THE DAILY fiEWB. Page 4 M"ndny, I)ecernbo r 3. ioio 9 SUPERINTENDENT OF ! MAIL SCHEDULE NTESTINA L UTILITIES REFUSED If Cooks For the CasL WRESIEYS INCREASE OF SALARY Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Could See PARALYSIS irdays at 9:30 a.m. A recommendation from the Utilities Committee that T. the Factory HI From the EaaL "Frult-a-tives" Quickly Duncan, superintendent of ulili Sundays,at 5:45 Tuesdays p.m. and Thurs-lays Relfeved Tfifs Chronic Trouble ties, be granted an increaso in We would like to plan a great 'Heavy, heavy hangs excursion to tbe plant, so every over of month refused For Vanoouver: salary $15 a was who rooks could the 589 Camiusk Street, Monte kal. person tee "In my opinion,no other medlclno by tho City Council last night on ore the milk gets. Sundays 10 p. m. your head. would also like to show how 5 la so curative for Constipation and a vote of four to three, Aldermen We Tuesdays p.m. carefully the milk Is tested for Thursdays 10 p.m. Indigestion as 'FruIt-a-tlTta. Dybhavn, McRae and McMeekin richness and quality. "O.l know I sufferer from these Saturdays' 7 a.m what it is, was complaints voting for, the increaso and Aider They could' see the clean, sunlit daddy! for five and buildings and scrubbed floors that years, my sedentary occupat ion,Musle,brought men Casey, Barrie, Rochester and would make a Holland housewife From Vanoouver You held it too close and I Kirkpatrick opposing. about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis; envious. Sundays ....10 p.m Immediately on the proposal It Is these things that give sme it It's with Headaches, belchlnjr 10:30 WRIGLEY'SI nasty gas, Wednesdays a.m. being made by the chairman of PACIFIC MILK Its wholesome goodness. drowsiness after eating, and pain In Saturdays 10:30 a.m. the back. the committee, Alderman Casey I was Induced to try'Frult-a-tives' was on his Teet to protest. U For Anyox: jml "Righto, sonny give your II did not think that the superin Pacific Milk Co. and now for six months I haTS been Sundays .10 entirely well". A. ROSENBURG. tendent had given such service LIMITED vednesdays 10 p.p.m m. Jpjy appetite and digestion a I for trial size 25c. as to warrant special considera toe.a box, 6 (2.50, DRAKE 332 STREET Saturdays 10 p. m. At all -dealers or sent postpaid by tion. Not only did he object to jTJl treat,, while you tickle Fniit-a-tire.i Limited, Ottawa. the increase but to the superin Factory at Ladner, B.O. tendent holding the position. Canada Food Board License 14-166. Tuesdays From Anyox: ....a.m lk your swect tootfl'M Aldeinan Rochester opposed Thursdays a.m. The P. R. Feed Co. He the increaso did not on consider general the principles cost of At the meeting of the City undays p.m chew " Aftcr Everv mi living had gone up to such an Council last evening permission p0P port Simpson and Naaa River extent to warrant two advances as was graniea ine jjominion uov- points: in ono year. Already he had been nnnmAnl 4 r rlnn In 1 1 I liviiia Arl I - Have in New Seasons got a uia.u uu uuuocu I Sundays 10 p.m of advanced $25 and he Supply now came posi oiuce sue inio me sewer. Bulbs, Hyacinths, back with a request for another thus doing away with the neces From Port Simpson and Naas $15 which would make his salary sity of operating a pump in order Rlvsr Points: Daffodils, Tulips, $240 a month. to keep it dry. iiesdays a.m. Crocus, Easter Lilies The vote was then taken. It is just as cheap to get your Queen Charlotte Islands: Make the Home Beautiful DAUGHTER OF DESTINY printing done well and done at For Massett, Port Clements and lo.ue us u la iu aeiiu u away, iry Ww Some inter Blooms I Unner Island nnlnls! HAS HEART THROBS The News Print Shop. Vednesdays 6. p. m. Indoors and Outside That some women seem fated from Masset, Port Clements and 908 Third Avenue to get into the wierdesl sort of Upper Island points: . Phone 58 P.O. Box 333 matrimonial mazes is demon ridays, p. m. strated in "Daughter; of Destiny" which js the title of Madame Pe-trova's Vor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte first photoplay from her City and Lower Island points: STEEN& LONG WILL own studios. The feminine pawn NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS aturdays 8 p. m. in the fate game played on the From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte BaWaMIHHsl diplomatic chess board which SEALED TENDERS. suDerscrlbed "Ten- City and Lower Island points der Tor Cow flay Launch Harbor Protection SANITAR. mnD HEATING forms the background of the story Work." will be received by tbe Honorable Tuesdays. ENGINEERS is a perfectly good and almost too tne Minister of Public Works ud to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, tbe tenth day of beautiful to be true American uecemucr, ivm, ror ine erection ana com' For Skagway and the Yukon. Agents for girl by the name of Marion Ash Prince pletlon Rupert.or pile dolphins,B. C. (In floats,tbe Electoral etc., at Every ten days. ley. Marion has no mother, but district of Prince Itupert). McCLARY FURNACES Plans, Specifications, Contract, and Forms hen father s affection for her does of Tender may be seen on and after the From Skagway and Yukon. s in aay or November. is is. at omce or PLUMBINQ everything but steer her clear of tbe Public Works Engineer. Parliament Every ten days. the troubles any modern mother Buildings, Victoria, B.C., District Engineer's omce, Court Vancouver. B. and could see without half trying. C. and tbe office of House,J. II. McMullln. Govt. We put pep into our printing 8HEET METAL WORKS Being beautiful, artistically in Agent,fcacn Prince proposal Rupert,must C.accompanied by usiness at The News Print Shop. 'The Daily News' Advertising Gets Resulti Phone 5,'834 Second Avenue. clined and wholly unsuspicious an accepted bank cheque or certificate of deposit on a chartered bank of Canada, Night phones 576 as most nice girls are, Marion made payable to the Honorable the Minister first accompanies a famous Aus or Public Works, for a sum equal to 80 and Blue 270 of tender, wblcb shall be forfeited ir the trian artist to the altar, this be party tendering decline to enter Into con The right work, at the right tract wnen called upon to do to, or ir time, and at the right prloe. ing befor-o. Austrians were being he fall to complete the work contracted dropped from the visiting lists of ror ine enemies or ceruncates or neDosit of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned our best people. True to form, to tnem upon ine execution of the con this foreigner has taken her for tract. Tenders will not be considered unless ulterior motives, to wit to gain made out on the rorms supplied, signed Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 with the actual signature of tbe tenderer, possession of certain diplomatic and enclosed In tbe envelopes furnished, Office: secrets her Ambassador father is accepted. 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. Tne lowest or any tenaer not necessarily supposed to possess. Besides being A. E. FOREMAN, Public Works Engineer. a spy hubby number, one is a Public Works Department, Pacific Cartage, Ltd Lothario and a disciple of Baccus. victoria, u, c, wovemner as, tuts. In his cups he kills a man, slips his ring on his victims finger, sets - 8YNOP8I8 OP v General Teaming fire to the premises and disap LAND ACT AMENDMENT Storage pears. The ring is found on the Furniture, Safe and Piano unrecognizable remains' finger lands only, Records will be granted covering only Moving. Baggage and Marion thinks herself free. land suitable for agricultural purposes and which la non-timber land. Later, another lover, in ap Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties of not more than four may pearance and fact a prince, claims arrange for adi¢ nre-nmntlonii. with Marion for his own, but because Joint residence, but each making necessary Improvements on respective claims. of State reasons contracts a side-door Pre-emptors must occupy claims for Burns' Tommy Cabaret Ave years and make Improvements to marriage with her, Mor- alua Of SID ner acre, including- rlAarlnff and cultivation of at least 5 acres, before ganic they call such affairs receiving Crown Orant. Where I '.emntnr In nt-mmaMnn rtnt Mormonatic Open 8 to 2, Saturday 8 to 12 would come nearer less than 3 years, and has made proportionate the truth. So poor Marion has Improvements, he may. because of Hi-health or other cause, be granted two husbands orj none; dependent Intermediate certificate of Improvement ' Fishermen, Logger and Businessmen and transfer his claim. on the point of view. Records without nermanent reflldenfie especially Invited A decidedly interesting situa may be Issued provided applicant makes mill Accommodation for Ladies Improvements to extent of 1300 per an. tion that leads' to highly sensa num and records same each year. Fail ure to make Improvements or record EMPRESS BUILDING tional developments which, presented same win operate as rorreiture. Title cannot be obtained on these claims In O. C. Fisher, Manager by Madame Petrova and less than 5 years, with improvements of her splendid makes 110 Der acre, including & acres cleared company, n and cultivated, and residence of at ntting climax in a story filled with least 2 years. Your Dainty Things Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may heart throbs. record another pre-emption. If ha re- quires land In conjunction with his larm, without actual pro- Cleaning, Pressing At present prices it pays you to Tided residence statutory maintained Improvements on Crown made granted and can be washed over and over again with Lux and buy for futuijo needs Shoe Sale land. and Repairing still on Wallace's. acres,Unaurveyed may be areas,leased not as exceeding homesltes:20 still retain the delightful charm of freshness and title to be obtained after fulfilling residential We compete with mail order For arailng and Improvement and industrial conditions.purposes, newness. Very desirable, this, in war time! Lux areas exceeding (40 acres may be leased SADIES AND GENTS houses. Try us Family Shoe by one person or company. is that it cannot Store. PRE EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. so gentle in its cleansing power The scope of this Act Is enlarged to Include all persons Joining and serving harm the most delicate fabric. Jack Dunbar Good assortment of pipes with His Majesty's Forces. The time within which the heirs or devisees of a Gil's. deceased . pre-emptor may apply for Phont 510 725 Second Ave. title under this Act Is extended from How to wash a silk garment one year from the death of such person, Queen Charlotte as formerly, until one vear artur h Islanders can conclusion of the present war. Thla Uee a tableapoonful of Lux to gallon of water. Pissolve in boiling not do better than mail their privilege Is also made retroactive. SsHsVaaaB a printing needs to The News Print TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT or very hot water and whisk into a thick, creamy lather. Add co Walkers Shop and get the work done Provision Is made ACT.for the grant to water until Iuke warm, Dip your garment through the Lux uds many romplly and well. persons to holding Purchase uncompleted from the Crown Agreements of times. Work it about, gently squeezing the suds through the oi!e Music Store such as the proportion payments of the already land. If made divisible will parts but da not rub I Rinse in three waters clear and also lukewarm. cover In proportion to the sale in the shade and whe the Whole narrel. Turn n,n.. price of Press the water out but do not wring. Dry fc?!?!nf Interests.euch. Areementa and may groin nearly dry press on the wrong side with a warm iron never a High Grade Pianos. Sfaeet Music, allotment Jointly. for If a proportionate stretch little es yo It considered advlaable to divide the is land not one. Press crepes from side to side and a very f Small Musical Goods. b,f apPcatlon an allotment for a of proper-tlonate land press. They will look just like new I Piano Tuning. Pianos for Kent. of Crown equal lands value in selected the from available NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OP RESERVE made. These allotments are wndltLaJ Toronto uoon niTmim LIMITED Victory Bonds taken at par in Crown w.u.ui op I a ...ui mi axes ,,due. the LEVER BROTHERS - payment. NOTICE la hrrehv ;,.. ... ...... right, of person's to ThVmtfo p? t 'i'0' c"cer,'n. Portions or Lots Two sell are al.o nrn.T.-j ." tp ?nd-?l.n?i'J'.e m nd Two hundred (,08) .naD0 Three (t) coast SurJK1,Ja ,na anown as Lots 1. flnaL"The time Kr'Sffi Lleven ami nfi.nin. ...a. wts? Sf VP Wt P Frederick van Werkhoven I puSS "n2re2 'y-one (l iflV) and .n,J?rdiyeo? fiKM SjH? tion v.iu uuuuicu ouu suiy-iwo (110) by made after fhls date hi of Tbe Royal Academy for Muele of J reason or a nntico nn.i.h. 1. ... ...iL not Tbe Hague,Holland. i Is cancelled for sale at publlo aTuctlon vrown ow purposes. J jLi ilag TEACHER OF PIANO th.PVr,1;!? ' Vjejon. Ornish Columbia, STUDIO-Phone Geeen 167 i day of September. A.D. jt. u it. NADEN. SlSitW. -M Deputy Minister oy Lands. Deputy Vlotorta, B. a