u'Ptlnegday, January 8, 1010. l'Mfc DAILY HEWS. Page 5 NEW CANDIDATES ' TT" , FOR ALDERMANIC RE IlllllllinilllilllllUilllllllllllllllllinillli PMYSS HONORS IN FIELD George Rudderham and E. H. Dentistry "Fruit-a-ffyes" Quickly Shockley Endorsed by Trades and Labor Council Relieved This Chronic Trouble Last Night. j DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! J 669 Cambjux Struct, Mo.ttrkal. One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your f Ono "In tny opfnlon, no other medicine mayoralty candidate nnrf la so curative f-r Constipation and I live candidates for aldcrnianie EE Efficiency" S jn,!i;:rsUon3 rruii-a-uvea-. honors have now rccnivpil !. I vis a sufferer from these com endorsation of the Prince Rupert phi s tor .fiTO years, and my Trades and Labor Council which 9 JC ! : iry occupation,SI uste,brought is me accredited labor organization ,! a kind of Inleslinal.Paralysis; of the city. Two new candidates Dr. with nasty Headaches, belching gas, aro in the field in the persons ayne drowsiness after eating, and pain In of Geo. Iludderham.lhe pop the back. ular; secretary of the Trades and OFFICE HOURS. ing I ta.i now induced for six months to try'Fruit-a-tiTes'I have been .Labor ley, a former Council,labor and man 15. II.but Shock now Morning, 9 lo 12, Afternoon, L30 lo 5.30; Evening, 7 lo 3 ,rX- well". A. UOSEXDUKG. V a box,6 for J2.GO,trial stie 25c. a the contractor labor who in asking for Dental Nurse in attendance. endorsatlon wrote that all dealers or sent postpaid by it Phone 109 for Limited, Ottawa. he was in complete sympathy with appointment jjtit-a-tiTea the alms and objects of the workers. THE DAILY NEWS The two men were clothed with the proper, mantle at the Classified : Advertising night.meeting of the T. and L. C. last Phone 98 The candidates previously en doited were W. II. .Montgomery date. It S. S. PRINCE RUPERT is Tbii i lh Advertising Column that therefore earnestly LX THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITI3H i I J f 1 .L' ror mayor and Aldermen Casey, hoped COLUMBIA. .tuple , " . njiaun that all who have so generously OR It bring results Kirkpalrick and Barrie for alder supported the fund In the I.X THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.MSTRA-TIO.X WANTED. men. past will continue to do An until ACT S.S. PRINCE GEORGE There was a proposal made that and me osi or .March, after which no T"E matter of the estate of REPOIITEII WANTED Prjefer Fred Fliaw should again be a annp.tU win be made to the pub-; ceased;lairiitKME i.ntestate.shaw gle.xde.xm.ho, de- SAILING abiy young man or woman to candidate, but it was thought best IC JOr VOIIintnrv aunnnrf I not to loo ""''" ! TAKE NOTICE thai In order cr Ills MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, work. run candidates :arn the Daily News. many II may be interestintr 'Honor F. McB. to know Vounr. mide tbe llth day for fear of it fAf -fuiMn.lL. a r a A a o ... Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vicorla and Seattle. splitting the vote. mai smce the inceDtion of th rrtm.mV ".V-'V.?; VW" WANTED Competent stenog-rapuer. Fund MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. in Prince Rupert on llie'sluw CIcndenning, deceased, and all parlies Ileply, slating refer- STORY FILLED WITH 22nd September; 1914, the iM.mg giuak uw saiu caiaie nr S. S. PRINCE JOHN die's and salary desired. Box sum of hereby required lo furnish same, properly over rerlned. to tne, on or before toe 16th 530,500 has been day paid lo sol ill Daily News office. tf STARTLING SCENES diers" or January, 1919, and aU parties Indebted Thursday 10 p.m. for Massett, Port Clements and Buckley dependents in Prince Ru to tbe estate are required to pay the Bay and Moresby Island Points. and amount or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. iifc.XTLE.MAN wishes warm pert district, and that the Private whole of this has been JOH H. MeMULUS, rM iui. preferred. State Robert Warwick, Renowned Ro sum con Offldal Administrator. TRAIN SERVICE pi i re. Apply Daily News Of-u,:, mantic Actor to be Shown tributed -locally. DATED this 16th day or December. 191. Passenger MONOAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:10 ror Smlthers ajn. Although Box 213 . It the war is over there In "The Mad Lover." 15 THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Prince George. Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections ror all yet remains much to be done and COLUMBIA. points east and south. IVA.M'i D at once, girl to assist the local committee feels confi uuscwork and a story true of life, human in 15 THE MATTER l children. OF THE ADMINISTRATION ,itn dent that the splendid For information and reservations to support so ACT apply all its essentials, and filled with Mrs. W. E. Williams, 925 Borden generously accorded during he and G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. startling scenes makes "The Mad 15 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF street. If Lover" the latest starring ve- past lours and a half years of JOHN 5. M0RIUS05, DECEASED. City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 the war will be fAXTfcD- Desk and typewriter, hide of rtoert Warwick, the re- maintained and TAKE NOTICE tbat In order or His Ihat the monthly subscriptions Honor F. McB. Yoanr. made tne Utft das Full particulars in first letlerj'nowned romantic actor which cf December. A. D. 1918. 1 was appointed will be continued unti Ithe 31st of Administrator to me estate or jonn rv 12. Daily News offlc. totx will be till own at the Empress March, 1919. Morrison, deceased, and all parlies naTlnr Theatre tonight, one of the most claims against tbe said estate are hereby TABLE ROOMS with or (signed; W. E Collison, required to lurnlsb same, properly Termed, interesting pictures which have to before tbe I6tb of January, me. on or day ith ut board, at The Ark." Secretary (6) 1919, and all parties Indebted to tbe been producd in recent CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PL. u- Black 210. tf jars. tate are required to pay tne amount or v Directed and produced by Le-once VS THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOH5 H. MCMULU5. CHAMBi ftMAID WANTED. Hotel Porrel, the famous French COLUMBIA Omclal Administrator. director, who, during, his foul, DATED ibis 16th day of Decembr, 19 IS Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Central. 'J IX THE MATTEn OF THE ADMINISTRATION teen years as director in Paris, ACT 15 THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH via Steamer to Vancouver and the SITUATIONS WANTED wrote and produced more than 15 THE MATTER OF and THE ESTATE OF COLUMBIA. Canadian Pacific Railway 300 feature films, and presented JOE BOAERO. DECEASED INTESTATE. EXPERIFXCKD BOOK - KEEPEIl masterful of 15 THE MATTER OF THE ADMI5I3TRA Meals and Berth included on Steamer nd tmo;rTTpher desires' pos-iiion. by a company cap TAkE .XOTICE tbat In order of HU TI05 ACT able artists including Elaine ttooor r. MtB, Younr. made toe loin day and g .od references. Apply or December. A. D. 19 IS. I was appointed L THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF B(H :U. . Hammerstein. GUSTAVE GEORGE; DECEASED 15 tf Administrator lo Ibe estate or Joe Bonero, Mr. Warwick, long considered TESTATE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT deceased, and an parties nann claims TAKE NOTICE tbat In order of His BOARD one of the greatest actors on the against tne said eJUte are hereby required Honor F. McB. Younr, made the 13th day January 17th, Jut; February 14th and 8tb; March I lib. and J 1st, and stage or screen, and who has lo nirnlsn same, properly Termed, to me. or December, A. u. ivis,iwas appointee April ind. BOARD AND ROOM offered young on or before tbe tJrd day or January, Administrator to tne estate or unsure in such and all turlnr made decided successes George, -deceased, parties lady in private home. Central. lilt, and all parlies Indebted lo tbe claims against tne said estate are hereby FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANGELL. SKAGWAY, ALASKA film productions, as "The Dollar estate are required to pay tbe amount of required to rurnisn same, properly rennea, Mply box 212, Daily News. Mark," "The Argyle Case," "Alias heir Indebtedness to me rortbwltn. to me. on or before tbe Itlb day of Janu Tanuary Utb and 7th; February 1 0th and th; March 7th, 17th and SStn ary. 1919, and all parties Indebted to tbe IOH.X H. FOR SALE Jimmy Valentine" and scores omclal MeMULLIX.Administrator. estate are required to pay tbe amount of indebtedness to me ror in wi in. their of others, says himself that he Dated this I)rd day of December. 1918 JOHN H. MeMLLUN, Fii svLE lioal; length 41 ft., considers this picture to be the omclal Administrator. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Utb of December. 1918 15 THE SUPREME- COURT OF BRITISH DATED this day 5 :i .: beam 10 ft. 5 ins.; depth greatest in which he has, ever ap-peard, COLUMBIA. j ungine four-cylinder, 4-'! and none should know i 5 COLUMBIA:THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Co ner Fourth Street rnJ Third Avenue, PWnce. Rupert. B.C. 24 horse-power. Evcry-i' better; as to that point than tb,e 15 TI05ACT"THE MM TER Or THE ADMI5I5TRA and 5 THE MATTER OF THE ADM15ISTRA-TIO.N less than - ' omplele at star himself. 5 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ACT. r.'.i of engine. Se owner. E. JOSEPH R1ZATTO, DECEASED INTES AND 5 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Lai bunee. Seal Cove. 6 THE CANADIAN TATE. JOHN BEALE. DECEASED. PATRIOTIC FUND TAKE NOTICE Ihat In order of His TAKE .NOTICE In of His that Mder foil SALE House and Lot 18. Honor F. McB. Young, made, the Utb day Honor F. McB. Young-, made the If th day COAST SERVICE. Bl' 32, Section 5, 81,200 it will of December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed of December. A. D. 1918, I was appointed ,The Union Tonus. As it is expected that Administrator lo the estate of Joseph Riialto Administrator to the estate of John Beale. I B. T. Keyes, Inter-nali For Vancouver, sailing- Tues., 7 take at least another twelve months deceased, and all parties bating claims deceased, and all parties barter claims Steamship p.m. i ual Falls, Minn. tf in which to bring all the men against the said estate are hereby required aralnst the. said estate are hereby required Vancouver, sailing Sat, 6 p.m. A Dominion to furnish same, properly Termed, to me. to furnish same, properly Termed, lo me. Anyox, Mondays, 7 a.m. fl lim.-i SA.;new.so. 4 Apply Portable La Habbard Casse Bakery.0en. back from the front, the after the on or before tbe tlrd day of January. on or before the 17th day of January. Co. of B.C. Port Simpson and Naas Points, decided Jj' Hiix 411, rrinfg Rupert. f Oovernment has 119, and all parties Indebted to the 919, and all parties indebted to tbe es Fridays, p.m. 31st of March next to supply any estate are required lo pay the amount of tate are required to pay the amount of Ltd. FOR RENT deficit which may be required to their Indebtedness to me forthwith. (heir Indebtedness lo me forthwith. John Barnsley, General Agent JOHN If. MCMULLI5. J0H5 II. MCMULLI5. the work of the Canad Official Administrator. VACANT carry on omclal Administrator. it- Next week, three Dated this 17th day of December, 19U. ian Patriotic Fund after mai Dated Ibis JJrd day of December, tfll. "' (ur housekeeping rooms unfurnished. Two minutes from Post OITlce. Apply Daily Xeu. omce,TAXI Pox SERVICE 215. 10 Gene Byrnes Says: 'Thanks for the Advice." TAXI AND MESSEJSGEIl SEUVICE 2 Night and Day. Phone 99. LOST 7m) LOST -Pockelbook, on Fulton St. Jti-tmn to Daily News office. L 7, LOST ijt Kagie badge of Naval 1 1 ' An Service, used as brooch. Kinder please return to Daily Qlllce. Reward. LOST Purple silk umbijella, without handle on Fifth Aven-Ue yesterday. Finder please Pjione 570. C i w FOUND r0L'XlV-XeW UF VJlfJX HOW THANKS pocket book. Apply Jily News office. FOR THE. AONICE The Gurvich r .5 t Jui-rc rDit46 y -v 1 n (Mi T I Transfer f an fTj 1 1 9 Phone-Green 548 p 0. Box 102. omce Fraser St. wesell coal