Friday, January 3, ly 10. Page -I l'UH 1JA1LV MKVVH. BANK- OF MONTREAL SASKATCHEWAN CSTABUSIIED OVER 100 YEARS ORE FOR TRAIL IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC PRIVILEGE Canada's War Huge Copper Deposits In North-West to save and conserveWhenyou eat Chest Successfully Saskatchewan Mined.Being wheat be sure it is the whole wheat "Canada's War Chest" ORE SMELTER BROUGHT FOR TO TREATMENT TRAIL Dorit waste any of it. It is all food is the Savings Accounts Some particulars of tho mining of her men and women. activity in Saskatchewan were The Bank of Montreal given recently in hdmonton by Shredded Wheat President Clifton Ross, of tho accepts deposits of $1. -Irft Ross Navigation Company of Sas and upwards. katchewan regarding the develop WINNIPEO BRANCH ment livily in of Nor.thwest the copper Saskatchewan mining ac is the whole wheat-nothing wasted D. R. CLARKE, H. ST. G. LEE, The Ross Navigation Company Superintendent Manager, operates steamers and barges or thrown away. If is a nourishing DritUh Columbia Branches. PRINCB RUPERT BRANCH. which transport the copper ore mined in the region of Schist lake wholesome substitute for through a system of waterways meat eggs LAKD ACT 175 miles long, including Stur geon lake, and passing Cumber. and other foods.No is SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF land House, the Hudson's Bay expensive sugar The P. R. Feed Go. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Co. post to the railway at The Pas, Manitoba, on the New Hudson's milk and dash of salt TAKE NOTICE that Eug-ene Humphrey Bay line. required-simply a Simpson of Prince Rupert, occupation Have got In a New Seasons master mariner, intends to apply for per 20,000 Tons In 1919. Supply of mission to lease the following described The mines are operated by the Bulbs, Hyacinths, land: Mandy Company, which is tho Commencing at a post planted at a wit Canadian organization of a Tona- Daffodils, Tulips, ness post situated at tlie Intersection of the north boundary of Lot 2353, wltn tne pah, Nevada, flrjn. During the Crocus, Easter Lilies shore line j thence north 20 chains, thence past year they have mined about east 20 chains, more or less, to the shore 9,000 tons of high-grade copper Many of (he Best Families line; thence following shore line to the Make the Home Beautiful containing 80 acres ore. In the coming year they ex Have Some Winter Blooms ! more point of or commencement,less, situated near Mum-hwoi nay, peel to mine 20,000 tons, which of British Columbia HARRY :: HANSON 1 EUGENE II. SIMPSON, constitutes an immense develop ! The Reliable Plumber, Indoors and Outside Morris Doumont, Agent. ment of tho business. The pre is I Electricity 1918. F. 19 Date. December 3rd, and Vancouver transported by rail to Trail, B. C, thaws out frozen water 908 Third Avenue FORESHORE LEASE where the nearest available Cana pipes by electricity, Phone 58 P.O. Box 333 dian smelter is located. The price Barred influenza from their LAND ACT and has the only machine in town. of copper is now 26 cents a pound. homes altogether. Others banished Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land At the- outbreak of war. it was 15 it quickly as it did appear, by Recording Dls- In Skeena Land District. rlet of Skeena, and situate on the west cents. Mr. Ross says he expects following the example of the rnn.t nf Smith lilnncl. about two miles to fall in prices now INVENTOR OF see a copper Argentine Republic, South America, north and west or oceanic Cannery, Range mpj&LONGWILL Ive, Coast District. that hostilities are over, but, even where thousands of cases developed, Patent Water Coil Take notice that we the Oosse, Mlllerd Rapid Heating at the of a i "Mrkino- rnmrmiw Limited, of Vancouver, that, proprietorship but not a single death H SANITAfA . MrtD HEATING or ccunatlon permission"Cannerymen,to lease the Intend roiiowing to apply ae copper mine i3 something that is occurred. Installed in all wood and coal burning stoves and ranges. Hot rrlhprl lands: . decidedly worth while. These people use a simple but EE: water guaranteed in ten minutes after lighting fire. An abundance EtyniNEERS Commencing at a post planted at the ortheast corner; thence south 20 chains, Millions Marked Out. very eiiectlve remedy grown in SE of hot water guaranteed at alltimes. EE ollowlng high water tnarkj thence west In addition to the development South America, Cinchona or Peru Agents for chains to low water mark; thence north EE Special Attention to Repair Work. 0 chains, following low water mark; indicated the Diamond drill com vian Tree Hark steeped in pure FURNACE'S hence east 3 chains to place of beginning, McCLARY pany, an eastern syndicate, nas wine by which the nd containing B.o acres, more or ies. process power GOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY marked out over two million tons ful tonic properties of the Bark PLUMBING )atcd 3rd December,LIMITED.1918. FU of .low gryide copper ore in this are extracted and held in suspen HARRY HANSON end same region which they intend to sion in the wine. LAND ACT The Reliable Plumber SHEET METAL WORKS develop this year. Cinchona Tree Bark imported Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. It would not pay to ship out from Peru, South America, steeped E Phone 4S8 139 Second Avenue Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. in Skeena Land District, Recording dls-rlct or Skeena, and situate on the west this ore but the company is planning or macerated in pure wine for Night phones 576 coast of Smith Island, about two miles to erect a smelter and build sixty days, then carefully filtered and Blue 270 l lvn Coast District. north and west or Oceanic Cannery,-Range a connecting railway. and bottled is sold under tho Pro The right work, at the right Take notice that we. the Oosse, Mlllerd arklng Company Limited, of Vancouver, prietary or Patent Medicine Act of time, and at the right prise. 11. C, occupation cannerymen. Intend to SIEAMSHIP CAPTAIN apply ror permission to lease the roltowlng Canada No. 3095 as KENNEDY'S described lands: TONIC PORT at Stores only Commencing at a post ..planted at the SHOT AT HALIFAX,N.S. lorthwest corner; thence cast 10 chains; Testimonials from the very hence soulh 20 chains; thence west 10 chains to high water mark; thence north best people of Vancouver, Vic DENTISTRY o chains following high water mark and Crow Tried to Rush the Ship's toria and throughout British Columbia ON ontalning 15.0 acres, more or less. I OOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY Stores on New Years Day. and Western Canada are G A" LIMITED him! OFFICE HOURS: ).TED 3rd December, 1918. FU Accidental Revolver voluntarily coming in. Many of OUT B a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. Shot Hurts Skip, them state that it saved their DR. J. S. BROWN See the classified ads. on page per. lives. Others that it restored V .m post" DENTIST Ave. them to vigorous health quickly c Office! Smith Block, Third Aiinut. (Special via O. T. r. Telegraphs.) after the Flu. Con atons Prion. 454. synopsis of Halifax, January 2. Capt. E. It is a reliable restorative in CouMu- LAND ACT AMENDMENT Craddock of the steamer War al cases of general and nervous Pre-emption now confined to surveyed Tarus, was accidentally shot in debility and is enjoyed when other Name 191 ctf ianUs only. tho back yesterday while attempt medicines disagree. IU-cords will be granted'covering only Office. land suitable (or agricultural purposes ing to quell a atsturnance on You who are nervous, rundown Fost Mid which Is non-timber land. Hotel Hyder t'artiieroliip pre-emptions abollshod, board his ship. All the crew, or anaemic will find it of special . but purtleH of not more than four may IttDOrt End L.umI.t..rrl.n..lnlk.V...U..L.i for adjacent preemptions, with numbering thirty; were taken to value. II U MMIMUlinff "mnmthin tn rA "I I. k- Joint residence, but each making necessary the police station for examination. or, fri.ndand lirn poit to the right road to nvrV.t inferoutioa Improvements on respective claims. and ucarsu m.rk.t quotation.. "5hf kVh.hrrt SHorr"it nctind br Portland Canal, B.C. l're-emptors must occupy claims for During ho scufile, a re- Queen Charlotte Islander? hundred of thousand, of trapper, and Fur htpp.rt all o.r N.rtii five years and make improvements to can- Alr,St LN!TSrL WM erlou" mli.UtemenU of acts publl.h.d In value of 110 per acre. Including clearing olver in the hands of tho mate lot do better than mail their s,. u,iini wiwipyn and this charaetw or and rvli.bllltr M. It. JAMIESON, Proprietor and cultivation of at least 5 acres, before hum d.mon.tratl th.t inch Information la ab-olcUfy e.nti.l I. th. recelv g Crown Grant. was discharged. The crew tried printing needs to The News Print iirce.,(l trapp.r and Fur .hlpp.r. You houlJ read "ffb sahrrl Where , emptor In occupation not "1'rp we want jrour nan.on our nulling list, to rush the ship's stones Shop and get the work done Gateway to the famout )uth Mine less than . and has made propor nil in Ik Atun Coapem NOW am J Mail it-A T ONCE tionate Improvements, he may, because romptly and well. of Ill-health or other cause, be granted intermediate certificate of improvement ME POPE'S NEW YEAR Now Open for Business and transfer his claim. Records without permanent residence Advertise in the Daily News. M-ll W.Ufl Vt - CHICAGO. U.S.A. may be Issued provided applicant makes MESSAGE TO AMERICA Improvements to extent of $300 per annum and.records same each year. Failure to make Improvements or record same cannot will be operate obtained as on forfeiture.these claims Title In Home, Jan. 2, In a New Year's oJGHTS less than 5 years, with Improvements of message to America, given to the Hotel Prince Rupert S10 per acre, Including 6 acres cleared OVERHEATING and cultivated, and residence of at Associated Press, Pope "Benedict least 2 Pre-omptor years. holding Crown Grant may expressed the hope that tho peace record another pre-emption. If he re- conference might result in a New EUROPEAN PLAN land In conjunction with his $1.50 per day and up. ?ulres statutory without actual Improvements occupation,made provided and World order with a League of residence maintained on Crown granted Nations, the abolition of conscription FIRST-CLASS CAFE land.Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 and tho establishment of FEET acres, may be leased as homesltes; tribunals to adjust international A La Carte. title to be obtained after fulfilling residential and Improvement conditions. disputes. For graalng and Industrial Purposes, areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or company, THINK DARDANELLES PRE.EMPTORS FREE GRANTS ACT. PROBLEM IS SOLVED The scope of this Act la enlarged to St. James Hotel Include all persons joining and Bervlna with Ills Majesty's Forces. The time within which the heirs or devisees of a Sofia, Jan. 2, Bulgarian political (LATE "QUEENS") deceased pre-emptor may apply for leaders profess to bo gratified are responsible for the majority of colds. You cannot always FIRST CLASS ROOMS title under this Act Is extended from avoid these winter but one year from the death of such person, by the entrance of the Entente evils, you can, by using Peps, stop the Hot and Cold Water, as formerly, until one year after the colds and chest troubles they cause. Peps contain absolutely no licet into and Constantinople conclusion of the present war. This express BOe per Night, and S3 par Waak. privilege, is alBo made' retroactive. tho belief that it assures an harmful drugs and can be taken with perfect safety by elderly TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT people and young children. ACT. equitable and reasonable solution Provision Is made for the grant to of tho interminable question of As soon as dissolved in the mouth, with Peps you can save yourself a great 5. M' persons to holding Purchase uncompleted from the Crown Agreements of who shall control the straits of Peps liberate a pleasant, yet highly deal of suffering and expense, as well Frederick van Werkliovenj such as the proportion payments of the already land. If made divisible,will tho Dardanelles. medicinal vapor, which mingles with as time and inconvenience. of The Royal Academy for Muilc of cover In jiroportion to the sale price of This problem has been the con-Hlant the breath, and is carried to the remotest Mothers should always keep a supply The Hague, Holland. holding me wnuie such parcel.Agreements Two or more may Dei-sons group nightmare of most of the parts of the nasal passages, breathing of Peps on hand for children's coughs TEACHER OF PIANO j their uunme interests uuouneni and olnlly.atmly for If a it DroDor-la not Balkan States, particularly of tubes and lungs. These fumes destroy and colds which should be treated immediately, STUDIO Phone 104 considered advisable to divide the land Bulgaria, Roumania and Greece. all the germs of cold, influenza and as neglected colds in child" covered allotment,by an application an allotment for a proportionate of land Thoso countries always have considered bronchitis which otherwise nood often lay the foundations of of equal value selected from available would develop in weak Get box to-day. consequence constitutions. a Crown lands In the locality may be the possibility of Russian made. These allotments are conditional of the body's vitality and It will certainly repay you for the upon payment of all taxes due the occupation of Constantinople to power of resistance having be-comclowcred. small 50c box,all dealers. Belmont Rooms Crown or to any municipality, The bo serious to their n expenditure rights of persons to whom tne purchaser a menace own Peps strengthen Under New Management from the Crown has agreed to national existence, Where a cold has been allowed to sell are also protected. The decision of the delicate membranes and Well furnlahed and clean. White people me juimsier oi uinos in respect to me Tills fear was ono of tho causes develop, Peps will be found equally onlv. adjustment of a proportionate allotment m a k c your Is final. The time for making application which led Bulgaria to take sides throat and effective. Also for coughs, bronchitis, J. P. HARRAC AN the 1st for day these of May,allotments Any Is limited applica to with tho Central Powers in the n breathing sore throat, laryngitis and asthma. tion made after this date will not be war. Later when Russia abandoned considered. TheBe allotments apply to passages It is Just as cheap to get your town lots and lands of the Crown sold her exclusive claim to Con. 'cold proof FRT5TC T'RTAT. Send this adv.rtUomont aa4 done well and done at at publlo auction. slantinoplc, Roumania's entranco By being Ut mmp (fof,ttata po,,,,.) printing For Information apply to any Provln- to Taps Co., Duront St., Toronto, and racalv Irat) lome as it is to send it awny. Try olal Government O.Agent U. NADEN.or to into the war on tho sido of tho prepared ttlal picklga. (Tho News Print Shop. Deputy Minister of Lands, Entente was facilitated. Vlotorta, B. a I