I OBJOTED Chemists P.O.Box Drugfjlsts 1680 and THE Daily NEWS Call BEO.jjRIZZELL our Calendars.Red for Cross one of Por.es, 82 and 200 Phones, 10 and 25 VOL. IX. NO. 300. prince nurEivr, B.C., Thursday, December 20, 1918. PH1GE FIVH CENT Will Leave Russians Alone ALLIES DECIDE AGAINST THE REAL SIX DAY GRIND "CORINTHIAN" FURTHER INTERVENTION IN A TOTAL LOSS AFFAIRS OF RUSSIANS Wrecked C. P. R. Liner Expected to Disappear In Forecasted Westerly Gale. Part (Special to The News via O. T. p. Telegraphs.) of Cargo Is Saved. Paris, December 20. The Allied governments have decided ngainst further intervention in Itussia, at least for the present, CAPTAIN AND THE FIRST according to indications from official sources. Great Britain and OFFICER SUSPENDED (ho United Stales, it is reported, while recognizing that Russia should be assisted in every way to permit of her getting back to (Special via p. T.P. Telegraphs.) normal conditions, point out that military intervention on a large Halifax, Dec. 26. r Wrecking scale would involve difficulties and dangers of all kinds. Stephen steamers returning to Yanmouth l'ichon, the French Foreign Minister, explaining the situation at report the "Corinthian" ashore in length to the Committee on Foreign Relations said the solution Brier Island, to be settling fast at present was to guarantee moral support to governments which and predict that with the westerly have sprung up at various points on Russian and Siberian territory. gale now forecasted, she will go to pieces and disappear. Most of the cargo between decks has been salvaged, but that in the RUSSIAN PRISONERS FROM lower holds cannot bo recovered. The commission enquiry investigating tho causes of the accident GERMANY JOIN BOLSHEVIKS have suspended for three months the certificate of Captain Tan-nock, who commanded tho vessel (Special to The News via O. T.P. Telegraphs.) when, she was lost, and that of Warsaw, December 20. Flocks of released Russian prisoners Chief Officer Simpson for six who are making their way homeward through Poland, all of months. whom appear to be tainted with Bolshevism, and are recognized The finding states that the loss us a danger In this respect by the Polish authorities. They are of the Corinthian was duo wholly in fact already'causing much trouEle by their lawlessness in their to indifferent seamanship of the search for food. The Bolsheviki are taking advantage of the two officers penalized, and dismisses penniless plight of these first thousands of released. prisoners the argument that the Bay and have picked up several thousand of them for their army by of Fundy is an unsafe channel for offering to the men clothes, food, and moneyr which there is in navigation. plenty since the Bolsheviki control the printing presses'Tor the The Corinthian, a C. P. ft. lin purpose of making rubles. er,- ran on a ledge off Brrfer Is ThePoles are rapidly organizing their own army around the land on December 14 and has developed nucleus.of. General Pilsudski Phalanxes. The old Polish legions into a total loss. of home-weary troops which are coming home have no Russian or German sympathies and are merely desiring to be left alone. SPAIN WORRYING J0-. , " GET BACK GIBRALTAR SALVATION ARMY IS DRItEN FROM RUSSIA FOR JAPS AT BAR Spanish Premier While In Paris Holds Consultations With BY THE BOLSHEVIKI Allied Statesmen Re Served Two Indians With Near Morrocco and Gib.- Beer, Thinking They Were Pioneer Workers of the Salvation Japanese Even Near (Special via O. T: P. Telegraphs.) Army leave Unsettled Land T. BtisIbi Telearua, Beer Forbidden Paris, Deo. 26. During the recent After Tooth and Nail Indians. visit here of Count Roman-ones, Struggle. the Spanish Premier, extended BOLSHEVIKI ARREST Evidence was taken this morning PRESIDENT WILSON "FOSTER GETS 17,000 LBS. SUDDEN DEATH consultations are reported court for the to havo been held by tho Premier in tho police CONSUL IN ONE DAY'S FISHING UNITED STATES WELCOMED AT U.S. with French and American statesmen prosecution in the case of supplying OF MATT BARR regarding the Moroccan (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) to Indians by tho bartender HEADQUARTERS CITY The trawler G. E. Foster returned question which was discussed in Toronto, Dec. 20. Tho Russian at the Empress Hotel. Constables to port on Christmas Eve both its military and financial Bolsheviki and the Salvation Army Watkinson and Bailey had arrested Says All Nations Concerned Have from her maiden trip with an(Dies at Calgary on Christmas Eve phases. Tho future status of working in Russia havo had a the Indians in tho Empress Chart of Gibraltar Is said also to havo j Accepted the Peace otter trawl out of this port. The of Influenza and Pneumonia tooth and nail struggle, and Hotel nl tho time of taking a glass After Short Illness While come up for consideration. United States With the though no loss of life is reported, of near beer, after orders had Foster was out after llounders on Journey. it was probably with some bloodshed been issued by tho department j One Purpose. and sole, arid returned with a HUNDREDS OF PLANES that the pioneer workers- of Hioniimvinir Hits. Tho main de- catch of 17,000 lbs. after only one the Salvation Army have at last fenco consisted that it was hard I I Special via O.T.P.2C Telegraphs.)President day's fishing. The weather was WAS MUCH SHIPBUILDING.INTERESTED IN HERE DOWNED BY U.S. FLIERS Dec. been country by Jap and Chaumont, dr;iven from tho r HsHnomlsh between a the Wilson received a most cordial too had for fishing during tho Bolsheviki Red Guards. tho oarienucr nn Tn.liim and that welcome yeslei.day from the people first day out, and a little difficulty The many friends bene of (Special via O. T. V. Telegraphs.) Odessa, Deo. 20. Bolsheviki sold them tho beer under the im of Chaumont town which has was experienced with tho new Matthew J. Barr of Vancouver Washington, Dec. 24. American have arrested American Consul pression that they were Japs. hoAn rlnsplv associated with the equipment in getting it ijunning will bo shocked to hear of his aviator? downed eight hundred Treadwell at Tashkcna in Russian II. E. Ross, tho proprietor of tho of history of tho American Expedi.il freely. With everything new, the sudden death in Calgary on and forty-five enemy planes Turkestan, according to a Empress, was thorp to testify tionary Forces in t rance anu if lira I timo tho trawl was put out Christmas Eve. Ho was on a! during tho war, of which four wireless messago received hero. tho enforcement of tho law in now tho headquarters of. the comi it would not sink properjy, but a journey, and was suddenly taken hundred and ninety-one were connection with the giving of two 'rnander in chief. lilllo perseverance overcame the with influenza, with consequent i confirmed and threo hundred and Ladystnith Wellington Coat reduces per cent, to Indians. II. T. Cross ' In his address to tho troops tho difficulty. Tho Foster will mako pneumonia and died after a very fifty-four- were not. your fuel bill and gives of tho customs department, who 'president said that no difference another trip or two before New short illness. atisfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. tho test on tho two LEAGUE Coal Oo. performed seized, stated of purposo exist among tho great Year. Matt. Barr was ono of the well SCANDINAVIAN of liquor glasses being allied leaders and that all tho known figures in athletio and . tho nlcoholio strength as nations concerned havo accepted FREEDOM OF ROME FOR business circles throughout this General annual meeting will be 2 0. The caso was adjourned until PRESIDENT WILSON December 30th, at by held Monday, presented give the the char.t for peace province. Years ago he was one to 'Monday in order "DEMERS" Morrison, tho United States. of tho strong players of the Vancouver 9 p.m. in Carpenters' Union hall, defense timo to get Arthur (Special via O. T. r. Telegraptn.) JOHN DYBHAVN, Secretary. Indians Lacrosse team. He was who .was ono of the tho I, O. Rome, Dec. 25. Tho freedom tablo for, A big Heservo your ono of tho best centre fielders and reduction on arr,csted. New of the city of Rome will bo bo-stowed "Tho Dansant" on of Drossos of all kinds, until D.E. one of the squarest players. the Year's afternoon. Phone Black on President Wilson on Senior partner of the firm of Barr - Mako Holiday.your choice early CARDINAL HAS HIGH 214. 11 his visit there. & Anderson, ho had worked his COAL FOR CASH whllo.all colors, styles, and .way.. up to a partnership. ' frpm. the OF WUKMNu t i n -r On and after this date sizes hero. OPINION DOliom. ins urm is now uuc ui Xmas are Novelties Kinds. of all PEOPLE IN THE STATES COUNT BERNSTORFF GIVES contractors'tho biggest plumbing business and houses general in coal or cash.will bo sold positiyoly Vancouver. They specialize in Bo prepared to pay the Mocember 20 of all kinds. It teamster on delivery or J COME AND SEE Baltimore, HIS OPINION OF WHAT'S WHAT steel fittings was at tho office. Cardinal uiuuuua, - ----- bis business connection with tho pay yesterday said that he had no fear Mullen Steel Company which ALBERT & McCAFFERY. Social am wuu, wnmo an (Special 'to Tbe News via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) mado him the connecting link between 'sue bo dreaded iu t e por that firm and tho Prince ..' to the Paris, December 20. "All belligerents havo accepted President WESTHOLME reconstruction and that work-fng Wilson's fourteen points and. tho only question to be discussed, I Rupert drydock, and ho was ono !ood I of tho American social is their interpretation," said Count von BernstorfT, the 'of tho active ones in cdnncction TONIGHT peoSlo would check any former German Ambassador to the United Stales, in giving his with the getting of the Mullen upheaval. opinion of what Germany's altitude would be at the Peace Conference, Company to intorest themselves ELSIE FERGUSON SOCIETY nccording to tho Geneva correspondent of Io Matin. in shipbuilding in Princo Rupert. IN ST. ANDREW'S 'Germany," declared the.Count, "will keep to the President's Matt. Barr had many friends in coilctinB dates Fred program, which grants, to each people of an ethnetical group tho Princo Rupert of vory many years' "BARBARY SHEEP" Owing to Andrews right to dispose of itself."- standing, Ono of the finest and FOR QUALITY ' 6 reels. Stork's address to tho to St.bo held to. Asked if he thought that tho President's program would straightest of men, his loss will SERVICE AND SATISFACTION "Sow which was postponed furnish tho basis for a lasting peace, Bernstorlf shrugged his bo much regretted by all who GAZETTE night has been shoulders. knew him. 7ood Board Licence No. 10.7340. for one woek,