THE DAILY NISW'SJ Thursday, Deep Page 2 SALE OF CROWN MINERAL CLAIM The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For Delinquent Taxes in the Prince Rupert Assessment District except Sunday, by The News Published Every Afternoon, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE tnat, on Frllay, the 97th day of December. 1918, tt the hour or li oviv Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. II the court House, rrlnce Rupert. B. C..I shall offer for tale at public auction the Crown-aramed lVhe forenoon after set out, of tho persons In the said li t hereinafter set out, for delinquent tare unpaid by the ai!i !. CUlras herein" inno. ial8. and for costs and expenses, lnludlng the cost of advertising: said sale, ir ih mi.1 Persons on th. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Tho Collector will be pleased to recot e any nlformatlon respecting; the following- list, where the ownel V ,ooner ""i the Allied Force aim vuumvu u tug. wcuuta ui oecuuii xv 01 me taiaiion Amendment Act, 1018. "ember or Now that the new LIST ABOVE MENTIONED I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: government standard OWN Eft NAME OF CLAIM AND LOT NO. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Sour Is in general cse, the TAX. COSTS. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. quality of the yeast yon E. J. Smith, J. II. Brandon, J. Irving, C. Margaret. Lot 1 10, Range 4, Coast 117 00 IS 75 use is more important Warsrold, H. Halhead & A. Donaldson.. Henrivtts. Lot 109, Range 4, Coast 19 50 3 U75 To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Howard A. Turner sale. Lot lit. Range 4. Coast ...... 30 00 3 76 75 li It thaneyer. UseKoyai Howard A, Turner ,.......... Etta. Lot 1918, Range 4, Coast 41 35 3 75 J2 71 Telephone 98. Yeast Cakes. Their quality Howard A. Turner Lake View. Lot 229, Range 4, Coast .... 37 50 3 75 44 90 Howard A. Turner Bee. Lot 191E, Range 4, Coast 57 50 3 75 40 15 is absolutely reliable. Howard A. Turner Sea Fraction. Let 1914, Range 4, Coast., - 40 00 3 76 60 It TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. Bread made with Royal Howard A. Turner (Hive. Lot 227, Range 4, Coast 31 95 3 75 4171 Granite. Lot 1916, ltango 4, coast 34 00 Howard A. Turner 53 50 3 75 Contract Rates on application. Yeast will keen fresh and Skeena River Mining Co., Ltd Emma. Lot 71, llango 6, Coast 38 25 3 76 tISi moist longer than that Skeena River Mining Co., Ltd I. X. L. Lot 72, Range 6, Coast 39 00 3 75 41 00 Pat Mickey, Helen l ien In and Donald A. 41 71 1918. made with any other. Robertsou Four Ace. Lot 168, Range 6, Coast 65 00 3 76 DAILY EDITION. Thursday, Dec. 12, Fat lllckcy, Helen Flewln and Donald A. 7 7S S;nd name and address Robertson .' Golconda. Lot 167, Range 5, Coast 63 50 3 75 Royal Yeast Fisher It Warton .. Mckinley. Lot 168, Range 8, Coast 47 00 3 75 6511 for copy Fisher & Warton Lawlcr. Lot 1C9, Range 8, Coast ...... 53 00 3 75 49 75 Bake Book. Pat lllckey, Helen Flewln and Donald A. 54 71 Another Candidate Robertson Fraction Fractional. Lot 170, R. 6, Coast 20 00 3 75 E.W.GILLETTC0.LTD. Fraction. Lot R. 8, Coast 23 71 GolconJa 174, 17 50 3 75 Wanted for Mayor. TORONTO, CANADA Moses D. Cotswortb Scotland for Ever Fractional. Lot 579, Caspar 20 It The News is looking for a candidate to represent ils view WINNIPEG MONTREAL 1 13 75 3 75 It to Moses B. Cotsworth Portland. Lot 570, Casslar 57 50 3 75 lo place before the people of this city for their approval or other Olazlcr Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. Lucky Boy. Lot 402, Casslar 39 00 3 75 60 15 Glazier Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. Last Chance. Lot 403, Casslar 32 35 3 76 41 7i wise as chief magistrate for the coming year. Doubtless there Olazier Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. Nellie V. Lot 404, casslar 30 75 3 75 95 00 Glazier Creek Mining' Co. N. I. L. Riverside. Lot 405, Casslar 39 00 3 75 SI 50 are many with similar views, hut unfortunately many of them Olazier Creek Mining Co. N. P. L. Micmac. loi 4io, cassiar 9 35 3 75 41 71 filmier nrrelr Mlnlnir Co. N. 1. L. Nellie- Fraction. Lot 419, Casslar .... 1 60 3 75 too are like most newspapermen, they have not the property quahflca Vancouver-Portland Canal Mines, Ltd., N. 4 11 . Ketchum. Lot 1075, Casslar 36 00 3 P. L. 75 tion for the position. What we are looking for is a man who will TO SUBSCRIBERS Vancouver-Portland- Canal Mines, Ltd., N. Hit r.u .... Stop and Rest. Lot 1076, Casslar .... 26 00 3 75 advocate municipal groceries, municipal stationery shops, muni Vancouver-Portland Canal Mines, Ltd., N. 27i Subscribers to The News P. L Sunshine. Lot 1077, Casslar St 00 8 76 13 cipal hotels, municipal furniture shops, municipal fish dealers ntcrnatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . , . Mammoth. Lot 1488, Casslar 36 75 3 75 SI 71 are asked to .pay the delivery Iitcrnatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . . . Ben Lomond. Lot 1487, Casslar 87 00 8 75 10 municipal real estate and financial agents. When all these things boys each month International Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. ... Erie. Lot 1489, Casslar 31 75 3 75 14 H7S nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . . . Algonquin. Lot 1490, Cassiar ....... 34 75 8 75 II are municipalized there will be no commercial advertising so w when they call, except nternational Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. ... Dundee. Lot 1491, Casslar ........... 37 00 S 76 1711 nit shall have to have municipal newspapers. Then will come th where payment lias been nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. . . . Tecumsch. Lot 1492, Casslar ........ 29 35 3 75 sin ... Wanlworth. Casslar nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. -Lot 1493, , 39 00 S 75 tin made for the year in advance. nternatlonal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. ... Penctang.. Lot 1(94, Cassiar 39 00 3 75 tin millenium. jhn Hamilton Young Red Fraction. Lot 1993, Casslar 61 95 3 75 64 It who is prepared to advocate these reforms and have The boys when ohn Hamilton Young i... Red Jacket. Lot 1991, casslar 65 00 3 75 6711 Anyone collecting carry official receipts ohn Hamilton Young Red, Wlnj. Lot 1992, Casslar 65 00 3 75 67 71 of hig profits settled once and for all, will kindly call on land Canal Mining Co Little Joe. Lot 873, Casslar ,. - 53 00 S 75 14 71 this question which should always ortland canal Mining Co. Lucky Seven. Lot 874, Casslar 43 00 8 75 41 It at the Daily News office and bring in a wad sufficiently large to be preserved. ear River Mining Co Chicago Kid. Lot 99, Casslar 16 00 8 75 lilt ear River Mining Co. New York. Lot 1485, casslar . 35 00 8 76 17 71 compensate for the lost business which this paper will suffer Bear River Mining Co. Chicago. Lot 98, Caslar .. ( S6 00 8 75 55 75 Bear River Mining Co. London. Lot 1480. casslar '86 00 8 75 2115 and he will receive unqualified support. Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. . . . . Little Pearl Fraction. Lot 1384, Casslar 37 50 2 75 40 it Poi Hand Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L Kootenay, i.oi i3ga, cassiar 35 25 2 75 31 00 Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. .... Billy, Lot 2954, Casslar 38 50 3 75 31 It Reasons Why We CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. . . . . Jane. Lot 2955 38 35 3 75 41 00 Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L Helen. Lot 2956, Casslar 34 SO 3 75 9125 Should Municipalize. Watson D. Noble. Edward Donahue, W. E. It might be interesting to give a few of the reasons why it Municipal Voters's List 1919. Collison trators of and the J. Robertson,of Donald adminis A. is necessary to have these lines of business municipalized. Take lU',)(;rtson, deceased Intestate Moana. Lot 1670, Casslar 33 00 3 75 tl It Take notice that a Court of William Noble Ruby. Lot 887, Casslar .. 91 00 3 75 It it them in the order named. It has heeu the fate of a good many Ella llav Humble Harvey. Lot 527, casslar 23 50 3 75 26 21 Revision lo revise the Voters List John W. Sttwart, Watton D. Noble and citizens in this and other towns to find in the currant sack mingled for the city of Prince Rupert for AlCx. Ruthtrrord Bandolier. Lot 3199. Casslar 13 00 3 75 tilt Georra It. Naden Basin. Lot 3190, Casslar , 13 00 3 75 It It delicately with the dried fruit quantities of grit and other foreign the year A. D. 1919, will be held Oranuy Consolidated Mining Smelting & No. 3 Frac. Fractional. Lot 1133, Casslar rower Co.. Ltd. 50 1 7t 3 29 substances which have no business there and which the grocers at the Council Chamber, City Hall, George Matheson, George Rudge and Jatnes li. iioucnson, auhi., tic Tbeltua. Lot 1552, Casslar 9 35 2 75 12 tO have been foisting on an unsuspecting public aud charging for on Tuesday, the 10th day of December, George Matheson, George Rudge and James I . ... .1 '. 1918, at the hour of 2.30 11. Robertson, Adm., Etc Black Bear. Lot 1553, Casslar .. 13 00 3 75 1 S 75 at the sone rate as for currants. Sugar too has often been found George Matheson, George Rudge and James m. it. Robertson, Aam., tic. Tiger. Lot 1554, Casslar 7 35 J 75 1001 to be not all pure, and very commonly apple and turnip pulp has ANY PERSON desiring to add ohn McMtominy Boundary No. 1. Lot 2314, Casslar 13 75 9 75 It II D. L. McMtominy uuuuu-irjr iiu. x. but zaie, iair 13 00 2 75 14 71 been found mixed iff very large quantities with fruits to make names lo or lake names from the D. U McMtominy Boundary No. 4. Lot 2313, Casslar . 13 00 2 75 11 II li. I.. McMtominv Missing Link. Lot S3 1 6, Casslar . 8 25 2 71 It II curious compounds known as and labelled "jam." list will then bo heard. Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. Sadie Fraction. Lot 408, Casslar . S 50 3 75 t it FRED C. PETERS, Portland canal Mining co., Liu., it. i: i.. Barney Fraction. Lot 409, Cassiar . 1 50 3 75 4 li hi stationery supplies there are no dilutions or impurities to Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. Herbert. Lot 417, Casslar 33 00 3 7i 14 71 287 City Clerk. Portland Canal Mining Co.. Ltd.. N. P. L. Sadie. Lot 420, Casslar 34 50 3 75 ill! speak of but the prices! It is rumored that pens often are sold Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. Barney. Lot 421, Casslar ....... 31 00 2 71 lilt Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. Mosquito. Lot 428, Casslar 31 50 3 75 14 li at a profit of one hundred per cent. That is of course in Van See the classified ads. on page Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd., N. P. L. Richard S Lot 429, Casslar ..... 7 00 2 75 Hi Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. ... Melba. Lot 437, Casslar 30 75 3 75 till couver. Here things are different, but even here the profits are five. nruana canai runneis, liu., n. r. u Mabel. Lot 2857, Casslar 33 75 3 75 31 SO Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L, ennle. Lot 9958. cassiar .,.... i 31 75 2 75 it It to be much than would be the in alleged higher case a municipal ortland Canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L, o-Betwccn Frac Lot 2959, cassiar . 3 35 3 75 HI owned ' LAND ACT Portland canal Tunnels, Ltd., N. P. L. Olga. Lot 436, Casslar . . 34 50 t 75 1711 ity shop. s Form No. 11. oseph Perrault O.K. Fraction. Lot 3960, Casslar ., 10 00 2 75 li 71 Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd. .i. Gypsy. Lot 4 1 6, cassiar 37 50 2 15 4011 Free Beds In Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd. . . . Extension. Lot 418, Casslar 3 75 2 75 It! Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Portland Canal Ltd. ... 18 00 2 75 ttn Mining Co., fliajuuwer. i-ui tiv, uaaaiar ,,,,A,...t Municipal Hotels.' N QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd. . . . Eclipse. Lot 430, Casslar 15 76 8 7i nit DISTRICT; RECORDING DISTRICT OF Portland Canal Mining Co., Ltd."... Little Joe Frac. Lot 438, cassiar 8 25 3 75 mi In the hotels there should of course be a charge for meals OF SKEENA LAGOON AND SITUATE MORESBY ON SOUTH SHORE Joheph Perrault Wolverine Fraction. Lot 3901, casslar 3 50 3 75 115 INLET. ISI.ANL; near mver wining co Elgin. Lot 1481, Casslar 36 00 3 75 it 15 and consideration in for ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. Lot 9 00 3 75 tilt perhaps a slight, a very slight, exchange uear Liver Mining co. Boston. 14 82, Casslar TAKE NOTICE that I. John M. MacMIUan. Bear River Mining Co Kensington Frac. Lot 1484, Casslar . 8 50 3 75 tl II drinks, but beds should be free. When the pauperized logger of Vancouver, B. C, occupation cannery-man. Bear River Mining Co Paris. Lot 1483, Cassiar 16 50 3 75 Hit Intend to apply for permission to Elizabeth A. D. iteming Annie Fractional. Lot 138, Q. C. 1. .. 34 50 8 75 17 11 who has been working for the Imperial Munitions Board, re lease the .'ollowlng described lands: Elizabeth A. D. Ilemlnir Blue -ell. Lot 133. Q. C. I 26 00 8 75 till Commencing at a post planted on the Uueen Charlotte Mining & Pros. Co., Ltd. Uo East. Lot 122 J. O. C. I 19 50 8 75 till turns from the Islands it is nothing short of criminal to charge south shore of La Soon Inlet, Moresby island, Elizabeth A. D. Iteming Hawks Nest Fractional.. Lot 139, Q. C I. 5 10 3 75 lit about one mile from It mouth; Uuecn Charlotte Mining & Pros. Co., Ltd. iiomestaKc. loi 12x2, u c 1 , 35 10 3 75 Hit him for his bed. Did he not earn his poor stipend in the sweat thence west 29 chains; thence north SO iizaoetn a. li. iteming Lilly. Lot 137, Q C 1 ,26 00 3 75 till chains; thence east SO chains more or less Elizabeth A. D. Ilemlnir Maud. Lot 136, Q CI , 21 00 3 75 it It of his brow, enduring all the hardship and privations of the to low waur mark at the beach; thence yuetn cnanotte Mining & rros. co:, liq No. 4. Lot 1224, Q C 1 31 75 8 76 II 10 low . . . Togo. Lot C I ., 12 10 2 76 till southerly following: water mark to the Bent. Metcaire 140, Q logging camp. To ask him to pay extortionate prices or even any point of commencement, containing 40 Robie Lewis Reld Held. Lot 1911, y C I It 00 2 75 till acres more or less. Ikeda Mine, Ltd. Rose. Lot 1871, Q C I 8 10 3 75 It It price at all for a bed in which to sleep is undemocratic, disloyal, JOHN McLATtTY MACMILLAN. Ikeda Mines-, Ltd. Violet. Lot 1872, Q C I 7 50 8 75 till DATE October 10th. 1918. D.18 Ikeda Mines-, Ltd. ButtercUD. Lot 1877. DC! 11 25 3 75 III! criminal. Let break the hotel trust and and for all lit us up once Ikeda Mines-, Ltd. Sun Flower Frac, Lot 1880, Q CI . ,.. 6 00 3 15 let the into Ikeua Mines-, Ltd. Banana Fraction. Lot 1883, Q C I .... 75 3 75 lit free beds. LAND REGISTRY people ACT. Henry L. Bercsford Longfellow. Lot 2353, Q C I 13 00 3 75 14 It (Sections 36 and 134.) towara uauiie Uossland. Lot 690, 6 C I .......... 61 35 8 75 till Save Owners From Edward Dalllle . . Nelson. Lot 691, O C I 65 00 3 75 67 71 Edward liaillle . . Victoria. Lot 692. O C I ............ 33 75 3 75 till Much Drudgery. ne Application No. 9708-1 & 0771.1. Edward Balllto ,. Toronto. Lot 693, Q C I 57 50 3 75 60 tl Of furniture shops it is hardly necessary to speak. Everyone TAKE NOTICE that application hat been Edward liaillle . . Montreal. Lot 694, Q C I 42 SO 3 75 84 41 li II 75 8 Edward Baillie .. Ottawa. Lot 695, 0 C I 51 25 knows thai their charges are low and the only reason for asking made to register Nathan Louis Lando and Edward Baillie . . Capital. Lot 696,-g CI 65 00 3 76 17 71 Dora Schclnman as owners In fee under 8 75 67 71 Edward Baillie .. Edmonton. Lot 697, Q C I 65 00 that they be municipalized is lo save the owners from the drudgery wo Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector of .dward Dalllle . . Vancouver. Lot 698. U C I 65 00 3 75 17 71 of wailing on customers who refuse to requite them according to tho City of Trlnce Rupert, bearing date dward Baillie .. Winnipeg. Lot 699, O C I 58 75 3 75 li II 7i tl Edward liaillle .. Winnipeg Fraction. Lot 700, Q C I .... SO 00 3 75 their deserts. the S4th day of November, 1917. of ALL Edward Baillie . . Reglna Fraction. Lot 701, Q CI ...... 40 00 3 75 II 71 AND S1NOULAR that certain parcpl or Edward Baillie .. Quebec Fraction. Lot 70S, y C I 33 60 8 75 35 33 The mayor and the fishermen have already asked for1 municipal tract of land and premises situate,, lying Ikeda Mines. Ltd. Grape. Lot 1893, 0 C I 9 50 8 75 lilt fish wharves so there is no need to touch on that. The real and being In the Municipality of the City Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Chrysanthemum. Lot 1869, Q C I 11 50 8 75 1410 lilt iKeaa .Mines, Lia. Wlstorllla. Lot 94, Q C I 11 85 3 75 estate dealers, however, have not been mentioned in this regard f rrlnce Rupert, more particularly known Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Water Lily. Lot 93, Q C I 13 00 8 75 lili li nor the insurance and financial and described as Lot eleven (H), Block Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Tulip. Lot 1887, (J C I , II SO 3 75 14 il men. They, poor wretches, are Ikeda Ltd. Seashore. Lot I 3 75 II twenty-live (25), section seven (7), and Mines, 96, Q C 7 75 610 deserving of some assistance. .Let us pay them big salaries to Lot thirteen (13) Clock thirty-five (35), Keua Mines, Ltd. reiunia. i.01 i70, u c 1 3 75 3 76 1156 keda Mines. Ltd. Camilla. Lot 1881, Q c I 8 75 3 76 ten weird stones on behalf of the city instead of to prospective Section eight (8), Map 923. You are re-quired Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Pine Fraction. Lot 95. 001 7 50 8 76 10 It 00 clients. Let lis municipalize them so that people may get their to contest the claim of the tax i. Ltd Golden Gate. Lot 1892, y CI 13 35 3 75 It 14 10 purchaser within -35 days from the date i, Ltd , Bamboo. Lot 100, Q c I II 75 3 75 till real cstatevfor nothing and their insurance free. of the service of this notice (which may i. Ltd Apricot. Lot 1874, y c 1 ,,, 13 00 8 75 II 50 I, Ltd , Cherry. Lot 1873, y G I , 9 75 3 76 Then when everything else is municipalized, there being no e eirected by publication In the Dally , Ltd Maple. Lot 97, y C I 19 75 3 75 15 01 S Old Men's Home available, it will be necessary to provide free News, and your attention Is called to section i. Ltd Lotus. Lot 1867, Q C I : 10 35 8 75 13 III 38 of the "Land Deglstry Act'' with i. Ltd Larkspew. Lot 98, Q C I , 6 85 3 75 III! board and lodging for the helpless editors or else give them some amendments, 'and to the following extract fJeda "til" i. Ltd Morning Glory. Lot 1857, Q C I 7 75 ' 8 75 115 i, Ltd Orange Fraction. Lot 1862, Q 'C I 4 50 8 75 municipal job, such as janitor or It great life if Mil mayor. is a you therefrom: Ikeda Mln i, Ltd , Persimmon. Lot 1859, y C I 11 75 3 75 only vote for municipal ownership of everything. Give the people I, Ltd Peony. Lot 1868. o c 1 It 50 8 75 U I4IJ 00 I, Ltd Snowball. Lot I860, O C I 10 31 3 75 11 newspapers at cost manufactured in a! and they tratlon as owner of Ihe person entitled un-1 Moresby island Mines, Ltd. Treaure Vault. Lot 8013, 0 C I 11 00 8 75 13 lOil win no lor uer aueii isx sale, an nersons so Rprvpn mtud mines. liq. Ilellla Fraction Fractional. Lot 99. O C I . 7 50 3 76 01 ever after.. There be nappy no 10 must, npwever, charge with notice, .... and those claiming llkeda Alines, Ltd. Iris Fraction Fractional. Lot 1858, Q C 7 35 8 75 4 10 for slush. inrougn or under them, and all persons keua Mines, Ltd. ..Ud.U. ..UK I. . .avf, W Vt. ....... I 75 3 75 7 15 claiming any Interest In the land hv virtun Ikeda Mines. Ltd. Pine Annie Frac. Fractional. Lot 6,0 C 4 50 8 75 11 of any unregistered Instrument, and all Ikeda Mines, Ltd. bUBiuus rrai'iiuu j raciioiiai. Lot 1B7U 0 C 7 50 3 75 10 lilt Cersons claiming any Interest In Hie land Ikeda Mines, Ltd. Cockscomb. Lot 1875. O C I 9 50 3 76 till whose title Is not .registered keda Mines, Ltd. Begonia Fraction Fractional. Lot 1878.0 CI 13 75 8 75 to 11 under the provisions or this Act, shall be Ifceda Mines, Ltd. unman, lmi iov, j u l 9 75 3 76 for ever estopped and debarred from set- lkcda Mines, Ltd. Marigold Fraction Fractional, Lot 1882, QC! 50 8 75 "5 oo ting ud anv claim to or in rennprt nr tho Ikeda Mines. Ltd. Ferns Fraction Fractional. Lot 1884, QCI 35 3 75 311 land so sold for taxes, and th itori.tmr Ikeda Mines. Ltd. Lilac Fraction Fractional. Lot 1886,' y C.I 60 8 75 5 21 eirnu register ine person entitled under iieua mines, Lia, Thistle Fraction Fractional. Lot 1808. oci 3 50 8 76 31 turn lax saie as owner or the land so keda Mines, Ltd , Blue Bell Frac. Fractional. Lot 1963, QCI 1 00 3 75 41 76 oia ior taxes." ,ames ii, coriett woody. Lot ooo. u c I 39 00 8 76 18 71 lOH AND WHEREAS application bas been amcs E. Coriett copper King, Lot 60 1, Q CI 36 00 3 75 3110 OBL antes I.'. Coriett , Robin. Lot 60S, Q C I , 18 75 3 76 It 6 HOOT made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title ames E. Coriett , Wedge Fraction. Lot 603. O CI . . . 3 75 8 75 7 to tho above-mentioned lands. In the name ames E, Coriett , , . , ; tassoo. loi uui, u c i 19 00 3 75 31 3129 or Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Scheln-man. amcs E, Coriett Lottie. Lot 605. OCI 19 50 3 78 111 James E. Coriett Indian Boy. Lot 606, OCI 3 00 3 75 11 19 PSS? Season James E. Coriett ,, ., Edward. Lot 607, QCI.. 19 50 8 75 96 89 me Tur AND WHEREAS on Investigating the title James E. Coriett , ina. i,oi uuo, u c I 33 50 8 75 S3 85 t appears that prior to the 12th day of ames e. coriett Ella. Lot 609, Q CI .7 19 60 9 75 t It .W.D.RV Ktober, 1916 (the date on which tho said ames E. Coriett ,, Copper Queen. Lot 610, Q C I 6 00 8 75 M o; Jands were sold for overdue ames E, Coriett Union Jack. Lot 611, Q CI .... 11 35 8 75 IS 75 taxes), you ames E. Coriett Stars II Slrlbes. Lot 612. O C I 31 00 8 76 60 were tne registered owner thereof. ames E, Coriett Chlrkmunstcno. Lot 613. OCI 31 75 8 76 II Home . .State- ;C FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that It the amos E. Coriett Chlckmunstone Fraction. Lot 614, Q C I 7 60 3 71 83 10 J 16 i rame time I shall effect registration in ames E. Coriett warwii'K. lui oio. u u i . 81 00 3 78 80 60 ames E, Coriett China Boy. Lot 616, Q C I . 17 35 3 75 8131 ursuance or such application and Issue 8 71 amcs E. Coriett , 35 60 41 19 certificate of Indefeasible Title to the Bmes E. Coriett Seal. Lot 610, Q C I 39 00 9 71 3 10 "flfc bnlrl Sklnit I....H.M...J .... . . aid lands In thn names of Nathan inm. ames K. Coriett Ena Fraction. Lot 620, Q C I 75 8 71 6 10 , uiiuu a uuu. uura Dcneimnan... unless ' ames E. Coriett Una Fraction. Lot 691, Q C I 3 76 3 76 Hit and you tike amcs E. Corlell Ina Fraction. Lot 638, 0 C I 10 60 8 7i 10 II prosecute Ihe proper proceedings to ames E. Coriett Ona Fraction. Lot 624. O C I 16 50 3 76 40 It establish your claim, ir any, to the said William II. Hurley Orandvlew. Lot 8349, QCI, 47 00 8 71 37 75 ands, or to prevent such proposed action wiinam Mi iiuriey Surprise. Lot S360, QCI 35 00 3 75 41 15 on my part. William M. Hurley . Damllne. Lot 8351, Q CI ... 39 00 1 76 John 8. McMiilen and The Pioneer Queen 15 T DATED at the Land Registry ome. Charlotte Development Co. Ida. Lot S60I, Q CI , , 13 00 3 78 rinc0 Rupert, B.C.. this S2nd iiv nr John S. McMiilen and The Pioneer Queen 1575 W"w our nam on our mlllmr n.t August, 1918. Charlotte Development Co Maggie C. Lot 3603, Q C I 13 00 8 75 ffUititktAUn Coapon NOW-anJ Mail il-AT ONCE H, r. James E. Coriett . , Marlon Fraction. Lot 633, Q C I ...... r 16 00 3 75 37 tj MACLEOD. Moresby island Mines, Ltd Meal Ticket. Lot 2011,"Q 5 I 34 75 8 75 18 10 District Registrar or thi Moresby Island Mines, Ltd Cash Box. Lot 3013, Q C I IS 75 8 76 To Robert Hlldebrandt, Prince Rupert. B C lll.t,..!,.... U ...... .. ' ' Dated at Princo iith WILFRID It, BELLAMY, this day ' " avi, - chicaco; uTt.AT an ujtiiic, uuiie, Montana, Rupert, D.O., FrancU Calve, Prince dumm n of November, A. D. 1018, Deputy Assossor and Collector Princo import aw"