i t i ; - way PAGE TWO eee pam ~uanns Published Every Afternoon, Except Bunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third /.venue THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA H. F, PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES ity delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser periods. paid in advance, per week 10¢ By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period as 3.0 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, ‘the British km- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year ......... . $6.00 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Cire dtatidine Ae a DAILY EDITION wai eStan Monday, July 25, 1932 MUCH MORE HOPEFUL Prince Rupert people may cheer up, for the silver lin- ing to the depression cloud is in sight and it is said that there is already a slight improvement in general condi- tions. To what extent if any it will reach Prince Rupert this fall is somewhat problematic, but there is certainly a change coming over the attitude of Canadians and there will be improvement soon, It is said that the demand for manufaetured goods is increasing, that railway business is improving, that more railway employees are on the job than there were a month ago and that employment on the railways will increase very considerably soon to handle the expected large crop on the prairies. There has been a thorough reorganization of industry and everything is now on a new basis. People are forget- ting the wild period of inflation and_ gambling and are now earrying on in a different way. Expenses have been trimmed almost to the vanishing point. Businessmen have taken their losses and written tnem off. While a few have succumbed to the pressure, the majority have withstood | the financial storm and will be ready to take advantage | of any slight improvement in the market. It has been stated that there could be no improvement | as long as commodities remained at such low prices, too| low to allow anything for the producers. Now there have | been slight increases in some products indicating an in-' creasing demand. Political and international affairs are getting down to | a better basis and it may be expected that the day of the | agitator is almost past. Impr ovement in general conditions | has already commenced and it will reach Prince Rupert | on 15 while circulating at home before very long. It will be slight at first but will gain mo- mentum as it proceeds. In the meantime everyone is feel- ing better over the outlook. THE DAILY NEWS ene July 25, 1939 Support Your v ing their money 'Let’s Give a Lead To Ottawa Conference The Imperial Economic Conferenée is trying to work out rosperity of the a scheme by which the nations of the Empire will spend more of their money at home instead of sending it to for- eign countries. In that way they expéct to increase the nations of the British Commonwealth. Prince Rupert people can give Ottawa a lead by spend- in their own city and thus increase the prosperity of Prince Rupért. Phe principle is very similar and much easier to carry out. All that is needed is a deter- mination on the part of local people that they are geing to help their own town and share in her progress. Home Town Merchants Buy In PRINCE RUPERT — Your Canadian Dollar’ A Real Bargain! Is Worth 100 Cents Buy Canadian Insurance or by Canadian Government PICNIC IS ENJOYABLE Happy Day's Outing By Staff of Watts’ Grocery Stores at Tugwell Island The annual picnic of the staff of Watts’ Grocery stores was held yes- terday at Tugwell Island, about thirty persons being present. Des- pite the rainy weather which pre- vailed in town, the picnickers had excellent weather at Tugwell and & very happy day was spent by all. George Frizzell’s power cruiser Laura F. II provided the transpor tation for the pienickers. Depar- ture was made at 9 a.m. while all were safely home by 11 p.m There was a sports program dur- ing the afternoon. Ladies and men tied one-all in a_ football game while the ladies demonstrated their superiority in softball by winning 14 to 10. Bob Arthur was the win- ner of the fat man’s race, Misses Yvonne Terrien and Lillian Lowe won the three-legged race while Jack Nelson was victor in a push- the-bottle race. In the children’s races the winners were Phyllis Beale and Joyce Watt } which Aviation Pioneer (Continued from Page 1) cending from the Jardin d’Accli- mation in Paris in an air ship he had constructed and} named “Brazil.” From that time on he was a world figure in aerial development. * Between 1898 and 1906 he built seven lighter than air ships, all of which bore his name in numerical sequence. In 1903 he erected at Neuilly the first airport. He kept there a fleet of dirigibles which were used for flights over the housetops of Paris In 1905, Santos Dumont turned | to heavier than air craft, Apply- ing his knowledge of gas engines, he experimented at first with a vertical propeller but gave that up and constructed a box kite type of | machine which on September 30, 1906. he took off the ground Bagatelle, flying 250 feet at a) height of four feet and at the mal of 18 miles an hour Next Santos Dumont tried 5] droplanes, using the Seine at Paris | as an experimental “field.” He had| indifferent success and went back | to and machines, finally evolving! the monoplane which eventually became his most notable contribu- tion to aeronautics The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ‘BLACK COD — Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. at|~ Deposits Fire, Automobile and Casualty from M. M. Stephens & Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. and Household Inventories on Application Rates Mac’s Shoe Hospital Second Avenue., Prince Rupert, B.C. It’s economy to have your old s repaired Mac Do It! shoes Let First Class Workmanship Guaranteed No Job Too Big or Too Small We have on hand two new 1931 Sedans we wish to sell before the arrival of the new models. We are offering a very substantial dis- count fiom list price. This is an opportunity to get a new car at a special price S. E. Parker Ltd. G&D Phone 83 ienienete Milady Beauty Shoppe a S aeiateataelid Shampooing — Marcelling Finger Waving Specializing in Permanent Waves Phone — 655 305 Thitd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. John Bulger Ltd. The Jewellers Our Workshop is Fully Equipped to Manufac- ture to Your Own De- sign. Sheddon’s Grocery and Confectionery rhird Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. | Spring Salmon Guts Trolling Lines — and — Norwegian Produce of Superior Quality Jack Selvig Prince Rupert, B.C. ———————————— qaeong | Where You Get the Best For Less 502 Fifth Avenue Kast Opposite the Hospital Tom Ballinger — Kitchen Hardware Chinaware, Crockery C. M. Bicycles H. S. Wallace Ltd. Exclusive Ladies’ Wear Millinery Dry Goods Phone 9 Prince Rupert, B.C. Third Avenue The City’s Auctioneer Satisfaction Guaranteed Prompt settlements. Valuations free If you have anything to dispose of, no matter what it is, phone me Geo. J. Dawes Black 120 — Phones — Red 633 Dr. J. F. Maguire Dentist Rooms 7-8-9 Smith Block Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone — 525 Cut Rate Shoe Store ‘The Home of Quality Shoes At Lowest Prices Get your light footwear for the : : ' | ' | 611 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. warmer weather now On Running Shoes Specially Low Prices In All Sizes Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert’s Leading. Family Hotel Hot A. J. PRUDHOMME } Proprietor Corner Fraser St. and Fifth St, Prince Rupert, B.C, and Cold Water in All Rooms | _-G. Percy Tinker & Company, Limited Real Estate & Insurance Agents | Conveyancing Rentals Insurance, Stocks & Bonds Third Street Prince Rupert, B.C, Sstalieainehaatienlieneeeimetieteenenlite catenin ee Acme Importers --—— | Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters | Clothing — Furnishings Where Your Dollar Goes the Farthest (8 ateaemene iceman nave Ben’s News Stand & | Gas Station Tobacco, Ice Cream, Confectionery Gas and Oil Magazines and Newspapers Corner Third and McBride Ben Ferguson, Proprietor Leo Contoli Manufacturing Jeweller SILVER and GOLD PLATING CLOCK REPAIRING ENGRAVING Mail Orders Attended to Promptly Telephone: Blue 428 Sixth Street, Prince Rupért, B.O. Get the Best in Hiren At the Come Price j i | | | L OUIS SHIBIG Quality Shoe Repairs ‘18 Sixth St. Prince Rupert, B.C Fraser Stationers Stationery, Office Supplies Agent For — Counter Check Books Rubber Stamps Toys — Novelties — Films Thitd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. Mail orders promptly attended t Se ee nl The Fulton Grocery Louis Amadio Corner Fulton & Sixth Streets ALL LINES & BEST BRANDS Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Hic. Italian Imported Produce City Delivery, Lowest Prices Phone—756 Prompt Attention to Country Orders