THE DAILY NEWS. Page 0 Local News Notes G.H.Arnold NOTARY PUBLIO Shoo Sale still on Wallace's.Li By Special Request Gifts that are easily mailed Overcoats! FOR SALE ! Wallaco's. The White Lunch has been ro- The Family Shoe Store Sale pened for business. The furniture of a four-roomed Will be continued a few days longer. Shoes for everyone at Salo modern house, and Prices Wallaces. At Martin O'Reilly's Many of our valued patrons have requested us,t over the tho house for rent. phone and in other ways to continue our Genuine Sale Bishop Du Vcrnet left for up a few days longer, Owing to climatic and other river points on mis morning a reasons they were unable to pay us a visit. train H. Q. HELOERSON, LTD. We got here to servo the public so have Insurance Ileal Estate. decided to continue our sale. A. Allctt arrived back In the The business of an 216 Sixth St. Prince Rupert Watch Thursday's Paper for Specials city Vancouver.this morning after visiting Overcoat The Cold.Is That to Keep Fact Out Is Note the Address: W. F. Joy returned to town by wever Lost Sight of In I tho' Prince George this morning Designing FAMILY SHOE STORE from Vancouver. r 3 t I ft STEPHENS Phone 357 - Geo. Hill and E. R. Tabrum Buy Bingo Clocks and Big and LEISHMAN Baby Bens at Bulger's" Big Bright NOTARY PUBLIO It Little Jewellery Store. Either Cash or A. L. Garruthers, district Pro COATS WESTHOLME KITSELAS MT. MINE AT vincial engineer, returned to town Victory Bonds USK IS SHOWING ELL last evening from up rjver and trm will buy two splendid Billie Burke, the red headed .Continued From Page One., So the Coat as Shown Mrs. J. W. Meagher, of Summit 4-roomd houtet with bathi on Irjsh girl, one of tho greatest I . . . . i e .a t 1 1 1 I Here Will Be Quite Able splendid lot, near Seal Cove. arrived nacK in ino ciiyums to Ave., expect to ttnd a largo oro body. stars in "tho movie world and the Take Care of Thorn is fmm nlehtfien inches to morning from tlie soutn any Cold Price Only $1,600 most populitr, is to appear in picture l Weathor that slips with a liberal discount for all cash. at the. Westholmo again tonight, . !!. tJlt f llmnc.nnn nnH irnn ' BloW yOUrsdf lO a nOW pipe You, of Warm, upon These houses are plastered, have the play this time being Woolly electric light and are very comfortable "Mysterious Miss Terry." which carries some silver an(j . BW" Mixtures In Browns and aa well as convenient to gold. What makes the prospect I1 livery movie fan has a favorite Qreys; Some Fully Lined, the Industrial end of the City. 20 Vc le not too much to eipect on actress, but if a vote were taken t,,";oui!a," ia "' lu i1,"JO, auu What makes a better gift than Others with Satin Yoke this Investment. You cannot afford it would be found that Billio lron ar0 tho two best minerals as I Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen to pay rent when' you have an opportunity Burke stands very near the top a '"airix ur ore . or a Kodak. See Mcltao Bros. 3 and Sleeves Piped Seams Ilk this one. in nnnnlnr fnvnr. nn Hits ennti- w inompson IS maKing a Others are Belted Mod-els, M: M. Stephens nent. Because of that it is ex- sma,l 8,"Pmeni OI ore Jusl uow O. Besner; returned to the city Walking Length, Slip, pected that there will be a big 10 1,10 acoma omensr, uui no this morning from Vancouver, on Styles of Splendid Materials. REAL E8TATE INSURANCE turnout at the Westholmo tonight, "ears mat iney win not oe aoie to whither he had been on a busi- FINANCIAL AGENT Thero is a comedy that is said savo llie free Sold Dy smelting. ness visit. 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 tn hn pxpflllpnt "0 "8 going to mo smeiier nnn- it self to watcn tlie worK. ureal snipment oi new pipes Cigars 1 Cigars I I Cigars 1 I I The Owners., at the Prince llupert Cigar Store I.nrtrp. nrrlvnlA nf frnsh irnnds to Tho mine was discovered in Buy one for him as' a Christmas Sizes 36 to 46 and Priced at Sickness and choose from, suitable for Christ- 1014 bV Messrs. Darfcy and Wells present tf mas presents. Prince Rupert and tuese men aro sllu interested Accident Insurance Citrnr Store. Third Avenue. tf in tuo company. Mr. Thompson Mrs. Kings ana nirs. u. cou is manager and associated in the arrived in tho city this morning $40.00 to $60.00 A Chun In win n $01.00 Vic. develoDmcnt are II. M. French and irom Vancouver on tneir way We represent the Dominion fnr Vintrnln crivpn wifh pvpw Guv A. Pound, hnth nf Oreenn. across 10 ino ISianQS. of Canada Guarantee ftnllnn nnrrtlmen .nf Mfillnn Ti rro Wnr L" li n a hnan plnonH rlnwn fnr and Accident Co., ""u ""5" " a little while, but will be starting which writes a special The Gift Shop Wallace's. ,i in ih ..nor. among the passengers returning policy oovering indemnity Mr. Thompson leaves for; the l" """ against airsickness THE DAILY NEWS south tomorrow night. Prince George from Vancouver. MA RTIN O'REILLY and Accidents. Hill 60 Chapter, I.O.D.E., will The annual cost is very Classified There are for,-ty-three known hold a "Tea Dansant" in tho St. : Advertising inakera using the Rogers name low. Andrew's Hall on the afternoon of 625 Third Avenue on taDie ware. Tnere are also New Year's Day and a big danco Phone 98 many qualities. We handle the In tho evening. It McCaffery, Gibbons well known 1847 Rogers and it Thii it the Advert 'ng 'Colomn that does hot disappoint. John Bulgerj The Ladies Aid of the Presby QUO peopla read what they want anything Jeweller. It terian Chuijch will hold a Sale of & Doyle, Ltd. It brings result Work and Home-Cooking on Saturday, Insurance J- Real Estate WANTED. Sergeant Adams, of the Dominion Dec. l i, at 3 o'clock. Tea liiiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nn iui nmnj nnnii if nhii nil iiiiuinniwu I'olice, wno lias been engaged inwili also be served. It WANTED Young- lady as nurses' dining' the City for the past several mon Prince Rupert, B. C. room maid. Apply to Matron P. n. Oen, tns, is leaving town in a week or ., Hospital. tr. so. He will take up duties in Yic- DENTISTRY WANTED Woman for dish washing, toria with tho Assistant Provost 1 In the Letter Box Wages 4S month with board and room. luursuui,r 1.-1 , I i Apply to Matron, l It. Oen. Hospital. FOR SALE ! Appreciates lllack Cod. I beg to announce to people of Princo Rupert S WANTED Woman for Hotel Work. Apply Following the' dismissal by the district that DECEMBER 8th I and on MONDAY, Hotel Ccntrsl. 284 Magistrate of the theft charge Editor The News: Princo Ru auv opening in tho HELGERSON BLK., COR 3RD Six Quilts, LADY CLElili wants work In Store. Ex- lalu "gainst -"'eio anaerson, nearu pert smoked black cod is certainly AVE. and CTH STREET, a modern dental oillco for j perienced. Write Box News in 173. Dally the Pol c Court nn Kox Muff, urn re quo " i one of the choicest of all fish particular people. S Pete asked the Dlaintiff. "Do I Red Corduroy Suit, OENTLEMAN wants two rooms and board to eat as put up and cooked in : In introJucing myself to tho people of this g Ledles' Green Velvet Dress wlln private family. Stale terms. iJ T U. I I owe I I you anything?"... .1 "No," was this city. locality I might stnto that I havo had 10 years' and other edd pieces. 172, Dally News omce. ino jjiuiii repiy, me piainiiu evi- The wonderful catch of fifteen 5 practical also for; 2 demon- dentlv beinc satisfied that ho had experience, was years Apply GENERAL. SEHVANT WANTED Apply Mrs.lorinnl. nil 1,1, himlf million fish for Rupert this year : slrator in one of America's foromost dental colleges. S BELMONT ROOMS t. wcu. loung, hourtii Avenue. 281 "T'. all right money then, here's is remarkable and it is practical : My tjfllces will stand for cleanliness, plus g lv n np.w Inrinafrv. Nn snrli rpr n.. i i i.- . i : uilicicucy, or in one word, Service. DAItMAID WANTED FOR ST, JAMES HOTEL I JU1'' SL'U'"K yuuio uiOKf. uo flr(j nag oeen ,nade jn any flsI,ins s: Dental nurse in attendance. W a week and Yoom. tf anu do goou, returneu l'ete. nnp. tn )lo ,,.nrh, on o1,n, S Yours truly, j WANTED First Class Cooper. Address I a development period, and nrac The Gurvich ', 1. Uox 815, Gifts for everyone Wallace's. Ucny aJ1 or most of' th(J flgl( ,8 I A. H. BAYNE, D.M.D. WANTED Woman Cook Apply Inlander halibut. For any epicure in fish, Boarding nouse. O. Hanson,, after. spending, a few kmvnvon iim t,nii,i ,t .imnn S iV L1JUV uuu OUI11IU It 55 OFFICE HOURS: Transfer WANTEn ftlrl fn, hAii.a vlr ltvtn1aHln. uay .u lUNVii, ifjl again UUS mns tnkn SMnnrl nlnnn tn lh 7 to 9 Morning, 9 to 12, Aliernoin, 1.30 to 5.30, Evening, g morning lor nis tie in the ly. nigh camps wages. Apply at omce of reck, black cod Princo Rupert is cer Moore uo., or teiepnone 130. if uuiKiey vauey tainly derelict of her duly if she Phone Green 548 WANTED to buy old postage stamps col Good does not let the world at lartro Ilillllllllilllllllllllilillillllllliiiililllilll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll' lections, also current Issues In quantities, shopping weather good know of lhe black cod P.O. Box 102. Office Fraser St. uox ic, shoe bargains Wallaco's. A VISITOR. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson; V. Sims WESELLCOAL and family of Giscomo uuix(i man, 21, wants work in or store or Usk, were among tho arrivals wartnouse. qan drive car. noom it. Jn town from up river last even- arp registered at tho Hotel Princo Canadian Food Control Licence No. 5-1117. Rupert, having come by last ing. night's train from tho east. BOAT EXCHANGE unrisimas uaras aro lino re- Xmas Is Coming! Hotel Hyder WANTED TO runciIASE boat with engine minders, Suits and shoes for tho boys on diner msiuuk ur pleasure, must De bar- always appreciated and gain, uox i7, news omce. cheap, at McRae Bros. 283 salo Wallace s. Portland Canal, B.C. FOR SALE Also LaCasse's Fruit Cakes W. J. Oawfnrri "nnil A: P. M)noi . .... .i vi ii cite i M. It. JAMIESON, w.j pnL. i,u. 1 1-uriUUie lIUDOara UVen. nr A n Arm nnr.-vnr ...!n niirn no remind Proprietor aimosi new. Apply La Casse Bakery. 7 . .,.v juc- WANTED The lingering tasto Of your Xmas Gako will I'.Q. Box 13, iTInca Bupert. tr! lerday, yon where to go to seenro tho best in the City. Nothing Catenay to tht famoui ffluiA Mine FOR SALE Pony Expres. Rigging men for logging hut 'the best ingredients used. Be sure to ask for a Mail orders" received now- loaf of Camp our on sale old newspapers in bundles, Fuller's Now Open for Business per Grocery, phone 45. iirn s.i-t Monarrh steel Itange. Used Continued shoo and clothing Williams Apply& Manson Domestic Bread uui,402. i rnce 170, Phone Blck 283 Sale Wallaco's. i The bread they talk about. Sold at all grocers. St. James Hotel FOR RENT When your nerves are all (LATC "QUEENS") Oil riENT Four or six rooms fuliv mr. oit. edge and sleep seems FOR ALL KINDS OF PASTRY, BUNS AND PIES FIRST CLASS ROOMS nlshed for Jlght housekeeping for family ur uaciieiors. rnone Blue S17 or ad- oat cf tho question take JIoJtinCldVater YE OLDE BAKERY iue u sixtn Ave. East. tf COUNTRIE THE LACASSE 50o pr Night, end S3 ptr Wk. at bedtime ono or two FISH AND CHIPS LOST 717 Third Avenue. mat Laaies' nandDag near rnrnor nf mums 717 Second Avonuo. Belmont Rooms seventh street and Third Avenue, con - taining some cash, bunch of keys, and Will bo open every day at Under Naw Management uui ei wim sionei. Finder return to Well t urnlthed and clean. Whit people The Dally News omce. neward. tf 11 a. m. J. P. HARRAGAK cnlf. "ua-uuncn unite ana cor.or cm geyi and cetween Snd Ave.the Return post! uutMiaei m$or 1 TAKE 80ME HOME, Advertise In The Daily News n Kewi omce, ' t( M c.wv wort, v,., i i,,, The Paper that gets Quick Results