THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 MM I.... I "-', uf CITY ARE IN ; Sale, Tues. Jae. 14 PERMANENT VtRY HEALTHY WORK CONDITION!PROPOSED (Special WHEAT vis PRICES 0. T. P. Telegraphs.)LOWER On Continued From Page One.. Ottawa, Jan. 10. The price The P. R. Feed Go. tOSTIITi of wheat is likely to be fixed for established two this year, but much lower than it EXTRA SPECIAL years ago, would Have got in a New Seasons be has been. sunicienlly large to supple-mam Supply of current collection and tax there heating Is nothing so toothing aad Self's Cafo is not going out of Bulbs, Hyacinths, Japan iu.i" iuc. id. sale proceeds, pending collection herbal balm as Zatn.Buk.allays Inflammation,This great business. It is a reproduction of Daffodils, Tulips, Clark's Catsup, large bottle 35c. of these arrears. This has been draws out Thoie soreneii.and reduces 'The Double Cross." tf Crocus, Easter Lilies dono ,weJ Jj1' who have one and all Oatmeal 3 lbs. 25c. borrowings from the ojeiZam-Bulc for the treatment FORESHORE LEASE Fine bank pafd off. of vflnter ailments say they would Make the Home Beautiful Free Sample Fuller's Tea was The two rjile and of taxation for 1918 LAND ACT Have Some Winter Blooms ! a half (2) mills otlc of Intention to Apply to !. Land. (higher than the previous year, In Skcrna Land Ttlslrkt, Recording DIs-rtrt Indoors and Outside ,but the of Skeen.i, and vlluate on Hie west total raised in our estimates, t IM or Smith Island, about two miles namely, north and west or Oceanic Cannery, flange 908 Third Avfnue Fullers ai75.i59.12, was no other Grocery remedy, as experience ivp, uoas i District. 87,310.13 less than that of 1917. proves that nothing can equal Take notice that we the Gossc, Mlllerd rhone 58 P.O. Box 333 Zam-Buk 'acklng Company Limited, or Vancouver, The for chapped hands, cold I necessity of this Increased ccupatlon Cannerymen. Intend to annlv FULLER, SMART & STEEN ores, cold cracks and , rate was brought about chilblain. nr permission to lease the rollowlng de-crlbcd by the It Is also invaluable for all tkrn lands: falling of receipts from other Injuries and diseases. All drug, Conimctw'ng at post planted at the P H ON E 45 PHONE sources, liquor and other licenses gists and stores,or Zam-Buk Co., orttieasl corner; thence south SO chains, Toronto. allowing high water mark; thenre west alone amounted to 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. chains to low water mark; thence north $9,300.00, and Send STEEN & LONGWILL lc. stamp for postage on n chains, following low water mark: MOTOR DELIVERY Canada Food Board License 8-35652 813,000.00 tax sale lots deeded free trial box. hence-east 3 chains to place or beginning, to the na containing o.u acres, more or less. SBBB23 city; also $2fl00.00 less on OOSSE, MILLEItD PACKINO COMPANY sundry receipts'. LIMITED. SANITAA. hiiD HEATING taled 3rd December, IBIS. Fll Tax Arrears. EttQINEERS The city collected CC.77 per cent LAND ACT of its tax levy, receiving to dale Notlc or InUntlon to Apply to Ltas Land. Agents for Phone 131 Office -14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 $101,004.71 allowing $0,59.91 In Skeena Land District, Recording tlia-rid McCLftflV FURNACES or Skeena, and situate on the west which was rebated. Our arrears, nast or Smith Island, about tun miles PrinceRupert Engineering & Supply Co. therefore, at the end of the year, Five lorth Coast and west District.or Oceanic Cannery, lunge PLUMBING will be $53,512.4G against $45,-732.11 ihkc notice mat we, ine uosse, Miuerd and without to market acklng Comoanr Limited, or Vancouver. going the for in 1917. Against arrears II. C. occupation cannerymen. Intend to SHEET METAL WORKS Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors of taxes there has been collected money. apply aescnoea for permission tanas: to lease the following Phoue 834 5, Second Avenue. Road Upkeep. Commencing at a post planted at the $38,735.49, that total Eitimatea furnished for Electric Wiring'and Complete so our arrears Our plank lorthwest corner; thence east 10 chains; Night phones 576 roadways have now- hence south Chains: on general taxes at the end 20 thence west to Plant Installations of the will be become a momentuous question; chains to high water mark; thence north and Blue 270 year approximately u cnains toiiowing nign water mark and Northern B.C. Representatives $130,924.78, against $113,055.38 maintainanco upon these roads to onlalnlnjf tS.O acres, more or less. Tha right work, at tha right at the end of. 1917. keep near a degree of safety is GOSSE, MILLEItD LIMITED PACKINO COMPANY time, and at the right price. Canadian Ve3tingh0use Ranges,Electrical Motors,Equipment,Generators,Electric It will, therefore, be readily doubling upon itself each year )ATED 3rd December, 1918. FU Co., Hamilton Lamps, &c. seen how the aforesaid extraordinary This year approximately $16,-000.00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose circumstances affect our has been provided for their iiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii upkeep, an amount sufficient to "Extra .ax roll; also the Co., Toronto. Power" Belting. consequent care pay interest and redemption annually to be exercised in making expenditures. Canada Wire & Cable Dare and Insula ted Copper. It will be interesting upon $260,000.00 over a Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. twenty-year term. Practically a (o note that in norynal limes the Domestic Engineering "Delco" Light Products best collection the city, ever had like next amount substructures will have to be spent Dentistry well Co., Dayton ,, , Isolated Electric Plants was 67 per cent of its taxes, in year; as as decking have exceeded their 1913. While with these existing Pelton Water Wheel Co. normal life and in Water Wheel and many cases conditionSf with the large amount l DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH I j San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus ill mean reconstruction to make of assessments tied up on Government Pacific Coast Pipe Co. properties, etc., our col them safe for traffic This is, One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your. j Vancouver Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc. fi lections are less than one quarter therefore, a problem fop, serious ( U of one per cent (ifc) below consideration. I Efficiency S Dodge Manufacturing Transmission Machinery, Our macadam roads also have Pulleys, Shafting, the highest point, and all the required lot of and should work, Co., Toronto a Hangers, etc. city's transactions carried out be taken seriously in hand, by way A line of Westinghou&e Motors, Lamps and other Electrical without the bank.extended borrowing fnom of surfacing with proper material Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock This year the expenditure will be Debentures Redeemed. $3,800.00 with not mone than two ayne During the year, the city has miles of roads repaired, so that redeemed $52,710.00 short term they cost $1,600.00 per mile, with IhniiiU. amnnntiritr In S31.7fi9.27. for OFFICE HOURS: $520.00 new crossings Mncvt Anril. so that our debt has The public works department H Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to S been reduced this year $83,979.27 have under consideration ways bringing it down to a net total of'd means of surfacing that will Dental Nurse in attendance. H Things Look Brighter $1,640,694.00 with all obligations ie ,nore economically carried out, rtione 109 for appointment clear. Wo aro now in the satis-'at the same time give more satis factory position of having paid faction to travelling public off all our. short term debentures Reconstruction. Wiiimimmimiiiimiiimiiiimim riiffffiiiiiiifiifififfjifiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTn . . .. Willi UULUIXIM CI Ota Mitt LU I 1 life uuticl , "Mirro" Aluminium Ware Hii pos it nnn rnn iia tha fn P f niiicf ..uvv n Artrt y- l-k n -..111 uiyvk . uu v ibe Lome in mind that all plank Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans 1UC lw.rt.lo l.nva hnnn rr,iVl frtP nnrl Mini All our sinking funds are com-,,. , ,lf Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Combination and Double Boiler Kettle p.ele, in laci anove par "general revenuo take the place of Frypans on accou.u ui u " $78,489.20 per annum raised by For Comfort, Courtesy and Service v ciory i .u, u. u, """;!local improvement taxation dur-will the debenture cover "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping eliminate two e vies at maturi y improvement plan, date by .extra interest earned by annua, lasatjon undei, thJ(J such investment. Llin has been reduced from F. T. BOWNESS. Miniftr Call and see the latest shipment at Within Estimates. $145,043.66 in 1914 to $59,734.55 Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Our total expenditure this year for Hie coming year 1919, so that FRED STORK'S HARDWARE will not exceed our estimates, but our (otal taxation for general, Home Cooking Running: Hot and Cold Water will be approximately $1.73,000.00 health, schools, money debt and including redemption payments local improvements has been re-and SECOND AVENUE all extraordinary expendi- '.iuced from $404,997.40 in 1914 lures on account of the influenza t0 $235,226.98 in 1918, thus show-epidemic. ing that whereas capital expondi- Thc exchange on interest and;iuro 0f these undertakings, that redemption payments in Nowjja roads, sidewalks and sewers, (York cost us $2,402.52, being have been paid off, their; life has much heavier than anticipated. run 0ut and in the near future mm Cla ss Printing The heavy capital expenditures yjij require other expenditure in- j in tho early part of the yean ne- 'stca(j. This, .therefore, is a prob-cessitated borrowing from the em for serious consideration. Ibank, against current revenue, while maintainance lias not been This, however, was all paid back negjected, expenditure under this lout of first receipts of taxes, and heading cannot overcome obsoles- The Daily News . Print Shop is equipped to do the 'our net interest payments will be Cence. It means, therefore, re-less finest reasonable than $300.00. construction, What this form kinds of printing at the most Surplus Earnings. 1 slmTl take is the question, I prices. :JNo job is too small to receive careful 411 man iillllllaa W ill shnw a would earnestly recommend to tlio incoming council s attention, attention aYid none too big for the"shop to handle. surplus earning. increase There has in been the'One thing is" certain, that n so Sumber for phone, .far as water sewers and roads are of consumers I ght and water which is a sure concerned, it will mean a deben-ndication "The Compliments pP popula-ure issue to finance it. so the of increasing IIUSIMCSS AND SOCIAL OA It OS running al.c loser we to Permanent work nght installations are InOTU HEADS AND KNVELOl'KS hrhL installations are running m-. r extended to you, with the pleasure of know. most to capacity of plant, and a Health. TXf hff that the New Year, 1919, will bring ?,( DISPLAY POSTEIUS AND DODGKItS continued increase in demana ior Tho health department have rl2Ui with It ell the "goodies" formerly made from ifjCv') and will mean carried their increased labor light power BOOKLETS AND I'OLDKKS further phones, capital expenditure upon charges without increasing their IWl Royal Standard Flour IJ . these utilities in tho near future, estimate of 1017, tho labor CIIICULAHS AND POSTAL NOTICES In tho early part spent of on tho capuai year i addition for public to garbage works with ijomoval,auto off m ll llw Vancouver Milling & Grain Co. U j $21,050.00 was l - I'ltATKHNAL SOCIETY WORK transformers, setting the additional cost. LIMITED f : for elcctrio light, UECEIIT BOOKS AND CHKCKS meters and transmission lines out T. McCLYMONT, Mayor. ftvJ! SIAIN OFFICE and MIMiSVANCOin'rai Wf hanging up tho total lvfcll Branclioo Victoria, Xanalti -. Ncv West. Y (I I i of reserves, ' lV minster, .Mission City.. UUl RIVER FARMER expenditure from this fund to tho PEACE Since war DIES FROM POISON utility to $38,072.00. The News Print Shop was been declared,spent on$19,084.00 telephono has capital also Sreclal vu a. T. r. 7elerrphs.) Daily out of these reserves for extensions Peace River, Alta., Tho death and cable Installations. Unless of James Logan, a farmer, was new districts have to bo duo to poisoning, according to tho j Third Ave.,Prince Rupert opened up, our distribution system', word of tho coroners jury. William in tho ordinary w.ay, for botn Hriggs, charged with committing Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention iheso utilities may bo furthers ex tho crlmo was commutted tended out of those same reservesj for trjlal.