THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 JAP ORANGES Oh say I Tho News Print Shop I CRIPPLE FOR YOU D0HT docs its work about as cheap as most shops and quite as well, HAVE gives you tho work on time when Yokohama Chops Restaurant ARRIVED THREE YEARS NEED TO GO ever with possible a pleasant and "Thank hands it you."out SeJIIng This Week at 51.35 on suffering with that obstinate sore, Vhat do you say to giving them OPPOSITE EMPRESS HOTEL a box the If you will only use Zam-Buk a trial on your next job? Helpless In Bed With Rheumatism na navels at 75o. to ?1.00 great herbal skin cure. This balm, Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES". Pep Dozen. owing to Its unique composition, is Until He the very thing tor 6ores and skin LAND REGISTRY ACT Will be opened on Celebration Day, Tliero troubles that have resisted ordinary (Section IS and 134.) are few chnnnrps in treatments. Wednesday, November 27th. market prices this week. Japanese Mrs. Herbert Cox, of Port McNlcoll. Re Application No. 10118-1. File 6840. oranges arrived, but as tho Ontario, writes: " For nine years I TAKE NOTICE that application bas beer shoremen were not working suffered with an abscess on my face, made to register Brenton O. Moore and on and disfiguring. which was both painful Roy L. Moore of Prince Rupert, B.C. as Thursday tho fr.-uit had to be taken I had the abscess lanced repeatedly, owner In fee under a Tax Sale Deed from to Oranby and discharged here but It still remained. I tho Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, last night when the boat returned. also tried ordinary ointments, but bearing date the tstb day of November, The without any permanent benefit. Finally 1017, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Jap oranges are retailing the doctor told me I had a parcel or tract of land and premises rltu-ate, at about 30c. tumor the bone, and would have a dozen or on lying and being In the Municipality of OR 51.35 a box. New navel oranges to undergo an operation, which 1 tho City or rilnce Rupert, more particularly are selling at from 75c to $1.00, did;wound but only Instead became of Improving,worse. I was the known and described as Lot eighteen S.S. PRINCE GEORGE (18), Block eighteen (18) Section six according to quality. In despair when a friend got me to (o). City of Prince Rupert, Map 03. You Cranberries try Zam-Ruk. I soon noticed a are being used very tax purchaser within 35 days from the date SAILING marked Improvement. Zam Duk extensively just now. They are of the service of this notice (which may seemed to get to the very root of selling at 25c. a pound. New figs the trouble, and In the end the abscess be effected by publication), and your attention MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, MR. ALEXANDER MUNRO are on tho market at 10c. and 25c. wiS entirely cured not even is called to section 3d of the "Land Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. U.K. No. 1, Lome, Ont. a pkt., and California grapefruit leaving a scar. This was a year Registry the following Act" extract with amendments,tbererrom: and to MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Oranby Bay. ago, and there bas been no return "For over three years, I was are going at 10c. each. of the trouble." "And In default of a caveat or certificate coniincd to bed with Rheumatism. There is a slight stiffening in Zam-Ruk Is not a nlere ointment, of tratlon lis pendens as owner being of the nied person before entitled the regis un S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Duriaff that time, I had treatment the price of meals, the inferior but a rich herbal balm. Unequalled der such tax sale, all persons so served Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. with notice and those claim from a numlxir of doctors, and tried Joints coming up slightly. Leg of for eczema,bad scalp legs, sores,blood-poisoning,ringworm, ing through or under them, and all persons nearly everything I saw ndrertlsed to mutton, however, car. be bought bolls, Ecalds, Claiming any Interest In the land by virtue plies, cuts, burns, sprains. or any unregistered Instrument, and all TRAIN SERVICE euro Rheumatism, without receiving for i5c. a pound. and all skin Injuries. 60c. box, 3 for persons claiming any Interest In thi land at 11:30 ror Smlthers Zam-Buk Co., by descent whose title Is not registered fatsenrcr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY a.m. all druggists or any benefit. The following aro the current $1.25, under the provisions of this Act, shall be Prince Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all Finally, I decided to try 'Frult-a-tires". prices: Toronto. Send lc. stamp for postage for ever estopped and debarred rrom setting points east and south. on tree trial box. up any claim to or In respect or the land had half Before I used a box, Fish. so sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall Incticedan Improvement; the pain Fresh register the person entitled under such salmon 25c information and reservations, apply to mmx For tax sale as owner or the land so sold for was not so revere, and tho swelling Cod, salt, Alaska. . . . l5o taxes." G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. started to go down. Cod, 2 lbs. . ... 25c AND WHEREAS application has been Olty Tloket Offloe, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE MO 1'continued taking this fruit ine-Heine, Cod fillets made ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title all tho time, and 15c o the above-mentioned lands. In the name Improving Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. 25c r Brenton O. Moore and Roy L. Moore. walk about two miles and now I can Finnan haddie, lb 18c Mutton 45c AND WHEREAS on Investigating the do lijht chores about tho place". Halibut, lb I tie It appears that prior to the t!th day 25c Pork ALEXANDER MUNRO. sausages 30c. or October, 1018 (the date on which the Herring kippered, lb 15c Tomato sausages . ........ 35c said lands were sold ror overdue taxes), COc-a box,6 for$2.00, trial sUo 23c. Soles, lb 10c Pork, leg . . . , 45c. you were the assessed owners thereof. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY At all dealers or sent postpaid on skate 2 lbs. 25c Pork, shops, ........ 45c to 55c FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the Fruit-a-tlves time I shall effect In rcc ipt of prico by same registration pur Oolichans, salt 10c Pork, shoulder 40c. suance or such application and Issue a limited, Ottawa. Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes.. 50c Ayrshire bacon, lb. sliced... COc Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the said Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Crabs, large, 20c to 25c Bacon, piece CO lands In the name or the aroresald parties via Steamer to Vancouver and the w unless take and prosecute the you proper t Fruits and Bacon, sliced, .'60c to 70c Vegetables. proceedings to establish your claim, ir any Canadian Pacific Railway Cucumbers, each, 10c Ham, Smoked, 50c to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed MM Onions, dry . , 4c Ham, sliced, 55c action on my part. Meals and Berth included on Steamer Lettuce 15c Salt backs 45c Dated at the Land Registry Olffce, Prince Rupert, B. C, this eth day or September, Pears, per doz 10c to COc Dairy Produce. A. D. 1018. FOR HOLIDAY CARDS Tlananas 50c Butler, lb COc. II. F. MACLEOD, FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE AND BANNER SIGNS Grapefruit (California) .... 10c Butter (cooking) lb 50c District Registrar or Titles. S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November To Waller O. Laurie, Suggestions (or Xmas Grapefruit (Florida) 20c Cheese, lb 35c Robert Williams, 23rd; December 6th,- 20th, and January 3rd. Apples, per lb Co to 12 Vic Eggs (case) ........ .COc to 75c William Jones, Window Decorations Russet apples 10c Strictly new-laid eggs ..$1.10 Prince Rupert. B. C. FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SXAQWAY, ALASKA Have your Celery '. 15c Margarine 40c S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November MINERAL ACT Permanent Signs Grapes, per lb 40c 18th, December 2nd, ICth.ind 30th. Carrots, lb., 2c Everything in Toyland for the done over during the winter-rates per Certificate of Improvements. children at Tile's. tf more reasonable Parsnips, per lb., 4V4c I Guarantee to Please You Cauliflower 15c to 25c NOTICE W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE Sweet potatoes 10c e'erro Fraction Mineral Claim, situate In Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert B.C. SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE C. W. CALHOUN Lemons COc tho Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District. 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert English walnuts 50c Where located: Near the head or Alice Australian Currants 35c No Danger of Contracting Arm. A utos : Painted Comb honey .'. 50c Influenza. TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Patmore, r-Af l-'reA Miner' rVrtlnmtA' Tin 9(1107.0 .4 Cranberries Figs, per pkt 10c and 25c 25c So slates a well known Vancou-er agent for John Wairord Strombeck, Free The Union COAST SERVICE. Miner's Certificate No. 14194-C, Intend, Oryingcs (Jap) box, $1.35 doctor who offers to swallow sixty days rrom the date hereof, to spply For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. S " " per doz 30c a capsuleful every day for a week. to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Steamship Vancouver, sailing Sat, 6 p.m. ror the or obtaining DENTISTRY navel . .75o to $1.00 The Doctor is rjight. Improvements, purpose Anyox, Mondays, 7 Oranges, new a Crown urant or the above claim. a.m. n With plenty of fresh air, good Co. of B.C. it Meats. And further take notice that action, un Port Simpson and Naas Points, it nourishing food and a table- der section 85 must be commenced before Fridays, 1 1 p.m. 30c. OFFICE HOUnSi Beef, pot roasts, lb of KENNEDY'S TONIC tho Issue of such Certificate or Improve 1 1 I i.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. Ileef, check roast, lb 32c to 35c spoonful ments. :: Ltd. :: John Barnsley, General Agent it PORT four times daily you can Heof, rib roast, lb 37 Vjo. DATED this 15th day or August, A. D. DR. J. S. BROWN keen vour body strong and 1018. 0!8 DENTIST Hecf, boiling, lb 25o and 30c thoroughly fortified against the Offlctl Smith Block, Third Anut. Hamburger, lb 30c LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 ravages of Influenza, astnma, Phone 464. Stewing, lb 30c. bronchitis, colds or coughs. .amb, leg 50c NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO loin '50c. BIG DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT. LEASE LAND Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager amb, DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Edward Cunningham, Vice-President DISTRICT; RECORDING DISTRICT OF MINERAL ACT. Neat designs in fancy China at SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH Hotel Hyder CERTIFICATE OF 1MPHOVEMENTS. Tile's Xmas Prices. tf ISLAND,MOUTH.SHORE OF ABOUT LAOOON ONE INLET,MILE FROM MORESBY ITS Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. NOTICE. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Portland Canal, B.C. Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate QUI:EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that I, JOHN M. MAC- LIMITED : the Skeona MInlnff Division of Casslar or Vancouver, B. C, occupation tavf. notice that I. John McLarty Mac- MILLAN, FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Dean or m.triri Whprfl located: At ttie Canneryman, Intends to apply for permis M. It. JAMIESON, Proprietor of Vancouver, D. C, occupation In tho Skeena Mining Division. mlllan, described lands: Alice Arm sion to lease the following ror Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Intends to appiy permission TAKE NOTICE that I, J. E. Star, owner ranneryman. lands: Commencing at a post planted on the described Gateway to the famout 3)uth Mint Of the above claim. Free Niners wruucaie Commencing-to lease the at following a post planted on the south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Island, Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage No. tH7t. Intend, s ity days rrom wie Is-land, about one mile rrom Its mouth i date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re south shore of Lagoon Bay,from Moresby Its mouth, thence west SO chains; thence north SO PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. auout one nolle Now Open for Business corder for a Certificate or improvements, uniiih so chains, thence west !0 chains; thence east SO chains more or less the purpose or omaining a urowu chains, thence north SO chains, thence to low water mark at the beach; thence Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: Grant of the above claim. southerly following low water mark to the easterly along the snore line 10 poiui m 68 Water No. 95 Street, Telephone And further take notice that action, un-r commencement, containing 40 acres more point or commencement,; containing 40 avritnn Its. mutt be commenced he- acres more or less. Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1608 fore the Issuance of such certificate of or less. JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. JOHN MCLARTY Improvements. Dated August 10th, 1018.. R8 ro4t Hotel Prince IRupert Dated this tth day or July, a. u. Dated June JOlh, 1918. EUROPEAN PLAN What We Don't Know Doesn't Bother Us $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Parte. i,.ttfrft . sittrtttr. 70 UKeTcP THAT .GWESN. ' , c V CO VITH ' PUS ACCOO t- JVCJ UfWl. St. James Hotel ! SOU TO-KllOVr JERAV ,DA - (Me DRAFTED N ' .ftl0 BUT 1 CAMT ! ivjf J aT HOUSE ) V f;;V , . C AwFULt-V spP-ftf C FIRST(LATE GLASS"QUEENS")ROOMS GoT a - Fop a FEW vmgeks &oT- WVE. ArJ V Hot and Cold Water. V TAKE. MAMlt J TH.vr I J APPOINT vAE-NT" ,FotV ( oToolE To X V SS"',E H5 DINNER. 'NOW J '00 kmoW S . .Dtp Nlnhl........ ....mA ma rial. tU.ak. T r. V DINNER V AN APPOiMTrAENT J . ( TnlWKS I'M A. "" Cf LuHJ Belmont Rooms Under New Management wll t urnlihed and clean. Whit people onli, J. P. II ADD tl' 1M it, f ' er Boarding House TIIIBD AVE., CLOSE TO PHY DOCK "' tlin room., board. Hot and xld waur. Ueda 6Cc. up. t'HONR RED 802 , Uiaawnii i Vork um Co, Nw York Etenlu Telvgrau.) iCuvjrrlgbt, llilit, ljr Ui Nw Vwk lieraij Cu, .N. Vork Kveulu 'ielvguui.) (Coprrlgbt. iota, n