Saturday, January 11, .nig Page 2 THE DAILY WEWS. nAM IHITIAN IllMlr t'fl" It H I . -I !MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1819 on a straigni une xr Dealing North i h" The Daily News rCDLlC NOTICE Is hereby given to llio section of easterly limits or Third Municipality of the City and the most southerly limits of ffi r ,.it.ira or ma IN .h.. i hprphv rcaulre the -0" as shown on a olan or 11.. V? PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA MADE of rrince Rupert " - - '. ..... , . - " iunni I. f, mce of the said Electors, ai i w " n the uKS Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News I PPfl-gg CANADA KSSflfipSS: o" Monday' the ti'thdaV of No" 9,. 9ecUon Onerthcnce north V, 13 west 1181.58 Il. t i o'clock noon, reet to the estabiistiM Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. SSu,hri' of electing persons to rep- .harbour hcadllne. for Prince Rupert H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Mayor ana Aiuenm.ii, 1S78.78 feet along- said harbour hradiin.tin The mode of nomination of Candidates iiit-ute auum .iv iicu, at cast Ihcnce North 69 deg. S7' East is'til he'Vand'ScT'sh.!. be nominated In thence south 30 de. 33' East sua A i?e'i mm wr t inn. Tbe writing shall be subscribed jlhenee North 68 deg. 57 east 35!ot SUBSCRIPTION RATES: hi' two voters of the Municipality as pro- tnence norm sv aeg. 7' East 841.88 fi VIM 1 1MB TVrfl n i'lfBrflli fl thence of 130I.J8 radius 888S.04 feet along- a curve to th. Returning bmccr at any time be- right feet described rrom City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. 'tween the date of this notice and Siuop.m a point wh leb lies. In a straight hne By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00, of may the De day in or wie nominations iunu numwi.newm ... tne rturihtasteru extremity or Its lisi.ftm Vi, to the Municipal Election Act, scribed course; thence South C8 det To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. and Schedule shall state the names, residence and 30" West 940.46 reel to the point of h. occupation or description of each person ginning, tne parcel or land hereltiberor. K it proposed In such manner as sufficiently to described containing 37.70 acres more or Telephone 98. Identiry such candidate. Every candidate I I Weddings shall before he shall be capable of being AND WHEREAS; the said company hn TO SUBSCRIBERS nominated or elected, and not later than requested the Municipal Council or ut. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch ft ! S:00 o'clock In the artcrnoon of the day Corporation of the City or Prince Rudti of nomination, lodge with me a declaration to grant exemption rrom the payment of Contract Rates on application. Subscribers to The News A quiet wedding took place on iW?v$!torifT& lands certain and taxes real upon property the and above the described improve are asked to pay the delivery Saturday evening, December 28, supplied by the city clerk's omce to per-In ments upon or to be placed upon the landi arorcmentloned or upon the foreshore boys each month the vestry of Mount Pleasant ItlfJTxtTly water adjacent thereto, such exemption or to DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Jan. 11, 1919. when they call, except Presbyterian Church, when Miss run ror a period or ten (10) years rrom .l-tF&Vl &SS'"t the first day or January, A. D. isu, tui, where payment has been F.milv Jenn Lawrence was married .1 h mmni r.hamber in the city iect to the terms and conditions that thu made for the year in advance. to Mr. Harry Gordon Gerard, rof'nlXe.k.6 mVhrur'o! AND hereinafter WHEREAS;set the rorth.said Nunlctnii City May 8oon Be The boys when says the Vancouver i'rovince. mo 7 o'clock p.m.. or wmcn t fij Council lrlni-A fliinrt or the Corporation aa an lnn,.m...i of the city. ..of 1 hereby required to take notice g-overn Able' to Borrow. collecting cany official receipts ceremony was performed by Hbv. himself accordingly said company to erect and operate tin said With the steadily improving financial conditions it should which should always A. E. Mitchell and only the im-1 Q0AL,F,CATI0N8 aT candidates for has shipbuilding agreed that plant the and exemption other enterprises hereinafter bo preserved. mediate relatives of the brido and mayor mentioned shall be made. soon be possible to borrow money for civic work at a reasonable aualincatlon for a candidate for AND WHEREAS the said company re. groom were present. The young MiJ. tna, ibe 8aid candidate shall be quests and the said Municipal Council of rate of interest. That would enable the permanent work to be rnnnln left on a honevmoon triD person who Is a lirltlsh Subject or tho the Corporation of the City or Prince Ru' noi disqualified under pert proposes that there be given s, to of yeari( the done which is mentioned in the mayor's report to the Gity Council to the coast cities and after a any law and who has for the six months said company exemption rrom General taxes to be Imposed by the Corporation which is in this FISH ARRIVALS in Vancouver oh their 'f itf!Si of published paper today. shor(t stay the City or Prince Rupert during a period The report shows that the city is in a healthy state financially "a7red lnM'Stf&& iS'ttfflK or special ten (10)taxes years Imposed but under not exemption debenture rrom by. The Alton yesieraayi Anynx. D. C. ith last MuniciDal Assessment Hoil of laws or local improvement bylaws. and that she will improve as soon as some of the taxes are paid with 62,000 lbs, Of halibut which . ,. jll.OOO.OO or more .over and abort any NOW THEREFORE; the Municipal Council which today are held back from causes brought about by the war, sold at $19.20 per 100 lbs. The A very pretty wedding took otherwise duly qualified as a Municipal Rupert or the enact Corporation as follows:-or the City of Prince Improvements of a permanent character are needed and the Carruthers also came in with 14,- place last evening at Breadalbane, voter. the I.first During day the or period January.of A.ten D.years is is,from the Mayor, in the report which he brought down on Monday, recom 000 lbs. of ground fish. jlhe minister's residence, 1185 qualification for candidate for said shall Company,be exempt Its rrom successors payment and to the asslnii city Tort Street, when Captain the Tne qualification ror candidate for Alder-It or Prince Rupert all General Taxes, liealib mends that this be done so far as possible. If money is to be is Just as cheap to get your'Rev. Dr. Campbell celebrated' the mt" ,'s 5,i.,h.e nJm.h1; i?,ilil..t?i.n to Taxea pay and taxes School levied Taies,under but general shall debenture be liable it is that the secured, however, necessary city go very carefully printing done well and done at marriage of Alexander Ingrjam, of age or twenty-one years, not disqualified and local Improvement bylaws. in order that she may get money at the best rate of interest. iome as it is to send it away. Try Ocean Falls, D. C, and Miss Grace "the" day "r 'nomination and S. asslgna It the said rails Company,to begin its operating successors the In.Victoria the City Council has adopted the policy of offer The News Print Shop. Fraser White, of Victoria, says tt&tfo?11. shipbuilding herelntofore mentioned plant, upon within the the premises space inn ?m alt ttlrtntrc rf rn r c rwa n Ilia tnnntan nnrl cVin hno Kflan on. the Victoria Colonist. The bride pert or the value on the last Municipal AS-InnVpd or one year from the first day of January, C111U1I aUllSlffXtJ Ji UIVI Hill VWUUlVi U11U OllW 11UJ ULiVU I 44- 1115 MINERAL ACT hanHsnrno in 'sessment noil or ilOO.oo or more over and A.I). 1919, or ir the said Company, in , abled to carry out badly needed work by financing in that way1. Certificate or Improvements. very a irown above any registered Judgment or charge successors and assigns at any time during of pale blue silk With overlece.'snd who is otherwise duly qualliled as a the continuance or the ten (to) years Residents of the city took up the bonds 4" small amounts and vo,er- mentioned In this bylaw, fall for the space NOTICE She was attended by Miss Mary 1Munlc,p' of one year to operate the said shipbuilding saved the city the expense of discounting and paying selling com her sister election of police commissioners plant or to operate some other large Industrial Drum Lummoii, I X L, Caledonia, Mavis, L.aS9eus winie, as, FUriTHEU TAKE NOTICE that under enterprise upon the said premises, missions. Possibly the plan might work out here. bis. Kitchener, Big Thing, Dumfries, bridesmaid, who wore a smart the provisions or the Municipal Act. Amend- then this bylaw shall cease to be effective (onlalve. Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Orey ment Act 1BI7, I require the presence of and the exemption rrom taxes Derby riven frock of dark blue silk. 1 lie tne Electors at the place and time above shall cease to exist. Playgrounds Are , , : v' i opper, Wharr and Bunker mineral claims, was Mr. Noil-S Paul, mentioned, for the purpose or electing one 3. Nothing herein contained shall In any Ituate In the Skeena Mining Division or groomsman w)0 ha, Bcrve on ha Do4rd of way affect the agreement made between Very Important. tange 4, Coast District. Where located: Mr. and Mrs. Ingram Will reside Commissioners or Police, to take the place the City of Prince Rupert and the Grand . George Hill, whose term expires In 1819. Trunk Pacific Railway Company Limited Channel. ior There is at the King Edward school a good playground, )n Copper Creek, Douglas at UCean rails. -rh8 mode or nomination or candidates ror and the Grand Trunk Pacinc Development TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson, 'such Police Commissioners shall be as rol- Company Limited and Ills Majesty the graded and almost ready for use. It has been in that condition .C. US., or Trail, B. C, acting as agent King In his Right to the Province of British or the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, On New Year's morning at the 'nU.jates shall be nominated in writ- Columbia and which agreement Is set forth for many months. The city public works department has ar Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No.- SJ,-039-C, Chalmers Presbyterian Church Jng. the writing shall "Kribed In Chapter thirty (30) In thn year 1913 u two voters or the Municipality as proposer tne statutes or urttisn Columbia, the intention ranged to haul cinders to cover the ground and make it available intend, sixty days from the date Manse, Miss Mary-Elizabeth Ueid, and seconder and It shall be delivered to being that this bylaw is only to be hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder nf Thnmni me ,ny llm8 between the date pr this binding between the City or Prince Rupert for the pupils. Owing to various causes this has not yet been aaugnier iir. and Jrs. for Certificate of Improvements, ror the no,Ce ind s.0O p.m. or the day or nom- and tbe Prince Rupert Drydork and Engineering Reid of Lucknow, Ont., became mation. The wrltinr may be in the rorm Company Limited, Its successors done. it is not considered to be important. or the Possibly urpose or obtaining Crown Grants Aumber 5 In the Schedule or the Munl- and assigns. matter of is bove claims. the bride Of Mr. Neil W. MCLeod, clpal Elections Act, Inserting Commissioner 4, This bylaw shall come Into force on As fact'organized play just important a as a part And further take notice that action, uti nf Kpmn Head Caoe or oce uoara in ine appropriate piace, the day or registration thereof, but before iormeriy d ha ut the nimei reai,ience and It. Is finally reconsidered It shall be submitted of education as is the work done in the school buildings. The le r section 37, must be commenced before Brjeton. Rev. A. E. Henry con- occupation or description or each person to the vote of the rate-payers of tie' Issue of such Certificate or Improve- the City of Prince educational authorities of the old countries have recognized that ' Rupert. nents. ducted the service. The bride WtraSuZ: PASSED THE Mll.Mt i I C'llWCIL OF for many years, and in Canada there are many private schools Dated this S 1st day or September, A. D. wore a handsome suit of beige qualification rjrtccsu.:::cicNn cr day THE or CITY January,OF PRINCE A. D. RUPERT 1919. on tbe 3rd that feature on football and similar sports, and parents send their 918. broadcloth, with a panne velvet1 The qualification or candidate for the I hereby certify that thlr Is a true copy J. D. AHDErtSON. sihln said Board is that the candidate shall be of the above bylaw as psssed. sons there simply in order that they may be encouraged to play nai to matcn, ana itira. .,.... .h , Brtfl,h ,,, ,nrt nI Dated this- 3rd day or January, A. D. LAND ACT During the afternoon and, eyjin- the ruii .ag? or. si year. ,9- as well as to cram their heads with more or less useful facts. Form No. 11. FREDErUCirrETERS, ing the young couple were "atl school trustees City Clerk. Where there is no organized play there is apt to be rowdyism. Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. hnmrs" in Iheir friends at the ' ' "ra notified by the Secretary or the . UUEEn CHAHLUTIE 1SLAHUS LAHU acbool nosrd lttl wl be nece,ry t0 A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF The schools that do not train pupils to play are graduating boys DISTRICT: RECORDINO DISTRICT OF home of Mrs. ROSS, 1232 Seymour hold an election' ror three persons to serve PRINCE RUPERT TO GRANT TO THE SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE GREAT WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION for the street corners and the loafing resorts. Play is Nature's OF LAGOON INLET, MORESBY ISLANL; " ""q or sirs. LuzaDem u. airipatrick, u w, OF CANADA (PRINCE RUPERT BnANCM) ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. Mfni rrnu-n nf Wico h!nA anfin Pawiore and George Munro,. whose terml A SITE FOR A MEMORIAL OUILDINQ IN method of educating and every provision is made for it in all " - - " -Tn. n .010 II will h lurnini that I THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, . TAKE NOTICE that I, John M. MacMlllan, institutions of T-ichlv embroidered. The C-UestS nominations ha' handed to the Itcturnlna-1 modern learning. r Vancouver, B. C, occupation cannery-an. Intends to apply ror permission to were received ty Mrs. Ross, aunt "nicer.... ai me lime AlderDVen as in me inn HUAiurjii, iumui. yr mi. wn- of M.vor ,nd Drovided by pohation of the city of prince ease the following described lands: Popular Measures for commencing- at a post planted on the Of tho bride, and a buffet lunch- Statute, as set out above, and also at the RUPERT. ENACT AS FOLLOWS; I ma nf nnn I na linn a at -h nrllilala maifA 1 I II n 1 1 TM 1 .-r It 1 frvi t n I ItT ril oulh shore of Lngoon Inlet. Moresby Is- Dominion Government. and, about one mile from Its mouth: eon was serveu. many ueaumui declaration showing his qualification In the,Prince Rupert to grant a free site to tne for and Aider-'Great War Veterans Association of Canada manner as provided Mayor uonftil ipatlflprl In for that thence west SO chains: thence north SO ana glllS tne (Prince Rupert Branch) to be used by them There are two subjects legislation would be popular men chains; thence east SO chains more or less popularity of the couple, I for purpose or erecting and used young qualification for school trustee to low water mark at tne tnence with the Canadian people if the Dominion Government could but southerly following low water Deacn;mark to the Mr. and Mrs. McLeod will make m the city school Districts of the nrst."f0? "'l1.' b"'"'nr 5. "'. '"r urueui oi uw mrniucra i c be pursuaded to take action. One of these is the total abolition point acres more of commencement,or less. containing 40 their future home in Anyox, B. G 'a.second British and subject third class,or the sny rull person age or being Si J!C n;e ?J) nd tir successors and ror to Is rrom lime public purposes as wlibln the of titles in Canada, and the other is the equalizing of pensions by JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. Vancouver Province. years, actually residing ... '.v.. City time determined. DATE October 1 0th. 1818. D.I 8 the date of the Lte ,hL' J"8 .T,n.,5?',0.," bringing the pay of disabled privates up to that of lieutenants. isterod preceding owner In tbe Land nomination,Registry omce.'' Aaaoclation by deed to. the LAND REGISTRY ACT. THE CANADIAN of Land or real property in tbe said School T hror,h e ,,la A'oc,1"on w These would be democratic measures for a democratic country. u,,",c, ul luB asseaseu value on ine laei ,".--"v "V "r-jv- . ... . lh. (Sections 38 and 184.) PATItlOTIO FUND 3 be ud b? They would receive the approval of nine persons out of ten. They Municipal over Assessment and above any Roll,registered or 1500.00 Judg-or Mvor n1 lh.e City Clerk and shall be an not to about. Re No. 9748-1 Iment or charge, and being otherwise quail- (ordinary quit claim deed without core- are questions People have already made Application & 9771-1. argue up As it is CXDCctcd that it ried to vote at an election or School . . TAKE NOTICE that application bat been "'".tees in the said School District, shall be I J.h011 ranted las All and their minds that the tends to snobbishness and present system lade to register Nathan Louis Lando and lake at least another twelve mon- eligible to be elected or to serve as a singular that certain parcel or tract or that the pensions discrimination is grossly unfair. ora Pchglnman as owners In fee under ths in which to bring all the men ' Trustee in such city School Di,'fJ u. wo Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector or back from the front, the Dominion Olven under my band at Prince Rupert. Flye Hundred and Twenty-three one Board of Trade to tie City or rrince Rupert, bearing date B.C., this 4th Day or January A. D. 1919 (thousandth Awes (6S3-1000) be the ssme he S4th day or November. 1917. of ALL Government has decided after the FREDERICK PETERS. Imore or less, and being composed or s Renew Activity. ND SINGULAR of March Returning officer !P"t or parcel No. SS referred to In the that certain parcel or 31st next to supply any British Columbia Statutes ror the yeir Now that the Board of Trade has entered on a new year and tract or land and premises situate, lying deficit which may be required to a nvi aur -rn AttTiirini7P tup MitNir-imi I9IS. Chap. 30. Fol. 17S. clause (!) or nn.1 being In the Municipality of the City ,ktiw-fi rw tiid ui.'i-,i).i i-ztn 'SrhpntilA thereto fiul ihnvn on man no. committees have been formed for the various departments of f Prince Rupert, more particularly known carry on the work of the Canadian POHATION' OF THE CIVY F PRINCE 's- Section one and five, depoalted in the FROM'Lnd Registry onice on the Sfnd day or Patriotic Fund RUPERT TO GRANT EXEMPTION after that sad described activity, there is to be new life instilled into that institution, corresponding as Lot eleven (11), Block CERTAIN TAXES TO THE PRINCE ' Vrfn .,n4. wu'cn tract may be more par-RUPERT twenty-nve (S5), Section seven (7), and dale. It is therefore earnestly DRYDOCK AND" ENGINEERING ' Ucularly described as rollows, that Is to with the new interest in everything which is being lot thirteen (13) Block tblrtyflve (SB), hoped that all who have COMPANY LIMITED. I1 Commencing at the Intersections of so generously the northerly boundary or the Lane. Ulock ectlon eight 9S3. You taken by citizens generally. There is much work to do and the quired to contest(8), Map tbt claim or aro the re tax supported the fund in the WHEREAS; the Prince Rupert Brydock Section . with tbe westerly boundary members of the Board of Trade are the ones to do it. Members purchaser within 35-dayi from the date past will continue to do SO until pany duly Incorporated n the Province or "ld northerly boundary of lane two nun- of the service of this notice (which mar thn 3tt of nfinr British Columbia proposes to operate a Jl""1!. l1d k,e,v5P,lltf?ur ,nd eighty-four one of that board have been active in connection with the securing r effected by publication In the Dally Marcil, WHICH no jnipbuildlng plant and other Industrial hundredth (974.84). feet, more or less, to appeals will be made to the pub- enterprises In the City of Prince Rupert. Intersections with the easterly hour,. of shipbuilding contracts; now there is a publicity campaign to News, and your attention Is called to sec- AND WllEREASt for tbe purpose or dry f Fulton Street, thence northerly Vnn 3 of the "Land Degistry Act" with ic for voluntary support. 'aroresald the said Company Is acquiring a ",on" the said easterly boundary of Fulton be thought of and many other lines of endeavor for the improve amendments, and to the following extract It be interestinir to know ,e"e of ,ne following described lands and s,ret one hundred and thirty-nine ana may rel, proper,y and improvements, situate one tenth (139.1) reel, more or less, thence ment of the city and the correction of abuses. therefrom: that Since the inception of the In the City or Prince Ruinrt. ,easterly and parallel to the northerly boun- 'and In default of a caveat or etrilflcate (First). ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- dary of aald land one hundred and seventy or lis pendens being filed be Tore tmv regis-ration Fund in Prince Ilupert on tho .tain parcel or tract or land and land cover- e't and twenty-flve one hundredth as owner or the person entitled under 22nd SeDterilber 1914, the sum of ed w,,n W4ler ute In the bed or the ,78-s' more or less to the wster such tax sale, all persona so served .VTrn bsrbour or Prince Rupert In rront or water boundary or Agnew Place; thence southerly with notice, .... and thoe rlilmlng over $30,500 has been paid to sol-'Lot Block "O" In the City or Prince llon the said westerly boundary or Agne through or under them, and all rjersoos ""Pert. In the District or Comox-Atlln and '', one hundred (100) reet to point or BANK- OF'MQNTRE claiming Interest In the land Hlnra utpenuenis In Prlncn llU- red on AL any by virtue irovlnce or British Columbia, which may commencement, shown coloured r any unregistered Instrument, and all nert and district, and that tho more Psrtlcularly described as follows! P'jn J,lchr(l hereto. For the purpose iK-rsons claiming any interest In the land j,v.v ..lnn,nl. ., . nnfr., m.n ih. this descr Dt on. Avenues are assumed to by desn-nt whose title Is net registered whole of this sum has been con- westerly corner of Lot 45 In Block 4, bear East and West and Streets, Northerly ESTABLISHED OVEJt 10 YEAHS under the provisions or. this Act, shall be u.Mlnn 1 ihnivn ,,. ni.n v.. nam tnu'arrla tllA llarhnlir ttr ever estopped and debarred rrom setting tributed locally, the Townslte or Prince Rupert registered t 5- This Bylaw shall come to force on up any claim to or In respect or the Although the war is over there In the Land Registry omce at Victoria, B. j'he Registration thereor. p Savings Department J Unci so sold ror taxea, and the Reglatrar t.J B. 49 aeg. 47' W. S4.4.VI reel to a' i-assmi inr. muiiiii-ii. uiunwu " hall register the person entitled under yet remains much to be done and DOSl known as "Post No. ITS of Prlnen THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OH urh tax sale as owner or the land ao tho local committee feels confU Rupert Townslte": thence 8 A3 der. so HI.NCE RUPERT THIS 30TH DAY Or Deposits of $1. and old ror taxes." W. 405.94 feet to said point or beginning, DECEMBER, A. D. 1918. upward AND WHEREAS application haa been dent that the splendid support so thence S. SS deg. 13' w, 340.71 feet; received, and Interest mane for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title generously accorded thence 408.36 reet along a curve to tbe TAKE NOTICE that the above Is a true during he rignt or raaius xjob.34 reet, described ropy or the broDosed bvlsw unon whicn allowed at highest current It f the Nathan above-mentioned Louis lands, In the Bam past four, and a half years of from a point which lies In a line drawn al',nB vo,e of the ratepayers will be taken st Lando and Dora Scheln- ngnt angles rrora ine last described course Lnimorr, i-ity nan, u rates. Savings Department nan. the war will be maintained and and from Its southwestern extremltytlJ8,n day 01 Jnuary, A, D. 1919, from tne AND WHEREAS on Investigating the title that the thence s. 89 deg. 27 ' W. 860.71 feetiinour or V;00 a.m. to ine nour oi accounts given specia mm 1 rS ffl lil Mil monthly subscriptions thence s. 68 der. 87 W. 380.01 reet, appears that prior to the IStb day of F Clerk, will bo continued unti Ithe 31st of thence N. 30 deg. 33' W. 3(8.40 reet, PETERS, City attention. ctober, 18 If (the date on which the said thence S. 89 deg. S7 W. JS.O reel; thence lands were sold ror overdue taxes), you March, 1919. N. 30 deg, 33' W. 848.66 feet, to the LAND ACT Deposits may be made, were the registered owner thereof. (signed) W. E Collison, Rupert established Harbour;harbour thence headline along said for harbour Prince FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that It the SKEENA DISTRICT OF and withdrawn, by mail Secretary (0) neaaune n. oj aeg. to- ui K. tsu.08 LAND DISTRICT as rame time I shall effect registration In feet, thence S. 30 deg. 8. 33' E. 1064.SB QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, readily and ursuanre of such application and issue reet to the point or beginning, as shown easily, safely as outlined In red on blue-Drlnt man attached TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Humphrey Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the Oh say I The News Print Shop and signed as relative thereto and contain Simpson or Prince Rupert, occupation in person. aid lands In thn names or Nathan Louis loes its work about as cheap an area or as ing so.78 acres more or less, master mariner, Intend to apply ror permission WlNNirtO BRANCH lando and Dora Schelnman unless take together with those or you portions waterfront described nost shops and quite to lease the following as well, and prosecute the proper proceedings to Block "O" above high water mark, according tho work to a plan or record In said Land land; establish claim, if gives you on time when-ver Regis, D. R. CLARKE, H. ST. G. LEE, your any, to the said try omce as No. 933. Section 8 anil i. Commencing at a post planted at a witness ands, or to such possible and prevent proposed action hands it out which He within the boundaries above described post situated at the intersection or Manager, n my part. and also all piers, landing Saparlateadcot vith wharves, a pleasant "Thank the the you." north boundary or Lot S3SI, with DATED at the Land Registry stages and steps and the three sectional Office, British Colombia Branches. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH. rlnee Rupert, B, C this sind day or vVhat do you say to giving them dry-doxks appertaining thereto and used shore line; thence north SO chslns, thence trial therewith. east SO chains, more or less, to the shore August, 1918, on your next Job? And (Secondly) ALL AND siNdi'i ah the such portion or line; thence following shore line to H. r, MACLEOD, portions or that certain District Registrar or Titles. parrel or tract or land and lind covered by point or commencement, containing SO acres When you have read tho news water being a part or aald water rront more or less, situated near Klum-kwol Bay, Advertise in The Daily News To Michael Robert Hlldebrandt,Hyrne, Butte,Prince uoulana.,Rupert, B. C, look through the classified column Block thereor,"O"which and parcel or or water tract lot of land In front may EUOENE II. SIMPSON, Agent. Francis Calve, Prince Rupert, B. C on Page 5, be more.particularly described as follows! Morris Doutnont, Beginning at a point In said water front Date, December 3rd, 19 18. F