T11K DA1LV NKWa. .Saturday, December Page I 7, i9l8 SALE OF CROWN MINERAL CLAIM The Daily News NO MORE NERVOUS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For Delinquent Taxes in the Prince Rupert Assessment Diitr' Sunday, by The,News HEADACHES Published Every Afternoon except I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, on Frllay, the 87th day or December, 1918, at the hour of n Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at the Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C.,1 shall offer for sale at public auction the Crown-Oranted Sir. k. ln " arter set out, or the persons in the said list hereinafter set out. Tor delinquent taxes unpaid by th. JLVa P ri1 c'Uns h.?0?"-June. Editor. 1918, and for costs and expenses, loluding the cost of advertising said sale, if the total amount diff,0M 0B the II. F. PULLEN, Managing Since She Tried -FRUIT.A.TIVES", The Collector will be pleased to reccl e any nlformatlon respecting the following list, where th. . not xner u? The Famous Fruit Medicine. the Allied Force and entitled to the bennts or Section 29 or the Taxation Amendment Act, I9ii n" raembt, , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OWNER NAME OF CLAIM AND LOT HO. TAX. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. COSTS By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. E. 1. Smith, J. II. Brandon, J. Irving, c. Margaret. Lot no, iiange 4, coast .... ..I sunn I II 71 I Warsfold. H. liamcaa K A. iionaiaaoa.. 'Henrietta. l.oi iuv, iiange , uiui 19 50 To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Howard a. Turner lassie. iui xzo, iiikb luisi ...... 30 oo 2 S 75 Howard A. Turner Etta. Lot 1918, Range 4, Coast 41 26 3 78 Telephone. Howard A. Turner Lake View. Lot 229, Range 4, Coast .... 37 50 3 75 Howard A. Turner Bee. Lot 1915. Range 4, Coast 57 (0 9 7S Howard A. Turner Sea Fraction. Lot 1914, Iiange 4, Coast.. 40 00 71 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch Howard A. Turner olive. Lot 287, Iiange 4, Coast 31 23 1 71 75 Howard A. Turner Granite. Lot 1UI6. Range 4, Coast ..... 52 50 2 71 Contract Rates on application. Skeena River Mining co., lio. Emma. Lot 71, Iiange 6, coast 38 25 3 71 skeena River Mining Co., Ltd. 1. X. L. Lot 72, Range D, Coast 39 00 2 71 Pat Hlckey, Helen He win and Donald A. DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Dec. 7, 1918. Robertson Four Ace. Lot tee, Range S, Coast ..... 66 00 3 75 rat Hlckey. Helen Flewln and Donald A, Robertson Golconda. Lot 1(7, Range 8, Coast 3 71 Fisher & Warton McKlnley. Lot 1C8. Range t. coast 2 71 Control Fisher & Warton -. Lawicr. Lo 169, Range 5, Coast ..,.t 2 75 Hospital Pat Hlckey, Helen Flewln and Donald A. Robertson Fraction Fractional. Lot 170, Tt. 5, Coast t 75 To Be Discussed. OolconJa Fraction. Lot 174, 11. 8, Coast 9 75 In connection with the resolution, notice of which has been MISS ANNIE WARD Moses B. Cotsworth Scotland for Ever Fractional. Lot 879, cas star 2 given by Chairman Stewart of the Hospital Board, asking that the 112 Haxen St., St. John, N.B. Moses B. Cotsworth -. . . Portland. Lot 570, Casslar .. 2 71 7t Olailer Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. Lucky Boy. Lot 402, Casslar 2 71 "It is with that I writes to city take over the management of the hospital, it may be men pleasure Glailer Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. . . Last Ounce. Lot 403, casslar t 7t tell you of the great benefit I received Ulailer Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. .. Nciue v. Lot 404, casstar 3 71 there has been general feeling throughout the . . Riverside. Lot 408, Casslar .......... tioned that a from the of Olailer Creek Mlniug Co. N. P. L. 2 75 use your medicine, Mleniac. Lot 410, Casslar ...1 Olailer creek Mining co. n. i 2 7t province and especially in the cities that the Provincial Govern 'Fruit-a-tives'. I was a great sufferer Olailer Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. , Nelllo Fraction. Lot 412, Casslar .... 2 7t Vancouver-Portland Canal Mines, Ltd., It. ment should assume the responsibility for all hospitals. for many years from Nervous Head; P. L. . Ketchuin. Lot 1078, Casslar 3 71 aches and Constipation. I tried Vancouver-Portland Canal Mines, Ltd., ft. Already the Provincial Government makes a considerable P. L. .... Stop and Rest. Lot 1078, Casslar 3 7S everything, consulted doctors ; but Vancouver-Portland Canal Mines, Ltd., Nf. grarnt toward the hospitals and in return for that the institutions nothing seemed to help me until P. L. Sunshine. Lot 1077, Casstar .. 2 7S nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . . . Mammoth. Lot 1488, Casslar ... 2 75 are supposed to take care of cases from any part of the province I tried 'Fruit-a-tiTes'. International Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . . . Ben Lomond. Lot 1487, Casslar . 3 71 After I had taken several I International Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L.... Erie. Lot 1489, Casslar 2 71 districts to the Prince boxes, from the outlying come Rupert Many people nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. ... Algonquin. Lot 1490, Casslar .. 2 75 institution. was completely relieved of these nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. U . . . Dundee. Lot 1491, Casslar 2 7 Hospital so that it is to some extent a provincial troubles and have been nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. ... recumdeh. Lot 1492, Casaiar ... 2 71 the Government could be asked to take over the unusually nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L.... Wanlworlli. Lot 1493, casslar .. 2 75 Whether well ever since." nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. ... Penetang. Lot 1494, Casslar .. 2 75 at time when they are deeply involved financially is uhn Hamilton Young Red Fraction. Lot 1993. Casslar 2 75 hospitals a Miss ANNIE WARD. ohn Hamilton Young Red Jacket. Lot 1991, Casslar .. . . 2 75 doubtful. The Oliver Government is struggling under a burden Frnlt-a-tlves' Is fresh fruit juices, obn Hamilton Young , Hed Wing. Lot 1992, Casslar .. . . 4 2 75 Portland Canal Mining Co. sv Little Joe. Lot 873, Casslar 2 75 of inherited debt and for many years will be unable to undertake concentrated and Increased In Portland la nal Mining Co Lucky Seven. Lot 874, Casslar . . 2 76 strength,combined with finest tonics, Bear luver Mining Co. Chicago Kid. Lot 99, Casslar ... 2 75 many of the duties which should fall to it if it were solvent ear River Mining Co. New York. Lot 1485, Casslar .. 2 73 and is a positive and reliable remedy Bear River Mining Co. , Chicago. Lot 98, Caiar 3 75 Perhaps, while it is recovering, the city might undertake the duty for Headaches and Constipation. Bear River Mining Co. Londcii. Lot 14 80. Casslar 2 73 N. L Little Pearl Fraction. Lot Casslar Portland Canal Tunnels,"Ltd., P. 1384, 2 76 thai The question seems to be whether a purely civic body' would 60c.a box,6 for$2.50, trial size 25c. Poitland Canat Tunnels, Ltd., N.P. L. .... Kooienay. l-oi lass, cassiar 2 76 Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L Billy. Lot 2954, Casslar . . . 2 75 manage it better than the. present board on which the city has Atall dealers or Fruit-a-tlves Limited, Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. . .. Jane. Lot "2955 If 2 75 Ottawa. Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L Helen. Lot 2938, Casslar ... 2 75 representatives and on which the Provincial Government also has Watson D. Noble, Edward Donahue, W. E. collison and J. A. Robertson, administrators its nominees. The whole question will be discussed at the special of the estate of Donald A. I ' 1 Robertson, deceased Intestate .. . . . Moana. Lot 1670, Casslar . . 53 00 meeting which has been called for the purpose. William Noble Ruby. Lot 887, Casslar .... 91 00 Ella llav llumbla Harvey. Lot 527, Casstar . . .33 50 Raise Vitality TO SUBSCRIBERS John W. Sttwart, Watson D. Noble and Alex. Ruthtrford , Bandolier. Lot 3199, Casslar 13 00 Of Human Unit. George It. Naden , Basin. Lot 3190, Casslar .. 13 CO Subscribers to The News Oranby Consolidated Mining Smelting In the report of the Provincial Board of Health which has Power Co.. Ltd. , No. 2 Frac. Fractional. Lot 1133, Casslar 60 asked the delivery are to pay George Matbeson, George Rudge and James just come from the press Dr. II. E. Young gives some good advice boys each month It. Robertson, Adm., Etc and James Tbelnia. Lot 1552, Casslar 9 25 George Matbeson, George Hudge to the people of British Columbia. He says: when they call, except 11. itoDertson, auih., tic Black Bear. Lot 1553, Casslar ..... 13 00 George Matheson, George Rudge and James "I think I am safe in saying that we have nothing of great where payment has been 11. itooertson, auih., tic. Tiger. Lot 1554, Casslar 7 25 made for the in advance. ohn McMtomlny Boundary No. 1. Lot 2314, Casslar 12 75 importance along public health lines in the present war up to the year D. L. McMtomlny , Boundary No. 2. Lot 2315, Casslar . 19 00 The boys when D. L. McMtomlny ........ Boundary No. 4. Lot S3I3, Casslar . 13 00 present time, but what we have gained is the awakening of a very collecting official receipts D. L. McMtomlny Missing Link. Lot 2316, Casslar . 8 25 carry Portland canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L.. siiuio riaiuuii. uii uo, iasir ..... 2 61 satisfactory proportion of the people to the importance of health which should always Portland canal Mining Co., Ltd., n. l. Barney Fraction. Lot 409, casslar 1 50 Portland Canal Mining Co.. Ltd.. N. P. L Herbert. Lot 417, Casslar .... 32 00 work and to its possibilities. Not in a theoretical direction, but be preserved. Portland Canal . Minlog Co.. Ltd.. N. P. L Sadie. Lot 420, casslar 24 50 Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. Barney. Lot 421, Casslar 21 00 as demonstrated by actual accomplishment. Portland canal Mining co., Liu., n.i-.L,. Mosquito. Lot 428, Casslar .... 21 10 Canal N. P. L. Hlchard 2. Lot 429, Casslar ... 7 00 "We must look our health-work from a broader out Portland Mining Co., Ltd., upon Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. . . . siema. Lot 437, casiiar 30 75 look. Formerly it was the highest ambition of public-health LAND ACT Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. . . . Mabel. Lot 2957. Casslar 33 73 N. L. .. . Jennie. Lot 2958. Casslar 21 76 Form No. 11. Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., P. workers to show each year a diminished morbidity and mortality ortland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. Go-Between Frac Lot 2959, Casslar .... 2 25 rate from certain nanied diseases. If the Public Health Ofllcer Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land Portland Canal Tunnels. Ltd.. N. P. L. Ultra, loi 430, cassiar ....... 34 80' Joseph Perrault O. K. Fraction. Lot 2960, Casslar 10 00 could show that in a brief period of his incumbency he had cu DISTRICT:H VULfcN CHAIU.UTTE RECORDINO ISLAnUS DISTRICT LA."OF It I'ornana canai Mining co., na uypsy., cot 4io, cassiar 37 50 the typhoid death-rate down to one-fifth of its former proportions S KEEN A AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE, Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd. ........ .,,. 75. nr unnni iniet Mnnpsnv ist.I.m.7, Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd. ....... 18 00 and had a steadily diminishing rate for scarlet fever or diptheria, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd Eclipse. Lot 430, Casslar 16 75 Portland Canal Mining Co.. Ltd Little Joe Frac. Lot 438, Casslar 8 36 he felt that he had done a great deal. But, within the past few TAKE NOTICE that I. John M. MacMIllin Jobepn Perrault Wolverine Fraction. Lot 2961, Casslar.. 3 50 of Vancouver. B. C. occupation cannery- near niver co. Elgin. Lot 1481, Casslar 26 08 we have had a higher ambition. We have felt that must Mining years we man,' Intends to apply for permission to Bear i.iver Mining Co Boston. Lot 1482, Casslar 9 00 deal with more than the negative side of health, and that it was lease tne following described lands: Bear River Mining Co Kensington Frac. Lot 1484, Casslar ... 8 50 2 75 Commencing at a post planted on the Bear River Mining Co Paris. Lot 1483, Casslar 16 60 2 75 most distinctly within the province of a Health Officer to put forth sou in more or Lagoon miet, Moresby island, Elizabeth A. D. Iteming Annie Fractional. Lot 138, Q. C I 24 50 2 75 every effort to raise the vitality of human unit in his about one mile from Its mouth; Elizabeth A. V. Hemlng Blue -ell. Lot 135, Q. C. I 26 00 2 75 every com tnence west so chains: tnence north so 75 Oueen Charlotte Mining k Pros. Co.. Ltd Oo East. Lot 1223. O. C I 19 16 3 munity to the highest point of efficiency, He must no longer be chains; thence east 20 chains more or less Elizabeth A. D. Iteming Hawks Nest Fractional. Lot 139, Q. C. 1 5 58 2 75 10 low water marie at tne oeach; tnence O-ueen Charlotte Mining & Pros. Co., Ltd, iiomesiaae. Mil ixxz, u c I 26 10 2 76 satisfied with the knowledge that from the result of his efforts a southerly following low water mark to the iiiaDctn a. u. iteming Lilly. Lot 137, 3 C I 26 00 2 75 number of individuals have survived who might have dTed from point of commencement, containing 4 0 Elizabeth A. I). Iteming Maud. Lot 136, Q CI . 21 60 2 75 acres more or less. (Jueen Charlotte Mining It Pros. Co., Ltd, No. 4. Lot 1224. Q CI 21 75 2 76 some preventable disease, but he must also feel that he must lay JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. uenj. Metcaire . . . Togo. Lot 140, Q C I 22 60 2 76 DATE October 10th. 1018. D.l Roble Lewis Held Held. Lot 1971.UCI 51 06 2 75 foundation for the robust citizens of a and ideals tomorrow, so our Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Rose. Lot 1871, Q C I 6 50 9 75 have advanced, taking in not only the previous field of sanitation, LAND REGISTRY ACT. Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Violet. Lot 1872. O C I 7 80 2 76 Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Buttercup. Lot 1877, Q CI . 11 25 2 76 nut aiso mat oi personal nygiene. (Sections 38 and 134.) Ikeda Mines, Ltd. sun Flower Frac. Lot 1880, Q c I 6 00 9 76 Ikeci Mines, Ltd. Banana Fraction. Lot 1885, y CI ..... 76 S 75 Co-Operation With m Henry L. Beresrord Longrellow, Lot 2353, Q C I (. 52 00 2 76 Re Application NO; 9768-1 & 9771-1, Edward Balllle Rossland. Lot 690. O C I 61 25 2 76 Medical Profession. TAKE NOTICE that application bat Deen Edward Balllle . Nelson. Lot 691, Q C I 65 00 2 75 made to register Nathan Louis Undo and Edward Balllle . Victoria. Lot 692, Q C I -. 38 75 2 75 "How to reach the individual, however, has been the problem. Dora Edward Balllle . Toronto. Lot 693, Q C I 67 50 2 76 as owners in fee under Health could Schglnman Edward Balllle .. Montreal. Lot 694. O C 1 42 60 2 75 Officers not personally supervise the daily life wo Tax sale Deeds from the Collector of Edward Balllle . , Ottawa. Lot 695, 0 C I 2 75 of each individual in the community, and he recognizes, therefore, the City of Prince Rupert, bearing dale Edward Balllle . . Capital. Lot 696. O C I 66 00 2 75 the 24th day of November, 1917, or ALL Edward BalIHe . , Edmonton. Lot 69 7, Q C I 65 00 2 75 the necessity for educational measures, directed both to the ,dward Balllle ., Vancouver. Lot 698, o c I 65 00' 9 75 end of securing better and AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or dward Balllle .. Winnipeg. Lot 699, Q C I 58 76 2 76 understanding, hence better support tract of land and premises situate, lying Edward Balllle . . Winnipeg Fraction. Lot 700, Q CI 50 00 2 75 io me neaun Department, ana also .to so educate the individual and being In the Municipality of the City Edward Balllle . . Regina Fraction. Lot 701, QUI , 40 00 2 75 as to furnish him with the f rrince Rupert, more particularly known Edward Balllle . , ueuec rracuon. loi 7U2, U C I ...... 32 60 2 75 knowledge, of how to nromote his in Ikeda Mines, Ltd. rape. Lot 1893. O C I ... 9 60 2 76 dividual health and with the incentive to put that knowledge into and described as Lot eleven (11), Block Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Chrysanthemum. Lot 1869, Q C I II 60 2 76 iwenty.nve tss), section seven (7), and Ikeda Mines, Ltd. WIstorllla. . Lot 94, Q C i II 26 2 76 effect. To accomplish this we must do as I said in the beginning; Lot thirteen (13) Block thirty-five (35). Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Water Lily. Lot 93, Q c I 13 00 - 2 76 that is, to secure co-operation as between the Board of Henlth. Section eight (8), Map 923. You are ro" Ikeda Ikeda Mines,Mines, Ltd.Ltd. Tulip.Seashore.Lot Lot 1887,96,y Q C C I I 11 7 75 60 9 2 75 76 the medical profession, and the public. Our efforts ore being quired to contest the claim of the tai Ikeda Mines. Ltd. Petunia. Lot 1876. O C I 3 73 2 75 directed purchaser within 31 days from the date Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Camilla. Lot 1881, Q C I .. 8 75 2 75 along these lines, and during the past six months we of the service of this notice (which may Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Pine'Fraction. Lot 98. O C I 7 50 2 76 have been Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Golden Gate. Lot C 12 25 2 75 able to secure the active co-operation of te effected by publication In the 1892, Q I .. particularly Dally Ikeda 2 75 Mines, Ltd. Bamboo. Lot 100. O C I 11 76 the Women's Institutes in British Columbia. Series nf mntin7s News, and your attention Is called to sec Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Apricot. Lot 1874, UC1. 13 00 2 75 have been health films tion 38 of the "Land Deglstry Act" with Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Cherry. Lot 1873, y C I 9 75 2 76 held, for moving pictures and slides for 9 76 amendments, and to the following extract Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Maple. Lot 97. O C I 12 76 idmerns nave Deen procured, and a great amount of literature is iherefrom: ineda Mines, Ltd. Lotus. Lot 1867, Q C I 10 25 2 76 Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Larkspew. Lot 98, Q C I 6 95 2 76 being distributed. During the coming months an active campaign and. In default of a caveat or certificate Ueda Mines, Ltd. Morning uiory. Lot 1857. O C I . 7 75 2 75 has been outlined, and of lis pendens being (lied before tbo regis- Ikeda Mines, Ltd Orange Fraction. Lot 1862, Q C I 4 60 2 75 a constant effort will be made to bring to no nun unucr ui iuc person euiiuea un- meaa Mines, Liu. persimmon. Lot 1859. O C I .. 11 76: 2 75 me licujue me Knowieage oi tne, fact that public health is purchasable, der such tax sale, all persons so served Ikeda Mines, Ltd Peony.. Lot 1808, Q c I It 60 2 75 -i.ii iiuhic, .... aim muse claiming iKeaa Mines, no Snowball. Lot I860, Q CI .... 10 26 2 75 and that 'within natural limitations a community can through or under them, and all persons .Moresby Island Mines, Ltd. 1'n a G.mi.....A t i.uii.' I.I. In. BAI.U.d,V n r v .fl ....... 11 00 2 76 ucici iiiuie us own aeatn-rate. claiming any Interest In the land bv virtu. Mlnen. l td Ilellls Fraction Fractional. Lot 99. O C I 7 50 2 76 of any unregistered Instrument, and all,Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Iris Fraction Fractional. Lot 1838, Q C I 7 25 2 75 oerauns claiming any Interest In the land keda Mines. Ltd. nasturtium. l.oi ibos, u ui ,, 1 75 3 75 by descent whose title Is not registered Ikeda Mines, Ltd Pine Apple Frac, Fractional. Lot 1866, Q CI 4 60 2 75 uiiuer me provisions or wis Act, shall be Ikeda Mines, Ltd. . ... Cosmos Fraction Fractional. Lot 1870, QC I 7 60 2 76 ror ever estopped and debarred rrom set-tlngiUD ikeda Mines, Ltd Cockscomb. Lot 1875, Q c I 9 60 2 76 any claim to or In r.nrt nf th. keda Mines, Ltd Begonia Fraction Fraction.!, Lot 1878, Q CI 12 76 2 76 land so sold for taxes, and lhn n.ruir.. 75 Ikedi Mines, Ltd. .... uennan. l.oi itiv, u ui 9 78 2 shall register the person entitled under Iln.l..nvua I'llllVB,III.... 1.111, ... i Marigold Fraction Fractional. Lot 1882. OCI 50 2 76 Women Should Take such tax sale as owner or the land io Ikeda Mines, Ltd. , . , . Ferns Fraction Fractional. Lot 1884, QCI 25 2 76 uiu iur laiei. mens mines. Lid I.llae Fraction Fractional. Lot 1886, Q C.I 50 2 75 ND WHEREAS application has been Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Thistle Fraction Fractional. Lot 1896, QCI 9 50 2 75 Ikeda Mines. Ltd. Blue Bell Frac. Fractional. Lot 1963, QCI 1 00 2 75 special care to keep free from headache, backache, made for a Certiorate or Indefeasible Title James c Corlett ...... Moody. Lot 600. .0 ,C I 39 00 2 75 to the above-mentioned lands, ln the name James K. Corlett I'lnn. f r. n H M I 26 00 2 75 constipation, weakness and depression. of Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Scheln- James E. Corlett ...... iioo in. l.01 oux, y u i 18 76 2 75 For these man. James e. corlett Wedge Fraction. Lot 603, Q C I 8 76 2 75 recurring ailments and other condi-: AND WHEREAS on Investigating James K. Corlett Tassoo. Lot 604, Q C I 19 00 3 75 ttons the title James E. Corlett Lottie. Lot 605. Q C I 19 50 2 76 peculiar to women, Beecham's Pills are a t appears that prior to the 12th day or James K. Corlett IIIIJIUIJ i ... uujr.nn.. n. f uvv,iy. g V vi f. I, .... ....... 3 00 2 75 tested and effectual Kioucr, iio (tne date on which the said James E. Corlett tUWiru, LUI QUI, J (j I . ...... 12 60 2 76 remedy. They act gently lands were sold ror overdue taxes), you James E. Corlett nia. loi ous, y c i .,, 23 50 2 76 and promptly on the stomach, liver and were, tne ames k. corlett . , , . . . Ella. Lot 609. OCI 19 60 2 75 bowels, registered owner thereof. ames E. Corlett , , . , Copper Queen. Lot 610, Q C I 6 00 -11 2 75 and exert a tonic, strengthening effect the FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that It the ames K, Corlett Union Jack. Lot 611, Q CI 25 1 75 on same time I shall effect registration ln ames E. Corlett stars & stripes, loi on, u u i 91 00 2 75 bodily functions. These famous pills are purely ursuance or such application and Issue Chlckmunstone. Lot 6t3, Q CI 21 76 2 3 75 78 ames , corieu Chlckmunstone Fraction. Lot 614,-Q C 1 7 50 vegetable, contain no habit-forming drug, and Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the ames E. Corlett Warwick, loi ots, u u i 91 00 3 75 aid lands In th0 names or Nathan Lotila ames E. Corlett China Bov. Lot 616. O C I 17 26 3 73 produce no; disagreeable after-effects. Women Lando and Dora Schelnman unless you take ames E. Corlett Copper Chear. Lot 617, Q C I 25 60 376 the world and ames K. Corlett . . . Seal. Lot 619. O C I 39 00 3 75-2 over, find needed help and strength in prosecute the proper proceedings to ames E. Corlett . , , Ena Fraction. Lot 620, Q C I 75 76 establish your ciatm, lr any, to the said ames E. Corlett . . . una fraction. iui on, v u i ......... 3 75 8 78 anas, or to prevent such proposed action smos E. Corlett ... a Ina Fraction. Lot 622, Q C I 10 SO 2 76 on my part. ames E. Corlett . . . ona Fraction. Lot 624, Q CI 16 50 2 78 Beeepaigh Pills DATED at the Land William II. Burley ... ................ oranoview. loi ?9v, y o i 47 00 9 75 Registry 76 8 Office. William II. Rurlev Surprise. Lot 2350, OCI 35 00 rlncu Rupert, B.C.. this J2nd dav or William II. Hurley Damflne. Lot 2381, QCI 39 00 3 76 August, 1918. John S. McMillen and The Pioneer Queen t Charlotte Development m. Ida. Lot 2601, Q CI .... 13 00 2 Tt "Largitt Salt of Any Mtdicint in th. World" H. F. MACLEOD. John 8. MCMlllen and The Pioneer Queen District Registrar of tiiim. Charlotte Development Co Maggie C. Lot 2602, Q C I 13 00 9 78 Worth a Guinea To Robert Hlldebrandt.......Prince Rupert,. B C ' James E. Corlett Marlon Fraction, loi oxa, u u i 15 00 3 8 76 76 a Box Ul.h..l B Lot 201 24 76 puiuiKri j i uc, Dime, Montana., Moresby island Mines, Ltd Meal Ticket. 1, QCI 9 75 irlrnomuBcl.u.St. ILl.ni.LuewM,. Eb.1.L Francis Calve. Prince Rupert. B. C Moresby Island Mines, Ltd! !!!!!.'!!!!!! Cash Box. Lot 2012, QCI 15 75 I Dated at Prince Rupert, D. G.,t!iis 14th day WILFRID R. BELLAMY, ,cj Adverliso in the Daily News. or November, A. D. 1018. Deputy Assessor and Collector Prince Rupert Assesamt;...-