to effect savings in iinu-firrf Howard A, Turner Oranlle. Lot 1916, Ilange 4, Coast 83 80 III 3 !"Hi TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cents per inch. Skiena River Mining- Co., Ltd Emma. Lot 71, ilange 5. coast 88 23 9 73 75 hi R home cooking and baking. Skiena Hlver Mining Co., Ltd. I. X. L. Lot 79, Ilange E, Coast 39 00 3 73 'in Contract Rates on application. Pat Illckcy, Helen Flewln and Donald A. U Robertson vvm'V Four Ace, Lot ICS, Ilange 6, Coast . .... 6B00 3 73 Approved by Canada Food Board rat Hlckey, Helen Flewln and Donald A. "II Itoberlson dolconda. Lot 167, Ilange S, Coast 62 80 9 1918. Mckinley. Lot 188, Ilange 8, Coast . .... 47 00 73 Monday, Nov. 25, Fisher k Warton 9 71 II DAILY EDITION. ADDRESS Fisher k Warton Lawlt-r, Lot 169, Ilange 8, Coast 32 00 9 75 ll Helen Flewln and Donald A till Co. Ltd. Pat Robertson Hlckey, Fraction Fractional. Lot 170, n. S, Coast 20 00 8 73 E.W.Gillett OolconJa Fraction. Lot 174, It. B, Coast 17 80 9 75 Negotiations Regarding Moses B. Cotsworth Scotland for Ever Fractional. Lot 879, Css- n TORONTO, CANADA siar 13 73 3 75 Transpacific Line. Moses B. Cotsworth Portland. Lot 670, Casslar 67 80 3 73 nit (Hazier Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. ....... Lucky Boy. Lot 409, Casslar 39 00 2 75 11 11 The interview given by Captain Nicholson in regard to the nininr r rflt Mlnlnr Co. N. P. L. Last Chance. Lot 403, Casslar ....... 39 28 3 75 Nellie V. Lot 404, Casslar 30 78 II M loiailer Creek Mining Co. N. P. L 3 73 inauguration of a Pacific steamship line is very interesting. It is Olazler Creek Mining Co. N. P.L. lllvcrslde. Lot 40B, Casslar 39 00 175 II II i Dialler Creek Mining Co. N. I. L. Mlemac. Lot 410, Casslar 9 93 3 75 1171 an indication that company is alive to the situation and is leaving !GIarler Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. ....... Nellie Fraction. Lot 419, Casslar 1 80 3.75 IM 111 no stone unturned in the eilort to build up this port. It means TO SUBSCRIBERS jVaucouver-Portianu canai mines, liu., n,; kctchum. Lot 107B, Casslar 26 00 3 76 everything to them just as it means everything to the rest of the j. !Vancouver-Portland"p. l "canal Mines, Ltd., N.I!Stop and Ileal. Lot 1078, Casslar .... 16 00 2 76 Hll Subscribers to The Ncvs ... t .1 ,4 Uln.l I M . N.I IITI citizens, to have some real business doing here. I liucuurcci""'-p i.. ' v...." - - .,,,.OUalsaiaiac. av t, mil av r.t.l.r ....- 21 00 9 75 aio asked to pay the delivery 'International Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . . Mammoth. Lot 1488, Casslar .... 36 73 176 Hll It is quite possible that the present negotiations will not be boys each month International Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. U . . 'Ben Lomond. Lot 1437, Casslar .. 27 00 3 73 III i' N. P. L. . . 'Erie. Lot 1489, Casslar ........ 31 78 173 nil successful and that we shall not see the liners here before Christ when they call, except I International international Mining Mining Co.,Co., Ltd.,Ltd.. N. P. L. . . Algonquin. Lot 1490, Casslar ... 34 78 175 !ll)1111 mas. It is also possible and even probable that before very long where payment lias beer 'international International Mining Mining Co.,Co., Ltd.,Ltd., N.N. P.P.L.L..... 'Dundee.'Tecumseh.Lot Lot 1491,I49S,Casslar Casslar .... 37 29 00 23 176 175 Hit II N there will be more than one line of ships making this port its made for the year in advance. i'international international Mining Mining Co.,Co., Ltd.,Ltd., N.N. P.P. L.L. .. ,. Wantwortn.renetang. Lot Lot 1494,lva, Casslar cassiar ...... 39 39 00 00 175 175 4171 ITI headouarters on this side of the Pacific. A fast mail service be The boys when . John Hamilton Young . . lied lied Jacket.Fraction.Lot Lot 1991,1993,Casslar Casslar... bl 68 00 23 9 175 75 HM oHlcial receipts John Hamilton Young till collecting carry . . . . i r. lir.nn I rtt IOO0 Paljlf 68 00 3 73 tween Vladivostok and London would make great time this way, John Hamilton voung M.rr.V in always ...... 89 ...... which should i I.I l-an.it Mlnlno- f-f l.ltllflJO. Lot 873. 00 9 73 11:1 and the silk shipments from Japan and China would reach the be preserved. Portland(....Canal Ulnln.Mining.'.i Co. ................. (Lucky. .. .Seven..r .Lot A, nn 871.r.a.l..CassUr ... 13 16 00 00 3 1 75 75 Hll 11)1 market bv this route much ciuicker than by any other. Most of Drai ear Hlver vi Mining..iiii.nn Co New York. Lot 1488, Casslar 23 00 2 73 11 n BC4r "ver mining uo Chicago. Lot 98 Casslar ... 26 00 3 73 tin the transpacific liners almost pass our doors for they go within I nnrlnii 1 nt HR0. CaSSlar .. 26 00 3 73 1111 : 1 Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. . . . , Little Tearl Frsctlon. Lot 1384, Ctsslar 37 60 3 75 Hll sight of the Aleutian Islands. Portland canal Tunneis, liq., .t. i-. l . . . . Kootenay. Lot 1388, casslar 33 28 2 76 II H AVOID PNEUMONIA Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L Hilly. Lot 9984, Casslar .. 28 80 2 76 till Coal is naturally a difficult problem, but it must be remem ' Portland Canal Tunnels. Ltd., N. P. L Jane. Lot 99B8 a 31 23 2 75 till Portland Canal Tunneis, Ltd., N. P. L. .... Helen. Lot 39B6, Casslar 34 80 2 76 till bered that the liners that used to call at Portland often came During Convalescing Period. .Watson D. Noble, Edward Donahue, V. E. ll a..: . -..k. iXK across to Comox to get their coal, and Comox is farther from I Colllson trators of and the J. A.estate llobertson.or Donald admlnls-I A. " ..AnnaaAH Int.lt.t. ..... Moana. Lot 1670, Casslar 33 00 2 76 IUI Portland than it is from Prince Rupert. When convalescing frpm the flUn .3UII. UtV.JU .U.VB...V .....a. Huby. Lot 887, Casslar 91 00 276 IIJI Flu a powerful blood -maKlng una Hay Humble Harvey. Lot 87. cassiar ., 23 80 2 75 IUI Christmas Shopping tonic is an absolute necessity, and ttw.rt w. . Noble and BandoIler jm C4ltf 13 00 3 75 Ill) Has Commenced. one that is accepted by the most George; . "en ,;; 7. 1 B"'nv Lot s,eo' " ,13 i 00 2 76 11" Christmas shopping may now be said to be well under way, rtplinnlo nlnmach should be avail-.urp'nd-, 7 ." "..T. . No. S Frac. Fractional. Ixit tIJS. Casslar 80 2 76 III George Matheson. George Iludge and James aDle. i Thelma. Lot 1859. Casslar - 9"28 2 76 13 83 somewhat of n riobertson, Adm.. Etc The stores are already assuming a holiday appear KENNEDY'S TONIC PORT is the George Matheson, George Iludge and Jamesj ance, and by the end of this week buying should be in full swing. tonic. ana it, iiobertson, Adm., Etc .Black Bear. Lot 1SB3, oaasiar 13 00 9 76 IIII most efllCient general Ceorffe Matheson, George Iludge and James It -will' be well for shoppers to keep in touch with the advertising builder of body tissues you can'Jot)n. "oberwon. Adm., e,C; iK.ryoLol."::: 12 7 78 28 9 2 76 75 II IIII M pages of The Daily News, for this paper will have some interesting possibly use. u. u McMtom.ny ;;;:;:;:;:::;:;::;;::j0un5o:!: KJ ill! 12 13 00 00 2 9 76 76 II IUI H announcements to make on behalf of storekeepers. All the best It is a reliable Restorative and McMiSHiiny !. ! Missing Link. Lot ssi. casslar .... 8 23 3 73 II M 3 76 other medicines Portland can.. Mining Co.. ISn. ,44o8i.asrr 2 30 III of the merchants' names will be found in the list. is enjoyed when :::: 1 80 3 73 III 3 76 22 00 Hll (lisacrrcc. Portland canal Mining CO.. liq.. n. r. u. . iierueri. a n, -.a.... One piece of advice is always in order, and that is to shop Sadie. Lot 490. Casslar Ji to 3 73 II 11 dig DdcTons pnHsenmu it, M'lHi" iJ; :;!:; ; Harney. Lot 491, Casslar 21 00 3 75 IIII early. By the time Christmas week is here the goods will all 76 till Lot 498. Casslar 21 80 2 Mosquito. DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf Portland Canal Mining Co.. Ltd.. JJ.P.L.. have been culled over and the best gone. Also there will be such Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. . lilchard 9. Lot 490, Casslar T 7 00 3 76 111 at that time that it will be difficult to such attention Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., n.r.u. .... Melba. Lot 4 37, cassiar 30 73 3 76 Hll rush 76 IIII a secure 'Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. .... Mabel. Lot 99B7, Casslar 33 78 3 from the store clerks as is desirable. Advertise in the Daily News. 1 Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. , . . . Jennie. Lot 2983, Casslar 21 73 2 76 till Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. .... Oo-Between Frac Lot 29 89, Casslar 2 23 9 78 IM LAND ACT ' Cortland Canal Tunnels. Ltd., N. P. L (j lira. Lot 436, Casslar 34 80 9 76 IIII Just a Matter of Form No. 11. Joseph Perrault O.K. Fraction. Lot 2960, Casslar 10 00 3 75 II tl Relative il'ortland Canal Mining Co.. Ltd Gypsy. Lot 416, Casslar s 37 80 lilt Importance. d Extension. Lot 418, Casslsr 3 78 75 tit and Cana We are alwys hearing of the wonderful work done by the Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land.! or Mining Co.,E5" J ' ' Maynower. Lot 419. Casslar 18 00 9 76 tin IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND J !n g!n! " " Eclipse. Lot 430, Casslar 13 73 3 76 hi Canadians and the Australians in the war". In the later days the district; hecohdino DisTnicT of f C" Ll H2 Little Joe Frac. Lot 43 8, Casslar 8 23 2 76 1111 ' SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHOIIE jAr"h prn.i, 3 75 111 Wolverine Fraction. Lot 2961, CassUr... 3 80 American army has led in the matter of publicity. The Scotch OF. LAGOON INLET. MOIIESBY ISLANL; 'i0"",.1 V 1 " , Elgin. Lot 1481, Casslar .36 00 3 75 nn regiments and even the Welsh fusiliers have been to the fore, ABOUT ONE MILE FB.OM ITS MOUTH. Jjn' "'.". Boston. Lot 1489, Casslar 9 00 3 75 nw 1111 TAKE NOTICE that I, John M. MacMllIan, Belr llver Mining Co! Kensington Frac. Lot 1484, Casslar .... 8 80 3 76 but to judge from the Canadian newspaper reports England never of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation cannery- near Hlver Mining Co Paris. Lot 1483, Casslar 16 60 3 73 mi nn did anything. For that reason it is ,'ather refreshing to read in man, intenas to appiy tor permission 10 Elizabeth A. D. Hemlng , Annie Fractional. Lot 138, Q. C. I 24 60 3 3 73 75 11 lease tne ronowing aesrriDea lanas; Elizabeth A. D. ilemlng Blue well. Lot 133, Q. C. I 96 00 the latest issue of Saturday Night, a sirictly Canadian journal, that Commencing at a Dost planted on the uueen Charlotte Mining- k Pros. Co.. Ltd. Go East. Lot 1293. U. C. I 19 60 3 75 IDS 111 south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Is- Elizabeth A. D. Ilemlng Hawks Nest Fractional Lot 139, Q. C. I. 8 BO 3 73 IIII all the British casualties The Saturday 76 cent of were English. 33 30 9 76 per i.tu. Homeslake. Lot 1922, O C I ana, bdoui one mne irom m mouiu; uueen cnariotte Mining & rros. uo., Hll Night says: thence west SO chains: thence north 20 nuaheth A. D. Hemlng Lilly. Lot 137. Q C 1 .'36 00 9 76 Hll rhulna. thpnrn at 90 rhltlnH mnrA OF leia Fllvnhnth .A n llpnilnff Maud. LO 130, utii 91 00 376 England is at last beginning to realize that her morbid horror to low wattr mark at the beach; thence (jueen Charlotte Mining & Pros, Co., Ltd. No. 4. Lot 1 994, O C I 21'7B 3 373 76 IIII Hll southerly following low water mam to tne uenj. Jietcaire iiobu. uu m, v i Ji 60 1171 of brag has been a great help in the planting everywhere of the 3 76 point of commencement, containing 4 0 noble Lewis Held Lot 1971. O C I 81 00 till German lie that the people of the British Isles have made fewer acres more or less. Ikeda Mines, Ltd. . Hose. Lot 1871, Q C I 8 80 3 76 IIII JOHN McLAHTY MACMILLAN. Ikeda Mines, Ltd, . Violet. Lot 1872, V U I 7 80 2 75 lilt sacrifices than those of other Allied nations and of the other 9 76 parts DATE October tOtb. 1918. D.I8 Ikeda Mines, Ltd. . Buttercup. Lot 1877, 0 C I 11 23 111 Ikeda Mine, Ltd. . sun Flower Frac. Lot 1880, O C I ' 6 00 9 75 of the Empire. When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a bold and determined 73 9 75 ill lkcua HfineF-, Ltd. . Banana Fraction. Lot 1888, O C 1 lilt enemy of the Germans if ever there was one, visited the LAND REGISTRY ACT. Henry L. Beresrord Longfellow. Lot 2383, Q C I 1 63 00 3 76 not (Sections 36 and 134.) Edward Balllle llossland. Lot 690, u C I 61 38 9 75 J 71 Australian front the other he told the that 72 cent, day men per Edward Balllle Nelson. Lot 691, 0 (I I 68 00 9 75 It II of the whole British force come from England, and that 70 per Edward Balllle Victoria. Lot 692, Q CI 33 78 9 73 (til rte Application No. 9768-1 k 9771-1. Edward Balllle Toronto. Lot 693, Q C I 87 80 9 75 till cent, of the casualties were English. England's effort has become TAKE NOTICE that aDDllratlnn has oeen Edward Balllle Montreal. Lot 691, 0 CI 43 80 3 75 (III a matter of course. But grief and anxiety, loss of money made to register Nathan Louis Lando and'fw" Sfj!!! Capital.Ottawa. Lot Lot 696.698, O Q C C I I 81 63 28 00 3 275 75 mi 4771 and of home, whatever the war has brought, is borne bravely and Dora Schglnrnan as owners In fee under ,Edward Balllle . . Edmonton. Lot 697, 0 O I , 66 00 1 75 1771 two Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector or Edward Balllle . . Vancouver. Lot 698, (J C I 68 00 3 75 tl 10 silently. the City of Prince Tlupert, bearing dale Edward Balllle .. Winnipeg. Lot 699, 0 C I 88 78 9 75 1171 24tli Edward balllle . . Winnipeg Fraction. Lot 700, Q C I 80 00 1 73 49 7 Fishermen Misled the day of November, 1917, or ALL Edward Balllle .. Heglna Fraction. Lot 701, (J C I ........ 40 00 1 78 91 1 ' AND S1NOULAH that certain parceI or Edward Balllle . . Quebec Fraction. Lot 702, Q C I ....... 33 80 2 78 11 By .False Information. tract of land and premises situate, lying Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Orape. Lot 1893, 0 C I ,. 9 80 S 78 III) The absolute necessity of getting the correct information and being In the Municipality or the City Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Chrysanthemum. Lot 1869. (J CI ....... II 60 275 3 78 1100 Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Wlstorllla. Lot 94, 0 C I II 98 II before acting on it, is well illustrated in connection with a meeting f Prince nupert, more particularly known Ikeda Mines, Ltd. water Lily. Lot 93, O CI 13 00 1 76 76 '5 and described as Lot eleven (11), Block Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Tulip. Lot 1887r Q C I II 80 1 ton of the Salmon Fishermen's Union held yesterday. A map was twenty-five (95), Section seven (7), and Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Seashore. Lot 96, 0 C I 7 78 3 75 75 110 laid before them which was labelled incorrectly and action which Lot thirteen (13) Block thirty-five (3S), Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Camilla.Petunia. Lot Lot 1876, O C I 8 3 78 73 3 S 78 11 10 11 Ikeda Mines, Ltd. 1881, O CI 10 they took based on it makes the fishermen appear foolish in the Section eight (8), Map 923. You are re- Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Pine Fraction. Lot 96. O C I 7 80 1 76 IS 1100 qulred to .contest the claim or tbe tax 13 93 1 tin Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Oolden Uate. Lot '1892, Q C I ......... eyes of the public who know better. The proper information was nnpithtaii Ti'ltt-itit tt lair f nnm IVi rlata .Ilr1a. Minna I t1 Bamboo. Lot too, 0 C I 11 76 I 76 'J 1 u i bun jv t vi iiiiiti w us j a a t uui tuu via to ,..iivv u. 9 76 available, but there seems to have been a deliberate attempt to of the service of this notice (which may j""? M,!ne!' lA Apricot. Lot 1874, y C I 13 9 00 78 1 78 111 Cherry. Lot 1873, O C I 1"! deceive, or to say the least a gross carelessness which is inexcusable. be effected by publication In the Daily jkeda Mines,' Ltd! Maple. Lot 97. O C I 1278 3 78 78 11 00 News, and your attention Is called to sec- Wda Mines) Ltd! . Lotus. Lot 1867. O C I 10 23 3 78 in 1 Hon 36 of the "Land Degistry Act" with Ikeda Mines, Ltd I.arkspew. Lot 98, Q C I 6 96 2 78 10 it The Cow Bay affair is a very small one, and some of the amendments, and to the rollowlng extract Mints' " Morning Glory. Lot 1887. O C I 4 7 78 80 2 78 1110"J Ltd orange Fraction. Lot 1862, QUI actions of those "who have been trying to make capital out of it therefrom: jikeda Mines) Ltd! !!!!!!!! persimmon. Lot 1889, (J C I 11 78 2 78 78 'and In default of a caveat or certificate Ikeda Mines, Ltd II 80 2 II 00 i-rouy. l.oi 1005, uui are even more petty. It a pity that when someone tries to 2 78 seems of lis pendena being filed before tho regis- .Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Snowball. Lot I860, Q C I , 10 38 78 117J make improvements, there is always someone else ready to step tratlon as owner of the person entitled un- Moresby Island Mines, Ltd. Treasure Vault. Lot 2013, Q C I .... 11 00 3 2 78 der such lax sale, all persons so served llMu.a Mines, Ltd Ileitis Fraction Fractional. Lot 99. O C 1 7 50 ,00 in and try to block the scheme. with notice and those claiming Ikeda Mines, Ltd , Iris Fraction Fractional. Lot 1888. O C I 7 25 2 976 76 411 through or under them, and all persons Ikeda Mines, Ltd ,,,, iiasiuriiuiii, L,ui iodj, u I 1 ..'.-... I 78 2 78 " claiming any Interest In the land by virtue llkcda Mines, Ltd Pine Apple Frac. f ractional. Lot 1866. u ui 4 50 2 78 10 11 or any unregistered instrument, and all ikeda Mines, Ltd Cosmos Fraction Fractional. 'Lot 1870, QCI 7 50 2 78 "!! persons claiming any Interest In the land Ikeda Mines, Ltd Cockscomb. Lot 1875.. o c I 9 50 2 78 " ! by descent whose title Is not registered Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Begonia Fraction Fractional, Lot 1878, QCI 19 78 2 78 '!!! under the provisions or this Act, shall be jikeda Mines, Ltd , uenuan. loi i7V, q c i 9 78 8 76 for ever estopped and debarred from set- Keda Mines, Ltd , Marigold Fraction Fractional, Lot 1882, QCI 50 9 78 Warm Woollen Garments ting up any claim to or In respect of tho Ikeda Mines. Ltd Ferns Fraction.Fractional. Lot 1884, QCI 98 9 78 '! ami o goiu ior taxes, ana tne iiegistrsr Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Lilac 'Fraction 'Fractional. Lot 1886, QCI 80 9 78 in hall register the person entitled under meni mines, Liu. Thistle Fraction Fractional. Lot 1896, QCI 9 80 9 75 such tax sale as owner of the land so Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Blue Bell Frac.'Fractional. Lot 1963, QCI 1 00 2 75 oia ror taxes." James Corlett Moody. Lot 600, V CI 39 00 2 78 "IS' AND WHEREAS application has been James E. Corlett Copper Xing. Lot 601,6 CI 36 00 276 s made ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title James K. Corlett Ilobln. Lot 602, Q C I 18 78 2 78 for Infants and 3 78 Babies. James E. Corlett Wedge Fraction. Lot 603, QCI ,. 2 75 to the above-mentioned lands. In tbe name James E. Corlett Tassoo, Lot 604, QCI 19 00 2 76 or Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Scheln-man. James E. Corlett Lottie, Lot 608, Q C I 19 80 1 75 James K. Corlett Indian Iloy. Lot 606, Q CI ............ 9 00 2 76 James E. Corlett Edward. Lot CI 19 80 76 AND WHEREAS on 607, Q 9 Investigating the title 93 80 '.Mi James E. Corlett iua, i-ui quo, v i. 1 ' 9 75 t appears that prior to the 12th day or James E. Corlett , Ella.' Lot 609, Q CI ,(..,. 19 80 2 75 We have a splendid and complete variety to choose Jctober, 1916 (the date on which tbe said James E. Corlett . Copper Queen. Lot 610, Q C I ....... 11 6 98 00 2 76 11 ji lands were told for overdue taxes), James E. Corlett . UI1IUII LUI VII, y J I ...(... 9 76 ' !! from. Infant's Jacketi, Sweaters and Overalls, Gaiters, were the registered you James E. Corlett , Stars k Stripes. Lot 613, QCI 31 75 00 3 78 to owner thereof. 91 James E, Corlett . Clilckmunstone. Lot 613, Q C I 9 76 Bootees. Mitts, Woollen Shawls, Cashmere Hose, etc: FunniEn take notice mat it the James E. Corletr . Chlckmunstone Fraction. Lot 614, Q C 7 80 00 2 75 to 0 same time I shall effect registration In James E, Corlett . Warwick. Lot 616. Q C I 91 96 9 75 !! of such James E. Corlett . China Boy. Lot 616, Q C I ........... 17 9 76 We also have the famous Turnbull's Silk and Woollen pursuance application and Issue 28 50 James E. Corlett . Kroner dieaf. 1,0! 61 7. O C I ........ . 00 9 79 ! Vests and Bands from size 1 to 7, and Flannelettes for a certincate or Indefeasible Title to tbe James E. Corlett . ...,, ,.' heal, loi oiv, u i. i 39 76 3 78 i aid lands In the names of Nathan Louis James e. Corlett . Ena Fraction. Lot 620, Q C I 3 75 3 75 cribs and babies. We invite you to come and see. Lanao ana Dora schclnman unless you take James E. Corlett . Una Fraction, Lot 691, O C I 10 (0 3 76 i ; and prosecute the proper James E, Corlett . Ina Fraction. Lot 622, Q C 1 .. 16 80 3 75 proceedings to James E. Corlett ona Fraction. Lot 624, Q C 1 . 00 9 76 esisDinn your claim, if any, to the said William II. Burley , Orandvlew. Lot 23t. y u I .... 38 47 00 9 76 41 anas, or to prevent such proposed action William II. Burley Surprise. Lot 2380,.Q C I 39 00 3 76 on my part. William II. Hurley Damflne, Lot 9381, QCI ,. v ii n DATED at the Land John 8. McMlllen and The Pioneer Queen 13 00 3 75 JABOUR BROS., LTD. Registry Office. Charlotte Development To Ida. Lot S60I, QCI !! rlnce Rupert, B.C.. this 22nd i. r John S. McMlllen and The Pioneer Queen 13 00 2 75 August. 1918. Charlolto Maggie C. Lot 2602, QCI 9 7 "2 Development Co 18 00 Tub House of Good Values H. r. MACLEOD, James E, Corlett , . . . Marlon Fraction. Lot '633. Q C I -31 78 9 76 76 it i Morenny island Mines. Ltd Meal Ticket. Lot 9011, Q C I 15 7 3 825 Third Avenue West - Prince Rupert, B. C. To nobert IHIdebrandt.District rrlnce rtHlltr.r Rupert.nt Till..B. C ! Moresby Island Mines, Ltd Cash Box. Lot 3012, u u 1 WILFRID II. A?'mentWM Dated ot 14th day ....V...C. ujiut, ouue, Montana., Prince Rupert, n.G.,this Francis Calve, Prince Rupert. B. C 0t November, A, D. 1018, Deputy Assessor