THE DAILY NEWS. r 25. 1918. . 4 4 MWM sm urtr I MANY USES FOR THE S ECBET Local News Notes j Yokohama Fire Insurance Chops THE AIRPLANE WING Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher. Restaurant! Winter is approaching. Tho Whito Lunch has been re This means that tho is increasing nre rk lies in cpendlnc: to opened for business. OPPOSITE EMPRESS HOTEL to throSgh ilrcs Harry A. Farr Says Will Ugc setting the most for jour k T hotter Lieut. the Money? is what you do and in your That Is why K. F. Duby sailed last evening Will be opened in your stoves Soon Fly Between England buy Zam-Buk, and that on Celebration neighbors' stoves. Buildings C Buk Is the choice of the ood On a V1SU IO IUUKUUIWI Da Canada. older, many have and careful buyer getting and are housekeeper settled; more or less on their; "When you buy Zam-Buk you get 11. H. Shockley left tho city Wednesday, November 27th, foundations. In somo That the aeroplano lias conio to 100 medicine-opt 5 medicine this has caused tho balance up." as In last evening ror vancouvci. chimneys to crack and become stay is tho opinion of Lieut. Harry Ordinary ointments. This explains dangerous wheir jUn-'er a. Knrr. one of the original ilyers v,hy Zam-Buk goes so much far-ther D. II. Morrison loft the city last ilrcs are lit. it in the Canadian corps, who has than ordinary ointments and evening on a trip to victoria. Mail orders received now not bo well to protect yourself insuring just returned to tho coast. He vhy the results are jo much better.Uni Fuller's Grocery, phono 45. now against loss by ie soothing. Brass Smok Zam-Buk property? says: It ends pain, destroys Drass Jardiniers, mere are no Smolits your to end antiseptic Brass Fern Pots at 432nd Cadet will in "Tho airplane has come all germs la a, sore or wound ing Sets and The Corps We Write Flro Insurance. stayl With the cossation of hos -thus preyentlng any danger of Tiles. t meet on Monday ovening in tho Germany, HEUQERSON, LTD. tilities and the looked-for slack blood-poisoning and Bordon St. School at 7 o'clock by , H. G. ening off in the manufacture 01 skin betww It purine,cure Is and permanent heals C. A. Couture, wife and family onder of J. C. Brady, Instructor. wnrnlnnns. manufacturers are only the surface skin, but lso returned yesterday from Get your parcel not that there Chief Vickers and tho Fire Chief ft fnrmulntinsr Dlans for tne com- the underlying tissues,so Anyox. Tobacco of the disease all tho tar for the mprHnl side of aviation. That Is no possibility are busv collecting breaking out again. S. T. Lewis of Port Clements barrels and packing cases, and this industry will develop into exclusively Grocery Specia's Zam-Buk is composed nrMvpil in town yesterday from 'Soldier extracts, other combustibles it Is possible something akin to the automobile of vegetable oils end herbal Boys animal tho Islands. bonflro to bo industry in the next few years with absolutely no to get., for tho big FOR who interested finan fat or poisonous mlnersl drugs, lighted on Wednesday. on uiuir marcn to Berlin iliosfl are only Irritate the parts they n. Lindau of the Lutheran made cially and from a labor stand Tre to heal. It can. therefore, up at the Intended last evening Monday, Tuesday, most wiKln Church, left the city Harry C. Evans will tuno your used on the have no qoudi. be point ekln and Is the best balm for baby. for Seattle. piano. Phono 122 to Bulger's Prince RunPYt Thursday Only A Modest Start. It Is also best for eczema, ewellery Store, Third Avenue, or "No other development in tho ringworm, bolls, pimples, ulcers, E. F. Halliday was among the leave orders with 0. w. Tectzcl, Peas, 6 cans for ... history of the world has shown ebscesses. blood poisoning and passengers sailing last evening Cigar Store Tomatoes, largo can, each u All dealers or Zam-Buk Co.. Singer Shop, Second Avenue. & rumpkin, larg-e can. each .... so such remarkable results as tne plies. 3 for 1.25. for Vancouver. box, Pink Salmon, per can ; of aeronautics in the past Toronto. 60c. science Oolden West soap, 6-bar pks 8 Tito's Annual Xmas drawings Billiard Pearllne, small pkff, 3 for 85 ten years. When tho Wright Ylco, W. Wilson of' Haysport, Parlor Pearllne, large pkg., each . . It nrrivod in the city by last even For every $2.00 Cash Purchase first built their successful ..... White Knight soap, 3 for brothers Mi-ink gives you chance for Brass Bed, THIRD AVENUE Ivory soap, 4 for airplane, the motor, a four-cylinder ing's train. 5 for ........ Sectional Book Case Goblin Soap, - value $30.00; Clark's Tomatoes-egetable, of their own design, only Best Billiard Hall In etc:, Soup. S cans ror .... ... Mrs. A. H. Anderson vas among value $42.60, and large Baby Doll, Marmalade, 1-ID. Jar develoDcd about 25 h.p. sailing last even value S6.E0. Soe window for dls- To wn. ..... S3 tho' each passengers Itomlny, large can, .... . "Todav we have engines of 750 Salad dressing, pts, each Dlav. tf Malkln's Best Tea, reg 70c per , h.p. Two, and sometimes three ing for Vancouver.. lb oil gers, naa oniy lour, iu ui wuum Bulk tea, reg 65c per lb ..... j0 of theso 'powerful motors anj in be Princess had never been in an airplane The C. P. H. steamer 75c 60 Hulk tea best Ceylon, reg stalled in tho huge weight-carry Fresh ground coffee, 3 lbs- for 1.00 fore. They enjoyed themselve Mary called, here yesterday south Mixed fruit Jam, 4-lb con . .. 60 ing airplanes, capable of lifting pure Jam, l-lb. can l.JJ immensely, and were not the least bound from Skagway. nearly four tons. It was a reve PRESENTS 35 LUMBE Crlsco, l-lb. can bit scared. Airplanes of this type, Crlsco, 3-lb. can 1.05, built and flew lation to me. who Point Ellice arrived Trie tug Crlsco, 6-Ib. can 2 10 carrying two pilots and a large Crlsco, 9-lb. can 76 machines before the outbreak of with barge of lumber I yesterday a brand quantity of gasoline, will, predict, Peanut nutter, Squirrel in built, per lb 30 war. to make a flight lasting over make the flight between for the Imperial Munitions Board Agents for fcr Soldiers Ginger Ale, per bottle 20 half an hour over tho heart of Jazz Cocktail, per bottle 75 Canada and England by next sum Lumber Co. pepp, per bottle 75 New York recently. Tho machine of this A. Allett was among the pass- Prince Rupert Machines capable Liberty Wine, or all kinds, bot. 75 ' mer. botlte.. 60 a "CaDroni three-motored and both engens sailing last evening by the and Hose's Lime Juice,' per flight have been built by Apple Cider, per bottle .....i SS nearly a hundred-foot span, ban "Prince Rupert." Mr. Allett will Mince Meat finest quality, bulk England and Italy. Hastings Saw Wills Fountain Pens 3 lbs. for H died like a Packard car, although Value In Industry. visit Seattle. Lilac Hose soap, 3 for 25 gale tho Wrist Watches it blowing a over was 5 rolls ror 25 of largo Toilet paper, "For the patrolling Prunes. 60-60 per lb. ... city and the machine flying lower Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mahood ar COAL Radiolite Wrist 6 of valuable timber, land, for lb.... per areas Apricots, Kvaporated Parrot Metal polish, reg 20c 2 than the too of tho WOolworth and photographic rived in the city yesterday from Watch ror -25 Building. The machine, though exploration Steward. Another Stewart visitor Agents for Empress or Nabob baking powder a moderate sized machine Case3 l-lb. can . ,. t, 20 capable of carrying ten passen surveys, is B. Lawrence. Nanalmo Wellington Coal Cigarette Rootbeer Extract, per bottle .. 25 capable of makjng a four-hour and Cutters nice, 60-lb. sack 5 25 equipped with a wireless- V Cigar flight, of tho G. Carrots 7 lbs for 25c, uer sack 2.50 A special meeting Yellowhoad Coal Oellett's Lye, per can 20 10 THE DAILY NEWS sending set, and a photographic V.A. will be held tonight at 7:30 Match Safes Ulue,Blue, per lleckett's bottle or Ocean, pkg. 05 outfit, could cover a large area of All members requested to attend Military Rings and Classified : Advertising our valuable timber lands. Tho J. F. HUTCHINSON, Secretary Complete lino of Leather Photograph FIFTH AVeNUTGROCERY area could be plotted on the map, CUILDING MATERIALS Holders Phone 98 and each square designated, like Miss Kathleen Grant was among Phones 123 and 55 an artillery map. A forest fire, the passengers on the Prince Ilu ieflaferilLld. BUY THEM FROM Thia it the AdvertU'ng Column U at once detected, could bo reached pert sailing last evening for Van MUSSALLEM & CO. peopla read whei they want anything quickly by airplane, the location coilver. She will rosume nor Wharf. Offlc, Phn ,864 -Offct BULGER The I L1MITI D It bungs reiultt sent by wireless to the lire rang studies at the University of B. C Stcond Anu, Phona 11fl Correct and DependiMe ers, who, knowing the locality of on' its. reopening after tho influ EMPLOYMENT WANTED tho Are. could rush all available enfca epidemic. . . . 1 help there without loss of time ,.i..,iiini.llinl1 rrn m OLD CAMP COOK wants Job stationary well .worthy of fair tr;ial W. T. Kergin received ; M. M. STEPHENS cooking- Apply Edwin Siiiitn, General It is a Dr. Delivery. The investigation by the Commission telegram this morning Mrs ! NOTARY PUBLIC WANTED, on B. C. Forest Resources Kergin to say that her mother The P. B. Feed Go. Hotel Hyder has just brought to light the fact Mrs. Stevenson, died on Saturday WANTED Housemaid, wages 135 month that approximately 605,000,000, at the age of 90. Mrs. Kergin lias Portland Canal, B.C. Either Cash or with board and room. Apply 10 matron, 000 feet, board measure, has been been visitinc her mother at her Have jot In a New Seasons P. It. Gen. Hospital. tr Supply of Bonds lost in this province through forest home near Ottawa all alitumn. M. It. JAMIES0N, Proprietor Victory WANTED Woman to do scrubbing. Apply fires, which can be attributed Bulbs, Hyacinths, to matron, l". it. oen. Hospital u and term will buy two tplandld largely to public carelessness. The Provincial Assessor's office Daffodils, Tulips, Gateway lo the amom 23m Afi" 4-roomed houm with bathi on a WANTED First Class Cooper. Addres3 The cost for; protection by air was a busy place this morning splendid lot, nr Seal Cove. Easter Lilies Vt I. nux 15. Crocus, planes, while probably costing the occasion being the sale of pro Busineii Price Only $1,600 WANTED Reliable woman or girl for slightly more, iwould, I believe, be vincial lands for; unpaid taxes Now Open for hou rework. I'lionc Blue 511. It with liberal dlacount for all cash. fully justified by the results ob The auctioneer was Mr. Bellamy Make the Home Beautiful .,www- ww w wwwwv Thesa houses are plasUred, hava WANTED Woman Cook Apply Inlander tained." deputy asessor, in the absence of Have Some Winter Blooms ! electric light and art very comfortable Hoarding Itouse. C. YV. Homer. For certain lots aa well aa convenient to WANTED Furnished room with use cf II. M. Thomson of the Fish there was quite spirited bidding. Indoors and Outside Hotel Prince jcpert tho Industrial end of the City. 20 ! not too much to tipect on piano. Private family. Central. Apply Oil and Products Co., returned and for these good prices were this Investment. Vou cannot afford Uox 170 Dally News office. to Vancouver by tho Prince Ilu realized. 908 Third Avenue to pay rent when you have an opportunity WANTED Girl for house work immediate pert last evening, after a shor.t Phone 58 P.O. Box 333 EUROPEAN PLAN like thlecne. ly. High wa'jes. Apply at office of Peck, visit here. Mr. and Mrs. O. Bernhoft, late $1.50 day and up. Moore & Co., or telephone 130. If per of Prince Rupert, were on the M. M. Stephens WANTED'to buy old postage stamps col G. Chambers, who has been "Princess Mary" on her arrival FIRST-CLASS CAFE REAL E8TATE IN8URANCE lections, also current Issues in quantities, spending the summer at the Naas hero-yesterday. Mrs. Bernhoft FINANCIAL AGENT Uox tea, Itiver canneries, arrived in town and family went straight south to mm A La Carte. 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 FOR SALE yesterday, and left again this Seattle. Mr. Bernhoft was th morning for Toronto. representative of the National FOR SALE) The llshlng launch Karta Is for Independent Fisheries Co. here, FOB HOLIDAY CURDS sale and can uo inspected at swanson a Sickness and -Accident Float. Offers C. C, In Perry,writing Indian to Agent.the undersigned. 878 arid Ketchikan latterly for has his been company.stationed at M BANKER St. James Hotel Suggestions for Xmas 1 ATE "QUEEN I 44 by Si, for 1 Foil SALE Berkmeycr Tarp, ROOMS Insurance rooming house, also conee urn tor saie Window Decorations CLASS Princo -FIRST cheap - Aply Empress Hotel, A. Cum-mlngs. Tho G. T. P. steamer John arrived in portf. yesterday Have your HotJlJV. We represent the Dominion FOIl SALE No. 4 Portable Hubbard Oven, from Massct Inlet and left again Permanent Signs 50o ptr of Canada Guarantee almost new. Apply La casse uanery. early this morning for the south P.O. Box 413, Prince Hupert. If NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. done over during the winter--ratcs and Accident Co., Islands and Vancouver. She reasonable Fon SALE Dining-room suite, fumed more brought about 140 logcrs and which writes a special quarter oak; Wlltou carpet voyixj oik COW BAT LAUNCH HARBOR I Guarantee to Please You Belmont Rooms rocker; small table,, quarter oak, good (Protection Work.) others from Graham Island points policy oovering indemnity as new Appiy auv inira Ave. SEALED TENDERS, superscribed "Ten Under N.w Mansg the order to logs der for Cow Bay Launch Harbor Protection stop falling C. W. CALHOUN against all Sickness FOR SALE Pony Express. tf Work," will be received by the Honorable having set a number of men free, Well f urnl.hd a.d oniT.cjn. Accidents. the Minister of Public Works up to 12 925 Third Avenue, Prince Hupert ana FOP. SALE Old newspapers In bundles, per o'clock Tuesday, the 10th day of Decern, Tho steamer, also brought 2,000 The annual cost is ber, IBIS, for the building and completing cae6a of salmon from Naden Harbor J. P. A lll very hundred 20c. news omce. of dolphins and floats at Cow Bay, Prince Autos Painted low. Hupert Harbor, In the Prince Hupert Electoral for Vancouver, : FOR SALE House and lot IS, blk 2 J, Sec. District. wV""'" 6 7 rooms, price 12,000, Cash l,?oo, plans, specifications, contract and forms House of tender may be seen on and arter the Herman II. Hill of tho United ! Boarding balance on easy terms, i, Uyman, 215 Pioneer Gibbons 26th day of November, 1018, at the office McCaffery, 7lli Ave., W. tf or A. L. Carrutlicrs, Dlctrlct Engineer, States Customs Department here, Sunday s Sermon spoill . CLOSE 1U'5BT D". I Prince Hupert, B. C, omce or District Engineer, Hot I LOST Court House, Vancouver, B. C, and has received intimation t'hat ho is 5 & Doyle, Ltd. Department By application or Public to the Works,undersigned,Victoria,con B.C. to bo transferred from Princo Rupert by Coughing I'lIONK r." LOST Daby'a woollen knitted vest on tractors may obtain s copy or the plans to San FVancisco at the end ' A dose of Msthfeu's Syrup 1 Friday night between Fourth and Bixth and for the of specifications sum ten dol- Insurance - Real Estate Avenues along McDrjde, Finder please lars (110.00) or a marked cheque, which i ' lnls month. Mrs. Hill left yes I ofTsrsndCodUverOiltakeu V return to News onico. 270 will bo refunded on their return in good terday on a visiL to Seattle and 'I 1 beforelfavingforchurchwilt J order check that service spoiling Prince Rupert,"B. C. LOST Bunch of keys between the post Each proposal must bo accompanied by Spokano, and will not return. Mr. i i t cough, T Phono 93 office and cor. Sth and 2nd Ave. neturn an accepted bank cheque on s chartered Office: Newj Office. tf bank of Canada, made payable to the Honorable Hill's successor is Frank R, I I This preparation acts ss a (7 and 2nd St. Ave. the Minister or Public Works, ror Havens, of Seattle, who is expected tonic as well as a courIi cure 3rd MISCELLANEOUS a which sum Bball fqual be to 20 forfeited(per If rent.)the party or tender,tendering to arrive hero" on Saturday. 0 add its use soon enables the decline to enter Into contract when 1 system to throw oil all signs DENTISTRY ESTATE OF LATE HAIIHY SWANSON. IN called upon to do so, or If he fall to complete Both Mr, and Mrs, Hill during 2) of cold, PajCaria WAN of Port Simpson Persons having tho work contracted for. The cheque thclrj slay in Prince Rupert for J Keep it In the house or unsurcessrul tenderers Claims against or iieuig inaeotea to we will be returned above i-stale are requested to communl to them upon tho execution or the contract, tho last two or three years have 2 Urge bottle 35c at all dealers. Tearnin? OFFICE HOimSt rate with C. C. rrry, Indian Agent, Tenders will not be considered unless wide General V a.m. to 12 ItSO p.m. to B18O p.m. rrlnce Hupert, without delay. , 278 made out on the forms supplied, signed a circle of friends who will T It UfATIIIFII CO- PrOP, with the actual signature of the tenderer, miss them on their departuro and Hherbrookc, CQ Si?"A DR. J. 8. BROWN and enclosed In the envelopes furnished - - PRINCE RUPERT MUSICAL SOCIETY &aie Mr. Hill is ....Wl,yW'r'' Furniture, DENTIST The lowest or any tender not necessarily receiving congratulations iuhti iumI iliiiW mr. JiW-U ;Baggae Office 1 Smith Block, Third Avenue. THEME WILL BE A P.EHEAP.SAL ON MON-0v accepted, A. E. FOREMAN, on his promotion. ioA-I HlrvP. W Bom VI I'I1"" Moving". Phone 454. nlrht next. November 29th. at 8 (Public Works tD,r,Dee, Ml o'clock. A good attendance will be Public Works Department, looked for, C, C, Perry, Sccretsr) 17& Victoria, B.C., November J$th, 1818. Chopped suet, Atkins, butcher. ft..-..---"--