THE DAILY NEWS, Pago 3 . . OUR . . RUSH XMAS TURKEYS ONE HUNDRED PER CENT FOOD THIS SEAS XMAS As turkeys are selling very fast The war has taught us to save this Christmas the local mer- Business clianls state that a shortage is and serve. Dotit waste food or fuel - is Now On likely to result before Christmas Candy, Oranges, Nuts, Xmas Crackers and chicken in which will caso hold the the more spotlight humble on If you eat wheat be sure it is the whole Stockings. Oranges, 50c, 60c. and 90c. the dinner table. Turkeys are wheat.Dorit ofit. It all food selling in Iluper.t at fifty cents a waste any is pound while it is said that Vanr couver is getting at least sixty Fuller's Grocery for Uicrn. ShreddedWheat Cranberries are higher this FULLER, SMART & STEEN Christmas, retailing at thirty-five cents a pound. PHONE 45 The tabic cluster raisins havr isthe whole P H 0 N E Theat,notfengwasted,notliing not arrived hero yet, as the U. S. embargo was slow in lifting on this Yule-tide comodity. thrown away. It saves iliel and saves The cryjp of 'navel oranges is three times as largo an 11 vn food, saves and saves health last year, but the high prices sugar Canadian Food Control Licence No. 5-1117. havo resulted in much of the crop not being sold. In order to gel Tor any meal with milkor cream or fruits. rid of it prices are dropping and in about a week's time, oranges Xmas Is Coming! will be retailed at about forty per cent lower, than present Also LaCasse's Fruit Cakes prices. Fish. Fresh salmon 25c GENERAL REOGNIZES The lingering taste of your Xmas Cake will remind Cod, sail, Alaska. . , 15c you where to go to secure the best in the City. Nothing Cod, 2 lbs. 25c RUPERT'S GOOD WORK Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 but .the best ingredients used. Be sure to ask for a Cod fillets 15c loaf of our Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. 25c The following letter has been Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. Finnan haddie, lb. . . 18c received by M, P. McCaffery, Halibut, lb. .- 25c chairman of the local suh-com-milteo Domestic Bread Herring lb Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors kippered,, . 15c of the Royal Air Force, Soles, lb. , 10c thanking the members of that Estimates furnished for Electric and The bread they talk about. Sold at all grocers. Wiring Complete Skate, ....2 lbs. 25c committee for their excellent Plant Installations Oolichans, salt ". 10c work: FOR ALL KINDS OF PASTRY, BUNS AND PIES Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb.. boxes.,. 50c "I have been constantly informed Northern B.C. Representatives Crabs, large 20c to 25c. by my officers in charge Canadian WestinghoUSe Electrical Equipment, Electric THE LACASSE BAKERY Fruits and Vegetables. of recruiting of the sterling ser CO., Hamilton Lamps,Ranges,&c.Motors;- Generators, Cucumbers, each, I0c vice you have rendered in con 717 Third Avenue. Onions, dry 4c nection with recruiting for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose Lettuce ,20c; 2 for 35c Hoyal Air Force in Canada. ' CO., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. Brussels sprouts, per id.. . . 2ac "I wish to take this opportunity Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. Pears, per doz., SOc to 00c of thanking you for your aid and CO., Montreal . Steel and Iron Wire. Hananas 50c congratulating the you upon Grapefruit (California) ... . 10c splendid results achieved through Domestic Engineering -Deico" Light Products : Kdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Isolated Electric Plants Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Grapefruit (Florida) ...... 20c your efforts. Co., Dayton Apples, per lb ;Cc to 12 o "I wish also to say that it was Pelton Water Wheel Co. . Water Wheel and Husset apples . i .......... . 10c not until civilian recruiting com ban- rrancisco-r-i " Hydraulic Apparatus & Co. Celery 15c mittees were organized throughout Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Lipsett-Cunningham Grapes, per lb 40c Canada that a sufficient supply Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc. Carrots, per lb. 3c of cadets was ensured, and Vancouver limited : Parsnips, per lb 4c the success of our efforts in es Dodge Manufacturing Tsj8S ' ' Cauliflower' . . ..... . . 15c to 30c tablishing training guaranteed. lOrOntO MARINE HARDWARE CO., Hangers, etc FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT Sweet potatoes 10c "You will be interested to know 8teamhlp Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Lemons ...... ... , . t;- G0c that-wo have sent overseas''2,538 A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps.and other Elec-- Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage English walnuts . . . . .'v.. . . . 50c trained pilots, while we have 552 trical Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock Australian Currants ....... 35c in Canada, who have completed PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Comb honey 50c their training. These figures aro Figs, per pkt 10c and 25c considered very remarkable in Registered, Office: Prince Rupert Office: Cranberries 35c England. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 Oranges (Jap) per; box. .. .SI.15 Yours very sincerely, Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 , Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 "- per doz. 30c "C. HOARE, Oranges, new navel 50c to $1.00 "Brigadier-General, Command Dates, per box......30c and SOc ing Royal Air Force of Canada." For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Meats. Beef, pot roasts, lb. ...... 30c. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McLean of Beef, check roast, lb.. . .32c to 35c Shore was in the city a few days HARRY ;: HANSON Beef, rib roast, lb 37 YaC. and left on the Prince George last F.T. BOWNESS, Manager Beef, boiling, lb 25c and SOc night to spend the holiday in the Electricity ! The Reliable Plumber, f Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Hamburger, lb 30c south. He was in charge of the thaws out frozen water Stewing, lb 30c. work where the big slide came ,amb, leg 50c down a month or two ago. Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water pipes by electricity, e -amb, loin 50c. and has the only machine in town. Mutton i 45c FOnESIIOnE LEASE Pork sausages 30c. LAND ACT Tomato sausages 35c. INVENTOR OP Pork, leg 450. Notice of (nUntlon to Apply to Ltt Lnd. Pork, shops, 45c to 55c In of skeona Skeena.Land and nistrlct,situate Recording--on the west Dis-rlrt Patent Rapid Heating Water Coil Pork, shoulder 40c. roast north and or Smith west or Island,Oceanic about Cannery,two Itange miles High Class Printing Ayrshire bacon, lb. sliced... 60c l ive. Coast District. and coal burning stoves and ranges. Hot Millerd Installed in all wood eo Take notice that wo the Oosse, fire. An abundance Bacon, piece Parking- Company Limited, or Vancouver, minutes after lighting E ten ; In water guaranteed Bacon, sliced, OOo to 70c occupation Canneryincn, Intend to apply S ofhot water guaranteed at alltimes. 50c ror permission to lease the following- described a Ham, Smoked lands: H Attention to Repair Work. sliced, ......... .Vt . . o&c Commencing at a post pianica at me Special Ham, northeast corner: thence south SO chains. Salt backs 5o ollotYliip ulgh water markj tnence west The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the 3 chains io low water mark; thence north Turkeys, per lb 50c O Chains, roiiowin? low wmrr mar; finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable 1 chains to or beginning-, I HANSON Chicken, per lb 50c hence east 3 place HARRY nd containing 6.0 acres, more or less. Fowl, per lb ,? 450 OOSSE, MlLLEItn LIMITED.PACKING COMPANY prices. No job is too small to receive careful Reliable Plumber Dairy Produce. 3rd 19 18. FH The )ated December, Phone 4S8 139 Second Avenue rs Butter, lb 50o. attention and none too big for the shop to handle. LAND ACT Butter (cooking) lb. 50o llll!i!l!l!l!lllllll!ll!lllll!l!llllllllllil!IIIIIH Cheese, lb 35c. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. linilHllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Eggs (case) ..00c to 75c in Skerna Land District. Recording- district I or Skeena. and situate on the west Strictly new-laid eggs 90o coast or smith Island, about two miles 1SU3INESS AND SOCIAL CARDS 40c rive Coast District. Margarine north and west or Oceanic Cannery, Range NOTE HEADS AND ENVELOPES TaKc notice mat we, me uosse, jumera Packing Company Limited, or Vancouver, ll. c, occupation cannerymen. Intend to DISPLAY POSTERS AND DODGERS apply ror permission to lease the rollowlng Things Look Brighter described Commencing lands;at a post planted at the BOOKLETS AND FOLDERS northwest rorner; thence east 10 chains) thence south to chains; thence west 10 chains to high water mark; thence north CIRCULARS AND POSTAL NOTICES SO chains rollowlng nigh water mark ana containing 15.0 acres, morn or less. UOSSE, MILJ.r.lilJ I'ACKIIMU UUNI'Ant FRATERNAL SOCIETY WORK DATED 3rd December,LIMITED 1918. FI4 fMirro" Aluminium Ware LAND ACT RECEIPT ROOKS AND CHECKS Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ' ' Combination Kettle and Double Boiler I'UHCIIASE LAND. Frypans DISTHICT SKEENA Ql'EEN CIIAHLOTTE AND IIECOIIDINO SITUATE ISLANDS DISTItlCT ON LAND THE OF The Daily News Print Shop SHOE OF GRAY HAY, MOP.ESDY ISLAND. VMIrro,f Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping TAKE NOTICE that I. Yoshlmatsu Mukal. : ... " - or Vancouver, llrltlsh Columbia, farmer. In Third Ave.,Prince Rupert tend to apply for permission to purchase. one hundred and sltly acres or land Call and see the latest shipm. t at founded Commencing an follows:at a post planted at the Mail Orders receive careful & attention North East corner of Lot 8o0, Moresby Island, prompt on Oray Day; ihcnco West twenty chains; ihcnce North eighty chains; thence FREDSTORK'SHARDWARE East twenty chains to the foreshore; thence VIOLA DANA rollowlng the , foroshore southerly to the k point or commencement, containing 100 AVENUE in"A WEAVER or DREAMS ai'ica mure or YOSIUMATSII Jfss. MUKAL SECOND Advertise in "The At the Wcsfholmo Tonight. DATED 1918,this 5th day or December, A.HI D. Daily News"