Wednesday, December 4, 1018. TUB DAILY NEWS. Page 6 There are no Smokes in HUDSON BAY Edward Lipsell, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Germany. MOUNTAIN ORE Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Get your parcel of BEINGSHIPPED TEACH So VooR.Ffc WANTS Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. Tobacco for the rLTO Cone T... NOO TAUC TOO IAUC-ll- LIMITED . Soldier Boys Arrangements Made by Pete Schu- OONT XnU vWOVJ FISHING A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE for with Silver Standard NOT SUPPOSED on their march to Berlin To Mill It. lea MoT TO WHISPER. Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories made up at the TALK. IN &&A ttOM - THATS ALL Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Pole Schufer PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Prince Rupert last .Monday from New HnznHnn where he was completing arran Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: Cigar Store & gements with the Silver Standard 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 management for milling tho one Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 which he and his partner, Lou Billiard Parlor Wood, have mined from their nro- perly on Hudson Bay mountain THIRD AVENUE during the past summer, says the Best Billiard Hall in Interior; News. Mr. Schufer stat Phone 37 P.O. Bos 1704 es that tho Standard mill is now Town. ready to resume operations after the shut-down necessitated by For Comfort, Courtesy and Service the serious outbreak of influenza in that camp. "BSRrJ The. ore has now been shipped ICw-jrliil,,. iw.. w u. tnlIll jefn. sw Xork Herald Co.. THE SAVOY HOTEL Black 507 to New Hazelton, and consists of about F. T. BOWNE3S. Manager thirty-four tons. Last year the boys made a similar shipment LAND POLICY OF THE MINERAL ACT. Fifth and Fraaer St., Prince Rupert, B.C. PROVINCE DISCUSSED CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. FOR HOLIDAY CURDS from tne samo working, and as the actual smelter returns on that ISOTICfc. Homo Cooking Running; Hot and Cold Water AND BANNER SIGNS (Continued from Page. 3.) shipment netted the partners well cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate Suggestions for Xmas over two hundred dollars per ton In tbe Skeena Mining Dlrlslon or Casslar although the Britisli Columbia District. Where located: At tbe head or Window Decorations they have something upon which Alice Arm In the Skeena Mining Division. records do not show how much." Have your to base their expectations of two TAKE NOTICE that I, 1. E. SUrlc, owner hundred dollar ore In the present Socialist Too. or the above claim, Free Miner's Certificate S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Permanent Signs lot. In the list of idle landholders No. 11171, Intend, sixty days from tbe date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re done over during the winter-rates L.ast year s splendid returns are names such as Ebert a name" corder for a Certificate or Improvements, OR more reasonable were In the face of many penal ror the purpose or obtaining a Crown I Guarantee to Please You lies imposed on the one on ac lately featuring in the news as' Grant or the above claim. S. S. PRINCE GEORGE tbe first Socialist chancellor of And further take' notice that action, un count of the heavy zinc content der section 85, must be commenced be CALHOUN Germany), with W. 30,720 C. acres; SAILING The smelters not only refuse to fore the Issuance or such Certificate or 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert ueisterman with 50,177 acres, Improvements. for the zinc pay contents of ore, Bauman & Keliher (operating in Dated this 5th day of July. A. D. 1918 MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, out they actually penalize the Vicorla and Seattle. Painted beattle) 15,000 acres. Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Autos : copper or silver values when this British Columbia has apparent MINERAL ACT MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. refactory element is present. By iy decided that tho withholding Certificate of Improvements. having this ore treated at the S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. IX THE SUPREME COUIIT OF BIUTISH of valuable Jand from use is COLUMBIA. Silver Standard mine and having wiring in principle. With the NOTICE Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. 'erro Fraction Mineral the zinc separated, the other Claim, situate In task of reconstruction ahead, it' the SJceena Mining Dlrlslon of Casslar IS THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA values will be Realized in full, TIO.N ACT is time the national government District TRAIN SERVICE and while instead of being an object Where located: Near the head or Allco IS THE MATTER CVJETKOVICH;OF THE OTHERWISE ESTATE OF for penalty the zinc will now be arrived at a similar stale of enlightenment. Arm. Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. ror Smltbers ISAC K.NOWN A3 ISAAC O'NEILL; DECEASED paid for. Whether 90,000 TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. ratmorc Prince Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all acres of valuable coal in the me Miners certmcate no. S0107-C as points east and south. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Hit Mr. Schufer, In talking of this Canadian agent ror John Wairord Strombeck, Free West withheld Hnnnur F McB. Younr. made ttie 15th day are from November, A, D. 1918, 1 was appointed laiesi snipmeni, said: "Tne zinc Miner's Certificate No. 14191-C, Intend. or use by Sir Sam Hughes, or Mac For' information and reservations apply to Administrator to the ealate or Isaac Cvjet-kovlcb; runs pretty high in this and sixty days rrom the date hereof, to apply deceased, and all partlea having ore, kenzie and Mann, William of to the Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket AgonL claims reaulred against to rurnliD tne same,said esuie properly are verlfle nereo; from assays we estimate that in Houenzollern, or Kobes & Beaton Improvements, Tor the purpose or obtain City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 to me, on or before the 1 8 tri days of De first putting our ore through the of Chicago, does not affect the Ing a Crown Grant of tho above claim. member, A. o. ana an parties in concentrator the returns will be And further take notice that action, un debled lo me esiaie are required to pay principle. No man, nor gipup of der section 88 must be commenced before amount of loefr Indebtedness two thousand dollars greater the to me men, should be allowed lo hold the Issue of such Certificate or Improve' rorlbwiu. than would have been returned ;OII. II. roents. McMULLIN, such tracts of Canadian land in Official A(1i"n(lrtnr had the shipment gone direct to DATED this 15th day or August, A. D Pared iWi Hla day or November, 1918, idleness. The land should be 1918. OS8 the smelter, and in addition the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY worked, and the state should col M THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Standard people handle the whole LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 COLUMBIA. lect the community-created value transaction.' . from it annually, for community THE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points OF THE ADMIMSTflA NATTER purposes, or it should be restored LEASE LAND INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE Vancouver and via Steamer the mil lo the state. The land and natu IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND to IX THE M TTER OF THE ESTATE OF SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE DISTRICT: RECORDINO DISTRICT OF Canadian Pacific Railway IIEHMA.t AlCkl.MNON; DECEASED. ral resources of Canada are the SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH birthright of the of Canada. TAkE NOTICE that in order of Ills No Danger of Contracting people SHORE OF LAGOON INLET. MORESBY Meals and Berth included on Steamer Honour F. McB. Young, made ttie 15th day They should never have been ISLAND, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS ..uicuiwr, v. u. i was appointed Influenza. MOUTH. alienated. Where held Administrator to the esute of tbe said they are Herman McKlnnon. deceased, and all parties n idleness, they should be taken TAKE NOTICE that I, JOHN M. MAC FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE having claims aralnst lbs said estate are So slates a well known Vancou MILLAN or Vancouver, B. C, occupation hereby required to furnish same, properly back. Canneryman, Intends to apply ror permis of...n.u, iu mi, un or oeiore me loin aay vcr doctor who offers lo swallow sion to lease the rollowlng described lands: S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November Dumber. A. D. 1918, and all indebted lo tbe estate are recvlred parlies to pay a capsuleful every day for a week. MINERAL ACT Commencing at a post planted on the 23rd; December 6th, 20th, and January 3rd. the anr-uni of their lndebtedneas to roe The Doctor is rjght. south shore or Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Island, about one mile rrom Its mouth; FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAQWAY, ALASKA JOHN II. McMULLIN, With plenty of fresh air, good Certificate or Improvements. thence west 90 chains; thence north SO Offlclal Administrator. nourishing food and a table-spoonful S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November jpfd this 18th day of November. 1918 chains; thence east 90 chains more or less Of KENNEDY'S TONIC NOTICE to low water mark at tbe beach; thence 18th, December 2nd, 16th,ind 30th. THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Drum Lummon, I X L, Caledonia, Mavis, OUT four times daily you can southerly rollowlng low water mark to tbe COLUMBIA. Ibis, Kitchener, Big Thing, Dumfries, point or commencement; containing 40 keep your body strong and Monlalve, Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Grey acres more or less. H THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.MSTRA thoroughly fortified against the Copper, Wharr and Bunker mineral claims, JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. TIO.N ACT . and ravages of Influenza, asthma, situate In the Skeena Mining Division or Dated August 19th, 1918. N8 " THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF colds coughs. Range 4, Coast District. Where located: Co ner Fourth.Street rnd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert B.C. Mats MILLARD WATTj DECEASED, bronchitis, or On Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF BIG DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT, TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAl'E NOTICE that In order of Ills Honour r McB. Young, made the f.5th day DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf C. L. S., or Trail, B. C, acting as agent '.VivembiT, A. D. 1918, 1 was appointed ror the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, TAKE NOTICE that I, John McLsrty Mac-mlllan. Administrator to tbe estate or tbe said Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. SJ,-639-C, or Vancouver, B. C, occupation Junes Uving Wlllard claims Watt,against deceased,the and said all estate parties Oh sayl Tho News Print Shop Intend, sixty days rrom the date I'anncryman, Intends to apply for permission The Union COAST SERVICE. does its work about as cheap as the Mining Recorder described lands: are hereby required to rurnlsh same, properly hereof, to apply to to lease tbe following termed, to roe, on or be Tore tbe 18lh most shops and quite as well, ror Certificate or Improvements, ror the Commencing at a post planted on tbe For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. Jay of December, A. D. 1918, and all par-ties purpose or obtaining Crown Grants or the south shore of Lagoon Bay, Moresby Island, Steamship 6 Indebted to the estate are required to gives you tho work on time when- Vancouver, sailing Sat., p.m. about mile rrom Its above claims. one mouth, pay the amount of their indebtedness to Anyox, 7 me forthwith. ver possible and hands it out And further take notice that action, un thence south 20 chains, thence west 90 Mondays, a.m. JOHN II. McMULLIN. with a pleasant "Thank you." der section 37, must be commenced beforo cbalns, thence north 90 chains, thence Co. of BC. Port Simpson and Naas Points, Cited this 181b omclal day or Kovember,Administrator.1918. ,Vhat do you say to giving them be Issue or such Certificate or Improve easterly along the shore line to point or Fridays, p.m. ments, commencement, containing' 40 acres more Ltd. W THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH trial on your next Job? Dated this list day or September, A. D. or less. John Barnsley, General Agent COLUMBIA. 918. i JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. Advertise In the Daily News. J. D. ANDERSON. , Dsted June 0lb 1918. W THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATES ACT A THE l.CENZO JIM MATTeTT ROSSi ROSSI DECEASED.OF1 OTHERWISE THE ESTATE KNOWN OF It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken TAkE NOTICE that In order or Ills Honour F, McB. Young, made the ISth day .November, A. D. 1918,1 was appointed aanilnlstrator to the estate of the said tuiceDio Rossi, deceased, and all parties """if claims against the said estate are !.If.ry.."Quired to furnish same, properly "ruied, to me, on or before the 18 th day w December. A. D. 1918, and all parties woibied to the estate are required to pay Jhmunt or tbelr Indebtedness to roe JOHN II. McMULUN. ftnWT THINK. vwirJTHE 1 look WHAT i VJE-fMCtN J fi omclal Administrator, jmcd this 18th day of November. 1918. j-TS lOo tARLl Lrri I WON! J TrLZ Jltk H THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ILL TAMCE. THAT THP LVTTLE ) J?C N COLUMBIA. k SEVENTEEN A V iVMMte TtE -l-7nu Mnul Y SomWI W MTTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT iS fL'Fv NATTtlT ok" THE ESTATE OF 'MANUEL SINCLAIRl DECEASED. J.E.,N.9T'CE "thai in order, of Ills ? f ,tB, Young, made tno Uth day duiiw.?llicr' A-u- t.lw appointed tSf.lrS,or 10 estate of the tMnrlnir rwn..,i ni .11 narl es pi'ing claims aint thi'uid estate are viffi,"quired to furnish same, properly of me on w ltor the 18th day V?" 10 ne estate are required to pay rorUl1lhunt f their Indebtedness to me JOHN II. McMULLIN, omclal Administrator. JWl I this igih dty of Movcmber. 1918. Queen Charlotte Islander? can-11 m ms m jm sits: rws i uvi v-ii i Asm i tm r. . wf i i - w jm i e- m. i i . v tirWv do better than mall their anting needs to Tho News Print B"P and get the work done 'romPlly and well. fCvrrrUbt Jli k tbt bteBlna Ttlearaia. tw tort DenW Oa.1