25, 1018 Page 3 November THE DAILY NEW8 1 RECOGNIZES CAPT. WALKER'S BRAVE WORK Capt. Newcombe of.the Malasplna Says Skippers of Vessels that Went to Rescue Deserve Praise. TOOK LIVES IN OWN HANDS IN BIG STORM Men Did Not Hesitate When Asked to Proceed to Sea In Teeth I.'' 1 1 of Gale. it s mpDing soap on Let Music Brighten the your"I want paper through to make the public medium recognition of Blankets that shrinks and of the services rendered hv Lives of Your Children Captain Walters of the trawler O. E. Foster who went out in the Let them grow up in an atmosphere of good munc. face of a howling storm without stiffens them Let their appreciation of the beautiful things oflile be developed a moment's hesitation to try to How to wash blankets music. lend aid to the patrol steamer them Use tablespoon fuls of Lux to by good "And using ordinary soap to wash two a Galiann. He did thi9 Ihouch even of Dissolve in boiling gallon water, or Let them receive the indelible imprint of culture and refinement through the medium of good music. he rose practically from a sick That was the old way of washing, and it was lather,very hot then water,put whisk the. blankets into a in,thick and bed to do so. He deserves every ruinous for woollens. smooth stick. Let them While the minds arc open to receive such impressions, stir with a young credit fnr the imsplllsli manner in oak till the water has cooled enough and education with Wool fibre consists of overlapping scales musical,, higher, tiny thi-ir hands bear with comfort. fctg:n for the to which he undertook the task. In like the scales of a fish. When you rub or twist Then squeeze the suds through the doing so he took great risk and I woollens,when you use ordinary soaps contain-, blankets. Do not rub. EDISON think that nublic recognition ing alkali or other strong cleansing agents, these Rinse three.times in clear water of the should be made of his work." tiny scales shrink and interlock, and your tame temperature that you washed tho "The Phonograph uith a Sout" That was a statement made by woollens become stiff, matted and shrunken., blankets in. Dissolve a little Lux in the last rinsing crater, but.do not beat Capt. H. Ncwcomb of the sister With Lux there's no rubbing. Only touting; in the rich, into a lather. This leaves the blankets This wonderful instrument brings the world of music into your patrol steamer Malaspina which pure lather, and gently pressing the suds through the softer and fluffier. Do home ; re-created by the world's greatest artists. No matter where is now in port to a representative aoiled part. Lux comes in delicate flakes, which dis-aolre not twist. Put through instantly in hot water and whisk into a wonder live, children can have the same musical advantages as of The News. up a loose wringer, or you your ful lather. Lux is to pure, that it won't shrink even the the water though living in the great cities during the height ot the musical season. Contain Newcombe went on to delicate wool fibres. squeeze out. Dry in the The New Edison doel not merely imitate. It re-creates. No sav that hn included in his recog Wash your blankets this year the Lux way I Have them hade. human ear can distinguish artist from phonograph. The famous Edison nition the captains of the three like new again. Your grocer or department store has Lux. tone tests have proved this, not once, but more than 1 500 times. steam whalers and also the skip-ner Start the Children's musical education to-day, by bringing them of the tuer Tatooshall of l... l-mncr ii nliv a uroeramofcharmine music that will beat ,.r. whom went at once and took LU tii LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED . .... risks, cruising close to the cnjoyauic lor yuu it f"-. - tJ great TORONTO j rocky coast and throwing rockets 65 in order that, if possible, communication f Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince Rupert, B.C. might be made with possible survivors of the lost steamer. The captain said that many people did not realize just FISHERMEN MEET what this meant. The captains and crew of these boats took their ncorrect Information Leads the 0,1ice-U Smith Block P.O. Box 772 lives in their hands and great Phone 13, Union to TaVe Action Will credit was due them for the Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. prompt nesnonded.manner in which they had Meet Tonight.City Council STOPS THE PAIN AND ACTS QUICKLY Rheumatism,lumboiro. nenpilma. tprMns.toe back, toothache, nr-ach The Malasnina has for the past soretbrewt. roillOT loM"-- ill ilmHar trouble; are juicMy the Trades relieved by Hirst s vlu Eiterminnior. n uas occn oiu im w Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors week or more been cruising in tne At tho meeting of and ulunltl be In evfnrhoorliil1-hii hundred nes neighborhood of where the vessel and Labor Council last week a a yiu neuters or ivrne as " - Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete was supposed to have been lost, committee composed of J. H. Plant Installations that is in latitude 52.11 noun ana and Meagher, V II. Montgomery J30.30 west. No sign of wreckage Northern B.C. Representatives or anything to indicate that there Bob Ilanna waited on the council Canadian Westinghouse. SSSSTSSt had been a wreck was to be seen nnd tried to nersuade them to dis BANK 0F-M0NTREAL CO., Hamilton Lamps, &c. The weather had not been bad but approve the Government scheme the cruise had been fruitless. for improvement of the uow my Goodyear Tire & Rubber" Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose The Malasnina officers and crew frnnincTR. The members refused Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting- are particularly interested in'the to be stampeded and decided to Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. fate of the sister ship, for eigni take no action without ruwer information Bank of Montreal announces that dating CO., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. members of the crew of the Mai and consideration. It THE Saturday, October 12th, the offices of aspina wero on the Galianp atithe was decided that the Trades and the Bank of British North America will be Domestic Engineering "Delco" Light Products lost. When the Labor Council would pledge itself olted E,ectr,c PIants time she was operated as Branches of the Bank of Montreal. Co., Dayton fialiano was in Esquimau just to support tho llshermen.s com-hined Pelton Water Wheel CO. Water Wheel and before sailing on the fateful organizations and to offer To the customers of that Bank we extend a San Francisco - U-Jraul,c Apparatus nrniae. eieht of the men had been any support they could give in cordial invitation to continue their accounts with put ashore.....suffering with in- assisting to bring aooui a solution and that their business, whether it us an assurance Pacific Coast Co. a 1 in Pipe Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc. iluenza and eight from tne iuai of the waterfrjont question "care and best will receive be large or small, our Vancouver aspina had taken their) places. the best interest or tne nsnermen Dodge Manufacturing Trans and the fishing industry. attention. CO., Toronto Hangers, etc. n r. P. WILL CARE FOR Yesterday the Salmon Fishermen FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TAYLOR,, STEWART BUSINESS SOqiY met and .decided to meet the Qtntral Managm A line of Westinghouso Motors, Lamps and other Electrical City Council tonight to protest Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock f.nnlnin Nicholson of the Grand against the improvements which Trunk Pacific Steamships, stated the Provincial Government is to a Daily News representative nhnut to make. This protest is sntnril.iv that they were prepar based on some old labels' which ing to tako care of the Stewart tvr nlnnnd on the original plans P.O. Box 1704 business. Just now mere was which was drawn ry the engineer; 1 J - Phone 37 1 1 1 1 a rlnincr there, and there would to cover the whole scnemo anu uu not be much stirring until,spring. nnl. nl. nresent aDDly. This was 1 Class Printing For Comfort, Courtesy and Service In tho meantime they wouia oe known to some of the members of them a service that ih Snlmnn Fishermen s Union, go to able to give ,.miiii nnswer ail purposes. but the false information was put TjAVYJHOTEL tiio lainnHs service will remain bcfor.o tho members 01 tne union until the end of the and their opposition to the plan as at present The Daily News Print Shop 'is equipped to do the F. T, BOWNESS, Mngr year when changes win no muu. secured. Fifth and Frascr St., Prince Rupert, B.C. tc vviinY those changes will be Tf ia understood that the Salmon finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable is rather too soon to stato aen- Fishermen will lay before tho Home Running Hot nd Cold Water nitely. r.Hv Council tonicht some of the prices. No job is too small to receive careful Cooking needs of tho fishermen in regard UNION REPUBLIC to waterfront. attention and none too big for the shop to handle; A ,.clorl.iin Nov. 23. In llandsomo framed pastels and to the Saxon people water colored paintings at Tito's proclamation of Saxony, iiicr Xmas Disnlay. tf . IIUSINKSS AXW SOCIAL GAUDS (lio new Government telegram from KNVELOl'ES NOTIMIEADS AND Dresden, declares it is striving Oueen Charlotte Islander can for the abolition of the old federal not do bettor than mail tireir DISPLAY POSTERS AND DODGERS needs to The News Print constitution and for the printing Flour nn inn nf the Saxon and German Shop and get the -woric none IJOOKL1CTS AND FOLDERS Royal Standard peoples in a republic to include romptly and well. CIRCULARS AND POSTAL NOTICES German Austria. ACT. isJn.a MINERAL FLOUR As a war flour, ROYAL STANDARD FRATERNAL SOCIETY WORK class by itself, Richer in gluten, it is easier to liana e, Board of School Trustees' CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. "quicker uniform results; an d wm e.ihaiiiuto Teachers Wanted. .RECEIPT ROOKS AND CHECKS rising"; producing NOTICE. will remedy ..... ivIoViinc In have their Flour situate Wg "oven-spring." Royal Standard AUJUilP er Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, the best possible name placed on the suusuvuie In the Skeena Mining Dlvlalon ot Casalar many of your baking troubles-making 1 Mm lipinon nimnrl. Public- District. Whore located: At the head ot bae for substitutes. list ui - Alice Arm In tho Skeena Mining Division. use with School teacning. siau win juhuij TAKE NOTICE that I, J. E. Stark, owner News Print 1 r 1 11 r The Daily Shop notify ine ouurumry, 1 . v, mu or the above claim. Free Miner's Certlncate .275 No. Hi 71. Intend, ilitv dayi from the Grain 1550. Vancouver Milling & date hereof, to apply to the Mining He ' corder. for a Certlncate ot Improvements, Third Ave.,Prince Rupert Good assortment of pipes at Crown CO., LIMITED for" the nurDOBe of obtaining a Standard Flour Gil's. Grant of the above claim. Millers of the Famous "Royal And rurther take notice that action, un Millers License 130 Wholesale License !2-t Easy chairs ,and rockers tho der fore section the. Issuance 85, must of be such commenced certlncate be of Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to .2043 substantial gift, at Tito's Special Improvements. Vmas Prices. t Dated this ttb day of July, A, D, 1818