Thursday, Decembers 20, 1918. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 CONSTANT PAIN VANCOUVER PRINTERS I I MAKE LITTLE PROFIT iiiiiiiiiiiiniiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!iiii:i iiiiiiniiiiii!iiii!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiji HFTER EATING A Review of Printing Trade of anoouver Showed only Two ... .. Dentistry Firms Made f. Any Profit Tortures of . Tli3 Dyspepsia During the Year. Ccrrecled by "Fruit-a-Hves" The serni-anniini nf. . see tVTT ;' Dr. Bayne is leaving on Dec. 20, to spend l St. Martin's, N.B. was e United Typothetae of Arneica the Christmas holidays at his home in Van- from"For Severe two years,Dyspepsia,I suffered tortures I l,a,i on Monday,held at the the llm-i business vw of the S couver. The office will therefore be closed H constant pains alter eatinj; pans meeting occupying the entirn H, H from Decembar 20 till January 1, inclusive. the sides and back andcvening. At six o'clock joirii ; and a banquet was held J Office open until 9 o'clock, Thursday horrible bitter stuff often came up in the Hose du ev- In my mouth. "any room, to which 65 sat r ening, December 19. E I tried doctors, but they did not down. After the dinner short addresses - ,c!p mo. Hut as soon as I started were given by Messrs. p t Phone 109 for appointment Dental nurse In attendance. S taklnsr Trtiiia-iives', I began to A. Howe, Tacoma; John D. Boyer, improve and this medicine, made James Abbott. Ray Fcnnoll Pnri ofroit juices, relieved me when land; O. Sargent, H. W. Moullon ereo'thing: else ailed." Seattle; P. J. Yurner, Spokane Dr. Bayne SHIS..HUDSON1 MA11SIIDANK. The address of the evening was 50c.a box,6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. given by Mr. J. Anderson, special OFFICE HOURS: Jit H dealers or sent postpaid by representative of the United Ty. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. pouieiao or America, who had Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 oeen in the city for a week con THE DAILY NEWS uucting a survey of tho printing Hi!lll!l!NI!!IIII!i!lllillllil!llllli!II!llllll Classified Advertising mauciry or Vancouver. : Mr. Anderson reviewed the sit uation an dsaid that he had sn Phone 98 cured Information from 23 firms S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Xhii ii the Advertising Column that in the city, which showed that thn IN THE SUPItEME COUItT OK BIUTISI1 piople read when they want anything total investment was 1206.385 RESEARCH COUNCIL COLUMBIA. OR It bring results anu me number of emnlovees 209 WANTED. These employees, with their fam AND FISH PRESERVING IN THE 1IU.1 MATTER ALT OF THE ADMINISTIU- S.S. PRINCE GEORGE ilies, represented about 1000 and per is THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAILING WANTED at once, girl to assist sons in tno city, who were dependent Ottawa, Dec. 24. The Council CHARLES SWANSON, DECEASED: 1N- with housework and .children. upon these' 23 printing of Scientific and Industrial Re-' 1 ESTATE. MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, Mrs. W. E. Williams, 925 Bor establishments for a living. Only searches has taken prompt steps I,T,AE.. NOTICE that In order of His Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattlo. McB. Younr. made the I9ih rtnv I MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Day. den Street. tf two nrms were shown to have to co-operate with the New Guild !or"rjece a. ii. ihih. miii Annntnipn made a profit, and tho total loss forj Research formed by the Mari- Adm'nU,ra,or ,0 esU,e of ch"le S. S. PRINCE JOHN 11UU.MS With Or n' .s.w.a"!on' "?"a!d. tnd all parties having without board, at "The Ark." was said to be $162,821. This was limo iwiuiwvo ion ucLiiiiiiig 4 'wiaima aauisi me, aia esiaie are IlereDy I Thursday 10 p.m. for Massott, Port Clements and Buckley said to bo due to the fact that un The Research Cnnnril Vequirea 10 ruZ"nisn same, properly verined. Bay. Phone Black 210. tf due competition, duo to lack of has made a grant of $2,000 to thel1. ani parties indebted to the Sunday 10 p.m. for Moresby Island points. a oi& a VMUillU J iOj HIV UI1IUU11I Ul I MAN WANTS WORK in warehouse. organization, was responsible Committee on Fish Researches to their Indebtedness to me forthwith. ' Apply box 209 Daily As a result of the meeting the Le expended on the investigation JOHN II. McMULLIN. TRAIN SERVICE Oniclal ArimlnKtrntnr. News ofllce. 298 ob printers of tho city and New of one of tho fish nrcservinir DATED this 16th day of December, 1918. Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and3ATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for Smlthers Westminster agreed to sign problems to be taken up by the prince oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, mating direct connections for all CHAMBERMAID WANTED. Hotel IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I points east and south. three-year contract working un uanners Uuild. COLUMBIA. Central. tf der the bylaws of the United Ty. Ihe Guild itself has arranged For information and reservations apply to pothetae of America. for the first appropriation of IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.MSTRA-1 WANTED Young girl or woman iiu.ti AtiT G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. for child Mr. A. A. Brookhouse, president $5,000 for research work. The and Ticket 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 to care few afternoons IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF City Office, each week. Apply box 208, News of tho Vancouver Printers' Research Council is also arrang fcH.fcST CARLSON, DECEASED IN office. tf Hoard of Trade, presided at the ing to publish in co-operation TESTATE. banquet, while Mr. E. B. New. with the Department of Mines TAKE NOTICE that In order r.r III WANTED Girl oncise and handy reference bul Honor F. McB. Young, made the 12th dav for General man, president of the Seattle Ty. ui ui'criuuer, a. u. ivis, i was appointed housework. No washing. $35 a pothetae, gave an address. Other letin of Canadian building stones Administrator to the estate of Ernest I month. Mrs. G. speakers giving information as to the Carlson, deceased, and all parties having I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Apply H. Orme, were Delegate Marsh, of nanus against me saia estate arc nerenvi 223 Fourth Ave. tf Victoria, and ScnatorTaylor of wearing and weathering qualities required to furnish same, properly verined, I to me, on or oerore me istn aay or Janu New Westminster. competitive and economic value, ary, 1919, and all parties Indebted to the WANTED Olrl for bouse work Immediate estate are required to pay the amount or I Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points sources of supply, etc ly. High waget. Apply at office or Peck, meir inaeoteoness to me rortnwun. via Steamer to Vancouver and the Moore k Co., or telephone ISO. tf CANADIAN NATIONAL JOHN II. McMULLIN, THE SUPP.EME COURT OF BRITISH omclal Administrator. Canadian Pacific Railway RAILWAYS IS NEW NAME COLUMBIA: DATED this 16th day of December, 1918. on SALE Old newspapers In bundle, per bunJrrd SOc. News office. THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.MSTRA IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Meals and Berth included on Steamer Toronto, Dec. 24. An Or- TION ACT, COLUMBIA. BOAT EXCHANGE der-in-Cduncil has been signed lo AND THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA WANTED TO PURCHASE boat with engine authorize tho use of the name JOHN HEME, DECEASED. TION ACT FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE ciim-r nsnmg or pleasure, must be bar-jajn. "Canadian National Railways" in and Box IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF S.S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November 174, Newt omce. TAKE NOTICE that In order of His order to include those in use CATHERINE SHAW GLEN DEN NINO, DE- Honor F. McB. Young, made the 12th .. day I'i l'i-r I VTi'.'i i T-r- 23rd; December 0th, 20th, and January 3rd. FOR RENT formerJy for the lines comprising of December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed the Canadian Northern System Administrator to the estate of John Beale, TAKE NOTICE that In order of His FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAQWAY, ALA8KA TO RENT 3 unfurnished rooms deceased, and all parties having claims Honor F. McB. Young, made the litb day I and tho Canadian Government of December. A. D. 1918.1 was aoDolnted I sgalnst the said eMate are hereby required S. S Princess Mary sails from Princo Rupert November for housekeeping purposes, the Intercolonial and Administrator to tne estate or catnerinei central. Railways, to furnish same, properly verified, to me. Shaw Clendcnnlng. deceased, and all nartles I 18th, December 2nd, lCth.ind 30th. Apply 218 2nd Ave. the National Transcontinental. on or before the 17th day of January, having claims against the said estate are I The terms of the order in council 1919, and all parties Indebted to the es hereby required to furnish same, properly I FOR to before I 8ALE verified, me, on or the 16th day to the of tale are required pay amount protect the existing rights and oi January, iviv, ana an parties lnaeoieu I W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. their Indebtedness to me forthwith. lo the estate are required to Day the I FORD CAR POIl SALE in good liabilities of the various companies JOHN II. McMULLIN, amount or tneir indebtedness to me forth involved. Official Administrator. with. Co ner Fourth Street ml Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. condition. Apply Royal Pool Dated this 17th day of December, 1918. JOHN H. McMULLIN, Room. 300 Omclal Administrator. FORESHORE LEASE DATED this 16th day of December, 1918. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH TOR SALE No. t Tortable Hubbard Oven, COLUMBIA. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH almost new. Apply La Casse Bakery. LAND ACT COLUMBIA. I' Q- Box 413, Prince nupert. tf THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION roil SALE Pony Express. tf Notlct of Inttntlon to Apply to Ltass Land. ACT IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA The Union COAST SERVICE. In Skeena Land Rlsirlct, Recording Dls-rlct and TION ACT of Skeena, and situate on the west THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF and TAXI SERVICE coast of smith island, sdoui iwo mim IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. north and west of Oceanic Cannery, flange OU5TAVE CEOROE; DECEASED INTESTATE. JOHN N. MUHIUSON, DECEASED. Steamship Vancouver-, sailing1 Sat., 6 p.m. 4t it TAXI AND SERVICE Ive. Coast District. if MESSENGER Take notice that we the Oosse, Mlllerd TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Anyox, Mondays, 7 a.m. it Night and Day. Phono 99. ccupatlon acklng Company Cannerymen,Limited,Intend of Vancouver,to apply Honor TAKE F. McB.NOTICE Young,that made In order the IStli of day Ills of Honor December,F. McB. A.Young,D. 1918,1 made was the appointed 12 111 day Co. of B.C. Port Simpson and Naas Points, ii it tho following de-crlbed December, A. D. ists, I was appoimeu permission to lease Fridays, it or to p.m. Gustave Administrator me estate or jonn i. Administrator to the estate or LOST lands: irrlson. deceased, and all parties having it Commenelng at a post planted at tne Ueorge, deceased, and all parties hereby having claims against the said estate are hereby :: Ltd. :: John Barnsley, General Agent it said south 90 chains, claims against the estate are i it ortheast corner; thence to rurnisn LOST cquirea same, properly verified. Crescent brooch with furnl9h properly verified, west required to same, ollowlng high water marks thence to me, on or before the ICth day of Janu pearls. Reward if returned to chains to low water mark; thence north me, on or ueiure me luiu uu ui hhu ary. 1919. and all parties Indebted to the 1919, and all parlies Indebted to the 0 chains, following low water marltj ', estate are required to pay the amount of Max Hcilbroncr, Jeweller, cor- or beginning, estate are required to pay tne amount or hence east 3 chains to place tneir maenieaness to me rortnwun. ner Third and Sixth. 209 nd containing 6.0 teres, mow or less. their indebtedness JUIl.X to MCMULLIN,rortnwun. JOHN II. MCMULLIN, Advertise In The News I omclal Administrator. I omclal Administrator. Daily LIMITED. DATED this 16th day of 1918.1 1918. December, LOST DATED this 16th day of December, on Fulton Street or Fifth )atcd 3rd December, 1918. Avenup, Wost, Lady's umbrella with gun metal handle. Finder LOST please Bunch return of keys to between Dally News.the post Gene Byrnes Says: "Its a Great Life If You Don't Weaken." omce and cor. etli and Jnd Ave. Return News omce. U i CREDITORS' TRUST DEEDS act and AMENDING ACTS. Notice is hereby given, that David E. Maxwell of port Clements in the Province of British Columbia, merchant, has by deed dated the JOth December, 1018, assigned H his personal property, real estate, credits and effects, which may bo seized and sold under execution, to Oeorgo Levlck of Prince Iiuprrl, B. C, Accountant, for the purpose of satisfying raleably and proportionately, and without preference or prlor-lly, the claims of his creditors. The meeting of the creditors of the said Maxwell will be held at tho omco of Williams & Manson, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C, on Monday, the 30 th day of December, 1018, at Si30 o'clock In tho afternoon, for the giving of directions with rercrmce lo the disposal or tho estate. All creditors are required on or before the nth. day of January, 1919, to forward particulars of their claims proved by affidavit or declaration to the undersglned. lF '"NT cre Williams k Nanson, Prince Rupert, B-C, after which date the Assignee will Proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among tho parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which nave been nied with him. Dated at rrlnce nupert,. B.C., this 14th dy of December, 1918." fJ8' OEOBQE LEVICK. Aslgnee. It is Just as cheap to get your Printing done well and done at lomo as it is to send It away. Try The News Print Shop,