Wednesday, December ii, 1918. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 "THE CONQUEROR" IS llllllllllll!lllllllllllll!lilli:iillll!illl IIHIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI A WONDERFUL DRAM A arcaf. air... "n, n f UI Tennessee s whirl, wiiit:" 1,10 P1y ln r4f' PiUT I Dentistry -----, rarpium is an. UNDERSTAND' .... . . r- on TUFt w,u c8inoime ton ght. ....nip uMoensTANOS o ow, OJ 10V(J an(j Slruggl 1C C iinb In thn r,!li . SV5TER.7 THE OAM ANB V.L, Snow-white famuli oi con- stable, of sheriiT, of governor and w. ..iv .Lif n t TPLL fleecy blankets then of the repulse of the girl he jj My new dental parlors in the M ... ... II n A I rwrexri 1 j It Is patriotle duty no lei u .,v-u is one mat thrills. Then thin an economio one to came the final battle in Texas H Helgerson Bidg., cor. 6th and old woollena last where make i the Iwn mn nt, n.. lonf possible in order to girl, and Sam H 3rd Ave., release the wool to much Houston, the hero are now open. or the nlav. tl nnllv wlno 1 1. . needed by our soldiers. This meant using" that pureit, fight and the girl. turett, and gentlest of all It i8 fl r.llrfnilO Hltntvin cleansers acuuii ana auier.ent from any OtlieP. II. 0.,i9 trlvnt. A U1UU1I1 UU Up Dr0 Sunlight portunity to display his wonderful Bayne f fl 1 PT1 f a n a o r n Soao OFflCE HOURS: WILL THERE BE LOSS Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 It wathet without rubbing, twitting, or wrenching the ON HOUSING SCHEME? clothet. It'i a wonderful work saver at well at a clothet savSr. Ute Sunlight In response to his talesr-iun Oi.nri.i: IRI& in h a-nli, rt-li.min tort lria f.l next wath day and tee Tor sent on Wednesday to Sir Thomas yourtelf. nue urging that the federal LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED government accent the nrinHnln NEW HAZELTON Queen Charlotte Islanders can TORONTO 1 .... r- - 5. S. PRINCE RUPERT inai it will be responsible for any lot do better than mail their losses arising out of the nroDosprl printing needs to The News Print OR A daughter was borm to Mr. and bhop and get the work uuwonai nusing scheme where it nvoives the provision nf hnmp Mrs. Whetzcl at the hospital here romptly and well. S. S. PRINCE GEORGE last week. for; returned men and their rifi. I.N THE SUPREME COUHT Or BltTI pendents, Premier Oliver recived Miss Mae Hogan writes from COLUMBIA. SAILING the following from Sir Thomas: the front to say that in the .hos IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- IIIIIDNIQHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swaiuon Bay, THE DAILY NEWS If better housing nlans are nro- pilaf in which she is nursing Ooean Falls, Vancouver, Vioorla and Seattle. perly carried out there shnnhl hi. there are three wards devoted to IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Gran by Bay. Classified : Advertising no loss. Suitable land bought at influenza patients. uiJISfcKI'E l r.a lAlb. UUIIHAUU, DECEASED; IN louay s low prices should become . 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Phone 98 more valuable in the future, and There is reported to be a ser. TAKE NOTICE that In order of His Honour f. mcb. Young, made the 26th day Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Island. any depreciation f buildi ious outbreak of influenza or o among November, A. D. 1918,1 was appointed This it the Advertising Column that Administrator to the estate or Oulsenne hould bo more than provided for the Kispiox Indians. people read when they want anything Corrado. deceased, and all narllea havlnr ty amortization navmenls. The claims saia estate are nereny TRAIN SERVICE It brings retultt required to rurnlsh same, properly verified I'rovinco or Municipality which Mrs. Chappelle and daughter to me. on or before the 2nd dar or Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 t.m. ror Smithera WANTED. will have control of administra have gone to Vancouver for the January, a. v. iviv, ana ail parties indebted Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connection for all to the estate are required to pay points east and south. tion shuld bear any loss which winter. me uuiuuui oi uieir inaeoieaness to me LADY CLERK WANTED Apply t rorinwun. might possibly occur, as thev will JOHN 11. MCMULLIN. La Casso Bakery. tf be the beneficiaries of the plan Harold Matthews, formerly of Official Administrator. For Information and reservations apply to olllce through improved local industrial the Hudsons Bay staff here, is Paled this 2nd Day or December, 1918 Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Tloket Agent. . Required by young man now Lieutenant Matthews, . he Tloket 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 2S0 City Offloe, Furnished room with or with conditions. The municipality will IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH having recently been given a COLUMBIA. out board, private family pre also have the benefit of increased commission. ferred. Box No. 204, Daily taxable property. The Dominion IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Government is making a very sub TIUN ACT News Olllce. 287 and A chance to win a $91.00 Vic stantial contribution in the rate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF lor Victrola given with ARM HANNESSON, DECEASED; IN WANTED Plain Sewing, including of interest at which it offers every TESTATE. malting of children's clothes dollar purchase at McRae Bros money to Provincial Governments CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills Miss Fuller, 3 Besner Apts., as our loans cost us more than Honour F. McB. Young, made the 26th day Phone lied 517. Rubbers for the family. Family or noverr.Der, a. u. lyis.iwas appointed five and a half cent." per Administrator to tne estate or Arm Han It is Premier Oliver's conten Shoe Store. It nesson, deceased, and all parties having Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Business man wants room and claims against ine said estate are nereDy board tion that the province should required to furnish same, properly verined, via Steamer to Vancouver and the partial with private It is just as cheap to get your to me, on or before the 2nd day or January, family. Close in. Apply box 203. harp responsibility only in cases printing done well and done at A. D. 1919. and all Dartles Indebted to the Canadian Pacific Railway other than returned estate are required to pay the amount or men. any lome as it is to send it away. Try tneir lnaemcaness to me rortnwitn. WASTED--Young1 lady as mines' dining- losses incurred in the case of JOHN II. MCMULLIN, Meals and Berth included on Steamer room mild. Apply to Matron P. R. Gen. The News Print Shop. Official Administrator. Hospital. tf. these latter falling upon the fed Dated this 2nd day. or December, 1918, eral government under the scheme N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH FOR VICTORIA AND SEATTLE wA.iTED - Woman for dlsn washing, whereby the Dominion will make COLUMBIA: COLUMBIA. VANOOUVER, Hates lis month with board and room. Apply to Matron. P. R. Oen. Hospital. loans to the prvinces to be re-loaned IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA 8.8. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November to the although TIO.N ACT. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA". municipalities, AND TION ACT 23rd; December 6th, 20lh, and January 3rd. BARMAID WANTED FOR ST, JAMES HOTEL upon the provinces rests N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF and HO a week and room. tf TOMO MU.MZABE ESTATE, DECEAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAQWAY, ALASKA the for responsibility repayment ED; INTESTATE. FOKTUNATO CARBONI, DECEASED; WASTED Girl for house work Immediately, and for any losses incurred. l.TIE&TAiE. S.8. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November High wages. Apply at omce of Peck. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Moore k Co.. or telephone ISO. tf Honour F. MeB. Younir. dated the 2nd day TAKE NOTICE that In order of His 18th, December 2nd, iOth.ind 30th. December, A. v, ibis, i was appoiniea Honour F. McB. Young, made the J 6th day LID ON AQAIN Administrator to the estate of Tomo r November, a.u. ibis, t was aDDomted OR SALE Old newspapers In bundles, per Munlzabe. deceased, and all parties ravins- Administrator to the estate or Fortunato hundred 20c. News omce. Carbon!, deceased, and all parties baving claims against .ine said esiaie are nereuy In Alberta the lid was taken off required to rurnisn same, propeny veruieu, claims against the said estate are hereby W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. m mi, nn iir hfrnri thfl Mh day of Janu required to furnish same, properly verified. BOAT EXCHANGE for a little while during the in- ary, A. I). 1019, and all parties Indebted to mo, on or oerore tne xna aay or Jan Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. uenza troubles and liquor could to the estate are required to pay the uary, A. D. 1918, and all parties Indebted WANTED to buy gasoline boat amount of their Indebtedness to me ronn-lth. to the restate are required to pay be purchased from government .. ' tne amount or tneir inaeoieaness to me about 20 feet long with good JOHN II. MC.MULLI.1, forthwith. vendors without much difficulty. omcial Administrator. JOHN H. MCMULLIN, engine. Apply J. Lcvine, Osborne 6v orders have been issued to Dated this 5th day of December, 1918. omcial Administrator. Dated this 2nd day or December, 1918. House, Third Avenue, or close down and to allow no latitude IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I'hone Black 452. 287 in regard to purchases. A COLUMBIA. IN THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH The Union COAST SERVICE. WASTED TO PURCHASE boat with engine doctor's prescription is the only either fishing or pleasure, must be bar-rain. IN THE MATTEn OF THE ADMINISTRA IN THE MATTEn OF THE ADMINISTRA , key to the lock. TION ACT Steamship Tr rt s W Box News omce. 174, and TION ACT Vancouver, sailing: aai.. o p.m. j IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE W and FOB SALE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF 8alvatlon Army. OUDJON AHNASUN, DtutASfcu; INTESTATE. DANIEL MCMILLAN, DECEASED; INTESTATE. Co. of B.C. Pnrt Simnsnn nnrl Nana Pm'nfs FOR SALE Three tents, as good TAKE NOTICE that In order of His Fridays, p.m. Public meetings, Tuesdays, Honour F. McB. Young, made the 26th day TAKE NOTICE that In order or His Ltd. as new. Very cheap; 3 Smith 8 or November, A. D. 1918, 1 was appointed Honour F. McB. Young, made the 26th day John Barnsley, General Agent at Thursdays and Saturdays p. Dlock. 288 Administrator to the estate of Gudjon Ar- or November, A. D. lftts.Iwas appointed Sundays at 7:30 p. in. imauii, m jnMagBH 1 1(i-i i ., u nH -,nil nrll.i hnvlnir Administrator to tne estate or uamei iuc- AAA AAAAA A A A A A A A A A A AA AAA AA AAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAw Man. deceased, and all parties navlng against the said estate are hereby claims FOR SALE Malleable steel claims against the said estate are hereby requirea io iurmn fume, inwiu, I J I Cigars I I 1 lied to me, on or before the 2nd day or required to rurnisn same, properly verined, range with water jacket; apply Cigars Cigars January, A. D. 1919, and all parties In-rtPi.tiMi to mo on or uerore tne na aay or January, fresh goods to the estate required to pay . d. 1919. ana an parties inaemea to tne News Omce. 287 Large arrivals of the amount to of their are Indebtedness to me estate are required to pay the amount or Advertise In The Daily News hooso from, suilablo for Christ forthwim. their Indebtedness to me rorthwlth. New Stnndard Typewriter, II. nicmuiuw..,,,, JOHN 11. MCMULLIN, Remington mas presents. Princo Rupert JUIl.l Omcial Administrator. oniclal Administrator. The that Quick Results No. 10. Prico $50. Apply Cigar Store,- Third Avenue. tf Dated this 2nd day of December, 1918. Dated this 2nd day or December, 1918. Paper gets 309 Third Ave. FOR SALE No. 4 Portable Hubbard Oven, if Life You Don't Weaken 'most new. Apply La Cass Bakery. It's a Great I' tf 0. Box 4 13. Prince Rupert. ton SALE Pony Express. tf LOST LOST -Ladles' handbag- near corner of Seventh Street and Third Avenue, container some cash, bunch of keys, and P'n set with .stones. Finder return to The Dally News office, Reward. tf L3T Bunch of keys between the post ollce and cor. eth and rnd Ae, Return CHANCE. ND ( THE "THUNDERS I Sews omce. t' "AVI0ABLE PnOTECTION ACT, H.S.WATEItS C CHAPTER 115. ATHCa N WWMENT J AST IbEft WHBRE -TV. ML JLW S HOOT i Nt5 The port Edward Fisheries Limited neretiy gives notice that they have, under section 7 of the aald Act, deposited with e Minister or Public Works at Ottawa J" In the omce or the District Registrar the Land Iteglatry, District of I'rlnce ""Pert, it prince Rupert, D. C, a descrlp- 0 o "UQ Of thtt alt , sha r.1oni nf a mil Jfry and wharf proposed to be built situ-Wn portion of Porpoise Harbor at Port fj,rd B.C., ln front of part of Lot "!. Hne , Coast District. And take notice that after the expiration Publication of this notice, the rort Edward ..,. .,, 1 1.111'rlc. i i i c.t in V nf i-tiui leu will, Uliucr ' B? ;,Vd.Acl' PP'y o he Minister of rub- Works at his office In the City or Diin , iw "PProvitl of the said sue ai u fr leave to construct the said -,n(1 "u.rjr Sna wbarf. oiitll'l 11 Vncouver, B. C. ttls twenty 't'i'11' October, IS 1 8. Km' .V tuWAIin FISIIEIUES LIMlIt-Oi . U. E. WALKER. Secretary, uy your rubbers from The aWy Shoo Sinrn. ii ICoprrUibl IS18 it ts r.'.Ut Ttltma. Htm Txk UeraM Otxl