WANTED . Rigging men for logging w Camp CITY COUNCIL I Winter is approaching. Apply Quality the fire r?sk This means that Williams & Manson to vour property is increasing through the hotter fires Committee appointed to Walt on in your stoves and in your . Government Engineer to Discuss neighbors' stoves. Buildings are getting older, many have Uses to Which Floats settled more or less on their, THE GIRL BOXER Would Be Put. This is the word foundations. In some Instances you instinctively use when this has caused the you The latest hobby for the "city come chimneys dangerous to crack when and vin-er be miss" in London is boxing. The WHOLE PROJECT WILL see "JAEGER" Pure Wool Garments. fires are lit. Would it ideav which came from the land- not bo well to protect yourself girls, is rapidly gaining in popu AGAIN BE DISCUSSED now against loss by insuring larity, and at one London class They are hard to obtain your properly? alone two hundred "lightweights" Sunlight Opinion Expressed That Alder-manlc these days but we have We Write Fire Insurance. are lcaijning the noble art of self-defense. Board Should Evolve fortunately secured a shin H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Soap Plan For of Waterfront.Improvement mentjof Ladies' "Jaeger" FISH ARRIVALS Vests, Ladies' Combinat-ions Saves Them On a motion from Alderman short sleeve, The Constance arrived last hlayor McClymont and 10W' Your woollens must be made to pybhavn, neck, knee length. with lbs. of hali Ladies' evening 40,000 Alderman Casey were appointed Grocery Specia's last as long as possible it's but. The catch was sold this war' time duty. Sunlight Soap to act jointly with a committee of Wool Taffeta Waists. morning for 10c. is the purest anil best of all the fishermen to wait on the Pro FOR 'anndry soaps so it's the safest THE VESTS SELL cleanser and its th most economical vincial Government Engineer to AT Monday, Tuesday, BIRTH because, being pure, it discuss with him the uses to Horn at the General Hospital, takes less to do the wash than which the new docks at Cow Bay $5.00 Thursday Only l'i:ince Ilupert, November 26, a I common soaps. am to be put. This was the out P7!ftt tin daughter to Mrs. Herbert S. Wood. Grocers c.'tvays tell Sunliht. come of a long and at times rather THE COMBINATIONS at c Teas, C tans ror ........ .1.60 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. discursive discussion which took Tomatoes, large can, each ,. so IS rumpKin, large can, eacn .... Flags, Horns, Bunting every Tiiiato. Oct. 12 place at a meeting of a committee $8.50 i Oolden Pink Salmon,West per soap,can 6-bar.....pkg thing with which to decorate, at of the whole City Council with a Pearllne, small pkg, 3 ror..,. McRae Bros. it fishermen delegation of following AND. THE WAISTS I'earltne, large pkg., eactt . . . AT If White knight soap, 3 ror .... the regular Council meeting last Ivory soap, 1 for The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Q. night $8.50 Qoblln soap, 5 ror Clark's Tomatoes-Vegetable, W.V.A. will hold a tag day Wednesday, Local News Notes It was also announced that the etc., Soup,i 2 cans ror........ SB SB November 27th, to collect Council would again take up the Marmalade, -lb. jar An has llomlny, large can, each SB funds for a Xmas tree for the whole Cow Bay question and see express shipment arrived of the latest Salad Malkln's dressing,Best Tea,pts,reg each 70c. ....per 40 children of our soldiers. Let us Chopped suet, Atkins, butcher. if it might not be possible to work novelties in Ladies' Neckwear. They come in silks . .... 60 Bulk lb tea, reg 65c per lb BO all do our best to make the kiddles Thf Whifn l.unp.h lins linnn n out a plan which would be accept satins, georgettes and crepe de chines and are" Bulk tea best Ceylon, -reg 75c 00 happy. Fresh ground coffee; J lbs. ror 1.00; 276'opene d for business. able to the Provincial Government beautifully trimmed with fillet lace and beads. Mlied rrult Jam, 4-lb can ... 60 and of benefit to all concerned Crlsco,Pure Jam,i-lb.4-lb.can can........... 1.0S 35 THE DAILY NEWS Sleighs for; Boys, Girls and There was a good deal of ancient Prices range from 75c. to $3.50. Crlsco,Crlsco, 6-lb.3-lb. can can ....... S 1.05 10 Babies at McRae Bros. 278 history raked up during the Crlsco, 0-lb. can 2 75 Classified Advertising discussion and the attitude of Peanut Butter, Squirrel brand : In bulk, per lb 30 Brass Jardiniers, Brass Smok- The News came in for some crili Ginger lazz Cocktail,Ale, per per bottle bottle ...... 20 7S Phone 93 ing Sets and Brass Fern Pots at cism, it being shown that the only H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Prpp, per bottle 75 Tites. tf information the fishermen had Liberty Wine, or all kinds, bot. 7B Hose's Lime Juice, per botlte,. 60 Thii is the AdverUVng Column that was what was given them by the Apple Cider, per bottle ...... SB There was nothing for the N. B. Full line of instruction books for knitting, crotchetting er.d people read vrhea they want anything engineer, and it went to snow that Mince Meat nnest quality, bulk Magistrate to do this morning hi,ir...nQ . -r,nn,ri tatting, 35c. each. 2 lbs. ror 35 It brings results Lilac Hose soap, 3 ror ...... S5 ' again at the police court. The that the Toilet paper, B rolls ror SB plans plainly showed Prunes. 50-00 per lb. 20 EMPLOYMENT WANTED new floats were to be used for Evaporated Apricots, per lb.,,. 2B Books, Toys, Dolls, Xmas Cards Parrot Metal polish, rcg SOc 3',' private leases, for government , ar0 being and ror ;.. 25 old camp cook wants Job Mationarv speedily unpacked launches and for launches. private Empress or Nabob baking powder cooking Apply Edwin Smith, General piaceu on display at JMCltae uros, 1-lb. can 20 Delivery While it may not have been the Rootbeer Extract, per bottle . . SB nice, BO-lb. sack ........... B 25 The Anglican Church Women's intention to use the floats for Carrot 7 lbs ror 25c. uer sack 2.50 WANTED. PRESENTS LUMBER Gellett's Lye, per can ....... to Auxiliary will hold their annual those purposes the plans indi Blue,Blue, per Ileckett's bottle or Ocean, pkg. 05 20 OEiNEHAL SERVANT WANTED Apply Mrs. sale of work on Wednesday, De caied it and the engineer stood by F. Mcl3. Young, Fourth" Avenue. S81 cember 18, it his plans. W. H, Montgomery, C. Edwards for Soldiers Agents for FIFTH AVENUE GROCERY BARMAID WANTED FOR ST. JAMES HOTEL A formal resolution was passed and Bob llanna were the chief Prince Rupert Lumber Co. ixu a wecK ana room. tr by the City Council last night speakers for the fishermen. Mr:. Phones 123-and 55 WANTED Housemaid, wages 35 month nroVidintr for a DUblic holidav on Krlu-nrrla miMfnnrl f.hn nnslfinn in and with Imnrrt and rnnm Annlv tn m.tmn I . . I I MUSSALLEM & CO. p. n. Geiu Hospital. Wednesday for the peace celebra- regard to the floats and Mr. Mont Fountain Pens Hastlng's Saw Mills LlOn. cuhaf nnHfllnH who! li n-nmnrv r lttl L1M1TFD WANTED Woman to do scrubbing. Apply ' ... C j "iV- 'il..j tu. Wrist Watches to matron. IteqUlem MaSS Will bO SUng fVmnnll hail novfr vp( slinwn nnv Radiolite Wrist COAL WANTED First Class Cooper. Address tomorrow in the Catholic Church ,.,.ix j: Watches r.'I." Box 15. ----- wval lllfcCIlHUIl Ul UUJU& UIiyiUMI Agents for . . . . . . i(in i nil r r -. - ui...v u. in.. v.. tuc. . souis ui "iu w in trio wnlprfrnn . nnrl it wna WANTED Reliable woman or girl for I - I w-.w .u,v...u..w Cigarette Cases Nanalmo Wellington Coal IH. M. SMS so uiers wno died during the wan. asking could housework. Phone Blue Bit. tf for, and, therefore, ind Cutters ui welcome. n Cigar riot expect to get it. He claimed WANTED Woman Cook Apply Inlander I Yellowhead Coal NOTARY PUBLIO ,. - Boarding Rouse. Hoi Barnes has received a letter they had a right to make sug. Match Safes gestions to the Government who WANTED Furnished from Jack Judge, who is still Military Rings and room' with" use of go Complelo line of Either Cash were the custodians of public or piano. Private family. Central. Apply ing strong in I ranee. He was Leather Photograph property. He also claimed that BUILDING MATERIALS Box 170 Dally News office. recently shot through the water- Victory Bonds the City should not be allowed to Holders WANTED Olrl for house work Immediate bottle, which he says is quite near, and terms will buy two splendid ly, llijtli wages. Apply at omce of reck, enough for him. hold up waterfront any more BUY THEM FROM 4-roomtd houses with baths on a Moore & Co., or telephone 130. tf than the flovernrnent, but should iertSMcCalferyjLlij. apUndld lot, nr Seal Co. In order, that all comc forward with a definite BULGER - The Jeweler employees of WANTED to buy old postage stamps col Wharf Offlca, Phons E64 Price Only $1,600 lections, also current Issues In quantities. The Daily News may have an op scneme in a uusiness-iiKo way Correct and Dependable Office Sacond Avnu, Phons 116 BOX 169, portunity to Join in the ne.ip.fi and then ask the Government for with a liberal discount fqj, all cash. Thes houses ara plastered, have FOR 8ALE .1 celebration there will be no naDer anProval- elactrlc light and ara very comfortable tomorrow and the printing plant 1,1 answer io questions rro.n aa well aa convenient to for sale The iishing launch Karta u for W'H also be closed for the day. ine wayor ana Aiaerjmen tne nsn- the Industrial end of the City. anu tan ud nispeuieu ai swansou s ermen admitted that the proposed There are no Smokes in 20 la not too much to eipect on Float. Offers In writing to the under- Hotel this investment. You cannot afford signed, u. c. rerry. Indian Agent. a78 inose having torches, old floats would be of great advantage Hyder to pay rant when you have an opportunity ' I hrnnms nr nlhop snllnliln nrrli to them, but that they would not Germany. Ilka thla one. FTOomngiouslma?seor conl'e Vrnyfor 'eiuo ances for the torchlight proces- accommodate the whole fleet. Portland Canal, B.C. !ings""ApIy E,npres8 ,l0,el' A- Cum- sion Wednesday evening bring Many boats, it wa pointed out, M. M. Stephens same to City Hall in time for pro- had gone to Vancouver and Seattle Get your parcel of M. It. JAMIESON, Proprietor 1 OR SALE No, 4 Portable Hubbard Oven.Irooalnn In atrip a) rr-tn ott hopnnao. Mi Tobacco for REAL E8TATE INSURANCE almost new. Apply La Casse Bakery. ww- - the FINANCIAL AOENT l'.o. Box 413. Prince HuDert. tr I v.n Here. If tlie docks wero L iree Gaieitay la I he fomout $)uih Mint 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 wncnllie sleuiner Prince Albert times as lariro as those nronosed . . run sale Dining-room suite, fumed i. - I Soldier ituarier can; wnton carpet 8 by ISi was ued up at trie wnarf at Buck- thev would still b flllert. Th Boys IS r3" 7 my aunn8 hcr recenl ip bhly Now Open for Business as new- AwVsoV ThirdAvT' lf objection they took to the ion their march to Berlin . there was also at the wharf Ininna Mm same wna npnn.i nt hnvinn. .rnn iiii, . .. . . . ... . Ml, " r""''"''" made at the Sickness and j u,M, a uig scow loaueawnn lumber and t ie places filled by government up . . . .. -..- I 1 I 11ria 111 I t 'Thin nnnn n. I L" I i run oALiiuia newspapers in bundles, per p "" iuuu noais or private leases anu mere Accident Insurance hundred SOc. News omcc. " ui nils'm iviiuii, I.ujoing no piaco icii lorj tne nsner Prince Rupert Hotel Prince Rupert LOST ... . , A" memoers Of Organizations Aflnr thn nnaalno- of fli a rA.n Store We represent the Dominion j I r-- - awfwao w f iraaw VJW Cigar & knitted ! connection witn tne Trades and JhTT,0".13!? Kw.00llen vest on Jution the meeting-adjourned on of Canada Guarantee night between Fourth and Sixth Labor In EUROPEAN PLAN Avenues along McBrldc. Finder please , Ul0unc"i aaaitlon to the. the lmilfrfitnnillncr Mini. Iliplr- rnm and Accident Co., return to New omce. K76 rcBuiar aeiegates, are particu mittee would look after the mat- Billiard Parlor $1.60 per day and up. which writes a special lost Bunch or keys between the rost Mar,y requested to bo present to- ter. policy oovering indemnity onice Nowa and omce.cor. 6th and 2nd Ave. Return night to make final arrnne-pmpnf THIRD AVENUE FIRST-CLASS CAFE against allSickness " ion mo precession tomorrow. It Christnias and Private Greeting Best Billiard Hall in A La Carte. and Accidents. MISCELLANEOUS cards for sale by Mcflao Uros. 8 Town. The float which will represent The annual cost,is very ESTATE OF LATE HARRY 8WANSON. me Allies in the procession to "i i ori siiiipsou i'prnciu having Chopped suet. Atkins, hutclier. low. claims against nr hvinr inohio ,n . , morrow will bo a very (rortreous .abovo n.. S-"'.'estate h.a:e...'OT'requested'P"n to communl-Agent, affair. It will bo manned exclu- Tltfl'ft Annual Ymna Hitawlnn St. James Hotel .me ,miri i, wimoui ueiaj'. 78 sively. by the McCaffery, Gibbons chlldrgen of soldiers, For every J2.00 Cash Purchase (LATE "QUEENS") PRINCE RUPERT MUSICAL SOCIETY W?.ot whom aro awaiting their Ulves you chance for Brass Bed, mm FIRST CLASS ROOMS & Doyle, Ltd. THERE WILL BE A REHEARSAL ON MON- daddy daddys s will return,never and return.some whose value 580.00; Sectional Book Case Hot and Cold Water. uoj uigm ww, novemner 83tti, at 8 value $42.50, and large Baby Doll, ocloclt. A good attendance be SOo pr Night, and M pr Wn' will FOR Insurance . Real Estate looked for. C. C. Terry. Secretan S75 value $0.50. See window for dis HOLIDAY CARDS DANCING POPULAR play, tf AND BANNER SIGNS Prince Rupert.'B. C. Dancing classical and other Suggestions for Xmas Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 Belmont Rooms wise is Window Decorations flourishing in London a: G. Office: W. V. Under New Management 3rd Ave. and Just now, and there is talk of a Have your ?nd St. Well furnlihed and cltwn. White people national dancing ucademy to be Permanent Signs onlv. 1 .l tL ,I. DENTISTRY uijujuiuu uner mu war as a centre coy DC E J. P. H ARRAG AN Pacific Cartage, Ltd for British talent. The idea done rates over more during reasonable the winter- OFFICE HOUnSl is to provido facilities for yountr 9 a.m. to 12 1 1SO p. m. to 6:30 p.m. dancers to train at home without I Guarantee to Please You DR. J. 8. BROWN General Storage Teaming going to the Stato chools in Rus THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, C. W. CALHOUN Pioneer Boarding House At 9:30 sia and .t rance. p. m. DENTIST Furniture, Safe and Piano 925 Third Avenue, Prince Icupert THIRD AVE, CLOSE TO PHY DOCK Ofllcsi Imlth Block, Third Avanut. Mice clean roome, irood Urd. Hot anJ Phona 464. Moving. Baggage Moll . i . HARVEY'S cold water, tlede 6Co. up. ORCHESTRA un uiucie receiveu now. Painted Autos : riiONK red m f"eteemeet luiler's orocery, phon 45. fff rf rrrrrr t tree t tttt j I tee'''