THE DAILY NEWS.                                                                  Fijiday, December 20, 1918.
   Page 0

                                  VIOLA DANA TO BE SHOWN                                                                            ;CsONCXnCOXCHCX
                                 I    in iiuuraurn nc nsrtMtn                                    IT
      G. H. Arnold                                                j Local News Notes J                Buy Yourself or Someone Else a Really

                                    Viola Dana, star of Metro's nqw
         NOTARY PUBLIO            all-star series play, "Weaver of Slippers for Xmas gifts Family

                                  Dreams," which is to be shown      Shoo Store.               tf                                    Useful Gift

                                  tonight at the Westholme, is ono
    Wo sell Ileal Estate.
                                                                                sailed for Victoria
                                                                   W. E.
                                  of the best known and loved actresses.

    We write Fire and Marine              She was only five years last evening.                       By          at Martin O'Reilly's- Store

       Insurance.                 of age when she made her .theatrical Xmas gifts slippers Family
                                       debut, appearing as a toe-dancer.
    We have Apartments,                                          Shoe Store.
               and Offices for            The dramatic stage soon                                              And You Will Be Assured of Satisfaction and Pleasure.
       Houses,                    claimed the clever little actress Holly, mistletoe and    hblly

       Ilent, and Want More.      and sho played in such well known wreaths at Munro Brothers. 97

    Wo Deal in Mortgage Loans.    productions as Ibsen's "When the                  t
                                  Dead  Awake"   and   "Hip  Van   Mrs. Hildich was among those
    Wo sell Timber Limits.
                                  Winkle," taking the part of little sailing last evening for Vancou

         Wo do Conveyancing.      Jlendrick in the latter play.  ver.

                                    Miss Dana's picture "Weaver
                                  of Dreams," has a real significance. Special discounts at Barrie's
     H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD.      j       It provides her with a role Furniture, House from now until

                                  similar to the ones that gave her Christmas.                 tf

                                  first success. This story is taken
                                                                   Constable A. J. Watkirison, of
                                  from the book by that name written
                                                                 Port Simpson, arrived in the city
         Sickness ad                 by Myrtle Heed. It is a touching
                                                                 yesterday on a business visit.
                                     tale of the life of a giijl in a
                                  small country town and is particularly                           We have a splendid selection to
    Accident Insurance
                                           fitted for Miss Dana's to town last evening on a short! .  . .             ft .   .nn
                                 well known sympathetic interpre-                                       HUM.      V
       We represent the Dominion tauvc powers.

            of Canada Guarantee    Horn in Brooklyn, Viola Dana    Fancy China at   Tite's. Many                                                                    Get a box of our linen handkerchiefs,

           and Accident Co.,     went to school in New York where handsome   pieces  for   select                                                                           always a nice Christmas

    which writes a special       she has lived nearly all her life choice.                   299                                                                      present, in boxes 3 for $1.0C;

            covering indemnity   Both her sisters, Edna Flusrath                                                                                                                  0 in
    policy                                                                                                                                                       others jn boxes,     a box from
                                 and Shirley Mason are motion      Mrs. A. E. Campbell of Smithcrs
                  all Sickness
         against                                                                                                                                                 $1.25 to $2.00     box. .
                                 picture stars.                  arrived in the city last evening
    ana Accidents.                                               from the Bulkley Valley.

       The annual cost is very     In the case of Keith vs. DudoJ
    low.                                                           J. S. Kennedy of Smlthers yaa
                                 ward for damages for seizure .of
                                 a boat, beard before Judga Young among the arrivals in tne city last
                                                                      ntr mm tin tivpp nnmta. 1
     McCaffery,     Gibbons      in the County Court yesterday af-
                                 tcrjnoon, judgment was givn for
                                                                   A. G. Cunningham of Port Es-
                                 ?200 and costs.  Judgment was    ,      arrived ,  lhe cit  last
        & Boyle, Ltd.            nlcn rrivoti rr Ilia frm nlor I o i m I '
                                                                 evening from up river, on a
                                 for the defendant for $139.00 for
    Insurance  5-  Real Estate                                   visit.
                                 work done.                                                        Our stock of neckties is tnc

                                                                    Iass meeting of Trades and finest and largest we have ever,    When in the store take n look
                        B. C.      "Ueconstruction"  will be th9
    Prince Rupert,               subject of tho address to bo delivered Labor Council Sunday, December, had, all arranged in unnstmas at our si0Ck cf Men's Suits and
                                                                 22, at 8 p. m. Business  Legis- boxes for you     $1.00 to $3.00 0vnnl,              S2G to S75
                                        this evening at the St. An ii     1 1                      .       '                         " '            " t
                                                                 lauve mailers.              297
                                 drew's Society Club rooms at 9

                                 p. m. by A. M. Manson, M.P. P. A  Mrs E p. Dudoward and Mrs.

    M. I STEPHENS                line musical programme has seen Fred Dudoward of Port Simpson.
                                 arranged.  All  members    and ...   nmnnr iun nrrivnls in  the
                                 irienus are lnvnca to atiena.
          NOTARY PUBLIO                                          cy

                                   mere was a runner Hearing       Miss Maude Easson. and Miss
    Either Cash or               this morning before Magistrate Cowan of the teaching staff, sail-Carss

       Victory Bonds                   in the police court of the ed iast evening for Vancouver to
                                 ciiarse preierrea against Jonn Upend Christmas
      nd term will buy two tplandld iuumries If.t ui men 1 Hi irom je mo a 1 T-i im                                                                                Hosicry  makes a very- useful

   4-roomd plondld lot,houet neap with Seal bath Coe.on press Hotel. Adjournment was Mrs. Captain Magar, of Port Travelling bags and suit cases                  Christmas gift. Our stock is very

                                 made until tomorrow.            Simpson, arrived  in town yes- are als0 useIui Christmas gifts,   Hundreds  of silk  and   wool complete, priced from BOo to 2.60

   Price Only $1,600                                             terday, and is registered at the nriP(1 frnm mkq to $28.00      scarfs to chnnso from S2.B0 to S10  ..5n
                                   Judge Young yesterday after- Hotel Prince Rupert.          . I                                                              "
   with a liberal dlacount for all caeh.                                                                          ....          , .            ,    .
     Then houes are plaetered, have noon reserved sentence in the                                ii you wm ao tne. duik oi your ur.nsimas sr.opp:ng tnis wcck ana leave next week to those who lor
   electric light and 'are very comfortable charge against Geo. Mclnnes of Community Silverware the some reason cannot conveniently do so, you will be helping solve the Christmas problem in a very
            , well a convenient to stealing a blanket from the G.T. rustless and stainless grades in I practical way.                                           r- -
   the Industrial end of the City. P. steamer Prince George.     the. handsome Adam patterns  atj V                   '                                                                         r

   thl 20 Investment.e not too You much cannot to expect afford on Tile's special discounts  299 o    Kfl a dti ivi                r'Dcri i               i   xoPt         hvenings from O

   to pay rent when you have an op-portunlty Apples Spys, Winesaps, Mac                          O IVIA-VI A 1            II N     W lIIL-L- I                     now until Christmas. 6
           Ilk thla on.          intosh  Reds, Baldwins,  etc-     Kenny Rood sailed last evening

                                 CIIICKENS, alive or dressed; Tur- for Seattle, where ITe hopes to

   M. M.       Stephens          keys, Beef and Veal just in ut the spend Christmas with Mrs. Rood
                                 CITY MARKET.               297. who is visitincr his r-olatives thnre
         FINANCIAL AQENT                                                                           select your Amas gilts  from EKHlfiraSESZaEESZaEE!C32S2
   623 Third Ava.   Phone 222      Tom Deasy,   Indian agent at    Mrs. Leo Ives was" among the I the Family Shoe Store       tf
                                 Masset, was in tho city last oven- passenger sailinsr last evening

                                 ing for a few hourjs on his way for Vancouver, where sho will     -lames, easy cnairs and rock      Chr                            Pr
                                 from Skidegate to Masset Inlet  join her husband on his arrival ers al illea special Christmas                                           esents
   STEEN & L0GWILL                                               there from Toronto.            Values.                     299

                                   Buy a chair for the kiddie at                                                                                        for Men at
                                 Christmas at Barrie's Furnituro   Van Houten's cocoa at Fuller's J-    "ocertson, of Alice Ann
   SANITAR .  Hni   HEATING      House.                          irocery, phone 45.             arrived in town yesterday and

          EWniNEERS                                                                             left again for Vancouver last               GIL'S CIGAR STORE
                                  Ladies' evening slippers Fam    T. H. Johnson, manager of the evening.

           Agents for            ily Shoe Store.              tf Canadian Fish and Cold Storatre
                                                                Company at Seal Cove,    accom-   -tor bale two pool, one Ameri                       Wart Block, Third Avenue
      McCLARY FURNACES            Toy   department now open     nnnip.rf hv Mm. .Tnhnann  aaii,i can. one English billiard table     P.O. BOX 444                            PHONE BLUE 418

           PLUMBINQ              Wallace's.                   " last evening for Vancouver.     Small payment down.     Life for             Meerschaum Pipes with Amber Stem.

                                                                                                balance. Little's News Stand. 98     Case Pipes and Sets.           DBB Own Make
              and                 At Tito's store every $2.00 cash Xmas slippers for the family,                                                                                       Pipes
                                                                                                                                                          G B D
     SHEET METAL WORKS          purchase gives you a chance for Family Shoe Store.            tf  Tll  Question of the cnfo.ipe-                                ,         Pipes
   Phono 5. 834 Second Avenue.  grand drawing: 1st prize, .brass                                ment of the Idlers' Act was dis                            Pouches, All Sizes
                                                                                                                                            Silver and Cold
                                bed, value $80.00; 2nd prize brass A very bright meteor attracted cussed by the police commission                                   Cigarette Cases
   Night phones 576                                                                                                                               Real
                                bed, valuo $42.60; 3rd prize, lar- ,nucn attention from those who ers at their meeting yesterday                       Ivory Cigarette Holders
               and Blue 270                                                                                                                      Ash Trays and
                                go baby doll, value $8.60. ...299 were on tne streets last night.lit was decided that tho act was                                Smokers' Sets
   The right work, at the right                                 its path was from cast to west still in force and could be made                 Imported Slgars, and Cigarettes.
   time, and at the right prloo.                                                                                                            Havana Cigars In Box, 10s, 25s, and 50s
                                      TEACHER WANTED                "      a glow of light which effective against a certain class
                                                                was remarkable.                 in tho community.                    Ve Carry a Well Selected Stock of Goods and Prices to

                                  Tho Prince Rupert Board of School                                                                                 Suit Your Pocketbook.
                                Trustee require the services or an ex- Christmas potted plants arrived Atkins' Meat Marknt fnr soWf.

  The P. B. Feed Co.            perleuced Receiving- Class Teacher. Salary this morning. Arctic Studio ed Turkeys. Prjce right. tf         FOLLOW THE CROWD
                       i'tr annum pius uonus or ai&u.uu
                                per annum, will) annual Increase If satis
                                factory. Address applications, statin; Bringing with her neaijly two The Christmas Tree to be Kiven
                                name of last Inspector, to      nunared   passengers  from  the by the Ladies Auxiliary of the O
    Have got in a New Seasons;        W. D. VANCE, Secretary,   Queen   Charlotte  Islands, the W.V.A. to soldiers' children will

           Supply of                  Box 1956, rrlncc itupert, B.C. Prince John arrived in port last bo hold in St. Andrew's hall on

  Bulbs, Hyacinths,                                             evening from the southern port  Monday, December 23, at 7. p.m.

     Daffodils, Tulips,               JANITOR WANTED            She left again for Port Clements In the evening from 8:30 to 12    For That Christmas Present

                                                                and Masset.                     p.m. a social and dan.n will hn
     Crocus, Easter Lilies       Janitor required for Seal Cove School,
                                salary 25 per month, address applications Warm                  hpln in whlfh all mI                           We have hundreds and hundreds of
                                                                         house                 Lnrt
                                                                               slippers  Family
                                to tho Secretary.           S97                                     mmhMI     r     t.i:-
     Make the Home Beautiful                W. U. VANCE,        fallOO btOre.                tf illnpv nnn  n:ol1.. J..ll-J   j    Meerchaum
                                            I'. 0. Boi 1588, City.                           vwiuiuiiy IHVHUU, UI1U                      PIPES                 to make your
  Have Some Winter Blooms 1
                                                                  Mr. nnrl Mrs. U fi .Tnhn.fnn "D '"Wuoou-u tu uring Willi Uiem          and Briar                          choice from

       Indoors and Outside        A                             Miss Johnston and Miss Florence    '"-""                   M

                                    TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY       jonnston Tt- arnvea...a in town las..I             "
                                                                                                  Slippers.for Father and Mother
      908 Third Avenue                                         evening from Inverness, on a visit L-Famiiy Shoo Store.       tf    The Biggest Stock in the City. New Shipment Just Arrived
  Phone 53        P.O. Box 333  LOST     Black Cocker   SDaniel .vi u ion uu;o ubiuio luaviug lui

                                  pup.   Answers   to name   of Victoria, where they will spend   At the meeting of .tho police
                                  "Vimy." Weans collar with tho remainder of the winter.        commission yesterday afternoon         CIGARS IN FANCY BOXES
                                  name of Parkin and Ward on                                    in Uin  tti.      r    i
1 DENTISTRY                       it. Finder please notify Park-  Wonderful values at Tite's Toy-l0 aid inT Strong CXCeptiOIl                     Every Kind of Tobacco
                                                                 ,H fn flm nh(Mrn          900
                                 In and Ward.              295                                 I.1" io way in which a girl who

         OFFICE HOURS:                                           Mr. and Mrs. Iff. F. Duby sailed 8 c,?nvic,le.d l0f 8ell,ng liquor
  9 a.m. to 12) 1(30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m.                                                         ''              .                                What you want you will find at
                                                               last evening by the "Prince Geo-      V,    lo g,  away- 110 UlU
       DR. J. 8. BROWN                Barsalou's               rgo" for the south. Accompany- I0.1 be,,0,yo ,n doinB that sort of

           DENTI8T                                             in them was J. A, W. Bell, of mng' PcoDle wero saying (hat          The      Prince       Rupert         Cigar Store
  Offlci Smith Block, Third Avnu. Motor Transfer                                               arrangements wero mado. Ho he-
           Phon 454.                                                                                                                                    THIRD AVENUE
                                                               who has been visiting this city P,1      cnorc,n          wilh-

                                  Furniture                    for tho last few days on business.  'ear   favor-     Wected to             BILLIARDS                     POOL
                                            Moving.                                           i."   uuiucroiiceH in regara  to

Frederick van Werkhovenf              Express and Baggage        Not too late for photos for l?eso matters or framoups.    Ho

   of Tb Royal Academy(or Muaie of l                           Christmas at the Benson Studio, 'hought it was nlong tho lino of a
        Th lUrue,Holland.    I                                                                 ronmor case where the mngistrato

   TEACHER OF PIANO                   WE HANDLE COAL             Ladles comb, brush and mirror was known to have been in con-in  Visit Tito's store in its Christ Specially prepared   Sausage
                                 Night and day                    cases or single pieces, at Tito's                       ...
                             2             phon 182. P.O. Box 1M                               fernn  with th   mnn
       STUDIO Phonb 1W
                                                                                                                               mas nttiro. Everything thero that Meal for Turkey stuffing. Atkins
                                                               Special PrlcU?r Xmas.       209
                                                                                               being nnoseculod.
                                                                                                                               Santa requires,             goo Meat Market,                  tf