Page 0 TUB DAILY NEWa. Wednesday, JAnuary 8, io i9. MOOD WILL BE Cat oat this Ad. ewy day and G.H.Arnold me mom j on our Thursday English NOTARY PUBLIO LARGEST WAR specials. Prints Pre-Ihventory veiXu Mple Leaf Milk per case. . .Combination Canned Vegetablc- oj'ctmi per case Y tins.-. 14.60 A Bargain In Very Special, We sell Ileal Estate. 8 tins Tomatoes S'l. VESSEL AFLOAT t tins Corn . deed. All colors Wo write Fire and Marino tins Beans S's. worth 40c General 8 tins Teas 2'. Insurance. The following llnea or holiday poods to clear at snap prices: Sale Price 25c Wo have Apartments, Stoips, Sh.lp Now Nearlng Completion Is Ito-cleancd Currants, g ror . . B6o. PnVe - 50c yd. Sultana 894 lialslns, 2 pekgs. ror 25c. Feet Long, Carries Houses, and Offices for Shelled Walnuts per lb eoc. Shelled Alinnnrt ' Ih - Eight 15-Inch Guns nni and Want More. Calirornla Sort Shell Walnuts, reg, Ilent, and Is Proof Against Goc. lb., special 40o. lb. Wo Deal in Mortgage Loans. Torpedoes mi Layer Orange Klg Peel per per lb lb 30o.400. Mines. Freeh hales ner nrkir qb. Wo sell Timber Limits. Peeled Peaches per ockV. .20& Wo do Conveyancing. (Special via 0. T. r. Telegraph..) Rupert Table Spply Co. ionuon. jan. h. auiiouk i nn H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. official statement has been made, Canada PHONES Food Board 211.Llccme 212&-3048 it is understood that the Ur-itisli In All . , . l.: I f f Departments lvtusinp uuuu, now nearmg com- . pietion, will bo the largest light ing vessel in the World. She is 8J4 feet long and will carry eight Local News Notes I Sickness and .with 10-inch an guns.outer The cushion hull is against iltled Corsets . NOW IN FULL SWING! Gloves G. W, V. A. meeting tonight at Accident Insurance which torpedoes and mines will o'clock. n A clearing line, in Further Attractions in all department!! Fownes' Black Kid, explode harmlessly. Sho is ex small sizes only, We represent the Dominion pecteil to attain a speed of at Lwcry dav is sain il.-iv at Mm values to $1.75 pair Some Specials which, owing to lack of in regular sizes f value 1-2 to is G $3,1-4 of Canada Guarantee least 10 miles an hour. The Hood Family Shoo Store. tf space, were not advertised in previous will cost three and three quarter Sale Price 95c and Accident Co., announcements .fit? Only $1.50 pair million pounds sterling, It is Yollowhead coal; $9.50 on the which writes a special stated that thtjeo other battle wharf. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd policy covering indemnity cruisers of the same typo are be Silk Dr Fancy Figured 36 inch .against allSickness ing built. See Tito's windows for soecial no Poplin ' Dresses and Accidents. January prices for furniture, tf Silks Sport Tussah in all popular shades, in The annual cost is very PRINCE ALBERT IS Draperies and curtain Roods at I in combinations of Heavy weight,ripple serges, silk, etc.. low. J.lies reduced.January Sale pric values to S2.E0 yard pink, china r.nd tan, effect, in colors- of at A GOOD SOLDIER es, tf for waists or dresses tan Belgian, rose, Sale Price regular $1.G5 yard regular 'S-1.75 Astounding McCaffery, Gibbons (Special by O. T. 1. Telegraphs.) ai Carpet ines squares,uig January hearth Sale rugs re all $1.65 yard Sale Price $1.10 Sale Price $3.65 Reductions Ottawa, Jan. 7. Prince Al & Doyle, Ltd. bert, second son of His Majesty ductions, tf u,"s "' v., is now on neau- Constable Geo. Logan of the Children's Floor Insurance f- Real Estate quarters staff of .the Canadian Li-nvinini ,ian,,,..n,.n - t ALL LADIES' SUITS AT Rugs ivuips. iunougn tno I'rmco has fn flm ritv iiii mnminn- Dresses in reversible pattern Prince Rupert, B.C. uccu nim in. uorus a snon...lime v Black & white plaid $11.90 only, it has been long enough to H. K. Neill, of the Bush Mine ENORMOUS SACRIFICE reg. $15.00 show that, like his brother,, the at Stewart, arrived in town yes- dress, 2 to 6 years, $12.90 iTinco ot Wales, who was on the terday from the Portland Canal. leg. $4.50 T reg. $16.50 a r Canadian headquarters staff for Sale Price These Suits include t he famous "North-way" $10.50 $14.90 some time, he too. is a manlv Buffets, easy chairs, beds, reg. i M. M. STEPHENS democratic youth, possessinc springs and mattresses at Tito's $2.90 Garment and will be found up-to-date similar eagerpess to learn of men January Sale. Reduced prices, tf in every detail. AH priced to clear. Turkish NOTARY PUBLIO and things Mr. and Mrs. Tom Silversides See these; you will need a uit in the Navy Serge Towels were among the passengers ar near future Either Cash or SIBERIAN BATTALIONS riving from the south this-moot Dresses in bath size, a splendid Victory Bonds MAY BE HOME SOON ing. 8 to 10 years, reg. Ladies' Colon Hose Boys'' Worsted Hose value, regr. $1.25 and terms will buy two tplendld L. 11. Morton, of the G. T. P. $6.50, Sale Price 4-roomtd houaei with bathi on a Sizes 7 1-2. 8, 8 1-2, pltndld let, near Seal Co. v'spwial via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) who has been south to Los Angeles, Sale Price 50c values for reg. $1.20, Sale price 85c -armed back in town this Ottawa, Jan. 8. That Canadian Price Only $1,600 soldiers who, have been despatch morning. ' ' , $4.45 25c 75c Handkerchiefs' with a liberal discount for all cash. ed to Siberia may be homo again mr. anu airs, ivennv Hood These houses are plastered, hae some timo during the- re electric light and are very comfortable coming turned to town this morning after Embroidered edges, spring is asserted at the Militia Ledies'Cashmere Hose LADIES' COATS as well as convenient to rpending Christmas with relatives 3 handkerchief? in the Industrial end of the City. Department hero and may return 20 le not too much to eipect on sooner if tho reported intention m Seattle. reg. $1.15, Wo have picked out,a number of coats calendar folder, this Investment. You cannot afford reg. value $1.00 v i... uiibiou vjuveirmiiuni. in ...111 fin. iiiiin f1;..,..!, Sale Price to sell at a price. Values to $37.50 to pay rent when you have an op-portunlty I l UIIVV, UUUll 11113 iiiui;ii are Sale Price withdraw the troops from Siberia like this one. I. n n ktii...I ..i I 85c' Sale Price $10.00 65c M. M. Stephens was flned $25.00 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LUDENDORFF TAKES FINANCIAL AGENT Address hy V. S. A. Crux to St. 623 Third Avo Phone 222 REFUGE IN SWEDEN Society Thursday even- ng, members and lady friends Wall c.-,, ........ . ,.... .cicBiapus.i. II1T11L-U, lllUQIbdl uiujjiaiii. 1U tstOCKIioIin, Jan 8. Gen. Liiri The O. T. P. slonmpp Princi. DENTISTRY THIRD AND FULTON STREET enaoru, lormer chief of the Ger- George arrived this morning at man armies, is living the life of noon, having been held un bv the OFFICE HOURS! recluse on a farm near ilnain tides in Seymour Narrows 9 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. holm, under tho name of Ernsi DR. J. S. BROWN Lndstroem. Ho refuses to see Hoy Moseley of Steward, came HARRY LAUDER GETS DENTI8T visitors and takes long tramps o the city yesterday. Mr. Mos A GREAT RECEPTION Officii Smith Block, Third Anu.. through the forests dailv. ey has opened un a hotel at THE- Phono 454. Stewart, after giving up his hotel (Special via O.T. P. TeUrraphj.) Prince Rupert Academy of Music MCADOO RETIRES. it llazclton. -Montreal, Jan. 8. It would have required a great deal of tem Phone 104 613 THIRD AVENUE Phono 104 (Special via O. T. P. Tho Prince Rupert Lumber Go 9 Telegraphs.) erity on the past of unfriendly 1NSTKUCTION GIVEN PIUVATKLY ON Barsal Ltd., is shut down ou s retired Washington, Jan. 8. MoAdnn They have 1,000,000 ft.temporarily.of lumber persons to make a demonstration Piano, Violin, Violoncello, Mandolin and Theory, Trumpet as Director-General nf of hostility when Hai;ry Lauder . Cornet, French Horn, Althorn and Euphonium. to dispose of. Enquire of Albert Motor Transfer Hailroads in tho United States appeared last night at His Majcs- Mualc irrunifrd for band ororchutra. & yesterday. He will spend several McCaffery, Ltd. tf,ty'8 Theatre. The ovation that PRINCIPALS-Will L'dmunds, M.S.M., R.I.A.M., Fein Ceoil Medalist. months William IJalagno, Modern French Violin in California. School. !Kreeleu the comedian his Furniture air. anu iwrs. v. a. AlcLieou ar- s'i1 on an- i Moving, rived last night from Saskatchew- ;Parance on tho stage and which! Express and Baggage BIRTH un en ruuie 10 iaiuornia. i.nevi':? v..vv. onu uum are spending a day or two here P'yjved that an overwhelming ma WE HANDLE COAL, There was horn to Mr. and Mrs with Mr .and Mrs. L. M. Fuller. jority of tho auuienco wcro hl Han Parker at their home 2nd 'sui in addition, thero Nlsrht and day phon.182. P.O. Ilux IBS Ave., on Saturday dnnirlilon a Tho Sons of Canada will hold wSr' scores of uniformed and their annual meeting in their P,aln clothes police scattered Tow Hal, a Chinaman, was con oroun dtho theatre. hat! rooms in the Exchantre Block, at er victed this morning in tho Police 8 refused to sign an opology foi p. m. sharp, on Thuiday, Jan. Royal Auto Bos Serfe Court of having qpium in his possession. 0. Election of officers. Z & 5 l"P statement that French Can He was lined $25.00. adians who refused to fight for This is the result of a raid made Franco must have bastard The invitations are uut for the blnoi) Winter Service by the Police yesterday nn nrnm Centennial Celebration of the Independent 'in their veins. iscs on Third Avenue. Thev nlo Order of Odd Fellows In opera ti' n on and ffter ound two pipes, an opium lamp, in America Annual Hall in St. Andrew's ITALY'S INDEMNITY Jrnuary 1, 1919, u t:l ind other apnirrtenances for Vm Hall, January 10. Harvey's further use of tho drug. notice. orchestra, Tables for whist (Special via O, T. P. Telegraph,i players. 6 Rome, Jan. 8. Italy wi'l dff Lt. Col. Win. P. Andersun. rrcm Ormes' Corner. ac mand forty million-dollars nf n Week Days: companied by Mrs. Anderson, ar Cluso prices all tho time war, indemnity from the Central rived in the ciiy last evoninir frnn- Family Shoo Store. tf 7.30 Powers. 8.30 10 a.m., a.m., a. Ottawa. Col. Anderson is engineer m., 1.30 p. in., 4,30 p. m for the Department of Marine, Under the 5.30 patronage of the t LAND ACT 0.45 p. in., p.m., 10 at Ottawa, and lias conio west to Canadian lied Cross Society tho p. in. f-Sundays: ionsult with Captain Robertson postponed grand concert in aid of SKEKMA LAND DISTIUCT DISTIUCT OK f Vi'tiiria, who is also in town. St. Dunstan s Hostel for blind QUEEN CIIAHLOTTE ISLANDS. 10.30 a.m., 3,30 p.m., 9.30 sailors and soldiers will bo held TAKE NOTICE Dial Euireno lluifinlirey I. m. .lust arrived on Princo Albert, in the Wostholme Theatre Tues Slmnson of l'rlnco Itunert. nrruniiilriii From Seal Cove!" 500 tons Nanaiinn Wnllinirlmi i day evening, January 14, at 8:30 mailer mariner, Intends to apply for per coal. Albert & McCaffery. tf mission to lease- the following dcacrlnetl Week Days: p. m. Tickets on sale at Onne.'s land i 7.45 a. in., 8.45 a.m., 10.30 Drug Store 75c nnd 91. Hoxos Commencing- at a pout planted al a a.m., 2.00 p.m..! 5.05 p.m., Come and look over our per seating six, $0. Tickets bearing nos doI situated at the Inlemortlon nr 0.05 p.m., 7.15 p.m., 10.15 manent bargain table. Family date October 15, 1918, good for the north boundary of Lot 9353, with the Shoo Store. thoro line! thence north 20rlialn. limnrn tf that evening. Original p. m. program etlt to chalna.-inoro or lean, to the ihore Sundays: will bo given. Evoryono asked tb line: thence following fhore Una in ihn'., Advertise in tho Daily Ncwh. do their bit. tf point of commencement, containing to acres 11.00 a.m., 4.00 10.00 more or iea, auuaiea near Klum-Kwol llty. p.m. Auditor and Accountant, Huy your shoos from practical EUOENE Morris II. SIMPSON, JACK AND THE BEANSTALK--VVILLIAM J. F. Magulro, Smith Dlock. shoo men. Family Shoo Store. Date, Dtccmljer 3rd, 1818.Doumont, Agent.1. 19 Showing at tho Wes tholme Theatre FOX PRODUCTION.tonight.