lilt UA1LV MEWB. Thursday, December. 26, 1918. Page 2 ! MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News 4 i PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Wednesdays and Sat. Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Published Every irdays at 9:30 a.m. , i Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays at 5:43 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: For Vancouver: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. undays . . 10 p. m. By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Tuesdays . . .5 p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50, Thursdays 10 p.m. Saturdays , . 7 ajn. . Telephone 98. From Vancouver Sundays . 10 p.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch, A'ednesdaya 10:30 a.m. Contract Rates on application. Jaturdays 10:30, a.m. For Anyox: DAILY EDITION. 'Thursday; Dec. 26, 1918. Sundays ...... . 10 p.m. universal Vndnesdays 10 p. m. Saturdays 10 p. m. military A Green Christmas. From Anyox: service Tuesdays .a.m. There were all the appurtenances of Christmas present Thursdays a.m. yesterday in this district except the one thing which gives the Sundays . . p.m gum outward semblance to the, season. There was ho snow, and TO SUBSCRIBERS yesterday morning it was hard to.believe that the season was midwinter, Subscribers to The News For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei owing to the mildness of the air. Still, there was everything are asked to pay the delivery points: else to denote the fact' that the real Christmas was here. boys each month Sundays 10 p.m A Soldier's offering to bis The evidence of the visit of Santa Claus was to be seen in prac where when payment they call,has except been From Port Simpson and Haas sweetheart is naturally the tically every household, and he came laden this year as if made for the year in advance. River Points: customs' tariffs had been abolished, and imports were duty free The boys when Tuesdays a.m sweetmeat that gave blm Santa is a good old fellow, and there were uo places that he missed collecting carry official receipts, most refreshment and greatest which should always Queen Charlotte Islands: in his age-long rounds yesterday. be preserved. For Massett. Port Clements and enjoyment when on duty. ' Upper Island poiats: Good Resolutions. - Thursdays 7 p. ni. 11 is about now that the preliminary survey of that way paved 7rom Alasset, Port Clements and with good resolutions, begins to be taken. There are so many MINEHAL ACT Upper Island points: The Flavour Lasts f (hangs that we all know of which might be accomplished by each Certificate Improvement. Sundays, a. m. of us that it is really a difficult matter not to make up our minds NOTICE For Skidefrale. Queen Charlotte the New Year. This Drum Lummon, I XL, Caledonia, Marls, incoming different in to do something year bU, Kitchener. Big- Thing;. Dumfries. City and Lower Island points: there will be many new things cropping up and new resolves will Monlalre, Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Grey Sundays 7 p. m. continue to be made throughout the year. For Prince Rupert oppcr. Wharf and Bunker mineral claims, From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte or Division Ituate In the Skeena Mining- the prospect for the New Year is bright and big with yet to be tange 4. Coast District. Where located: City and Lower Island points-Thursdays. developed events. With Peace and Preparedness the people here )n Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson. will doubtless master the events in due course. XLS, or Trail. B. a, acting as agent For Skagway and the Yukon. or the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, Limited, Free Miner's Certincate No. ,- Every ten days. The Kirkyard. 639-C. intend, sixty days from the date From Skagway and Yukon. The old sayiug regarding the Green Christmas denotes this hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder Every ten days. Or Certificate or Improvements, for the fact to mean that the Kirkyard will be full. Just how much truth urpose or obtaining Crown Grants or the there may be in this old saw'does not matter. We have got into hove claims. When you have read the news And further take notice that action, un-ler look through the classified column the habit of not believing these sayings without modern scientific section 37, must be commenced before on Page 5. whether-the Christmastide be he issue or such Certificate or Improve authority to back them up. But ments. green or while, there is little need for dreading the absence of Dated this list day or September, A.D. snow. In fact, on the coast here judging from the experience of 918. J. D. ANDERSON. ilie wet kind of snow we do get at intervals, most of us would be all winter Snow is all when it LAND ACT prefer it to green o-ound. right Form No. tl. is snow, but when it becomes-slush practically at -once, that is Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. different matter. There is much greater need to dread the recur DISTIUCTs N OLEF.N CHARLOTTE RECORDING ISLANDS DISTRICT LAND OF rences'of the "flu" epidemic than the absence of snow, and with SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE OF LAGOON INLET. MORESBY ISLANL proper precautions there is little reason to dread that cither. We ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. TAKE NOTICE that I. John M. MacMllIan, say advisedly, with proper precautions. It is the absence of these or Vancouver, B. C. occupation cannery man. intends to apply ror permission that is responsible for the high mortality. Already there are lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the evidences in certain places that it is not too late for this scourge south shore or Lagoon Inlet. Moresby Is to return, and there is no good in spoiling this festive season land,thence about vest SO one chains:mile from thence Its north muuth chains; thence east 20 chains more or less through neglecting simple precautions against the danger. lo low water mark at the beach; thence southerly fououing low water mark to the point or commencement, containing Overseas. acres more or lesss JOHN MeLARTY MACMILLAN. Meantime, the occupation of the Rhinelands of Germany DATE October 1 0th. 1018. D.I still continues by the troops of the Allies, and the boys at the LAND ftEGISTRY ACT. front have certainly spent a merrier Christmas this year than (Sections is and 114.) ever. In Great Britain, although the allowances of butter remains Re Appllrat.on No. S7C8-I & 9771-1 at only one ounce per head per week, and there has been a great TAKE NOTICE that appilcaUon has oeen scarcity of turkeys, owing to the lack of suitable feeding stuffs. tiade to register Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Sehplnman as owners In fee under yet notwithstanding, their Christmas is bound to have been as wo Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector or happy and merry as was ours here, even if the pepole there did tte Cay or Trlnee Rupert, bearing date the tub day or November, 1917. or ALL not have the same variety of good things with which to celebrate AND SINGULAR that certain parrol the occasion. tract or land and premises situate, lying The spirit of Christmas is the great thing. and being in the Municipality or the City r rnnre Rupert, more particularly known and described as Lot eleven (II), Block taenty-nve (iS). Section seven (7). and Lot thirteen (1S Block thlrty-flve (38 1 i .1. T - i-VMHIl ri Section eight (8), Map 923. You are re quired to contest the claim or the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date Your Dainty Things or tr-: service or this notice (which may be effected by publication In the Dally News, and your attention la called to sec Hon 38 or the "Land registry Act" with be washed arid with Lux and amendments, and to the following extract can over over again Herefrom and In default: or a caveat or certincate still retain the delightful charm of freshness and u us pendens celng filed before the regis i rat ion as owner or tne person entitled un tier such tax sale, all persons so served newness. Very desirable, this, in war time I Lux with notice and those .claiming inrouKii or unaer mem. ana an nersons is in rUlming any Interest In the land by virtue so gentle its cleansing power that it cannot uf any unregistered Instrument, and all tH'rsons claiming any interest In the land harm the most delicate fabric. by descent whoso title Is net registered under the provisions of this Act. stall be rr ever estopped and debarred rron set Untr ud any claim to or In resDect of the How to wash silk land- so sold ror taxes, and the Registrar a garment diall register the person entitled under old urh ror lax taies."sale as owner or the land so Use a tablespoonful of Lux to a gallon of water. Dissolve in boiling ND WIIEIIEAS application has been or very hot water and whisk into a thick, creamy lather. Add cold made ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title until luke the Lux suds water warm. Dip'your garment through many lo the above-mentioned lands,- In the name or- Nathan- Louis Lando and Dora Scbeln times. Work it about, gently squeezing th'c suds through the soiled man. parts but do not rub I Rinse in three waters clear and also lukewarm. AND WHEREAS on Investigating the title appears that prior to the 12th day or Press the water out but do not wring. Dry in the shade and when ictober, 1916 (the date on which the said nearly dry press on the wrong side with a warm iron never a hot hnds were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered owner thereof. one. Press crepes from side to side and stretch a very little as you FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that It the press,. They will look just like newl tame time I shall effect registration In ursuance or. such application and Issue Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the ' BROTHERS LIMITED Toronto aid lands In th name or Nathan Louis LEVER - anilu and Pork Sehelnman unless you take nuJ rroscrute the proper proceedings to Mabllsh ynur claim, If any, to the said ands, or to prevent such proposed action INTSHfilNK n my part. DATED at tne Land Registry Offlco. rince iiupcri, u. u mis snd day of August, 1918. H. T. MACLEOD, District registrar of Titles. STILL To Robert Hildebrandt, Prince Rupert, B. C, AND THE TREE DOESN'T PALL. Micnaei oyrne, cuite, Montana., - - . X, Y, Tribune. Francis Calve, Trlace llupert, B. C raJT