Chemists and Good GEO.JJZZELL Meats for prists n BOX 1680 AILY News Particular People f82afid200 Phones, 10 and 25 fl)L IX, NO. 278 PRINCE llUPEHT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918. PUICE FIVE CENT Prog ram : STEEL AND WOODEN .VESSELS TO BE CONSTRUCT ED AT THIS PORT KIR E SHIP CONTRACTS SECURED AUSTRIA WANTS TO MOONEY'S SENTENCE EXACT FULL BORROW FROM ALLIES IS COMMUTED TO LIFE FOR P RICE RUPERT, MOUNTING Former Minister of Finance Asks Governor Stephens of California RECOMPENSE That We Be Generous and Saves Labor Leader from Help Country to Noose In Response to FOR CRUELTY TO 66,000 TONS, STEEL AND iWOOD Recuperate. Popular Demand. (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) (Special via 0.T.P. Telegraphs.) Germany Warned by Great Britain Vienna, Nov. 29. The Austrian Sacramento. Nov. 29. Thomas That She Must Not Ill-Treat ajo anxious to get a loan jj..Mooney is not to swing. Governor Prisoners of War. ndent Pillsbury Announces He has Received Word that from the Allies in order to build Stephens of California has up the country again. The former 'commuted his sentence, changing (Special via O.T. P Telegraphs.) Large Amount of Work is to be Done Here; Stock Taking Minister of Finance Dr. Red-lich, 'it to life imprisonment. London, Nov. 29. Tho British urges that the Allies be generous. The case is a famous one, Government has notified the Ger will Commence in Near Future Preparatory to Turning Ho says that the country Mooney having been sentenced to mans that full recompense for should be helped back to a productive hang for participating in a dyna any cruelty to prisoners will be Yards Over to Mullen Construction Co. basis in order; that it may miting case at San Francisco at 'exacted. No excuse will be ac-jcepled. be In a position to pay its debts. the time of a preparedness parade in that city about two years ago.! This action on the part of the for this is the shipbuilding port An enlarged programme very; , There was a great deal of dissatisfaction Government has been made ilest announcement. The muiien construction company have lmnUi LiiJl lliUnl KING GEORGE WELL expressed" at the necessary .through the recent ac- ill arrangements made to build both steel and wooden ships here, WAS GREAT SUCCESS RECEIVED IN FRANCE manner in which his trial was ',tion of the Germans in turning conducted and at the character; of 1 t n ,ln4l(..ln it total tonnage OI Hie cumiuui whom auiuuimiijj iu uuuuu iuiis. -1 the witnesses who gave evidence condition almost unclothed to of the has roceived superintendent drydock, J. H. Pillsbury, Special by 0. T.P. Telegraphs.) War Veterans ... . ' t . I IIL If. I 1 A I and Guests Kept against him. As a result his shift for themselves. Many of wees from PtttStsurg to inai uiibci. vwniie no is noi louay pre Fun Going Until 2 a. m.-Mavy Paris, Nov. 29. -King George is cause was taken up by labor these men are wholly unable to yed to give out the details or the new programme he says that Men Present. visiting Franco and is receiving unions in different parts of tho icarjo for themselves even under i - AUkh I lint mil n I n 1 1 lu Inf anrlAfl a warm welcome from the people. and the acftlon of is mucn larger mkhuiu uhuhmi; country present !the best conditions but in a hostile The Great War Veterans' dance Everywhere ho goes the populace The steel ships will be laid down on the graded land this side Governor Stephens is the result country their condition is last night was a gieal success. greets him with cheers as the rep- of the agitation which has been for which will be prepared soon. The terrible. Numerous complaints he drvdock. the slips very of the British nation. The orchestra .resentalive nut that feelintr in carried . . on. have been mad6 to Great Britain 1 - ..111. A I I f A A I l I. I til L A JUUCI1 Silica w -"'f - - the music which made one's feet and the United States, but especially .iHBri ewiu.ivi. i nflv win no nrnier.iRn wnim n i n nn nv inn want to move whether wanted 0 m - one jCELEBRATED WELL NEW ORGANIZATION J.o the latter. It is against I UaJ mJ i 1 1 1 Ua a a-i An I a rtt 4 a U a iMAArtuinnkl n v to or not. The ofllcers and men. . the British that the Germans feel of the II. M. G. N. ship Malaspina j BUT NOT WISELY IS TO BE FORMED most bitter, as they are blamed w ere invited and expressed their j for tho humiliating defeat which pleasure at the good time tUoyj lnis that country has suffered. At the police cour;l morn, and Veterans Contemplate Large Program. Army Navy had. the The;rcfreshme,nts, pro-) jng beforc Magislrate Carss, a Ths Mullen Construction Co. Is prepared to make an initial viding of vhlch was supervised by, Establishing Branch AGAIN ndme(J Golo appeared to JACK PICKFORD . .. . .., Hero Preliminary Meeting Z '.rZ - t if t A '''la 'III! 1 A A f fl -were . pniiuiirn iihrn tii nnniu nni i. n miiiinn nniiMnv mi ,iiihiil fiiii iiiiai aira. n.- in.- oioeir, oi mo i,w f Hnmi- - AT THE WESTHOLME itii.iwt'r u uiiui(,u ui vki, Next Week. Yements. This will comprise, among other things, plate and,uesi nuaiuj, aim uw iauie ueco-!on the day of celebration. He was build over all steel it, 1 uaiu7 ;5"I,,B,;"-1U'. found by Constables Bailey and A movement is on foot to form When Jack Pickford went bn . . ..u s. ii. u. .uusuuiues 'e-ivatkinson in the lane behind the tho stage it was the general opinion j u n f i r. i. m r ii 1 1 it itn w annivinnni. . . sir. i ri m ri i another returned soldiery' association f a " -. j.j-.. mentSr Gammon. Killin, Kerr, dc.oo,... ,i nr, a that ho was trading on the Prince Rupert people will doubtless feel elated at the prospect1 Meyers, and Misses F. Hardy,. N. fiHni, ' did not know how he in the and city. This time it merits of his sister. Now that is is the. Aiyny Navy "Veterans, m large a program of now construction work at this port. TheKenny T i and Jcnns also gavo as-jp(t tliere. He had evidently fal an organization that has numerous all changed. Jack Pickford has ship contracts originally secured from the Dominion Government lien a uisiance oi auoui iuieen branches and a very largo made a namo for himself as a did not about 1UCIU ,,aa a lulu uu"u iJJca-rfeet to tlie ground and was very movio actor arid ho drws the amount to more than 20,000 tons, probably membership in diiTercnt pTarts of ent WliOll Hie national Antliem hn.Uv 1.rni,l nnrl mil nn. Ho was crowds just as much as Fairbanks ss. The Ittest announcement, therefore, shows that three the country. was playtd at something after 2 not known at the hotel and had started or any of tho men who are ws that amount of work Is to be dono and that two Industries a. m. and everybody appeared to evidently wandered into the lano a meeting With a is view being to called getting for Wednesday right to tho fore in tho profession. istcadof ono are to be added to those already here. The building have had a most enjoyable evening. during the night. of next week when the preliminary HDoden and steel ships aro not in any way related, yet both On account of tho man's sorjry steps will be taken to Jack Pickford mado a hit last 'ill be done here. appearance tho magistrate considered secure a charter and qv?ango for night at tho Westholme in Ids Hoys' Shoes, Boys' Clothing -both that he had suffered iniinitablo story of Huck and Tom. branch. Take Stock. the forming of a local Preparing .to at cost. Wallace's Sale. enough and imposed no penalty. So pleased were the crowd that and The Navy Veterans There are those hero who will not believe the ships are to be Army a big house tonight for tho same . are rather wider in their scope uiii.ii nr ri thaw ma A a7 ham a a j r iii auomui ninn nnui -ii mtvj OVU Irlld yailO Ul IIIVII Ub Vl Wf MU vivi j j Up-to-the-minute in style and Than tho Great War Veterans in picture is assured. lmost hopeful and Superintendent Pillsbury says that they WANTED I quality, down to tho last cent in that they accept for membership Tomorrow night Mary Garden preparing to tako stock prior to handing tho yards and docks price tho Shoes at Wallace s any who have been on activo service is to bo shown in picturo in . . Sale. tf in any of tho wars of tho "Splendid Sinner." I w w. ii. itiuilOII UUiloll UI.IIUI1 vfiMiipauj miu Ul V 1.V M. First-class baker, wages and Emipre. Naval as well as military $35 a week board, Auditing. J.F. Maguire, box 973. eligible it is expected Self's Restaurant. men aro and Men to Bo Employed. WESTHOIME that a live organization will bo Just how many men will be employod at the works' It is too '' formed hero. ... "DEMERS" r Vat fln I a t A l 1 4 lAnnt i I I I TONIGHT We have a navy serge u i i iLH crciai AAMMAAe onn uun4n iwi r iihi nil ra x a i urn i-n --- wnwi bVIHI UVkO UHM w w " - - - JACK PICKFORD $7,000 REALIZED AT skirt of which we can recommend the wearing wncern would emoloy at least 200 men on the wooden ship 1 "HUCK AND In TOM." DISTRICT TAX SALE qualities. It is plain taHor- ir they wont ahead with the work. Tnat iooks as u noi This picturo shows tho ed, trimmed with buttons,. adventures of Toni 'Sawyer. The Provincial Government tax price SS.75. ,J"han the work 1,700 men would get employment from new Another splendid offer sale which was held here, oh Monday FOil QUALITY s 1 reel Wonderful Scenery of and Tuesday, realized approximately is a Jap silk blouse in Repair Work Also. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION tho Hocky Mountains region. $7,000, Quito a number black or white, heavy qual- 11 'J understood that the Mullen peoplo intend to go exten- Food Hoard Linenco Nn. 10-730 of I he 2,700 lots put up for auction ity and a pretty stylo. Prico' ",J Irto the ship repair work and have leased tho floating dry-k wero sold on Monday, and $3.75. COME AND SEE; 'op that purpose. Tho dock will not be used for building there was some spirited competition for cei;taln lots in the Terrace Mut it Is expected that when the organization Is complete BIG BONAFIDE and Stewart lownsiles, In tho Include ship ropalr work, and that this will be a permanent majority of cases, however, tho FUNERAL NOTICE ;U!lness that will be continued Indefinitely as one or the Import-jt lots reverted to tho Crown, no ono Industries of the city. At present thero is no place north of RECONSTRUCTION SALE ! at present having any uso for A funeral service for the alll of them. In tho Port Edward town- where dock. Even the British ships a large ship can late Herbert S. Woods will sito a lot of property was bought ,art;ave to go to a foreign port to get necessary repairs and in by tho Torpoiso Harbor Development be held at the Presbyterian JJwl. All this will be changed with the advent of tho shlp- Of Hlgh-Grade Jewellery, Diamonds, Platinum Watches and Company. Church on Saturday, November B'u,n8 Industry here. Prince Ruport will become a shipbulia-,nd Clocks. All kinds of Genuine Cut Glass, Community and , 30th, at 3 p. m. Friends before Robers' Plato Silverware, Carving Sots, Ivory Sets, LONGEST SERVICE TO rePalr centro that will keep her name prominently and acquaintances respectfully Wor'l Umbrellas; In fact, every article In our Large and Well-Soloctcd COME HOME FIRST from this time on. Stock will bo sold at a big discount. Invited to be present. . Increased Business. This sale is just a matter of business with mo. My (Special via 0, T. P. Telegraphs.) o0n as transpacific trade starts from this port the work slock is all paid for. I don't huvo to raise money, I am not Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 28. Hon. ydock will become even more Important than It la today. going out of business. I just want to reduce my stock before S. C. Mowburn, Minister of Militia, " wl como here from tho Orient with their silk tho reconstruction of prices by manufacturers commences, spoke at tho Canadian 'Club last Bids Desired lea regularly and fish to bo in 6hapo to meet tho keenest competition, as night and said that in domobiliza-' ... a"d other products and carrv back machinory has always been my policy in tho past, and will continuo lion, soldiers who had seen tho moving hund-nnd her are on one food products as well as lumber. When repairs o ho In future, longest service would bo first C wl" dock hero and everything will be grist to Prince Seeing is believing. Shop early and save money, and brought homo. fifty tons of Ore mill. don't forgtl, qualify i3 what counts.. fourteen miles over i,Th08e vvho Have already heard of tho most recent proposal MAX. HEILBRONER Auditing. J.F. Magulro, box 073. trail. Apparently It has a" W.enthU6lastlc over the prospects. Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re recent y rRm the visit of the local delegation to Ottawa 0 OPTICIAN duces your fuel bill and gives Box ll Alice B.C. th b!?,rtnct feather In their caps. Prince ""P Pg Our Dr. R. V. HOYT, Eye Specialist atlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. : Arm, M J'op'e of the districts contiguous will remember Coal Co. ';""on inerewth.