PRIMES LIMITED GEO.J.FRgZELL Chemists Druggists and " THE News Xmas 50c Turkeys lb. P.O. Box 1680 Order Toon Now1 Phones,82 and 200 Phones, 10 and 25 VOL. IX. NO. 591. PIUNCK nUPBIlT, .C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1018. l PRICE FIVE CENTS President Wilson Enters Paris BRITISH ELECTIONS BEING HELD TO DAY; ELEVENTH HOUR. ATTACK TREMENDOUS OVATION TO ELEVENTH HOUR ATTACK ON PRESIDENT WILSON AS HE ' LLOYD GEORGE IN ENGLAND ENTERED CITY OF PARIS BY LIBERAL LABORITES i PRESIDENT AND MADAME POINCARE MET DESTINGUISHED CON8CRIPTION IS BONE OF CONTENTION PREMIER 8AY8 VISITOR AN0 CONDUCTED PARTY TO, THEIR QUE8TION DEPENDS ON WHAT PEACE TERMS TEMPORARY DOMICILE AT PRINCE .. ARE MADE EXTREMISTS . Jsf' MU RAT'S PALACE LOSING GROUND '-tMi'$ (Special to The New via' 0.T.P. Telegraphs.) (Special to The Newt via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Paris, December 14. President Wilson arrived in Paris, the Loudon, Dec. 14. The British elections are on today. The present capital of the world, at 10:11 o'clock this morning. .His campaign closed with a strong eleventh hour attack on the coalition arrival was heralded by the booming of guns throughout the city. regarding conscription, Liberals and Laborites complaining , Vast throngs in the Champs Elysee set up a tremendous cheer. that the Premier's promises ere too vague. He said he was look Tremendous crowds,lined the entire way from the railway station ing forward to conditions of things wherein a league of nations to Prince Murat's palace which will be the first foreign home of would make conscription unnecessary. ah American president. "Whether you require conscription or not depends entirely President and Madame Poincare greeted the American executive on what peace terms are made. If you want permanent peace and his wife on the station platform. .The two presidents you must put an end to conscription armies on the continent of rode in one carriage and their wives In another. .Both carriage, Europe," the Premier said. At the same time he states definitely were: decorated with flowers. The ovation was tremendous. there is no intention of renewing the Military Service Act, which By a unanimous vote the Municipal Council-of Paris decided was only passed to meet a great emergency. He describes these -attacks to confer upon President Wilson the title of a Citizen of Paris. as the usual attempts to frighten the electorate. Labor extremists are losing ground through not calculating the violence of their treatment of the army question. CARLYLE BRAND HAS RECEIVED DECORATION EDITH GRAVE CAVELL'S LOCATED DISPERSAL AREAS 1 POLIOEMEN'8 8TBIKE FOR RETURNING MEN Reported to Have Been Given the ! London, Dec. 14. The , WANTED FOR CRIMES. ENDED LAST NIGHT; Military Cross for His Work !, grywo of Edith Cavell, the AGREED TO ARBITRATE With Machine Guns. . English nurse executed by Radloal Ohang.In Method of Dlav-tributiori'tb - ' ''' ' - the" Gernians.'is believed TROOPS Ba Initiated By v - ' BOLSHEVIKI Montreal, Dec. 14. The MEJWARCHING GbvernmonL Dominion Word lias been" received by Mr. to have been definitely strike of firjemen, policemen, located in cemetery at a and Mrs. Q. Brand at Vanoouyer aqueduct engineers (Special by, 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) Brussels and on Thursday and incinerator employees to tlic effect that tlieir son, Car-lyle, the British community IN DlRECTiONOF CENTRAL EUROPE at Montreal ended at nine Ottawa, Dec. 13. The home has been decorated with the held a commemoration o'clock last night, the men coming of the soldiers, round Military Cross. service at tho grave. A agreeing to arbitrate. which at present so much controversy Brand left here as a prjiyato wreath from King George (Special to The News via 0.T.P. Telegraphs.) Damage estimated at hundreds rages, i3 to undergo a- change establish- 'radical with the Battalion and and Queen Mary was laid Bolsheviki troops, consisting of eleven of thousands was with the 102nd a Paris. December LA. . .... . 'ment of the dispersal area system on the mound of earth. t. i J done the few months ago transferred to the infantry divisions and cavalry and artillery, are marcning iuwuiu during progress 'some time in January next. There of the strike. machino gun battalion. He has , Central Europe on a front of nearly 400 miles from the Gulf of are to be 21 dispersal ar.eas in hjid some, interesting experiences Finland to the Dneiper river, according to despatches)from uerne. the Dominion, corresponding with in connection with his work, in WORST HURRICANE The advance began on Nevember 11, the day the German armis distribution the various of centres Canada,of as railway against one case, having shot down an tice was signed. German soldiers,- advices aua, are joining u.u SOVIET GOVERNMENT 11 military districts more or less enemy aeroplane with his -machine EVER EXPERIENCED Bolslieviki, who are reported to be destroying everytmng in ineir situated at the capitals of the gun. IN NORTHERN WATERS patli and Capturing material left behind by the Germans in their IS FAVORED BY THE . various provinces; The news of liis having received withdrawal westward. GERMAN COMMUNISTS the recognition is welcomed ALLIES TO BE ASKED by his many friends here. Mr. ; (Special by O. T. P. Telegraphs.) Urand'8 parents removed to Vancouver Seattle. Dec. 14. Five sailing WANT CHANGE IN TORONTO POLICEMEN (SpeclU via 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) TO PROTECT GERMANY a few months ago and his ships were driven ashore at Un- ACT TO JOIN WITH LABOR Amsterdam, December 14. PROHIBITION Dismissal of the Ebert-Scheide-mann AGAINST BOLSHEVIKI sister, Nora, died recently from rilhska, Bering Sea, in NovemDer influenza. in, the worst hurricane mariners government, giving the say they have ever experienced in (Special via 0. T. 1'. Telegraphs.) (Special via 0. T. V. Telegraphs.) Soviets legislative power, is advocated (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) Fancy China at Tito's. . Many tho north, according to ino master Victoria, Dec. li. A change in Toronto, Dec. li. Electing a in resolutions adopted at Amsterdam, December 13. -The for select of the steameF Elihu Thompson, officers and unanimously Communist meeting held at handsome pieces ic existing prohibition act new set of internal troubles of Germany have choice. 202 which has just returned from its administration shall in favor of affiliation with Munich by anti-Eisner factions, reached such a pitch that it has . tha north. .It .'.was tho storm whereby according to despatches from that fin Allies for and Labor been decided to ask the hi.reiifler bo carried on by a Doaru the 'Dominion. Trades resolutions also whaler today. .The Sausage which lore tho famous- city prepared Berlin in Specially their armies to occupy Oliver forward to Premier members of the i va? put Congress, 280 asked that a revolutionary tribunal Meat for Turkey itufTing. AtkinT Halcyon, of Sea Wolf renown, case the Bolsheviki movement Meat Market. tf inAan frnin.. Viai moorincrs and irtilnv liv John Nelson of Vancou Toronto police this morning at be established. There is u a "' " J of tho People's Pro, continues to grow. a wrecked her. None of the schoon ver, president o'clock Rescinded Thursday's 2 distinct clevage In that country hiWUan party, and o. H. HoDerit-son. Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces ers except tho Halcyon were ser president of the Victoria motion to form an association in BULGARIANS STILL between the moderate socialists your fuel bill and gives iously damagd, it was siaieu inv branch. lieu of union. and tho radical element represented allsfactlon. Phono t5. .P. R. Ellhu Thompson herself was ILLTREAT GREEKS by tho Bolsheviki. Coal Co. forced into shelter and battled out tho storm with two anchors out (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) PARTY WOULD ANNEX and engines going full speed Salonika, Dec. 14. Travellers "DENIERS ahead. Peace Christmas Gifts Should Be arriving here from Bulgaria, particularly RHINELAND TO FRANCE Thrace, declare that in A big reduction on SHOCK MEN Lasting Ones. spite of the fact that the war is SHELL (Special via p.T.P. Telegraphs;) Dresses of all kinds, until nominally over Bulgarians continue the Holiday. CURED BY GOOD NEWS to oppress and maltneat the Cologne, Dec. 14. A new and OUR- striking element has -been injected Make your choice early Greek resldingin that country. into the complicated political while.all colors, styles, and The village of Agathopulos, (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) situation in Rhineland by the alleged sizes nro hero". Sale situated on the Black Sea, and in D..nlo IIoa 14 Mnrn than 2.- Reconstruction organization of a secret Xmas Novelties of all habited solely by Greeks has been Kinds. 000 American soldiers in France set on Are by Bulgarian troops, it party which is working for the; ai.1l ft IVAPfl B11(Ynrintr from shell annexation of this German terri-, V H VI J V I U u COME AND SEE shock were cured by hearing tho with big discounts in every line of our high grade is reported. tory to Franco. Overtures will nmo nf iiin ain-nintr ni mo iuiiiio- be made to the French GovernV tico, according to a statement stock is.a"big money saver. Don't wait, shop early. OBJECT TO FOOTS mont, it is said, to take Rhine-: issued by Surgeon uenerai uv Diamonds, Plantinum, Watches of all kinds, Clocks, ARMIES OVER RHINE basis land into Alsace-Lorraine.France on the same as VyESTHOLME land. Silverware, Cut Glass, Limoges China, Community, (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.). all grades; Rogers' best grade, French Ivory, Ebony Copenhagen, Dec. 14, - All TONIGHT GERMAN ARMISTICE Sets, Ladies' Hand Bags in Silk, Velvet and Leather, measures must b"e taken to pre HAS BEEN EXTENDED Fine Umbrellas. vent Foch's armies from march THE EYES OF MYSTERY' (Special via 0. T, P. Telegraphs.) ing east of tho Rhino the Berliner Tageblalt declares in supporting A Upmanco Tho MAX. HEILBRONER a demand for the quick summoning Dec. 14. f!nnenhagen, :and TWO 1- REEL COMEDY German armistice has been ex-' Third Avenue and Sixth St. of the Reichstag. FOR QUALITY five o'clock of the SERVICE AND 8ATIIFA0TIGN ,t,i until DR.R.V. HOYT, - GRADUATE OPTICIAN Toy department now open Prices 25o and 15o. morning of January 17. accord Wallace's, t'f Tood Board LiceUoe No, 10-734t, ing to despatches frpm Troves.