TUB DAILY NEWS. Thursday, December; 20, 1918. Page 6 CHURCH GETS MAYOR MUCH MATERIAL NEEDED OPPOSITION FOR THE FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF After Chri&tmas TORONTO MARORALTY G. H. Arnold BUILDINGS IN FRANCE NOTARY PUBLIC (Sneclal via O. T. r. Telegraphs.) Paris, Dec. 24. Franco requires . Dec. 20. Four candidates aie Toronto, six million tons of material mayoralty of To-rnnin the We sell Real Estate. within the next three years for hnvo orovcd their properly for Building purposes. Orders -OF- We writo Fire and Marine (nullifications, eight candidates for 000,000 tons of material already Insurance. liae been placed in British for the Hoard of Control an Slippers tnrtv-air fnr nldermen for eiKl We have Apartments, Stones, yards. wards in tho city and, now tho Houses, and Offices for elections are m run the municipal Wishing Rent, and Want Moro. TEDDY ROOSEVELT'S HEALTH IMPROVED AT THE swing. you Wo Deal in Mortgage Loans. Family Shoe Store (Special by O. T. P. Telegraphs.) FAKE LUMBERJACKS Wo soli Timber Limits. New York, Dec. 20. Colonel Every pair of felt house slippers HOLD UP JEWELLERY Compliments of the Wo do Convoyanolng. Roosevelt, who has been a pa is being sold at greatlyjre-duced STORE FOR $50,000 tient for nearly two months at the prices." v. Buy New Year Gifts now. Save (Special via O. T. r. Telegraphs.) H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. Roosevelt hospital, undergoing Note the address. 24. Four Dec. money. Minneapolis. treatment for rheumatism, was Season, and with 0 able to spend Christmas with his men clothed in tho garb of lum family at Oyster Bay. berjacks held" up the American Family Shoe Store Jewellery Co. hero and escaped wltr diamonds, cash and other BRITISH NAVAL Geo. Hill. G. R. Tabrum Sklmess and INCREASE SINCE 1914. Phone 357 jewellery valued at $50,000. many thanks for (Special By O. T. P. Telegraphs.) HUNGARIAN MINISTERS Accident Insurance London, Dec. 24. Five hundred THREATEN TO RESIGN been IF LAND IS OCCUPIED liberal Christmas seventeen ships have We represent the Dominion adde and dto the British Navy since Local News Notes your of Canada Guarantee August 191 i, it was announced today. (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) and Accident Co., ' A clean up sale of felt slippers Berlin, Dec 21. The Hungar which writes? a special Familv Shoe Store. 30 ian Ministry has declared its opposition business. policy oovering indemnity VILLA KEEPS QOINQ. to the occupation of their against airsickness Specially prepared Sausage country by tho Allies and threaten (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) Meat for Turkey stulfing. . .tkins. td'rcsign if they intend to occupy and Accidents. LI Paso, Texas, Dec. 24 Villa's Meat Market. tf the whole kingdom. The annual cost is very main command has destroyed low. $20,000 worth of property of Cusi Remember the Grand Concert KILLED ON TRACKS. for and old in St. Andrew' young .Waning Co., an American Corpor I Gibbons ation. Villa was pursued by Gen. Church. December 30 at 8 p. In' (Special Via 0. T. P1. Telegraphs.) McCaffery, Hernandez in direction of Parral. sham. 30 Regina, Dec. 2G. G. Marin- eau, aged 84, formerly chief of H: S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Last of frjends , & Doyle, ltd. EVANGELIST DIES. evening a party police of Montreal, was killed on gathered at the home of Mr. and Sunday morning at Wolseley, Insurance Real Estate Mrs. J. R. Mitcheli, Ninth Avenue, f- (Special via O. T. r. Telegraphs.) while on his way to church. A Now York. Dec. 20. Rev. Dancing and cards were indulged C. P. R. engine struck him while Prince Rupert B. C. Chapman, Evangelist, died here in by those present.ft walking across tracks at Levfcl yesterday. He was opeiled on a Crossing. Ben Self returned to the city on few days Since May 1917, ago. the Prince George yesterday af. ho has been Moderator of the PROPOSES TO ABOLISH ter a trip to Seattle after making General Assembly of the Presby arrangements there regarding hi NOBILITY AND TITLES terian Church in the United States. M. I STEPHENS moving picture house. Munich, Dec. 20. The New Kenneth Scherk returned from Wurtemburg government proposes NOTARY PUBLIC AT THE WESTHOLME Ocean Falls by the Grjand Trunk to abolish all nobility titles and steamer yesterday. He has been powers. Either Cash "Barbary Sheep," a photoplay down at the great pulp and paper or THE POLICE COURT NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! founded upon the novel of the centre for the past week Bonds same namo by Robert Hilchins.-is Victory billed for the Westholmo Theatre Miss G. Hills, daughter of Capt In the police court this morn Our Supply of Eait is exhausted for the present and tirm will buy two aplendld 4-roomd houaaa with baths on a this evening. Everyone who has and Mrs. Hills of this city, has ing before Magistrate Carss C splendid tot, neap Seal Cova. read this great story of the interior returned to Prince Rupert. Lately Reito was flnd $50.50 for having -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement of Algiers will want to see Miss Hills has been enjoying liquor in his possession. Tho of a new supply Price Only $1,600 this play. Elsie Ferguson is the stay at Vancouver, but has come nolice raided his room at the with c. liberal discount for all caih. star actress and the way she home to tide over the holiday Windsor Hotel and there found WESTERN LIMITED PACKERS, Thess houses are plastered, have handles the fascination of the season.- the incriminating evidence. John electric light and are very comfortable Aryib officer of the French army Person was fined a similar amount BUTEDALE - - - IKC. as well as convenient to the Industrial end of ths City. is something worth witnessing. jlady was fined five dollars in for carrying liquor on his person 20 ?? la not too much to expect on The play is a good one, and it court this morning for cruelty to He was arrested on Third Avenue this Investment, you cannot afford will be followed by a Gazette, a dumb animal. The dog had ap by Constable Adams. There was to pay rent when you have an opportunity Ilka this one. showing some of the latest scenes parently been disturbing the one case of drunkenness against of interest in various parts of the peace and the disturbed one threw Gus Finbcrg in which tho custo M. M. Stephens world boiling water on the dog, scalding mary ten dollars was paid. the creature on one side. The dog REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL AQENT INSURANCE The Gurvich Transfer now have had to be shot by the police. Buy New Year Gifts at the Fam 623 Third Avo. Phona 222 more teams at work and arc pre ily Shoe Store. 301 pared to give prompt delivery of Mr. Howard Whie, secretary to 157T coal, and quick service with trans J. H. Pillsbury. of the G. T. P Knightss of Pythias Grand fer work. 302 Drydock, received a telegram yes Masquerade Ball, January 17 in terday bringing the sad news of St. Andrew's Hall. Harvey's Or A Lap Ahead 99 The Gurvich Two days slipper sale, Friday the death of his mother, Mrs chestra. Prizes.- Invitations only and Saturday. Family Shoe Store White, at St. Albans, Vermont, Mrs. White has had quite a siege Mr. E. F. Duby returned to the Transfer CITY VOTERS ATTENTION of sickness, and died of heart city early Tuesday morning after trouble. Mr. and Mrs. White were a trip to Ocean Falls and Swanson Dunlop Tires "Traction Anv voter whoso name Is omitted from anticipating a visit from Mrs Bay. His own launch Seal Cove he list, may between the I Oil) and the Phone Green 1M day or December aDDly to the Police White, Senior, in the course of met him at the latter place and 548 BMgiMraie or :ouniy court judge to nave another month or 60. Sincere made the returjn voyage in all "Special" doing nis name inserted. P.O, Vok 102. Office Fraser St. Tl)U Is th last cbance of correcting sympathy will be extended to Mr safety. represent uy possioio error. While in his loss. a WE SELL COAL' MlhDfcllKJK rtTERa,City Cleric. "Cosy" Felt Slippers on sale, best what other tires Every pair house felt slippers $1.35. Family Shoe Store. 301 may in sale. Family Shoe Store. 301 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. have been do well. trying to Yesterday afterjnoon a man who J. Barnslcy of this city had the FOUND New pocket book. Apply had been imbibing a little too pleasure of welcoming home their Hotel Myder Daily News office. freely in order to show his apJ son who has been connected with the Royal Air; Forco at Toronto. preciation of the spirit of the1 time narrowly escaped getting He went Into tho game early in asters of the Road" Portland Canal, B.C. Frederick van Werkhoven seriously hurt while on his way the season, butlias now returned M. R. JAMIESON, . of Tbe Royal Academy for Muate of up McBride Street. He was walk to Prince Rupert and expects to Proprietor The Hagnja,Holland. ing on the grade close to the deep be1 here for some time. TEACHER OF PIANO embankment when ho swerved to GaUteau to ihi famoui (f)uih Mige After Xmas slipper sale Fam STUDIO-Fhonk 104 the side and disappeared over the edge. However, he caught on ily Sslioo Store. . 01 Now Open for Business ledge and did not roll to the DUNLOP TIRESl bottom. In a few minutes ho was f Cooks lifted to his feet again and con Patriotic Tea tinuod .his way very little worse from his escapade except for Hold Prince Rtpsrt Could See few slight bruises. NEW YEAR'S AFTERNOON EUROPEAN PLAN Felt Juliet slippers, rjeg. $2.75, From 3:30 till 0, in $1.50 per day and up. the Factory now $1.95. Family Shoe Store. St. Andrew's Hall lo b(given by those arriving from the Amfong FIRST-CLASS CAFE Vo would like to plan a rreal CHAPTER HILL CO I. O. D. E. A La Carte, excursion to the plant, to every east by the train on Tuesday lcron who cooks "could tee the evening was Mr. Harry Mobley of Programme Dancing care the milk gets. this city. Mr. Mobley joined the Admission, 50c. Tea, 25c. We would also like to show how 4 sorvice mechanio in the fly. carcrully the milk Is tested for as a richness and quality. ing corps and has now returned 1 fountvi St. James Hotel They could see tlio clean, sunlit to his home town pending dls (LATE "QUEENS") bulldhigs and scrubbed doors that charge. Ho will leave for Victoria A Homo " would make a Holland housewife BENEFICIAL FIRST CLASS ROOMS envious. N on the boat tonight where ho will Hot and Cold Water. It Is these things that rive visit with his parents, Mr. and post Office. I 1 1 J I M iW PACIFIC MILK Its wholesome goodness. F. H, later Dance SOo par Night, and S3 par Walk, j Mrs. Mobley, coming back to make his home in Prince lteport and Dflca lilt.UtuaJ at tv.r.htn..in.h r...u.w.t II la lomathinarniora tbmnmaralr MmtttblntaiMft it i.ik. Rupert. Harry is an old timer in will La given by the or,frUn4aniJain pott to tha light road ta rallabla nvrVat Information and aceurata mat kat quotations. Bl aMiaqrrt Haoft la racaivad bt Pacific Milk Co. this city and before the war was Scandinari hundred! of thouaanJa a traDuara and I'ur .hmn... .11 BjM..k n Socifly "Yalihalla" Amarloa. Navvr waa a aarloua raUiUtaiaanta of facta published In Belmont Rooms LIMITED prominent leader; in athletics fcljuhrtt trblyprr" and thla charact.r of awuracy and rallabllltr and boating. Shortly before leaving naa damonatratad that auch Information la ab'oluttly ntUI to tfca Under New Management 332 DRAKE STHEET On December 26, in St. lunmhi trappar and Kur ahippar. You ahould read "Cbr tffcaturt for the east to take up his t,l,i?firt wa want your nama on ou malllnir. litt. Well f urnUhed and onU.clean. Whit poopls, Factory at Ladner, B. O. duties he married Miss Dirnie of Andrew s Hall. fill in th.AUv Cupon HOW-.,,J M.U it-A T ONCE B I Canada Food Board Llcanss 14-160. . Admission 51.00 Ex, a.b.shube; xjt j. p. harragan tltlO vtfrJt "av (o 4VU1UIMCU llClU hdifsSOc. TV Vtl iAicTtt tfOUsTlM JHt WODtO Ol Aims tTciusi during his absence. Muilc by Jlarvey'a Orchestra. . IVI E5 F3.I CAN RAW p H ti w.Auiria vi IMICACO, U.K.. 9 tw4 mill aaa