taiisis and NvVS Xmas GED.J.FRfZZELL Turkeys 50c lb. po.bo680 f Order Youra Now Phones,82and200 w Phones, 10 and 25 xCiL IX. NO-281 PRINCE RUPERT, D.G., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENT! Is Acclaimed FOCH GETS GREAT RECEPTION FROM PEOPLE OF LONDON, ENGLAND MARSHAL FOCH ON VISIT MEAT PACKERS POTLATCH IS PRESIDENT WILSON HOPES 10 LONDON IS ACCLAIMED CONTROL PRICES CURIOUS OLD TO TRANSLATE INTO ACTION EVERYWHERE BY POPULACE Covernment May Step In and Set INDIAN CUSTOM IDEALS OF UNITED STATES Rates at Which Food Commodities May be Sold. London, December 3. Marshal Foch who is visiting London Ceremony Is Simple In Conception Washington, December 3. President Wilson in his address isbeeii acclaimed everywhere by the people. On his way to and Washington, Dec. 3. Five meal . But Hidden Meaning Is Pro- to Congress says that he had considered it his paramount duty to a meeting with the Premier and Ministers at Downing Street packing companies have been accused t'. found, Says Rev. J. B. attend -the Peace Conference. Ho hopes to translate into action tan by the Federal Trade Com '. , McCullagh. jcople lined the streets and gave him a splendid reception. mission with conspiring to control the ideals of the United Stales in the war. His announced that the preliminaries of the Peace Conference prices. The President paid a glorious tribute ib the American forces , Rev. J. B. McCullagh, C. M. S., have been arranged and that everything is now in readiness to It is not an uncommon thing of the Naas river, who is a deep for their splendid services and to the people at home for their for business houses to ngrjjo to enthusiastic var effort. proceed. student of Indian native life and certain but when it is done of what to do wilh the late Kaiser prices mailer was discussed, The of articles In series by the big concerns it becomes a language, a OiaC has been made. It ho bears. To this end all the men hut no statement in regard yet is generally menace. tp one of bis missionary journals COLD STORAGE TO BE accepted, however, that a demand will be made on Holland that The remedy is said here to lie recently has tho following: and women of class in tho tribes forming the confederacy aro invited CONSIDERED TONIGHT and brought to trial. in the hands of the Government, he be given up fhe full-blown flower of Indian with much formality to the who have to step in and set may life is undeniably tho far-famed village of the chief who is about tho prices at which food commodities At the meeting of the City TELEPHONb MirV BYLAW s INFLUENZA HAD shall be sold. 'Votlatch." It formed the chief to celebrate the Yuk, where, on Council last riigbt on the suggestion the appointed day, they assemble corner-stone of heathenism in the of Alderman Dybhavn it was in itis large house (more recently BEEN REVISED HAS and is decided to give tho committee old days, its spirit today FISHERMAN DIES ON in a large public hall), each seated BAD EFFECT ON tho chief stumbling block to progress according to rank. which had in charge the proposal Chmsjo In Amount of Rebates VISIT TO CALIFORNIA among the Christian com From this point tho principal to erect an independent cold storage munities. The word. I think, is two months' oxtension of time Corporate Seal featuices of tho Yuk are: Made Beore FISH CATCHES of Russian origin, and belongs to insofar as the special rate for Attached to Document. Sam Fagerland Was Well Known 1. Gigienuh'-l Wau, or prayer concerned. which was the Chinook jargon, seems power to the-guests. This consists of a Horo, Where He Was for A meeting of fishermen will be to bo a conglomeration of words Council meeting held Some Time Mate very formal and at the same time tonight the of At Uie borrowed from various Indian and held for. purpose Months of October and November On Kelly. intreating address; the idea seeming last riigbt Ilia chairman of the Eurnean tongues (principally considering the feasibility of go be of to the removal preju Show Marked Reduction Over French and English), and strung ing ahead with the project and it public Utilities Committee, Alderman dice, opposition and hostility. In News in town received was Same Months In former yesterday is probable that result some as a reported that at a together in a very simple manner DyWiavn, no other sense is tho word of tho death in California Years. steps will be taken to get the con of the Council at for trading purposes. "Pollatch" spechi meeting November 13 of Sam Fagerland, Gigienuh'qu used; to no other; vrhci on manna to tiive. and is transitively cern under way. he werent newspapers. formerly mato on the traw function but that and tho worship -prc4frt -iho. (eieph&uo- E$-lauv,tiacl IKpplied to the Indian custom of word applied. ler Andrew Kellytand a well known "of God is the hppn revised nnd nnnRod tlirnn&rh uemic the Ashing record of The fisherman of this port. He lived giving away property at leasts; Thus lire first "feature of Ihe'YuS -i CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT all its stages and finally adopted. present year will be lower than hero for several and those In the language proper, of each is prayer. years This provided for a rebate of 75c. that of last year or tho year before. who knew him speak.most highly tribe, however, this custom nas 2. The feast comes next, and, Municipal Voters's List 1919, in placi i the present 51 rcbato The months of October and of him as a man who was "white its own name. In Zimshcan it is if tho celebration be on behalf of Take notice that a Court of November have shown a marked Yaok; in Gitikshan and Nisga, Revision to revise the Voters List and nhen payment is mado for all through." Ho left heiie sonic a dead chief (which is tho true six months the rcbato is to be $5 falling off in the catch and even little time to to Harrison Yuk. Eut this Yuk is like an iceberg basis of tho custom), tho guests for the city of Prince Rupert for yet conditions have hardly become ago go in mid-ocean, a compara the year A. D. 1919, will be held Instead of $7 as formerly. Hot Springs and from there be partake of "tho offerings of tho There is nothing to indicate normal. Some of the best tively small part of it only is dead." at the Council Chamber, City Hall, went to hot in California, who is responsible Yor the change, fishermen have died from the epidemic where a ho springs died. visible to the observer, while tho 3. After that, the chief (who on Tuesday, tho 10th day of December, is the details of the discussion and this has bad the effect Yesterday Miss Lena Fagerland greater part of it lies hidden beneath has taken the dead man's "place, 1018, at the hour of 2.30 md the movers and seconders of of tying up tho boats. sister of tho late Mr. Fagerland, th.i surface. People hav and is celebrating tho Yuk) proceeds p. m. the resolutions were not mado In October,19 17, the catch was a arrived on the steamer; Princess ing just seen"the feast, the dance, to declare himself ho will ANY PERSON desiring to add public. 1,025,000 lbs. and the year beforo accompanied by Miss Mary and the distribution of gifts have go into the details of his descent names to or take names from -the Mr. Peters announced that the that it was 1,780,000 lbs. This Billings Mary for the of looking crono away imagining they know he will boast of his ancestors list wiU then bo heard. corporate seal of tho Council had year in October tho catch was only after her brother's purpose affairs all there is to know of the Indian he will rccite the traditions of his FRED C. PETERS, already been ufflxed tp tho bylaw G53.500 lbs. here. 'Pollatch." little suspecting the family ho will exhibit tho crests 287 City Clerk. and it was now in force. Tor November of last year the underlying existence of a profound' he is entitled to wear ho will catch was 1,018,000 lbs., and for The against Miss Martin, conception, and that what enumerate the items of his estate, COW BAY DREDGING Furniture for sale. Leaving 1U1C it was 1,080,000 lbs. 'lnis who is case charged with an infraction they have seen has been only tho hunting and fishing places and We aro asking tho Dominion II. M. Hill, Second St. 280 year it was only C 19,000 pounds. of tho Prohibition Act, was fur uplifted ends. he will sing his Lim-Aui, the ancient Government to spend a quarter Tho falling off is chiefly due to this morning In Stricllv. and actually in the old song of his line. If all tho of a million dollars In making Udysr.ilth Wellington Coal reduces influenza bill also it is duo In ther adjourned ilavs. only men of noble birth assertions ho has made, and all Cow Bay a small boat harbor. You your fuel bill and gives part to the calling up of a number tho polico cour,t. chiefs and sub-chiefs could cele- the claims ho has advanced, pass will find the petitions scattered Canadian hrnto tho Yuk. Hut now every through Hio business districts. tho attraction. Phone 15. .P. n. of fishermen by weather good muster unchallenged ho will then Good shopping Coal Co. and United States Governments Wallace's. ordinary individual tries to win proceed to make his vows with Sign up and make your friends for military service. shoe bargains for himself, if not tho actual so regard to his policy (shall wo sign. 285 While the catch will not bo as cial standing of a chief, at least say) and position in tho future. IIOOMES K. FREEMAN. big this year as last the value the deferential treatment due to He promises what he will do and of tho catch is almost doublo that WANTED that position; for tho Yuk is es- what ho will not do. ditions, crests and privileges in of last year, as the ptiico of halibut lentially an appeal to the suurage A. Finally come tho gifts, offerings tact, tabulated and Recorded in A. F. & A. M. has been so much higher than Loggers, )f the people, Thus it is by means made to each person pres tho publio mind without the aid deed of book, tablet, or scrivened in former years. Tho following Rigging Men, jf this custom that a chief main ent according to his or herj rank, list of catches for tho month of Donkey Engineers. tains his status, and .continues to and each offering or so-called of any kind. A Joint Emergent Communication November with tho prices at which Apply hold his various titles to hunting gift is lifted up and handed to tho will be held in they aro sold will prove of inter Williams & Manson grounds or, Ashing streams, as recipient the celebrant cries with the Masonic Hall Third Avo., est: ' 282. lso his right to the crests ana a loud voice, "Dum urr.-bah'-yes N WANTED and Fifth Street, on Wednesday lipniii.tic. 15.000. price, lo.oc; " tho totem which go with the name So-and-so," (pronouncing the First-class baker, wages , afternoon, tho 4tH Seattle, 20,000, 10.3c and l-i; name of tho dead. I havo always $35 a week and board, hist,, at 2:30 for the purpose Fisher, 10,000, 15.5o; uaupmn, interpreted this Hah'-mag, therefore Self's Restaurant. of attending the funeral of t nnn Advance. 1,000, 10o; as meaning tho putting up of our lato Wor. Bro. John Dar. Orient, 38,000, 17o; Alton, 30,000, tho soul. Tho Indian cannot tell "n?, of Parthenon Lodgo No. 17.1c; Liberty, 57,000, 10.5c; BIG BONAFIDE you what significance js attached . Chatham, Ont. Omaney, 51,000, 10.5c and tOo; to the word; bo is only utttering All resident nnd sojourning Polaris, 55,000, no w w. a shibboleth handed down to him - "DEMERS" ! Masons are invited to Eagle, 8,000, 13c and 12c; Atlas. RECONSTRUCTION SALE from the past. Hut I take it that Old-timers will romem- ' atttend, 27,000, lie; Panama, 52,000, 17c; the hidden meaning of the cus ber wo always, had beauti- K. H. MORTIMER, Wilson, 10,000, 17c; Pioneer. 00,-000, torn is tho puttling up of tho soul ful Xmas handkerchiefs Secretary Tsimpsea'n 10.lei Tom and AI, 70,000, Of Hlgh-Qrade Jewellery, Diamonds, Platinum Watches and of tho dead, and tho making of and now our first Xmas Lodge No, 58. (0.1c and 15.1c; Constance, 3o,-000, Clocks. All kinds of Genuine Cut Glass, Community and olTerjngs on his behalf; tho use in business again finds us . K. V. LINO, 10c and 15o; Tordenskjold, Rogers' Plate Silverware, Carving Sets, Ivory Sets, of tho prefix "urn" shows that. with just as fine a selec- Secretary Tyco Lodgo 10.000. 10o and tUc 'lotal Umbrellas; In fact, every article In our Largo and Well-Ecloctcd Originally theso were pledgos, tion as of yore. No. CO. catch, 019,000. Stock will be sold at a big discount. held for a time and returned Big Shipment of Silk and Tho following aro the catches This salo is just a matter of business with mo. My whenever the recipient had occasion Serge Dresses on the for each month of tho present stock is all paid for. I don't havo to raise money. I am not to celebrate himself, the Next Express. . ,,.. i Knvpinber. stock beforo purpose they served being that of COME AND SEE year to wo v..u - going out of business. I Just" want to reduce my January tho reconstruction of prices by manufacturers commences, publio avouchment of social and WESTHOLME 503 500 to bo In shape to meet the keenest competition, as public standing, as if to say, "You I 00 lias always been my policy In the past, and will continue havo heard my claims and passed 1031:500 X :::::: ' them unanimously, and in return to bo in future. rL!(LHI f .. 1 777.000 Seeing Is believing. Shop early and save money, and I publicly avow you in your rjank MADAME PETROVA 2,032,000 la what counts, and position." In its conception don't forget, quality JTU" ;, 2.318,000 tho Yuk was ccrluinly a most "DAUGHTER OF DESTINY" uy " HEILBRONER wonderful system for holding ....,.. MAX. The August story or Orcat I.ovc. J',,,000 scattered and perfectly frco communities GAZETTE September ''Lo'sno . FOK QUALITY ,.vn OPTICIAN together in their an VULA OF THE MOVIES" October November ,no!o00 Our Dr. R. V. HOYT, Eye Specialist cestral and family rights, nnd of SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Prlr... .... keeping those rights, titles, tra- food Board Licence No. 10-7340. nnd ipu lbs 14,391.000 8t.ru t 7 8hwp. Total ,