Monday- December 3, 1018. THE DAILY NEWS, Page 5 MENDID WORK OF COL PECK AT VIMY RIDGE n.rehed to Victory With Piper playing ujr Famous Correspondent. fflED TO BEAR A CHARMED LIFE WHY SUFFER PA I N Hirst's Gives Quick Relief! There Is need no to - Pain Extc nt,-l.i1:let!fn,ell of hc,umtlsD. lumbago,.neuralgia, aching back and muscle., toothache, earache and similar Ills. Use Hirst's Carried Off Field After Collapse, ailments. 7.Z7CZ:" "uc r.quauy elective lor relievinir swollen lolntfi. snrains. com tlirnnt nnrl nhr mlnfnl A time-tried family remedj known for forty gut was aoon nacK uoing years. , w.ueanvays nave it all HIRSTS Tectoral Syrupof Hore-liound handy dealers write Greater Things. or us. anl Klecampnn" HIRST REMEDY COMPANY, HAMILTON, CANADA .Canada's latest V. C, Lieut.- fzmmm mil rUmel Peck, is ono of the won- h .. i i v dian Corps, a battalion of heroes, INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE LAND REGISTRY ACT SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE (Section 84 and 134.) , ,, I. ' would follow him anywhere. " ff"LSfPLWH walks Into battle with a No Danger of Contracting Re Application No. 1 01 18-1. File 69 JO. TAKE NOTICE that application has beer ll Somlnton iecturo -k,ril Influenza. f cross loan made to register Brenton O: Moore and pipes to the full. Somehow he Roy L. Moore of Prince Rupert, B. C. as mutt look aMaii mSuIo's further refer- I'0?"8. l? ,ect:herc .tho So states a well known Vancou owner In fee under a Tax Sale Deed from ' ,, , ,, , , i staying' in ver doctor who offers to swallow tho Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, ence to Ua n- battalion headjuar.tcrs, bearing date the S8th day of November, and appreciative. where his a capsuleful every day for a week. 1817, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain teresting , The Dodtor is r.ight. parcel or tract of land and premises situate, 1 things mayUk . W:Sl?f SS e. happen, lie With plenty of fresh air, good lying and being In the Municipality of pi leisurely oft dutv. but he is a nourishing food and a table-spoonful ue City of rilnce Rupert, more particu mri t ie popular novensi wouiu . . , .. v , -- - larly known and described as Lot eighteen "." "U'l'j uiu uuur oi acuon of KENNEDY'S TONIC ( ' ! the on iop to ote became n.i,ii A 18), Block eighteen m (18), Section six . ol iti became ol the purity jfij- mm uve QtS2y p,S3 built with a friendly,.1"' .; You cannot keep hiui out of l'OHT four times daily you can (6), City or PrlDCe Rupert, Map 8S3. You m LSw ee whh wlucb It cleanse Aw Wably fight. lax purchaser within 35 days from the date "Z- S ferments without jflW LEVER keep and your body strong and leisurjely air about him of ruDDiDg, iet the service of this notice (which may BKUltlED thinks of him at first meeting 'this was proved at Vimy. He thoroughly fortified against th be effected by publication), and your attention Good poceri alwajt tell Sunlight jtf LIMITED (ne suited for a comfortablo was very ill just before April 9, ravages of influenza, asthma Is called to section 36 of the "Land ,, XW' TORONTO is more I lift fninriita ln ii'linn 11.A i Registry Act" with amendments, and to bronchitis, colds or coughs. . . , tuD cnair uuu buuu ubui, v , ir i . following extract therefrom:- HIQ DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT pit jIrbVi nZ1- ii? is have bcen in bcd' ay down at DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf of"And lis In pendens default being of a nied caveat before or the certincate regis , .... .... irarton as owner of the person entitled un head of ono of the most famous,M. ,. ., . . der such tax sale, all persons so served S. S. PRINCE RUPERT with .... Christmas present for the boy notice, and those claiming of the Cana- . . Battalions Highland through or under them, and all persons ' - a - 'J suit or; overcoat at 25 per cent claiming any Interest In the land by virtue OR n THE SUPREME COUm OF BIUTISH his side. Wounded men raised discount v.allace s. of any unregistered Instrument, and all persons claiming any Interest In th land COLUMBIA. themselves up on their elbows to by descent whose title Is not registered S. S. PRINCE GEORGE cheer him. Ho under the provisions or this Act, shall be Pi kept on hour, after Oh sayl The News Print Shop C THE MATTER OF THE ADMIHISTIIA- ror ever estopped and debarred from setting Tin tr.T hour through the beating rain and does its work about as cheap as up any claim to or In respect or the land SAILING eo sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall ill w tiic m attf.h df the , estate of I snow, struggling through shell most shops and quite as well register the person entitled under such HHP rVlPTKflViril! :UTIIEKW1SE DECEASED. Imlno n l,rv,,l l!f I gives you the work on time when- lax sale as owner or the land so sold for MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, JSAAC O'NEILL; taxes." KKOWN A3 when li is reached their ob- Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcoria and Seattle. men ver possible and hands it out AND WHEREAS application has been m TAKE NOTICE Mil in oroer oi 1111 ippllvpa Iia horn MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. n.- with a pleasant "Thank you made for a Certincate or Indefeasible Title Itnnnnr F, MCD. Young, maao ine ism uij or Novcmbtr, A. D. 10IS. Iwa ippoinied 'He saw that everything was .Vhat do you say to Riving them 0 the above-mentioned lands, In the name r Brenton 0. Moore .and Hoy L. Moore. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. kovich, deemed, md hi parties having! right, helped to beat o(T a German a trial on your next job? AND WHEREAS on investigating the S. tlalms agalnav ma aia ejiaie are uerrDy cmlntP nopjj anfi 4i,pn whon Charlotte Islands. required to turnisti ame. properly verined, 1 tie It appears that prior to the IStb day Alternating Weekly to Queen to mc on or betore the sth uayi of De- darkness came on collapsed. Even MINERAL ACT or October, 1816 (the date on which the eenibvr, A. D. IfcU, and ill parties In- , . . .,, ... , . said lands were sold for overdue taxes), QDle(l 10 lC esiliu rr rcquinru iu ..wit miii vuuiu ii.ii. uu TRAIN SERVICE were the assessed thereof. l?!.!!??J?nl or ,"e'r ,MeBW"iesi 10 "" further. He stumbled and fell Certincate of Improvements. you owners FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the and SATURDAY at 11:30 Smlthera 1UIIIIV...U. I . . ... . , .. . , Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY a.m. for lum ii. ni:Mvi.i.iA. anu naa 10 De carnea on tne neia. same time I shall effect registration In pur Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all Ofllclil Adm nlsirator. I . ... NOTICE !' all tllO laws medicine suance of such application and Issue a points eist and south. Dated till HID day of November. 1018. OI no Drum Lummou, IXL, Caledonia, Mavis Certincate of Indefeasible Title the said I nlitrlif in lifivn ,1i'ai1 llm In v hill Ibis, Kitchener, Big- Thing, Dumfries, to lands in the name of the. aforesaid parties SVFREME COUBT-OF IX THE -BIUTISH T Columbia. ' he Is one of the tough kind that Monlalve, Index, Malachite, Cupprltc, Grey unless you take and prosecute the proper For information and reservations apply to 1 Wharf and Bunker mineral claims take a lot of killing. situate Copper, In the Skcena Mining Division of proceedings to establls.i your claim, ir any G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. MS W liU.H THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMIMSTItA- "I saw- him a week later In a Range i. Coast District. Where located:' to the said lands, or to.prevent'such lro- City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 26ft wscu acuon on my pari. 1 and On Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. London hospital Dated at the Land Registry Office, Trlnce M THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson, ' J.tll.UA.1 NCkianu:?; DECEASED. 'Ho did loo much that day,' Rupert, B.C., this 6th day of September B. C. L. S of Trail, B. C, acting as agent TAKE K Tlrr IhAf In nrdn. rf tll some one told mc. 'His soldiering for the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, A. D. 1818. II. F. MACLEOD, HoDour F u Young-. maJe itio ism day davs are over.' JJut tne colonel Limited, Free Miner's Certincate No. 2S,- District Registrar of Titles. BS& to the'V.Vte" Wald was back in the field a short time fiJO-C, Intend, slity days from the date To Walter 0. Laurie, hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder has done greater things Robert Williams. and En7c?.c.r for Certincate of Improvements, for the William Jones, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY vrtvi required to furnlah same, properly Since man ever Deiore. purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the Prince Rupert. B. C. Sr5eA.S.0 iotLTJA "Colonel Peck is particularly above claims. r al..m. . tb?vl i"c.i i'V ."!?muvuiuuuni.reiulrctl I iu Py Mm I I of Richardson,. the ii. regl i. i der And section further 37, take must notice be commenced that action,before un MINERAL ACT. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points luruiwua. JOHN If. McMULLIM, nicniai pipsr, who, wneii mo uut-talion be Issue of such Certincate of Improve via Steamer to Vancouver and the became entangled in uncut OfllrlAl Artrnlnltf pnlni mcnts. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Canadian Pacific tited this 18ln day of November, 1818. wire in a daring aavanco ai me Dated this Slat day of September. A. D. Railway IS. THE SUPREME Somme, walked to and fro in front 818. NOTICE. Meals and Berth included on Steamer COUuT OF BRITISH J. D. ANDERSON. Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate COLUMBIA. of the wires, playing his pipes, In the Skecna Mining Division of Casslar while- German machine bullets SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF District. Whore located: At the head of H T10X MTTER ACT OF THE ADMI.MSTRA were whistling and shells bursting QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Alice Arm In the Skeena Mining Division. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE TAKE NOTICE that I, J. E. SSark, owner and nil nri-nind. .md tllO nlaCO Was a " .T.H.FMATTF-n OK THE ESTATE OF TAKE NOTICE that I, John McLarty Mac cf the above claim. Free Miner's Certincate S. S. Princess Mary sails froin Prince Rupert November "ts W1LLARD WATTj DECEASED, shambles of death. When at last mlllan. of Vancouver, B. C, occupation No. HI 71, Intend, sixty days from the 23rd; December 6th, 20th, and January 3rd. left date ncreor, to apply to the Mining Recorder Uo what was for task notice that in order of his Highlanders, or canneryman. Intends to apply pcrmls unFi5il? "10 ,5,I11 of them, forced their way tiirougn slon to lease the following described lands for a Certincate of Improvements, FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, VVRANQELL, EKAQWAY, ALASKA : for the of obtaining a Crown A' D- 1918. waa appointed Commencing at a' post planted on the purpose wtinijtraior to mo estate of tbo said Richardson marched with them, south shore of Lagoon Bay, Moresby Is Grant of the above claim. S. S. Princess Mary sails from Princo Rupert November K.!H,r!' YA't. deceased, and all par- aHII nynvin llnii thev reached . mile from Its mouth, ' And further take notice that action, un rlnim. against tne saia estate '"D - land, about one 18lh, December 2nd, lOth.ind 30th. S. required to furnish same, prop- nnd cantured n German trench. thenco south SO chains, tnenco welt SO der section 85, must be commenced before EM tho Issuance of such Certincate of north SO chains, thence SM?iK'ffiS?IIcrea.hell struck nnd killed chains, thence easterly along the shore line to point of Improvements. jmuiDted to the estate are required to i.m " Dated this 5th day of July. A. D. 1818. W tne amount of their Indebtedness to commencement, containing 40 acres more W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. lorihwiih. or less. JOHN H. McMULLIN. Shoo bargains clothing bar JOHN McLARTV MACMILLAN. MINERAL ACT Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. oniclal Administrator. JWea this 1 8th day of November, 1818. gains still on Wallaces. Dated June SOtb, 1818. a Certificate of Improvements, THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I COLUMBIA. NOTICE Jinl fITEH OF THE ADMIN1STRA- u'erro Fraction Mineral Claim, situate In v.i Aic tho Skcena Mining Division of Casslar i ii and District. The Union COAST SERVICE. vVNVTTER OF THE ESTATE OF Where located: Near the head of Alice S,wz2 ll(J8SI; OTHERWISE KNOWN ' i liuss; DECEASED. Arm. For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. '-it-- ,lE NOTICE thai HIS TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Patmore, Steamship Vancouver, sailing tSat., 6 11 in order of .. -4. Free Miner's Certincate No. 20407-C, as 7 7'.- Anyox, Mondays, a.m. ri.kWtBl Voung. made tlio 15th day IS1 toil.?.l).fr' A'D' 1818. 1 was appointed agent for John Walford Strombeck, Free Co. of B.C. Port Simpson and Naas Points, S!irV,or ,t0 ' estate of the said Miner's Certincate No. IISI-C, Intend, aX !!.108"- deceased and all parties sixty days from the date hereof, to apply Fridays, p.m. . krSv ' he ire said staie to the Mining necorder for a Certincate of Ltd. "Quired :: :: HmL to rurntsh'sapic, properly John Barnsley, General Agent Rri?,.S:e'.on or "'fow lne 18t" aW Improvements, for the purpose of obtain Hi ssbiM i V 19 18- 80(1 411 Pa"lc ng a Crown Orant of the above claim. jWr ate are required to pay And further take notice that action, un toftwtfc" dt ,t"'lr Indebtedness to me, der section 85 must be commenced before 'OHN II. McMULLIN, tne issue or sucn certincate or improve 'Dateii i.i oniclal Administrator. mcnts. 18th day of Noveinbor. 1818. DATED this 15th day of August, A. D. mm "IM ..... 1818. 028 Hdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manasrer SUPREME rntinT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President if LAND AOT FORM NO. 11 if.ii i 9 i ""tlM ACTTEW 0F T,,E ADMINI9TnA- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO t!lAMATI?n THE ESTATE OF LEASE LAND Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. SlNCUIRj DECEASED. IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT; RECORDING DISTRICT OF IP ft'TJCn that In order of Ills SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH limited: ? "ovemh. Young, made the IBth day SHORE OF LAGOON INLET, MORESBY iUitrat' u: 8.Iwas appointed FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE wu? S',J estate or the said ISLAND, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS i!vn clirm.'l deceased, and all rartlcs MOUTH. 7 reoiJt.lln, he'said estate are Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories ISil. Jl!" tQI fulh properly -same, Smhii?eVR or Mott tho 18th day TAKE NOTICE that I. JOHN M. MAC Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage 7 la?ri'h.A,n-' ll8.-and all parties MILLAN. of Vancouver, B. C, occupation 81 I? are rtiqulrod to pay Canneryman, intends PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 'ttwith, ' of tllclr( indebtedness to me to apply for permis sion to lease,the following.described lands; .. II. McMULLIN, Commencing it a post planted on the Registered Office: Prince Rupert Offlce: itea tin. oniclal Adminlitrator. south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Is. Jlb day of November, 1818. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 i land, about one mile from Its mouth; leallior hand bags. luonce west SO chains: thenca north SO Vancouver, li. C, P. O. Box 1608 'lllly cbatnsj thence east 30 chains more or less i 'ucs and bill folds for to. low water mark at the beach: thenco - -"'rrrfrrrrrrrrrmij. ADli t, ,.and oviihuihuu tun 1 1 n. ui i mii.i.lite a southerly following low water marU to the - "'icounts. tf point of .commencement! containing 0 tiding acres m&re JOHN or McLATtTY less. MACMILLAN. Advertise in The Daily News In Ti'fis-ilnrAnn goos Dated August 18th, 1818. N 8 lrlce3.- -Wallace's if "v ,11 f