Friday, December 20, 1918. Page 5 TilL DAILA NEWS. DANGER LURKS IN niii!!i!!ii!iBi!!iiiii:;i!;!i;!:!i!i:;!;i:ir.: iaiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Man in the Moon EVERY ONE OF US tt A Citizen wants to know what H the in man the Innnti la nn ir H.n entistry air over. We Are As Full of Deadly . Poisons As A Germ tablish A movement a municinal is on-nwn fnni(m i Inf..., Dr. Bay no is leaving on Dec. 20, ta spend Laboratory. at Cow Bay. i ' ax UUll V the Christmas holidays at his home in Vancouver. The office will therefore be closed AUTO-INTOXICATION to The repair dridock somn will of nnrnn!h In anil r.a from Decembar 20 till January 1, inclusive. - - - wwuviilbO IR SELF-POISONING which will be floated h Office open until 9 o'clock, Thursday evening, people have their way. December 1'9. Hays Creek. Havs I'nrt iinva "FltUIT.A.nVES" Phone 109 for appointment. Dental nurse in attendance. p,.. Cove Circle can you blame peo vent TW Dangerous Condition. ple lor kicking about fog when The chief cause of poor health la you can see haze everywhere? our neglect of the bowels. Waste nutter, Instead of passlDg from the A petition is now in circulation 'i lower Intestine regularly every day, to have the Marjine Department oayne- is allowed to remain there,generatln g install proper aids to mariners in E OFFICE HOURS: which absorbed the big puddles that lie in certain poisons are the blood. by sections of our fair city. Buoys H Horning, 9 itr 12, Afternoon, 1.30 ta 5.30, Evening, '7 fo 9 In other words, a person who Is and lighthouses would be suitable habitually constipated, U poisoning although in some cases a lightship illllilllllllllllllllilillilllllllliilillHIIIII l!!!llllll!l!llilllll!illHI!!i!llllll!llilii!llI himself. We know now that Auto-intoxication, might have to bo used because due to non-action of the of the great depth of water. bowels, la directly responsible for -THU 'ftHA'QH H5 SIPC serious Kidney and BladderTroublcs; Say, folks, please try to remem S. S. PRINCE RUPERT that it upsets the Stomach, causes ber that the season for grouse is Indigestion, Loss of Appetito and ended, and those found grousing SMITHERS IN THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT jOF BRITISH OR Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheumatism, from now on will be exceedingly Gout, Tain In The Back, are unpopular. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION S.S. PRINCE GEORGE relieTed as soon as the bowels becom o A Kirkpatrick is the new presi ACT and regular; and that Timplcs, Rashes, And furthermore, if you must dent of the Citizens' Association: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAILING Ecicma and other Skin Affections shoot off, please oblige and observe He was elected at the meeting CIIAIILE9 SWANSON, DtUEASfcu; INTESTATE. MIDNIGHT SUNDAY andTHURSDAY for Swanson Bay, disappear when "Fruit-a-tires" are the laws of civilization by held on Tuesday. Char-Jos lteid Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. Tkuv TtfnTirp In nrdpp of Ills taken to correct Constipation, fitting your air gun with a Maxim was elected secretary and Robert ll.inor F. McB. Young, made the l!th day MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. "Fruit 'lives" will protect you Mum Silencer. Uarker treasurer, the other mem i.r December, A. u. iib, i was aiipramtu AdmlnlMrator to Hie estate or Charles S. S. PRINCE JOHN against Auto-intoxication because bers of the executive being N. P. fnn.-.n ilnKcaBflil anH nil nnptfaa linvlnu this wonderful fruit medicine acts Whiskey used to be imported Moran, Wm. Doodson, W. F. i-lalms against the said estate are hereby Thursday 10 p.m. for Massctt, Port Clements and Buckley directly on all the eliminating organs. by the case, and it still is by the lioyer, S. II. Hoskins, C. L. Dim-ock, n to quired me, on to or rurnlsh berore same,the 161b properly day of verilled,January, Bay. 60c.a box,6 for$2.50, trial site 23c. suitcase. L. 13. Warner and J. S. Gray. stale 1919,are required and all parties to pay Indebted the amount to the or Sunday 10 p.m. for Moresby Island points. At all dealers or sent on receipt of The association decided to ask iniMr inaeDieuiicss- w inc. lunuwini, price by Fruit-a-tires Limited,Ottawa. And the best kind of whisky the Provincial Government to institute JOHN Omclal II. McMULLIN,Administrator. TRAIN SERVICE case is the kind you find in the government DATED this 16th day of December. 1918. Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY andSATURDAV at 11:30 a.m.Tor Smithers village police court. a Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all THE DAILY NEWS scheme that would be applicable IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH points east tod south. to Smithers and tho question of COLUMBIA. It has been suggested that as Classified Advertising securing a resident doctor and For information and reservations apply to : the of fish ADMINISTRA ( we publish prices we IN THE MATTER OF THE and drainage City Passenger and Ticket Agent. such things as lighting TION ACT G. F-JOHNSTON, list of latest might run a prices and PHONE 2G0 Phone 98 were also discussed. ESTATE OF City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. on whisky, as so many of the citizens I.N THE MATTER OF THE ER.NE5T UAHLSU.K, ULLfcASfcu INTESTATE. would be interested. TW l the Advertising Column that t. The Rod Cross dance last week MfU road when they want anything 1..1-C ViTirr Ihnl In nrrlAI nf 111)1 This place may not be much in was a great social function, made Hie 18th day Honor F. McB. Young-, It brings results the way of mining, but, believe There was a large attendance and or Deccmoer, a. u. mio, i aa ui' WANTED. us, we sure have valuable quarts. all enjoyed themselves. The sum Administrator Carlson, deceased,to the and all estate parties or Iiavlny Ernest CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY of $159.90 was raised for pur-nnsi claims against the said estate are hereby COMFORTABLE ROOMS with or And now somebody says the nf I In- sncietv find this, add .VJ ruQUirca ill.,... Mil...10 VI An rurnisn ui-iuis imfnv.same,.ha lAlh"pruiirrijr"" rl.1V J nf eiuicu,-Jflnil-- without board, at "The Ark." Man in the Moon had better look ed to the sum already, collected, ary,estate ISIS,are required and all parties to pay Indebted the amount to the or Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Phone Dlack 210. tf after; his own district a little bet makes $281.15 which is available, tiielr Indebtedness- to me rortbwith. via Steamer to Vancouver and the MAN WANTS WORK, in warehouse. ter, for he gets full every month. for, relief work. JOHN omclal II. McMULLI.N,Administrator. Canadian Pacific Railway ' 1018. of December, DATED this 16tU day Apply box 209 Daily 238 WHEAT CONSERVATION Mrs. Larkworthv has gone to IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Meals and Berth included on Steamer News offlco. IS STILL ESSENTIAL Stratford, Ont., to visit her old COLUMDIA. WANTED. Hotel home. CHAMBERMAID , IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FOR VANCOUVER, Central. tf (Special via 0. T. P. Telerraphs.) . -u; TION ACT New York. Dec. 19 Necessity A delayed explosion in the IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November WANTED Young girl or woman of continued conservation of Tnlkwn coal mine injured one of CATIIER1.N SHAW ULe.utrnNiiiiu, u.-CEASED; 23rd; December 6th, 20th, and January 3rd. to care for child few afternoons wheat was emphasized today in a tho workmen badly a day or two INTESTATE. each week. Apply box 208,.Nows statement by the Federal Board, ago. Tho man went in to Had t',vit x-riTirp lihat In rtrder of Ills FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAQWAY, ALASKA F. McB. Young, made tho ISth day Honor plllce. tf which declared that despite tho out why the chargo had not exploded of Oiccmber, A. D. 1918, 1 was appointed S.S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November restrictions imposed last fapring, and just as he got there Administrator .to the estate or Catherine 18th, December 2nd, 16th,ind 30th. WANTED Girl for General t?t.o... (InnHannlnff (1nf.an40r1 nillt All TiartleS $35 there was less than ten days sup it went off. lie may lose ins hating claims- against the said estate are housework. No washing. a hereby required 10 lurnisu same, pruyi-uj ply of product in America when sight as a result. month. Apply Mrs. C. H. Orme, 1918 crop was harvested. ur January, 1919, and all parties Indebted W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. 223 Fourth Ave. tf A. E. PhilliDS. who has been to Hie estaie are requncu w puj Indebtedness to me rorth- their or amount WANTED Olrl for bouse work tmmedlite-Ij. Advertise in the Dally News. discharged from tho army, has wllh. JUlliM II. MWIULU.l, Co ner Fourth Street mi Third Avenue, Pr'nco Ruport. B.C. Hlrn wies. Apply t omce of reck. returned here. omclal Administrator. Moore k Co., or telephone ISO. tr N THE SUPnEME COURT OF BRITISH DATED this 16th day or December, 1918. COLUMU1A1 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH on SALE Old newipspers In bundles, per COLUMBIA. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH hundred 0c Mew omce. ,N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA COLUMBIA. TION ACT, tin IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA COAST SERVICE. ADMINISTRATION THE MATTER OF IN THE The Union BOAT EXCHANGE N THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OF TION ACT ACT t WANTED TO PUnCHASE bolt with enirlne JOH.N UEALE, DECEASLU. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IN THE MATTER OF and THE ESTATE OF For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. either nshUw or pleasure, must be bsr-urn. KATiru that In nrrtpr of 1I1& CUSTAVE OEOROEi DECEASED INTESTATE. JOHN N. MORRISON, DECEASED. Steamship Vancouver, sailing Sat., 6 p.m. Box 171. Aews omce. Honor i". McB. Young;, made the mh day Anyox, Mondays, 7 FOR RENT of December. A. D. 1918, I was John appointed Beale, vriTif r tliflt In nrrtpr nt Ills Honor TAKE F. McB.NOTICE Young,that made In order the ISth ot day His Co. of B.C. Port Simpson and Naas Points, of iHminiiminr in thA rutale Honor r. miu. iuu.ib, --- or December, A. D. 19 18, 1 wo appointed Fridays, deceased, and all parties having claims nr December, A. D. 1918,1 was appointed . .. .. natafA fir Jnnn n. v.m. TO RENT 3 unfurnished rooms ag-alnat the said estate are aervuy n-4 deceased,in the and estate all parties of OUStaiC having-claims claims Morrison',ugainsi deceased,mo earn and eaiaio all parties mo having Ltd. John Barnsley, General Agent for housekeeping purposes, ,n furnish name. Droocrly verified, to me, against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verilled, 218 2nd Ave. on or before the 17th day of January, reaulred to furnlsli same, properly verilled, to me, on or berore the t61h day or Janu- A central. Apply Inrlpllled lO tllC am nri nil rmrties IndeDtcd 10 me es lo me, on or ui-ium iu """ ,nn an.l all nnrtlpa the amount of ary, 1919. and all parties Indebted to the estate are' required to pay the amount or FOR SALE tate are required to pay estate are required to pay the amount of their inaeoieanes iu nm iuhuuh their Indebtedness JOHN MCMULUN,me lonnwuu. tnetr M"fnH$lSft- JOHN nniplal II. McMULLIN,Ar1mlnl.trntnr. Advertise In The Daily News AdmlnUtrator. FOR SALE in good omclal or December, 1918. FOP.D CAR December, 19J8.1 DATED this 16th day Pool Dated this 17th day of December, 1018. DATED this 16th day or condition. Apply Royal Room. 30 New Remington Standard Typo-writer, . V v w-. V i 99 No. 10. Price $50. Apply r d. o Qac "If' a Great Life It You Uon t Weaken. 300 Third Ave. vjenc uyiiico -ftjr w 1 tOR SALE No. 4 Portable Hubbsrd Oven, slinost new. Arply La Casso Bakery. F ii Dm in l'rlnre Rupert. U ron BALE rony Express. tt TELEGRAPHY PRIVATE LESSONS wanted by rg - - young lady. Apply box 210 " Daily News office. TAXI SERVICE TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE Night and Day. Phono 00. LOST LOST on Fulton' Street or Fifth Avenue, West, Lady's umbrella with gun inotal handle. Under please relurjn to Daily News. LOST Bunch of keys between theNpost omce and cor. eth and Snd Ave. Return M.wi tmtm. tf Oh sayl The News Print Shop does its work about as cheap as most shops and qulto as well Rives you the work on time wnen ver possible and hands it oui with a pleasant "Thank you. "5y Vhat do you say to giving them a trial on your noxt Job? Men's "Invictus" shoos Fa'n-Jly -J , Shoo Store.