0RME3 LIMITED Chemists pn. Box 1600 and. i he Daily NEWS Cell GEO.J.FfltZZELL our Calendars.Red for Cross one of Phones.82 and 200 Piiones, 10 and 25 VOL. X. NO. 9. ljUlUJH;itTin,C.t SATUIlDAY, JANUARY II, 1919. 2 PRICE FIVE CENTS LLOYD GE GE CA INET SPRING CITY UNDERTAKING FINANCES OF CITY ARE IN SEVERAL SURPRISES ESPECIALLY URGED IN WINNIPEG VERY HEALTHY CONDITION; J Winnipeg, Jan. 11. The IN CONSERVATIVE DOMINATION Social has asked Service the Commission city council PERMANENT WORK PROPOSED l go into the'undertaking business. A funeral costs MAYOR'S REPORT ON CIVIC AFFAIRS SUMMARIZING $100 to $117, THE and the funeral Representatives of Laud-Owning Interests are Chief Figures in directors say it can't ACTIVITIES OF YEAR MAKES INTERESTING READINGSUGGESTION be done for less. It is a THAT RECONSTRUCTION New Government among them being Balfour, Milser, Curon hardship for poor people. BE ON PERMANENT BASIS U is said the coflln makers 1 and Bonar Law; Barnes and Geddes are without Portfolio have a combine for; holding The debt of the City of Prince Rupert has been reduced in n with Special Duties. up the public. Jittlo over a million and a half dollars with all obligations- clear, I r the finances are in a satisfactory condition, sinking funds complete ami this in spile of the fact that the Dominion Government (Sptcur to The Nr.wi ri O. T.f. Telegraphs.' Custodian took over more than twenty thousand dollars' worth of London, January 11. The new cabinet of Premier Lloyd property arrears and Provincial Government lands have not George has been announced. It presents few surprises. The ;paid taxes. This is shown iirlhc report to the City Council made question British newspapers are asking Is whether Lloyd George 'by Mayor McClymont at the last meeting. will rule his cabinet or whether his Conservative advisers will Tho report also proposes that dominate him. The majority of members or the cabinet in high TROUBLES IN jinorc permanent woit bo done on jthe roads and shows that ilie places are Conservatives, notably Andrew Bonar Law, Earl Cur- amount spent in repairs would zon, Arthur J. Balfour and Viscount Milner. Only four years ago GERMANY unanco the interest and redemption thefr party regarded Lloyd George as Conservatives today regard ' ARE payments on $280,000 of debentures. the Bolshevik?. j U gives a good deal of The Premier is pledged by his campaign speeches to a num-; NOT SERIOUS valuable information in regard to ;civic affairs. It follows: berof sweeping reforms, such as the giving of land and houses1 To the City of Prince Rupert, ta workmen and discharged soldiers. His principal advisors are' Dear Sirs: - u. regarded as representatives of land owning Interests, who, follow-' I This Is View of Swiss Deputy Just I herewith beg to submit a would barriers in j Returned From Visit to . retrospective of the fog tradition, place the way of such a reform, report year's Ministers without portfolios, George fJIcholl Barnes and Sir Radical Leaders. operations of the city; also''a prospective view of what is "ahead Erie Geddes, have Important duties for which there are no cabi (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) which 1 would earnestly recommend net places. Sarnes will represent labor at the Paris Peace Conference, Geneva, Jan. 11. Jean Sigg, a to your consideration. while Sir Eric has undertaken the management of demobilization. Swiss deputy, who just returned The policy of the 1918 Council here from a visit to Berlin, where has been one Of retrenchment, One Innovation Is the selection for the first time of an Indian lie had a conference with Premier commensurate with efficiency and J'bert, minimum of taxation, in Phillipp Scheidemann, an en as a member of the Government, Sir S. H. Sinha, having the George Ledebour, Hugo liasse and deavor to conserve, all our; re place of Undor Secretary for lodla. Another is the appointment JOHN BULL: "Good heavens 1 Dr. Karl Liebknecht, info.r-.med the sources for the period of developments, of Cecil Bishop Harmsworth, brother of Lord Northcliffe, to succeed hare a bit of rest the others started.' - - - correspondent that the present which'; we all anticipate in Lord Robert Cecil as Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs. German .trouble, in his opinion the near future. While the city's The cabinet includes Lord Privy Seal and Leader in the House was only transitory. He declared financial position is in fine shape; of Commons, Andrew Bonar Law, Prepider.t of the Council and Germany had .food enough to having weathered the storm of FOUR PREMIERS MET IN PARIS FORE st only until the end of March war conditions without the aid of -Earl leader Trr'tlrSHoifser-t),"- Lordtj Curzon; :WlnistcrY.li'iout tliniiiht. that unions fnn.i oun industries to any material effect. Portfolios. George Nlcholi Barnes and Sir Eric Geddes: Lord tfc ta. "?s, a. a. v plies "reached Germany by that such almost ceojee have had, it. Chancellor, Sir Frederick Smith; Home Secretary, Edward me leal JJOIBIIOVIKI regime lias nevertheless 'been a year of ShorU, Jnder Secretary, Hamer Greenwood; Foreign Secretary, POUR PARLERS ONFEACE PROBLEMS;b ensue. He says opponents continued anxiety, owing to these the prjesent government are extraordinary conditions Under Cocil Bishop Harmsworth; Arthti, J. Balfour; Secretary, only about 75,000 to 400,000 of I Taxation Difficulties. Secretary for the Colonies, Viscount Milner; Secretary of War Ihe population. The three great impediments to and of Air Ministry (which have been combined) Winston Spencer PREMIER BORDEN IS NOW IN PARIS our collection of revenue has Churchill; Under Secretary, Viscount Peele; Secretary for been: Government lots sold un- India, Edwin S. Montague; Under Secrotary, Sir D. H. Slnha; MOUIRY INT (der agreement of sale in 1912, which m inosi cases nave not paiu first Lord of tho Admiralty, Walter Hume Long; Parliamentary (Special In Tbe Kews via Q.T. P. Telegraphs.) taxes since war broke out, aggregating Secretary, Thomas J. McNaitiara; President of Board of Trade, London, January 11. Representatives of the four great Al UNKING OF $72,010.00 in a.i;rears at Sir Albert Sunley; Under Secretary, W. E. Bridgman; Depart lied powers have been in conference in Paris for the past two December 3ist'.. (The Government merit of Overseas Development, and Intelligence, Sir Arthur Steel days, Hrilish interests being represented by Lord Robert Cecil THE SOPHIA by their;Act"''Proportionate anticipate clearing Allotment MeJtland, who also is appointed an additional Under Secretary and Arthur J. Balfqur. President Wilson, as he was careful these taxes by May 31st, 1919); for Foreign Affairs and an additional Parliamentary Secretary to to state, acting as Prime Minister of the United States and not as arrears on soldiers' property, who the Board of Trade; Secrotary of the Ministry of Munitions which head of the nation, took part directly in these conferences in Captain Miller of the Fishing Boat are on active service now amounting It to become eventually the Ministry of Supplies, Andrew Weir; which he met the Premiers of France and Italy King end Wlnge Gave Evi to $17,000.00, and alien enemy Food Controller, George H. Roberts; Minister of Shipping, Sir To-dny a party of Orilish representatives left here for Paris dence In Victoria. property, which the Dominion Government Custodian has taken J. P. MacLay; Minister of Labor, Sir Robert Stevenson; Attorn which included the Prime Ministers of Great Britain, Canada, (Special via O. T. P. Tclejraphs.) over, representing $20,690.00 arrears ej General, sip OnrdKn Hflwnrt: Solicitor General, Sir Ernest Australia and South Africa. On Monday conferences on a large Victoria, Jan. 11. To take the at December 3 1st, making Pollocks Postmaster General, Albert Bolden lllingworth; Pay scale will begin. Belgium, Greece, Serbia, Portugal, Rouniania, evidence of Captain Miller of the tho total taxes tied up because of master General, Sir Joseph Compton Rlckett; Chancellor of the China and Brazil will probably be given three representatives 140-ton fishing boat King and war conditions $109,730.00, out Eicheouer. Austen Chamberiint Lord. Lieutenant of Ireland, each, but these will sit only when they arc called in by the Great Wingo which was in the vicinity of total arrears for both local improvements when the S. S. Princess Sophia and general taxes of General Viscount French; Chlof Secretary for Ireland, Sir James Power delegation regarding a league of nations. Hereafter ahk in Lynn Canal on October approximately $213,049.00 at the Ian MacPhorson; Secretary for Scotland, Robert Munro. Both countries requiring supervision and control will come within the 25,. the commission of inquiry close of the year, more than fifty Mr. Prothero and Andrew W.elr were raised to the peerage on accepting sphere of some designated great power. But the latter will act into the disaster opened yesterday per cent.- (50). .Ml f v.i:n... ,1 ...Ml II.... ....I I.'.. Expenditures Down. their new office. as manuatory oi mo ieaguo w iuuu uu win mui uui u vwu-u at noon. Miller's evidence con with plenary jurisdiction. By a .wise application of jis principle tained nothing that has not al The chief difilculty has, therefore, been to finance, the city ready been published regarding of the dilllciiltics which might arise over territorial jealousies WANT LUXEMBOURG many his presence in the vicinity and without penalizing those property l will be removed. One consequence of the adoption of this who his efforts to reach the Sophia holder? were paying prompt MAX HEILBR O N E R TO BE A REPUBLIC policy will be that the United States will have to abandon its and tho assuijanco of tho captain ly. The only way possible to do traditional policy of isolation and assume its share of "the while (lint nothing could bo done in tho this was by keeping down all expenditure?, Reliable Jawcler Crowd Parade Bofore Palace Requesting man's burden." bad weather, prevailing. oxcept those absolute Abdication of Grand Captain Miller arrveed from tho ly necessary, so that our reserve, Qaallty and Value for.Your Duchoss Quiet Maintained. north on the "Princess Mary" a (continued on Paw Tnree).w;, few day's ago. Money, B1 H0VTk GraduaU Optician (Special via O.T.l'. TeletraplK ) Empress : Theatre NO SPEEDING UP "DE1YIERS" i. Motr, Jan. 1 1. A largo crowd Ladle's I H i Cornir 3rd Ay. and 6th Strati. i...i !...,. Hio flrnnd Ducal MEN RETURNING -Bo as,particular 1f UItlUl'U about tlie fit of voun cor- . Palaco in Luxembourg today rc- TO-NIGHT FROM OVERSEAS sets as about the 'fit of -innnlncr the abdication ui i . If I M-v.."o !. your shoes, if you would Grand Duchess anu tuo i!ruuu -lioa have .comfort and. i INCE weaj,, A committee Paramount Production -THOS. presents (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) ? WESTHOLMg of a republic. 'e hayo the corset to fit oirpublio safoty lias been np-pointed Oltnwa, Jan. 11. It is stated you, either ' front or back TONIGHT and quiet is being maintained in militia circles tier.o that the end laco, at prices from $1,75 everywhere in Luxembourg', of August next will seo tho return to $10,00 BY SPEW AL.REQUEST i - to Canada of the last units of Douglas THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT tho militia forces of Canada now COME AND SEE Fairbanks AS THE GUN MAN serving overseas in F.urope. For ' Now Telephone Directory. tho present thero will bo no speeding , "Do For any alteration, required m In his greatest success up in the return of troops be wn to Earth" numbers nouw yond tho already arrang Directory, P-enso now in writyis befow e ed for, 20,000 in January increas. 'ruT,,t0,n,ny "M""" perintondont (8-9) ing to 30,000 in February, but in CHARLIE CHAPLIN Jnnuary 13, I he Barg am the spring and summer months ib,nho,ulder Arms" Auditor and Accountant, the number returning will rise to ' 1 Block. 45,000 monthly. Smith ""Bin! .'"liirh j. F. Magulre, -""won 28o.'"""""yM'Owlhnlliai n taen hor. WenTrTgton Coal re-duces Mutt J Jeff Cartoon Corned Dlankots, sheets, pillows and FOR QUALITY 150. Ladys an j rink r."' ..n'rtn, 1 reel. SERVICE AND 7 o'clock harp. your fuel bill and gives lore Dope, comforter?! at Tito's January Sale SATISFACTION "T Pi,l1 Pl.,l.,.ll,IV l ii v.n iwviKur-11 Phone 15. prices. tf rood Board Licence No. 10-7310. by Lpo.Tulll atlsfactlon. Coal Oo.