I Tuesday, January 7, 1919 Page 2 THE DAILY NKWB. a The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA1 For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, byThe News Monday?, Wednesdays and Sat- -Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. v irdays at 9:30 a. m. ' Hi. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jays at 5:45 p. m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. for Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. i(LEWiS-D!5INFECfSUSED FORII undays 10 p. m. To United"States and other countries, in,advance, $7.50:- K SOFTENING WATER FOR MAKING I Tuesdays 5 p.m. the sun with Thursdays 10 p. m. Saturdays 7 a.m. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, January 7, 1919 From Vancouver Sundays . i ...... ..... ... 10 p.m. MUNITIONS BOARD PROTEST AGAINST iVednesdays 10:30 a. m TO SUBSCRIBERS Saturdays 10:30 a. in IS TRYING TO SAVE INTERVENTION IN Subscribers to The News For Anyox: LOGS FROM TEREDO RUSSIAN AFFAIRS ore asked to pay the delivery Sundays 10 p.m boys each month Vedncsdays 10 p. m. Vision, for a moment, those far off ports Looking for Place to Store 30,-000,000 Federated Labor Party Passes when they call, except Saturdays 10 p. in. feet In Fresh Water; Resolution on Subject; Salmon where payment has been beyond the trackless seas 100,000,000 Feet In All. Fishermen Join made for the year in advance. From. Anyox: Deep Sea Union. The boys when Tuesdays a.m From Arctic Ice, to the torrid lands The Munitions Board has been collecting carry ofllcial receipts Thursdays a.m. beneath the Southern Cross looking for a place to store 30,-000,000 At a meeting of the Federated which should always Sundays p.m feet of logs in this neighborhood Lab orParty in Carpenter's Hall be preserved. From tucked In the mountains if towns to In fresh water. These Sunday evening, George Casey For Port Simpson and Naat Rivet logs are already in the water and presiding, a resolution was pass points: the busy river's mouth at this time of year the teredos ed protesting against Allied in Sundays ....10 p.m, are particularly active and very tervention in Russia and stating Oh sayl The News Print Shop WRIGLEY5 Is there! soon spoil the timber. For that, that they still upheld the Allied does its work about as cheap as From Port 8lmpson and Naas nost shops quite well, River Points: and as reason quick action is necessary. war slogan, "That all nations Most of these logs are ,at the great or small be allowed to work gives you the work on time when ruesdays a.m There, because men find MADE IN CANADA Queen Charlottte Islands, but vcr possible and hands it out comfort and refreshment out their own destiny." The reso SEALED TIGHT-KEPT there are also some here and at lution was carried unanimously villi a pleasant "Thank you, Queen Charlotte Islands: other points. .Vlial do you say to giving them For Massett, Port Clements and In Its continued use. RIGHT and a copy is being sent forwaijJ Since the British Government IrinI on jour next job? Upper Island points: to Sir Robert Borden. is to take a quantity of lumber for F. Shaw reported on a trip to Thursdays 7 p. ni. Because of Its benefits ljsconstruction work in Europe it Vancouver and Victoria--and W. E. MINERAL ACT 7rom Masset, Port Clements and and because is expecieu mat an earjy start will Thompson suggested regular Upper Island points: Certificate or Improvements. De maae in cutting tne logs, nut meetings and offered to give an Sundays, a. m. NiThe as mere arc someining line iuu,- address on "Nationalization of NOTICE Flavour 000,000 feet either in the water Railways and Basic Industries." Drum Lummou, I X L, Caledonia, Marls, 'or Skidcgate, Queen Charlotte or in the woods in this neighborhood which offer was accepted. The bis, Kitchener, Big Thing-, Dumfries, City and Lower Island points: Lasisi including the there lonlalve. Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Grey Sundays 7 islands, p. m. matter of a library and the form opper. Wharf and Bunker mineral claims, wiJI have to be more orders than ation of a brass band was dis Ituate In the Skeena Mining- Division of From Skidcgate. Uueen Churlntto are at present in sight if the logs cussed. tange i. Coast District. Where located:- City and Lower Island points are to be all saved. Right here J. II. Meagher announced that )n Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. Thursdays. TAKE NOTICE that I. John D. Anderson, there are five large Davis rafts in the Salmon Fishermen had decid . C. L. S., or Trail, B. C, acting: as agent the water. ed to go over as a body to the or the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, For Skagway and the Yukon. Deep Sea Fishermen's Union. Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. 22,- Every ten days. GREAT RECEPTION FOR 439-C, Intend, sixty days from the date From Skagway and Yukon. hereof, to apply to the Mining necorder AMERICAN CASUALTIES. for Certificate of Improvements, for the Every ten days. PRESIDENT WILSON urpose of obtaining Crown Orants of the (Special via 0. T. r. Telegraphs.) bove claims. There may be something you And further take notice that action, un- want. See the classified column (Special via 0. T. r. Telegraphs.) Washington, Jan. 7. An olll ler section 37, must be commenced before 'The News' Gets Results Daily Advertising Rome, Jan. 7 President Wilson cial report received from the Am be Issue of such Certificate of Improve- on Page 5. left Rome for Paris last night erican military attachee with Am nents. Dated this 9 1 Bt day of September, A. D. with the cheers of the Roman hassador Francis in Russia, an 918. throng that had gathered to witness nounced by General March shows J. D. ANDERSON. his departure, ringing in his total deaths from all causes in the LAND ACT ears. The. visit to the Italian American forces in the Archangel Form No. 11. Perm, Siberia nforces under Gen. r,egion up to November 25, to Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. his European trip, as it was the be eight-five Of these nine were N QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT: RECORDlNQ DISTRICT OF most demonstrative. :"killed in action, seven died of SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE OF LAGOON INLET. MORESBY ISLANL: three drowned, two wounds, were ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. WANT GERMANS RELEASED died as the result of accidents, TAKE NOTICE that I. John M. MaeMlllan.l an dsixy-four from disease. i vaucouver, o. u.. occupation cannery-1 mi, imena 10 apply ror permission to I London, Jan. 7. The Ger-j ase the following described lands: Commencing: at a post planted the man Government has instructed' A. D. Carey, assistant super-jts outb shore of Lngoon inlet. Moresby on Is-1 Armistice Commission at Spa jnlendent of the G. T, P. at Smith-to and. about one mile from Its mouth: I thence west SO chains: thence north so r.equest the Allies to release fcrs, arrived in the city yesterday chains; thence east 20 chains more or less I all interned Germans. to low watxr mark at the beach; thence I on business. southerly following- low water mark to the I point or commencement, containing 40 acres more or less. JOHN McLARTY MACM1LLAN. DATE October 10th. 19t. D.I8 LAND REGISTRY ACT. (Sections 3 and 114.) Watch Our Re Application No. 9748-1 & 9771.1 TAKE NOTICE that application bat wen 1 mde to register Nathan Louis Lando and l ora Srhelnman as owners In fee under to Tar Sale Deeds from the Collector of 1 ie Cliy of Prince Rupert, bearing date he's.th day of November, 1917, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract or land and premises situate, lying amams (i ad being In the Municipality or the City r rrlnce Rupert, more particularly known and described as Lot elevcn (11). Block twenty-five (25). Section seven (7), and I nt thirteen (IS) Block thlrty-nve (13), Section eight (8), Map 983. You are rewired to contest the claim of the lai purchaser within 35 days from the date this t-f tl service of this notice (which mv Your Dainty Things or Week le effected by publication la the Dally rews, ana your attention U called to sec-lion 30 of the "Land Derlstrv Art" with amendments, and to the following eitract can be washed over and over again with Lux and riererrom: Ladies' Underwear in union woollens 'and In ri-pfniili nf .....t. m etill retain the charm cotton, or ' - V. LCI UULiM delightful of freshness and vi ut pt-iiucru ceing mea fcerore th& regis will be sold at 25 per cent discount. l'-r Willi ration such notice aa nunpp tax sale,nr thn all and n.imn neranna those A.titia an claiming urv. newness. Very desirable, this, in war time ! Lux Remnants of Silk we will sell at cost. -Women's claiming 1 imuifii or any nnoer Interest mem.In the and land all by persons virtue is so gentle in its cleansing power that it cannot r any unregistered Instrument, and all .iHTfioni. rlaliiilna- anv lni,A.t in... I...,. $15.00 Sweaters will go at $10.00. l.y descent whose a title..(.viv.Is net registered iwc imiu harm the most delicate fabric. under the provisions of this Act, shall be nrr ruiii-(i aim aenarrcn. rrom set- Ladies' White Underskirts tfnir lin mv rlalrn tn In p.D,.n., .k. uSlP $2 25 for $1.50. How hnd so sold tor taxes, and the Registrar to wash a silk garment thall ree-lfller 1hi nprann1 nrltl .,nHu. fiich"in ior lai lues,"sale as owner of the land so Uee a tablespoonful of Lux to a gallon of water. 'Dissolve in boiling r WHEREAS annllcatlon haa h.n hot water and whisk into or very a thick, creamy lather. Add cold made for a Certificate or Indereaslble Title to th above-mentioned lands, Id tbe name water.until luke warm. Dip your garment through the Lux suds many We Have Shoes nun.cr Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Scheln times. Work it about, gently squeezing the suds through the soiled AND WHEREAS on Investigating the mi parts but do not rub! Rinse in three waters clear and also luko warm. We t appears that prior to tbe ittb day or Press the water out but do not wring. Dry in the shade and when can:supply at you pre-war prices. October. 1U16 (the date on which th .nirt I-inds were sold ror overdue taxes), you nearly dry press on the wrong side with a warm iron never a hot Ladies' Felt Slippers $1.75, sale price . - $1.35 wi'rt FUHTHEH the registered TAKE owner NOTICE thereof,that It ih one. Press crepes from side to side and stretch a very little as you press. They,will look just like newl rania time I shall effect registration In Ladies' Felt Slippers $1.G5, sale price - $1.25 iirsuanrc or such application and Issue Children's Felt Slippers $1 .25, sale price - $ .85 sld Certificate lands In or tlin Indereaslble names of Nathan Title to inula tbe LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED - Toronto I undo and Dora Scbelnman unless you take 4 tud rrosecute the DroDcr nroceedlna-i tn r-tabllth yt'ur claim. If any, to the said anas, or to prevent sucb proposed action n DATED my part.at the Land Registry Omre, Jabour Bros., Ltd. August,rlnce Rupert,1918. B. C this f?nd day or LUX H. F. MACLEOD, TO PLEASE. District Registrar of Titles WE AIM THIRD AVE. To Robert Hlldebrandt, Prince Rupert, B, C, Michael flyrne, Butte, Montana., Francis Calve, Prince Rupert. B, c '