nday uly 25, 1932 oe Ct me Ait Cae OTe Fav): eN oe Caw APPETIZING AND INVIGORATING ivertisement {8 not publistird or displayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. — 2 See na LOCAL ‘NEWS ITEMS J, Foreman left af the end of the, Mrs. D. R. Barelay and two chil- /week for a trip to Stewart on Nor- dren sdiled last night on the Ca- | thern British Columbia Power Co. tala for a holiday visit to Alice business. | Atm. Miss C. McLeod and Miss F.| Returning south after 4 regular ‘Funnel are sailing this afternoon} voyage to A , CNR. steamer on the Prince Rupert for a holiday| Prince Rupert, Capt. Dan Donal, trip to Vapcouver. arrived in port at 10:45 this morn- |ing from Skagway and other nor- Fred Madsen of Grassy Plains|thern points and will sail at 4 arrived in the city from the inter-! o'clock this afternoon for Ocean jor on last night’s train ana is a! Falls, Powell River and Vancou- When you go to Europe ‘Take advantage of the manifold services of the Cunard Line. You can travel one way via Montreal, the other via New York Convenient sailings from MONTREAL and NEW YORK to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, y Plymouth, Southampton, Belfast, Londonderry, Havre & Cherbourg : TEE Oo : } LOW RATES we oy iY First Class from $132, 251. I Cabin Class ” 104, 192, : Tourist Class * 89. 157. } Third Class Ae 67. 119, Express Service maintained by “THE BIG THREE” “BERENGARIA” - “AQUITANIA” “MAURETANIA” CUNARD - ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINES 622 Hastings Street West, Vancouver AF? LOWER FARES oe FAST... This year, Canadian National offers four different fares to Eastern points for you to choose from: |. COACH ONE-WAY FARES Good in coaches 2. INTERMEDIATE ONE-WAY FARES Geod in Tourist Sleepers upon payment of cleeper charges 3. 30-DAY ROUND TRIP FARES’ Geoed in all _claseee of equipment spon payment of deeper charace 4. SUMMER EXCURSION ROUND TRIP | FARES Geod in all clasecs of equipment upon payment of sleeper charges. Complete information from H. McEwen, D. F. and P. A. rince Rupert. B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL V-440-32 | ‘Qo ‘ ~ . _ UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ‘ Steamers leave Prince Rupert f Var iver PSS, CATALA EVERY TURSDAY, 1:30 P.M ypoints art ng Vancouve Thursday am TSS. CARDENA RVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT g Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx Re t Port Simpsor Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Naaé River ints, * day, 8 m formation regarding all sailing and tickets at PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second A venue Phone 568, guest at the Savoy Hotel. | ver. ne | Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Nelson and| lcon of Babine are yaying a visit to| T Anaemic Gi ls the city, having arrived from the) 0 c ir interior on last night’s train. Tuesday Special | ee a OC Classified Ads At 10 o'clock yesterday morning the fire department had a ¢all at the Western Rooms on ser Street where there was a chimney fire which caused no damage. FOR SALE FOR SALE — All furniture and FOR SALE—Kasiette Washing Ma- i chine, almost new. Snap for cash. The fire department had a call) Hyde Transfer. 174 at 1i o’¢lock Saturday morning to _ — prices than any maf) order house. Kaien Motors Ltd, Phone cxteice$ 52. George E. Seymour, retired busi- : i .|FOR SALE—6-hole Range; single nessman of London, England, was! bed and Easiette Washing Ma- home of A. O. Aves, 717 Sixth Av- enue West. No damage was aone. G. M. Hunt and Master Mel-| ‘bourne Bussey returned to the city} Sunday afternoon, after spending a week's holiday down the coast. | | Miss Gilmour Tells How Dr. Wil- lias’ Pink Pills Saved t Life ror “TI was very anaemic, and | tried many Steadily Gréew A cafload of cattle from the Bulkley Valley for the abbatoir of | P. Burns Co, Ltd. here arrived from the interior on last night’s mixed train me in the G “ _..'! least. Dr. Wil- | liams’ Pink Pills were recommen- elfen | ded to me, and I soon began to Thomas Kelly of Stewart was a| py ice that I was gaining in passenger aboard the ss. Prince| srrneth, L ereduaty grey stron- | ger, and Mother has otten re- George Saturday night going) marked that she js sure that Dr. through to Vancouver- whence he Williams’ Pink 1 will proceed on a trip to Nashua.) life,” writes Miss Mary Gilmour. New Hampshire. : Brandon, Man. “I h perience will be the means of put- E. A. Bray, brother of Mrs. G. G | road to better health.” Bnshby, who has been identified) Miss Gilmour is one of scores of | women who have been wonder- with the staff of the Rupert M-) filly penefited by Dr. Williams’ rine Products here for the past! Pink Pills. The reason is that Dr. year of so. sailed Satudrday after-| Williams’ Pink Pills actually cre- $ ‘ be ate new, rich blood. which sup- eee 7 Sines tans te plies the nerves with needed ele- Victoria ménts and revitalizes the whole system, You, too, can experience Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. . os eee to a Aten ; : -as| health. Your druggist can supply }£. Dickson, arrived in port at 7:45) Joy with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills last evening from the south and) jn the new protective glass con- sailed at 8:30 pm. for Amyox,| tainer. Get 4 supply—50c a pac- Stewart and other northern points| kage. whence she will return here to-| © morrow morning southbound. { Mr. and Mrs. P. LéRoss of Pa- \¢ific arfived in the city on last | Dugalc Campbell, Vancouver, re- night’s mixed train for a brief presenting the Canadian Linotype visit to town. Mr. LeRoss is section Co., arrived in the city Saturday|foreman at Pacific. lin the course of one of his peri- odical trip north and left last! | night on the Catalla for Stewart jand will proceed later in the week to interior points Rev. W. 8. Cooper of Greenville, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from the south and will proceed later in the | Walter Service of Pasco, Wush-| Week to his post on the Naas River. | ington, who has been visiting here Cinemas for the past week or so with his} With a small list of touris* mother, Mrs. Peter Black, will sail} Passengers,C.N.R. steamer Princess Wednesday morning by the Prince| Alice, Capt. William Palmer, ar- Robert on his return home, ac-/|Tived in port at 8 30 this morning companied by his son and daugh-|from Vancouver, and sailed at 10 jam. for Skagway and other Aili- |aska points whence she will return | There were 90 passengers aboard here next Saturday afternoon the steamer Princess Louise on her| Southbound jarrival here Saturday. afternoon from Skagway and other Alaska }points. Leaving the vessel here! | were three persons—Missés G. Pat-| *e Chest Clinic |moré and L. Jackson of Cranbrook| - and Miss EB. R. Hammond of Tran-| DP. A. 8. Lamb, Travelling Provin- | quille—who made the round trip cial Health Officer and Chest Spe- north from Vancouver to Skagway. | ialist, will hold a chest clinic in the Three passengers embarked here | Prince Rupert Hospital July 26th to on the vessel for the south. | 29th Examinations at this clinie are ter ~ho live In Spokane. NOW! Delicious 7-lb. Box Skeena Brand Creamery Butter Fresh Churned, at $1.70 Fresh Cottage Cheese Next Saturday July 23 VALENTIN DAIRY Phone — 657 AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oil in the wood, affording extra and better pre- ervation than kiln-dried shingles from which the essential olf has been evaporated, Our shingles are made on Queen Charlotte islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference. Shingle free; anyone wishing a consulta- tion is asked to make arrangements through the Family Doctor. 173 | Announcements | jtrip to Skagway. tonics. which |0f the death of his father. Herbert | did not hel Stronger | a |for the Canadian National Rail- lis saved my | tour of the west on official duties Ope my ex- | tached to last night’s mixed train. | ting many more people on the |Waterhouse Co. fleet were in port jamong passengers going through! oki i ; sine, almost new. Snap fot aboard the steamer Princess Alice| this morning to make the round| cgsh. Hyde Transfer. Z 174 THE Rorje Residence, 226 4th Av- enue West. For terms and de- | Called to Vancouver on account Co. Ltd. or H. G. Helgerson Ltd Hodgson, locomotive engineer here 178 “i ; FOR RENT |POR REN'F— Modern flat, Ranc Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. tf |ways, sailed on the Prince George ;Saturday evening for the south. Dr. Lyall of Winnioeg, eye and | ear examiner for the Canadian Na- | tional Railways, in the course of 8)30ME choice modern apartments for rent. Greatly reduced rates. Westenhayer Bros. tf | i jarrived in the city in his car at) | MODERN 6-room house, sleeping Three freighters of the Frank) porch and basement. Eighth Ave. West. Phone Blue 276. 174 | over the Week-end. The Southholm, ee | Capt. R. B. Bennett, and Bastholm | POR RENT—Clean well furnished Capt. J. C. Sutherland, which are} Modern 2-room suite. Palmer ‘engaged in handling canned sal-| Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf im0n out of the Skeena Rivei.| por RENT—Fully modern new un- , > 2 . hi ! were here on Sunday while the furnished six-roomed house with C. N. R. PICNIC POSTPONED WANTED Owing to rain, the scheduled pic- | —~ cnnsiaetitenialnieeeiantneetlel nic of Canadian National Railways| BOARDERS WANTED—In modern employees to Digby Island was; steam heated residence. postponed from yesterday. C.N.R. Trai NK. iralms For the East— EXCHANGE Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- houséhold goods. J. Farquhar. tf. extinguish 4 chimney fire at the| 3PECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower! scription apply 8. D. Johnston | Apply Mrs. Joe Cook, 177 WILL trade firewood for household necessities. Phone Blue 825. 176 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room close ta Storage $30 month. Phone Bl 25. . ait / DAIRIES- For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY | 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.40 nih PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK | debited ! ‘Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 WATCHMAKERS Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND | $24 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Borthhaim, er Henry Porritt,| basement and bot air heating.|Thirty Years Practical Experience was here today with coal and) for particulars call at Royal Ho-| Assures Absolute Satisfaction general cargo. tel. tf OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU _ —_ “CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Vhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- The Daily Nows Office. days 1:30 p.m. | Lost— | SPECIAL Cleaning & Pressing sake, Return to Daily News One Suit or One Dress od $1.25 Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs A. H. Benkendorf Next to Daily News List your goods with us—Prince Rupert’s leading Auctioneer. -| G. M. HUNT at... Triple string mother-of pearl beads, between Halberg’s and Wall’s Store, Saturday. Keep- a 173| SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for Suits—Msz d List your goods with mé i : ction $23.50 GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 Phone Blue 909 AUCT IONEER lays 12:30 noon Green 241 and 549 | en Thursdays oa oa. a ra one Cypen Evenings 6 Excnangé Bik. From the East— Sear Sundays, Thursdays and meee LOmh Delie debe, Meade dake TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 197: Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Begr bottles bought. sale at reasonable prices. Phone Green 609 or Bine 903. The AUCTIONEER| <<" """" PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLBAN- ING LABORS Phone Red 802 (evenings) to J. P. MOLLER — for — Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging By Day or Contract (BOSTON CAFE lasssre eax Oddfellows opening dance, July 29 Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20. Family MEAT Market Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs Potatoes, 10 Ibs. Lamb Chops 2 Ibs. In the beginning when vacuum | Stewing Lamb, 4 Ibs packing was Coming into use for| & 2 lbs, Peas dry foods, it was said to be im- | Hamburger, 2 Ibs. possible to use for liquid pro-| & 2 Ibs. Onions ducts. It was admittedly the ideal} Liyer, 1 lb, method for retaining matural|) & 1 Ib. Bacon flavors. Loin Pork Chops— Not believing anything im-| 2 Ibs. possible, Pacific Milk began ex- Leg Pork— periments which resulted in| 4 Ibs. learning how to put milk in va-|Beef Sausage— cuum cans. 2 lbs. makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- ert, while Vancouver wages never come north. Support a home idustry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shingles. Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3,25 HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Now all the fine natural flavor| Corned Beef, 4 Ibs. is kept perfectly for you. Try .| & Cabbage, 4 lbs. ; i. Ayrshire Bacon—Machine Pacific Milk “100% B. C. Owned and Controlled” PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD 357 — Phone — 957 $1.00, 45c 30c 30c 30¢ 35c 50c 25¢ 50C} sa | Oe 8 35e Manure For Sale Is Reopened No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Thoroughly Renovated } REASONABLE CHARGES LS, SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE St = — -_ >, Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Bright and Cheery Phone 303 Better Than Ever PRINTING 7 — OFFICE SUPPLIES ee ed Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Prince Rupert |= a ae Hotel Arrivals DRY DOCK For Your Picnic or Holiday | MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US . To Greet You on Arrival “| We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Pienie Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 2000 tons | Shipbuilders | and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels ii and Mining Ma paired and a” Hotel Central Limited Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Kates SWAIN’S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Terrace, B.C. “THE DUNES” Queen Charlotte Islands 'l| 42 Days Holiday; $35 Includes iton and Brass Casting Central T. Henderson, C.N.R.; W. Brown Electric and Acetylene Welding Fe AB“ a city; R. G. Todd, Vancouver; M. E. Dilworth and A. Morris, Toronto; | Boat Fare and All Other ' Expenses Children Under 12, Half ; A Holiday Pere Leaves No §0-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts J. P. Murdock, Atlin; G. Sandal and John Olson. Anyox, grets, No Flies or Mosquitoes. Write or Telegraph i MADAME RAJAUT > teccll a 2 SO. ey Be ape A ac: Se ee ea eS a he, 4 4 ~ - & . aie Tic \