THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, becembe Page 2 i 12, ulg PRIXIER OLIVER DISCUSSES POLICY OF GOVERNMENT AND DEFENDS HIS OWN ACTIONS Fuller's Grocery .Continued from Page Three) IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC PRIVILEGE FULLER, SMART & STEEN of the government toward the returned soldier and the land problem, to save and conserveWhen you eat the Premier said if the soldiers Greatly Reduced Prices from could the not Liberals,get good heaven treatment wheat be sure it is the whole wheat This Week on only knew where they could. While he suggested did not by agree returned with everything men, that Dorit waste any of it It is all food APPLES was no reason they should not have fair treatment and equal opportunity. He said that only Shredded Wheat Jonathans the other day he spent some hours with a delegation of returned men Wagners Spitz Winesaps and they had not agreed upon a solitary thing. is the whole wheat-nothing wasted Referred to P. G. E. PHONE 45 p H 0 N E Hon. Mr. Oliver introduced the P, O. E. situation by saying that or thrown away If is a nourishing the Canadian Northern was for MOTOR DELIVERY -:- tunale that the company's books wholesome substitute for were in Toronto, where the gov meateggs ernment could not seize them Had they been availablo here "we and other foods.No would haye given you another P expensive sugar is O. E., but they got away with the goods," he remarked. He told of milk'.and dash Canadian Food Control Licence No. 5-1117. the P. O. E. investigation, of i required-sitnply a of salt which committee Hon. Mr. Farris had been the chairman. "And mi . Xmas Is Coming ! even Bowser, the man who was guilty, had to vote for the re he said. poi;t," Also LaCasse?s Fruit Cakes 'And now another scandal is handle the problem through the - brewing," he said. They say Pat Soldiers' Settlement Board. Of The lingering taste of your Xmas Cake will remind got away with something. I'll soldiers' pensions, the premier Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 you where to go to secure the best in the City. Nothing make all the explanations neces said they were totally inadequate but the best ingredients used. Be sure lo ask for a sary at the right time and in the and he said he told the federal loaf of our right piace. Mr. Bowser says he authorities the pensions made Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. wants an investigation by a select him "ashamed to own up he was committee. He'll have no opposition a Canadian." He was opposed to Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors Domestic Bread from me. I shall aid him doing public works which would all' I can, I am willing to go him not be productive for this would Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete talk abouL Sold at all bread The they grocers. one better to make it satisfactory be aggravating a grave danger to Plant Installations to the people of this province. the financial position of the coun Northern B.C. FOR ALL KINDS OF PASTRY, BUNS AND PIES You will recall a select committee try. Representatives of two years ago. Before that Canadian WestinerhoUSe Electrical Equipment, Electric THE LACASSE BAKERY committee D'Arcy Tate swore he Co., Hamilton Lamps,Ranees.&e.Motors. Genera tnra got $0,250,000 worrfh of the capi Plumbers' Rates Goodyear Tire & Rubber 717 Third Avenue. tal shares which had not cost him Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose "Extra Power" Toronto. Belting a cent. He also got $500,000 and Co., swore it was his duty to take care Owing to increased cost pf la Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. of the campaign fund of the Conservative bor and overhead expenses it has Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. party. Mr. Bowser on been necessary for us to increase the stand swore to 'tell the whole our charges to one dollar and Domestic Engineering "Delco" Light Products ,, Isolated Electric Plants truth and nothing but the truth' cents hour from Co., Dayton HARRY :: HANSON f and then said, when he was asked twenty-five per Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and 8 lo 5 with time and ! The Reliable Plumber, about this, I don't propose to a.m. p.m. San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus I Electricity one-half for overtime until 12 answer any questions.' Pacific Coast Pipe Co. thaws out frozen water Now," the Premier continued, p. m. Vancouver Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc. I am not here under the shelter; (Signed) pipes by electricity, of privilege and I say Bowser SMITH & MALLETT, Dodge Manufacturing Transmission Machinery, and has the only machine in town. Pulleys, Shafting, foreswore himself. He took an STEEN & LONG WILL, Co., Toronto Hanger), tie. oath to tell the whole truth. How would you like it, if I swore to HARRY HANSON, A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical INVENTOR OF tell the whole truth in this other HENRY LETOURNEAU. Equipment and Goodyear Belting;carried in stock Patent ' Rapid Heating Water Coil investigation and I answered 'I Lumber Co. mills Prince Rupert g refuse lo answer.' I do not dread, are closed down temporarily and shall I shirk in Installed in all wood and coal burning stoves and ranges, riot - nor fear, nor; any in have a large stock of lumber Sz water guaranteed in ten minutes after lighting fire. An abundance E quiry. I will stand a most reach and informa of hot water guaranteed at alltimes. n ing investigation. I have laid the vard. For prices Phono 37 P.O. Box 1704 & Albert matter before His Honor and said tion regarding it see Special Attention to Repair Work. McCaffery. tf I am prepared to meet this investigation. Mr. Bowser does not SYNOPSIS OF For Comfort, Courtesy and Service need to wait. He can have an enquiry HARRY HANSON any time he wants it." LAND ACT AMENDMENT With further reference to the I're-emptlon now confined to surveyor The Reliable Plumber P. G. E. the premier said he would lands Kecords only.will be granted covering only EE Phone 418 139 Second Avenue be glad to unload it if he could do and land which suitable Is non-timber for agricultural land. purpose F. T. BOWNE33, M.e.t.r it in the public interest. He had Partnership pre-emptions abolished, Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. but parties of not more than four may II taken up with the government at arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with Joint residence, but each making necessary Ottawa the taking over of the P. Improvements on respective claims. Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water G. E. by the federal authorities five Pre-emptors years and must make occupy Improvements claims for to and pointed to the advantages of value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager connecting this line with the reee!vi"g Crown Grant. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Peace River district and the less Where than 1 i years,-emptor and In has occupation made proportionate not prairies. Of the final settlement Improvements, he may, because of ill-health or other cause, be granted by which the government took the Intermediate certificate of Improvement Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. P. G. 12. over, he said a stiff fight and Records transfer without his claim.permanent residence High Class Printing had been made against him but may Improvements be Issued to provided extent applicant of $100 per makes annum and records same each Failure he had made the best settlement year. ' record LIMITED to make Improvements or ; he could. With regard to construction same will operate as forfeiture. Title cannot be obtained on these claims In FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MJ.THNE HARDWARE progress he said he was less than S years, with Improvements of told he could not line 110 per acre. Including S acres cleared Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories through to Clinton for get$40,000.the It and least cultivated,2 years. and residence of at The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage had cost $10,000. The line had record Pre-emptor another holding pre-emption.Crown Grant If he may requires reasonable land In conjunction with his finest kinds of printing at the most PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. been extended thirty miles and he farm, without actual occupation, provided expected to extend it a hundred residence statutory maintained Improvements on Crown made granted and prices. No job is too small to receive careful Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: miles more next year. land. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 Pensions Inadequate. acres,Unsurveyed may be areas,leased not as exceeding homesites;20 attention and none too big for the shop to handle. residential title to be obtained after fulfilling Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 The labor situation called for and Improvement conditions. attention from him and he said For grail ng and Industrial purposes, areas exceeding (40 acres may be leased a public utilities measure would by one person or company, be brought up. A danger of the PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL CARDS The soope of this Act Is enlarged to future, he said, was industrial Include all persons Joining and serving with Ills Majesty's Forces. The time NOTE HEADS AND ENVELOPES war. Hie was not taking sides, within which the heirs or devisees of a but there were two sides to deceased pre-emptor may apply for every title under this Act Is extended from DISPLAY POSTERS. AND DODGERS Look question and several sides to one year from the death of such person, Things Brighter as formerly, until one year after the many. Muere was a trying time conclusion of the present war. This BOOKLETS AND FOLDERS ahead for Canada and ingenuity privilege la also made retroactive. would be taxed to grapple with it. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ACT, ALLOTMENT CIRCULARS AND POSTAL NOTICES It was no time for promotion of Provision Is made for the grant to persons holding uncompleted Agreements WORK FRATERNAL SOCIETY selfish interests. As to the returned to Purchase from the Crown of IWirro" Aluminium Ware soldier problem, the Federal such proportion of the land. If divisible, as the payments already made will RECEIPT BOOKS AND CHECKS Government had to- await cover in proportion to the sale price of Bowls Percolaters the whole parcel. Two or more persons Mixing Bread Pans parliamentary authority to grapple holding such Agreements may group ; Combination Kettle and Double Boiler with it. At the conference of their Interests allotment and Jointly.apply for If a It proportionate la not he advised that considered advisable to divide the land the premiers i . Frypans government covered by an application for a proportionate policy be put in force allotment, an allotment of land of equal value selected from available The Daily News Print Shop immediately and authority sought Crown lands in the locality may be made. Theie allotments conditional are "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping afterward. Thousands of soldierjs upon payment of all taxes due the wanted to get land but the federal Crown or to any municipality, The rights of persons to whom the purchaser Third Ave.,Prince Rupert Government wasn't ready, It had from the Crown haa agreed to ell are also protected. The decision of Call and see the latest shipnv t at no power to accept crown lands the Minister of Lands In respect to the adjustment of a proportionate allctment from this province though there Is final. The time for making application Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention was land here ready to hand for these allotments is limited to over. the 1st day of May, ll. Any appllca-tlon FRED STORK'S HARDWARE The provincial government did considered.made after These this allotments date will apply cot be to not want to place soldiers on the town lots and lands of the Crown sold SECOND AVENUE land now because the federal government at For publlo Information auction. apply to any Provincial wished no duplication Government Agent or to News or O. R. NADEN. Advertise in "The Daily overlapping and was preparing to Deputy Minister of Lands, Vlotorta. B. 0.