. , CEO.J.FBIZZELL. 4Xmas Turkeys A A 11-. 1 I IlC VV iJsu L UIIU CUU : mmi " ' o " a w v J IIUIIJJ,Ub I fife L Ehones, mM 25 - . i 3 VOL, IX. NO. 290, 7- 7 -v.. , rmnou liuri.ui, i, kj., iiiik.vi, ur.tiUj Alii .11 ZU, lyia. v y,t X. Farmers Asking I r ade PUBUC BUSY IN ENGLAND PROPHESYING REGARDING CABINET RECIPROCAL FREE TRADE IS TOM AND AL ARRIVES ELEVATORS MAY RECONSTRUCTION CABINET WITH BIGGEST CATCH DEMANDED BY FARMERS OF Has 80,000 lbs. of Halibut and Is MAKE LONDON IN BRITAIN IS TO FOLLOW ONTARIO IN BIG CONVENTION Loavlng for Banks Immediately. i GRAIN PORT RETURN OF LLOYD GEORGE Bringing 80,000 pounds of fish NOT SATISFIED WITH AGREEMENT OF 1911, BUT WANT the Tom and Al, Capt. Gibson, ar !important Industrial Develop SPECULATION RIFE AS TO WHO WILL HOLD POSITIONS IN TARIFF BARS SWEPT AWAY ON MANUFACTURED rived here yesterday after experi ments are Pending In England NEW GOVERNMENT; LABOR LIKELY TO LINE UP encing rough weather the during ! Involving Expenditure : ARTICLES; OPENING SHOT OF BIG IN OPPOSITION; CHAMBERLAIN, CHURCHILL three weeks she has been away. ' of 6,000,000. FISCAL CAMPAIGN She lost no gear". AND GEDDES MENTIONED The Tom and Al is a six-dory (Special to The Kewa rU 0. T.P. LARGE REFINERY IS Telegraphs.) craft, the largest share boat fishing (Special to The Nr.wa via O. T, P. Telegraphs.t Toronto, December 20. Reciprocal free trade with the United out of Rupert. She was down J GOING TO SWANSEA London, December 20. -Lloyd George is keeping his own States, In everything from A to Z Is the demand of the United south six or seven weeks ago to (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) counsel regarding the reconstruction of his government until the Farmers of Ontario. They will not be satisfied now with the have a new pilot house put on her London, Dec. 20. Important elections show what material Is available. But it is improbable reciprocal agreement of 1811, which affected natural products arid will not go down for Christmas. industrial develoDments are oend that a return will be made to the unwieldy cabinets of pre-war A couple more trip's will only, but want the tariff bars swept away on all manufactured bo made and it depends on -the ing n England, according to the days. One well informed opinion is that the war cabinet of six articles as well, if the United States will do the same. Amid fishing as to whether the boat will Daily Chronicle, which says that will be enlarged to a reconstruction cabinet of twelve. tremendous cheering they passed a resolution to that effect at go to Seattle then. Last year the enterprises already in hand in Undoubtedly the Premier would welcome the widest possible volve' of an expenditure 5,000,-000 their convention In the Labor Temple yesterday afternoon and Tom and Al left Seattle for the Chief among these is the broadening of the basis of government by the inclusion of labor free trade with the United States Is to be one of the biggest planks north on the day before Christmas. building of a large refinery at representatives, particularly Barnes, but with the prospect of a in the Ontario Farmers' platform. Last trip the Tom and Al Swansea by tho Anglo-Persian very strong labor opposition such development is unlikely. No longer will organized farmers of this province be accused brpught in 70,000 pounds. Her Oil fio. This company is preparing Rumor has it that Austen Chamberlain is slated for Chancellor of being behind their western brethren. This is the opening shot last catch is the biggest she has to spend 2,000,000 upon of the Exchequer, though another nomination Is Churchill, whose railways and tracks. wharves, of a big free trade wave that seems likely to sweep across the made this fall. Many mining e nlerprises are restless activities would not be satisfied with a cushy Job in the country from Halifax to Prince Rupert and which may be effective prepared, according to the news cabinet. In revolutionizing the fiscal policy of Canada. FEW DAYS MORE AT papers. It may be taken for granted, that the Ministry of Munitions iSlTdrjts are being made to make will cease, but an alternative is the Home Office which offers NORTHERN CAPITAL London the chief grain importing great scope In the years of reconstruction. The position of Sir NEW LINE IS WOULD RAID CLUBS andj" distributing point in the Eric Geddes is also indeterminate. His business administration Groves' of the United Kingdom, according to a Captain "Knights UNTIL RUN DECENTLY has been of the greatest value and if he cares to continue In London correspondent of the Hook? so Expeditious That BEING FORME!) Boat Is Missed by Scotsman, the leading Scottish politics, his claims to high office are overwhelming. Police Commissioners Discuss the s Local Man. . newspaper; Conduct of Cabarets arid -i. "It Is said that there is a marked v BY HINDENBURG Clubs In City, The many friends v of G. L. tendency in the dominions, particularly LID NOT OFF BIG WOLF INVADES Australia and South PORT SIMPSON TOWN Thompson of the Rocher de Boulo At the meeting of the police him Africa, in favor of the plan. The will bo surprised to meet commission the question of the adoption of tho elevator system FOR HOLIDAYS Berlin Government Asks for Explanations around tho city today, Driven Down from Hills by Snow retaliation of cabarets and clubs for handling grain, which has But Has Received Mr. Thompson closed up his Timber Wolf Is Killed with was discussed. It was pointed out been in operation for many years businesss affairs yesterday, gathered No Reply Yet. Gun. that tho clubs were incorporated in tho United States and Argentine, Commissioner Wants Liquor Sell Act and in up his belongings; purchased is it is said. Yesterday there was a scrap at under the Companies and favored, ing stopped Public an Idea (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) his ticket for Seattle, proceeded the hands or tne There is that way even a Ring. Paris, Dec. 20. Field Marshall to tho steamer; Prince Port Simpson which wa of considerable attorney-general were tied. !Gcorgc last night; procured his to a hasty descent of the steps llindenburg has telegraphed interest to the. people von Commissioner Macdonald said stateroom, and after gelling and approach, and on reaching The lid is not to be off at this when black timber Government thei'.e, a great the Berlin it was well known that in some of took walk around the Iho dock itself was dismayed to according coming holiday advising it of his intention to at settled, a season, wolf appeared right in tho town. the clubs there was a rake-off form a new front six miles behind dock; and sized up the huge piles find the steamer's berth vacant, to instructions given to tho chief The first dog that caught sight of tables. He thought the neutral zone fixed by the the gambling of baggage, express and mail; and the lights of the vessel scintillating of police by tho police commission it sat up and took notice, and it would bo the best thing to rynd the waters of the loading on placid cast his critical over to despatch eye yesterday at their regular month theiumixed in in good shape. armistice, according a them every day until they were the centre of tho harbor. and concluded operations, ly meeting. There were only two The wolf to Le Journal from Zurich today. was a big one, standing conducted decently. They may that two hours at least was the Mr. Thompson tried to explain commissioners present. Mayor some three feet high, but:not-withstanding, asked the The has government but not bo able to get convictions limit that such a mass of freight, to a straggling loiterer that she McClymont and Sid Macdonald, the. dog stood' up. Field Marshal for an explanation ihev could mako it very uncom matter must come back, as his effects and miscellaneous baggage but seemed to that adds has not both, agree to him,:ahd put up a-great fight, the but despatch; conducted fortable for those who could be loaded on to the vessel, wero all on board the ship; he did conditions in the city were not Tho odds -were against the dog, yet received a reply. the clubs. Ho was in favor of town to not even havo a tooth brjush, but and so proceeded up satisfactory and that they would but before ho gave up the unequal It is also announced that will two making an effort to clean them tako a last look at the long fre-'qucntcd the captain could not hear him have to bo righted. A special contest, the noise of tho regiments of tho active army, up. surroundings. and lie once more wearily climbed meeting of the commission will fighting had aroused the attention be sent to Frankfort on the Main Tho question of the cabarets , But Captain Groves' "Knights the ateps and approach to spend bo called early in the new year to of several of the .inhabitants, at an'earjy date.- was also discussed. It was men- of the Cargo Hook" were a little another short respite in tho town lake up matters of importance and the wolf was finished off HnniMl that they were not all more expeditious than Mr. that ho has lived in so long and having to do with the administration with a gun. STEAMER SANK roughnecks who went there just them credit for,' loved so well. Thompson gave of police affairs. It is quite unusual fon wolves n ihev were not all roughnecks and his return in about an Macdonald went to on Mr. on com.: to bo seen so closo to civilization (Special via O. T.P Teletrapbi.) who formerly went below-tho lino. hour, tho stillness and quietness Cosy felt slippers-Sloro. -Family Shoo plain that it was being continually and this big fellow must" have San Francisco, Dec. 19.-Tho The moral reform association 'of the waterfront spurred him on tf reported to him that whisky been Hungry, or else have lost his hay steamer Sehome, carrying 100 active, now which was once so tho at sold bars was. being over sense of direction. Passengers, sank in collision with seemed to bo dead. 50c a drink, lie wanted this Tho fight took place near Joseph, the bay steamer General Frisbio Tho mavor explained that they AND SOLDIERS stopped. Ho said he did not care Mather's house, on the edge in San Pablo in fog. to WORKMEN Bay", a heavy were trying to get moro power whether it was near election time of tho reserve within tho town of Two?members of tho Schomo's no control theso institutions, or not, ho wanted tho police to go Port Simpson. Tho animal will crew are reported drowned. thought they should havo greater TRANSFER POWERS TO THE after the gamblers and those whp be-skinned. His.pejt .is said to bo affairs and . control of their own fold had , whisky, Representations worth $1.5.00,. and there Is. also less interference from Mcloria. been made to tho effect that thero the Provincial Government's "DEMEItS" PEOPLE'S COMMISSIONERS were places tho police would not bounty of $15,00 for; every one NOTICE go into. If it was true that liquor killed, making the value of a dead .A big reduction on Concert practice, St. Androw's was being sold openly at these wolf about $30.00 nowadays. Dresses of all kinds, until r.imrnli. Saturday nigm i I'. ' IMPORTANT RESOLUTION PASSED BY GERMAN CONGRESS places it was no credit to the tho Holiday. All concerned pleas" altond. GIVING EBERT GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY; police If they had not tho ability Make your choice early Secretary. 297 CONGRESS TO HAVE PARLIAMENTARY to clean things up the city must while all colors, stylcs.and Wal SUPERVISION get a new force, but ho had not COAL FOR CA8H sizes are hero. Toys at eastern prices 4t lost faith in the police. ' Xmas Novelties of all laco's. (Special to The New via O. T. P. Telegraph.) Tho mayor; said that the publio. On and after; 'date Kinds. Lady3mlth Wellington Coal reduces Amsterdam, December 20. Tho Congress of the German seemed to have tho idea . that coal, will be sold positively fuel bill and gives Workmen's and Soldiers' Council on Wednesday passed a resolution, there was some ring. Tho difficulty for cash. your COME AND SEE atlsfactlon. Phone 18. .P. R- according lo a Berlin telegram, transferring tho legislative was that people were always Ho prepared to pay the to the the Ebert to complain but refused to teamster Coal Co. and executive power people's commissioners, ready on delivery or Government until such time as somo other arrangements aro give evidence against the wrong-doors. pay at the office. made by tho German Rational Assembly. They told about booze ALBERT & McCAFFERY. GIFTS The congress has further appointed a central council of Soldiers selling but when asked to give WESTHQLME LASTING and workmen to exercise parliamentary supervision over evidence they refused. Only one TONIGHT DIAMONDS-PLATINUM. OOlOtjd tho German and Prussian cabinets and with authority to appoint man had been found who Was SILVER WATCHI8.IVORV, "0. ARE THE and depose tho peoplo's commisiioners of the Umpire and to havo ready to back up information with MOST GLASS,CHERISHED. tho final regulation of state affairs in Prussia. an affidavit. If more would do Popular Amsterdam, December 20. Her Lanshurg, Secretary for this it would bo easier for tho VIOLA DANA LARQE8T ASSORTMENT NORTHERN Publicity in the German Government is quoted as telling the commission. B. O. IN HEILBRONER licrlin Congress of Soldiers' and Workmen's Council that 53,000 Commissioner; Macdonald remarked "Weaver of dreams" MflX German sailors have assumed control of tbGerman navy department that the commission was FOR QUALITY ' An entrancing play DR. HOVT, Qraduata Optician Sailors, ho is declared to Have added, liava prevented a laughing stock in the community cornar 3rd A. and 6th 8trt. necessary work being carried on and have released prisoners and he wanted tho chief to SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Prices 25o and 15o. convicted of treason, enforco the law to the limit, food Board Licence No. 10-7340.