uvdncsday, December 4, 1918. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 "RANK- OF-MONTRCT LAND POLICY ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS f J(t sml OFPROVINCE RemittancestoSoIdiers IS DISCUSSED Remittances to soldiers in OANAOA. England, Belgium, France Ottawa Paper Deals Editorially Eastern Countries With Efforts to Get Rid of On Monday, December 2nd, 1918, may or Speculators In This rnimn " .! ' fi A to MM I Hi Province. will be offered the First Issue of Canadian Government ill i 'I 1 It 01 Montreal cuuer uy caDie, 0 0 ill H I The Ottawa Citizen of recent if haste is essential; or by date has a column of editorial Draft or Bank Money Order comment on the land policy of War-Savings if to be sent by letter post. Hie Urillsh Co umb a Government Stamps which gives an idea how outsid " WINNIPTO BRANCH ers view the efforts which arc be ing made by the Minister; of P. R. CLARKE, II. ST. G. LEE, Lands to deal with the vacant "W ar-Savings Stamps will proolde financial assistance Superintendent Manager, lands of the province and par to the Government; an excellent investment for small British Columbia Branches. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH. ticularly in relation to the lands held for speculative purposes. It savings! and a strong incentive to everyday economy". is headed nritish Columbia's Ex ample and is as follows: lSu THOMAS WHITE, "British Columbia is conscicn- Minister of Finance. tiosuly engaged in getting rid o idle land speculation in the pro. Order-in-CouncilP.GNo. 2462 authorizes the issue of War-Savings Stamps vince. .Premier John Oliver i3 Things Look Brighter putting into effect the cleaning-up for the purpose of assisting in the financing of Government expenditures. the policy,late premier,determined II. C.upon Brewster after The Stamps may be obtained at all Money Order Post Offices, Banks, formed (he new provincial' gov and at other authorized agencies, and are interest bearing. ernment. "Mirro" Aluminium Ware "The Brtish Cdlumbia minister Issue of 1919 Payable January 1st, 1924 of lands, T. D. Patullo , recently Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans explained the government's policy The first issue will be offered from December, 1918, to December Combination Kettle and Double Boiler British with regard Columbia to land apparently settlement rec 31st, 1919, and each War-Savings Stamp of this issue constitutes the Frypans ognizes that one of the first steps' Government's promise to pay the sum of Five Dollars on January,First, 1924.. towards assisting Canadian re "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping lur;ned soldiers to settle on the Price, $4.01 and Interest $4.00 Grows to $5.00 land must be to free the large tracts of desirable land, at present During December, 1918,and January, 1919, Instead of paying interest twice a year, like the puce cl a War-Savings Stamp is $4.00. In a Victory Bond, the interest on a War-Saving withheld from use by specu February, 1919, the price is $4.01, and it Stamp accumulates,and is paid with the principal Call and see the latest shipmr t at lators and idle landholding cor increases one cent each month until in December, at the end of the term. Your $4.00 grows to 1919, the price is $4.11 the extra cent porations. The minister of lands $5.00 in the 5 representing interest earned. years. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE gave an indication of the pro vincial government's policy as Surrender Privilege follows: Registration Against Loss SECOND AVENUE The Policy. When ft person buys his first War-Savings A certificate with W.-S.S. one or more These large tracts of lands Stamp,providing a space certificate for ten is such issued,stamps.without If circumstances charge, thereon will be registered for you without charge alienated by speculators are all compel him to realize on his investment, by the Post Master at any Money Order Post being appraised arid the owners his money is available. On the back of the Office. This protects the owner in case such required to list them for sale. If certificate will be found the cash surrender certificate fr.lost,stolen or destroyed. By applying value of the stamps at various dates before the at the Post Office where your certificate was they refuse to sell at the apprais end of the full term. registered, you can have your money refunded, ed value they will be required to HARRY HANSON do settlement duties, in default :: In order lo make it easier to War-Savings acquire Stamps, of which they will be subject to The Reliable Plumber, THRIFT STAMPS are issued at 25 cents each. These do Electricity! a lax which will in time be super not bear interest, but 16 of them affixed to a Thrift Card come so burdensome that they Will be thawsoutfrozenwater H exchanged for a W.-S. S. will soon be compelled either to pipes by electricity, j use the lands or allow them to Issned under Authorization of National War-Savings Committee. and has the only machine in town. bo returned to the government, to be sold to bonaflde settlers." Sir HERBERT AMES,.Chairman. This eminently sane and just .INVENTOR OF method of restoring the .land to productive use should do much to I Patent Rapid Heating Water Coil i commend the province of British American syndicate, havei un Columbia to the men of the Cana Installed in all wood and coal burning stoves and ranges. Hot dian overseas forjees who desire to covered the fact that thousands water guaranteed In ten minutes after lighting fire. An abundance E make homes for themselves by of acres of Canadian lands were of hot water guaranteed at alltimes. their own industry under fair owned by Kaiser-Wilhelm. More Fuller's Grocery than a year after' the beginning E Special Attention to Repair Work. J conditions. of the war, it is claimed, the Kaiser's 311 THIRD AVENUE The last Conservative Government properties in Canada were in British Columbia left the FULLER, SMART & STEEN transferred to American agents HARRY HANSON practically province heavily all the valuable in debt, natural with as nominal holdcr-s. The proper PHONE 45 P H O N E ties aro described as follows: The Reliable Plumber i resources handed over; to ab Fifteen valuable timber tracts Phone 4!8 139 Second Avenue s sentee landlordism. Several years on the Pacific coast; a large number NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ago M. B. Cotsworth, F. G. S., an of mineral lands, both in op UilllllllllllllllHIIIilllllllllillll lllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll experienced gave the evidence British of millions statistician of eration and undeveloped, located Service Satisfaction Reduced Prices n the interior of Canada; four acres of British Columbia resources, teen timber tracts on Vancouver withheld from use by Island which the Canadian Government 1 lb. of Fuller's Best Coffee speculating syndicates, controlled, had wished to buy to (riven away with each order of Seattle, $5.00 or more first week. as ho,, stated, frpm the Park complete Stryithcona reserve; Portland, Spokane, San Francisco, a block of timber lands Iigh Class Printing Chicago, New York; also London, reaching from the Canadian Pacific Berlin, Paris and other European coast far into tho interior We are off with a Bang. Follow the Crowd centres of finance and worth approximately $9,000,-000. Owned by Ex-Kalser. No Substitution and a Square Deal Lately the federal authorities Some of this information will in the United States, tracing up not be new to readers of The Citi MOTOR DELIVERY The do the Daily News Print Shop is equipped to the operations of a German- zen. It has been discussed peri finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable NAVIOADLE WATERS rnOTECTION ACT. odically during tho war, without II. S. C. CHAPTER 115. finding any Canadian Government prices. No job Ms' too small to receive careful Tlio Tort Edward Fisheries Limited authority a keen to extirpate hereby gives notice that they have, under German vested interests in land attention and none too big for the shop to handle. the Section Minister 7 or of the ruhllc said Act,Works deposited at Ottawa with idleness, as it has been lo pass and In the onice or the District Registrar orders to draft strikers and extir of the Land neglstry. District,of rrlnce Phone 131 Office -14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 Iiupert, at Prince rtupert, B. c. a description pate other troublesomo workers. of the site and the plans of a cannery ItUSIMCSS AND SOCIAL CARDS and wharf proposed to Harbor be built at situate Port According to information un Prince & Supply Co. on portion of Porpoise derstood to bo in the possession Rupertjngineering Edward. B. C. In front of part of Lot 478. Itanse 6. Coast District. of the United States bureau of ENVELOPES NOTIi IIUADS AND that after the expiration notice And take investigation and war intelligence of one month from the date of the first Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors DISPLAY POSTEItS AND DODGKIUS publication of this notice, the Tort Edward agents, the Canadian land transactions f the isheries said Act,Limited apply will,to the under Minister Section of Public 7 of for the Kaiser, were orig Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete IIOOKLETS AND FOLDERS Works at his omce In tho City of inally carried out under the company Plant Installations and Ottawa, for approval of the said site plans and for leave to construct the said name of "Alvo von Alven-sleben, CIRCULARS AND POSTAL NOTICES cannery and wharf. . Limited," with headquarters Northern B.C. Representatives Dated at Vancouver, B. C, this twenty-fourth day of October, 1818. at Vancouver, and branch Canadian Westinghouse Electrical Equipment, Electric FRATERNAL SOCIETV WORK ronT EDWAUD FISHERIES LIMITED, Ranges, Motors, Generators,: offices at Victoria. M. B. Cots-worth's Secretary. Nov. S9. n. E. WALKER.. Co., Hamilton Lamps, &c. pamphlets, "The Crisis in RECE1IT ROOKS AND CHECKS Tire & Rubber B. C.-"An Appeal for Investigation,"' Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose stated plainly, more than Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. ! Hotel Prince Rupert three years ago, that Fleishhack-er Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. Bros. & Johnson, San Francisco, Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. The News Print Shop EUROPEAN PLAN held 79)999 acres of pulp-wood Domestic Daily land in British Columbia, Engineering "Delco" Light Products $1.50 per day and up. lie pubUshcd this information Co., Dayton ,, .Isolated Electric Plants from the official records, and Pelton Water Wheel Co.' Water Wheel and Third Ave.,Prince Rupert FIRST-CLASS CAFE added that "the German firm of San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus A La Carte. Flcislihackor Bros, of San Francisco, Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Mail attention along with Alvo von Alven-leben, Wood Stave.Pipe, Tanks, etc. Orders receive careful & prompt MW4 control vastly more than Vancouver , the 80,000 aores here recorded, Dodge, Manufacturing' Triiu. Pioneer Boarding House (Continued on Page 5.) CO., Toronto Hangers, etc. THIRD AVE.. CLOSE TO PRY DOCK Hundreds of pleased customers A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical Advertise in "The Daily News" Nice dsn, ooldwsUr.roonu, good led6Ccup,board. Hot and secured bargains last week in Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock PHONR RED 892 spite of bad weather-Salo continued r444 this week Wallace's. The Paper that gets Quick Results