Saturday, January 11, 91 t). Page I LIE. UAIUI ' - CLUBMEN DANCE AT ROOMS LAST NIGHT WITH LADY FRIENDS President and Members of the Prince Rupert Club Held First Opon Night Since the War. The Prince Rupert clubhouse 5 PER PACKAGE presented an unusual appearance last night when the wives and lady - friends of the members were invited into the mysteries of club life. Therp was a large attendi ance and a most enjoyable time wasspcnt in cards and dancing. Walker's orchestra provided the music and an excellent buffet supper was served in the billiard room. Naturally the ladies were interested in exploring all the different parts of the building. One mem bet; in taking a group round led them to the bar and facetiously . remarked: "This is the club The remembrance of the dryness of the bar, however, caused some merriment. Some of the ladies I suggested that it would now bo in ordor for them to follow suit arid NAVY CU establish a club of a similar na ture. The members of the club being generally of somewhat mature years and many of them carry. CiOARETT ing that amount of adipose which goes with ago and prosperity, were many pounds lighter on leaving than when they arrived, for tho floor of the big sitting room was in good shape, the BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING music excellent and tho ladies -were keen on the exerjeise. It was an hour or two past midnight when tho party broke up and llll . 1111 . I ITS-HIT many were the expressions of pleasure from tho,visitors at be ing given this opportunity of visiting the institution and spending LAND ACT petroleum over the following described FAIRBANKS-CHAPLIN lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, so pleasant an evening. OTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO British Columbia, commencing at a The president and members of GOOD COMBINATION PURCHASE LAND. post planted about one mile south from the N QUEEN CIIAI1LOTTE ISLANDS LAND southerly shore of. Canoe Pass and 2 miles the house committee are now receiving DISTUICT RECORDING DISTRICT OF east of the southeast corner and location WRKLEYS SKEENA AND SITUATE ON THE post of Robert Reld's application for congratulations the AT THE WESTHOLME on SHOE OF OHAY HAY, MORESBY ISLAND. licence; thence south 80 chains; thence success of the affair, which was west 80 thalns; thence north 80 chains; TAKE NOTICE that I. Yoshltnatsu Mukal, inence east so cnains to tne point or com especially notable for the number f Vancouver. British Columbia, farmer. In mencemant. of old timers gathered under ono Those who saw the Farbanks tend to apply for permission to purchase Located November 17th, 1018. picture "Down to Earth" at the one Hundred ana sixty acres or land GERTRUDE KNOTT, roof. bounded as follows: Westholme last night were en commencing' at a post planted at the North East corner of Lot 806, Moresby Island, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF thusiastic over it. As one member on Gray Bay; thence West twenty QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Six ifsa MUNITIONS BOARD of the audienco said on leaving clmins; thence North eighty chains; thence TAVE NOTICE that Annie Lindsay, of East twenty cnains to .me roresnorer tnencc Prince Rupert, B. C, spinster, Intends to good the show, "it was a ijipping foi' iwlng the. foreshore southerly to the apply for a licence to prospect for coal and reasons STORING THEIR LOGS point or commencement, containing I GO petroleum over the following described friend: good picture." acr.s more or less. lands, on the West Coast of Moresby Is- Fairbanks is always interesting." YOSHIMATSU MUKAI. iana, uriusn cjoiumoia. commencing at a DATED this 5lh day of December, A. D. pos-i planted about l mile- south from the The Imperial Munitions Board He is such a keen athlete 1918. " F14 southerly shore of Canoe Pass and S miles east or the southeast corner and location is looking after the logs which himself 'and he so delights in post of Robert Reld's application for a SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ar;e in the water and work has showing the advantages of an QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. east licence;SO thence chains; south thence 80.north chains;80 chains;thence 1 Steadies nerves already started on the work of athletic life that it is difficult to TAKE NOTICE that Allle E. Burgess, of tnence west 80 mains to tne-point or com uay l'oint. uanrornia, warned woman, intends mencement. storintr them until such limn as Sei away irom nis entnuslasm to apply for a licence to prospect Located November 17th, 1918. they can be cut up. The Davis "Down to Earth" he arouse? 5Snf.nISruTi0,,e By Hans ANNIE K. Chris LINDSAY,tensen,. Agent. In hnrhnn nra tills enthusiasm in tllOSO who Moresby Island, British" Columbia, com-rails ijie "eing . ' mencing at a post planted about 200 yards broken up and tho logs towed to, aM'il l"B P'ciures. ifroia llie joutncriy shore or canoe Pass SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF the booming grounds of the! Owing to the-fact that so many TtMl VAi TAKE QUEEN NOTICE CHARLOTTE that Betty ISLANDS.Chrlslenen, or 4 Helps digestion Prince Runert Lumber Go where PeoPIe were unable to see Charlie thence north so cnainsr thence East so Prince Rupert. B. C. married woman. In 5 Keeps teeth clean .' if Ihn chains; thence south 80 chains; thence tends to apply ror a licence to prospect ror there is a stream of water run-lu,UdIJlin ueginmngoi uie wef( g0 cnain to the point of commence. coai ana petroleum over me following ue i in i iu. i WfiP.K inn mannD-nmpnt. hns hv r. 'nnut. scribed lands on the West Coast or Mores ning UI limb Will neeu IHU IUKS, ' l I t.rl -nvcinlwr 17th. 1918. by Island, British Columbia, commencing free from teredo. Some of thp luesi Pul on again ior lonigm. i allie E. BURGESS, ai a post piameu iuoui i nine souin rroiii By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. the southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 2 Tnese two nuns make an all-star logs will bo towed to Port Edward miles east of the southeast corner and where they will be stored in program, that cannot bo beaten. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF location post or Robert Reld's application QUfcfcN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Tor licence; thence north 80 chains; thence the slough and they will bo high TAKE NOTICE that I, John Chrlstensen. east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; and dry part of the time. MANY MOVIE FANS or l'rlnce Rupert, B. C, llsherman. Intend Ihencc west 80 chains to the point or commencement. to ;;pply for a licence to prospect for coal Located November 17lh. 1918. ami petroleum over the following described ImiiL- on the West Coast or Morsby Island, BETTY CHRISTENSEN, William S. Hart in his' latest WITNESS WILLIAM British Columbia, commencing at a post By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. success "The Bargain." 9 planted about of a mile south westerly HART AT EMPRESS rr. i:i u small bay and Island In Canoe Pass SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Log- Point, and about 3.miles easterly along TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Voetman, or the Moresby Island side or Canoe Pass Prince Rupert, B, c, Iliherman, Intends to The Gurvich So good was "The Bargain" nun Buck Point; thence SouUi 80 chains; apply for a licence to prospect for coal i lie nee west 80 chains; thence north 80 and petroleum over the following described starring William Hart at the Empress chains; thenen east 80 chains to the point lands on the West Coast or Moresby Island, or roBimencement. British Columbia, commencing at a post last night, and so enthusiastic Located November 16th; 1918. planted about 900 yards from the southerly Transfer was tho large audienco regarding JOHN CHRISTENSEN. Applicant. shore or Lanoe Pass and 4 miles east or tho northeast comer or Robert Reld's application the play that it has been SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF for licence; thence north 80 deeded to put it on again tonight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. chains; thence west 80 chains; thence TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess of south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains lu Phone Green 548 It is a stirring story of stage Bay Point, California, hotel keeper. Intends the point or commencement. coach robberies, of and to, apply Tor a licence to prospect for coal Located November 17 th, 1918. gun men ANDREW and petroleum over the following described VOETMAN, P.O. Box 102. Office Fratcr St. of love and intrigue, all woven unite on the West Coast of Moresby Island, By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. H r Lull Columbia, commencing at a post jinto a perfect drama that is most planted about of a mile south westerly SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF WESELLCOAL thrilling and attractive. Hart is rroiii a small bay and Island In Canoo Pass QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near TAKE NOTICE that Teter Jensen, or Q master actor and his plays always Log Point and about 3 tulles easterly along Prince Rupert, U. C, net boss, Intends to draw a crowd. the Moresby Island side or Canoe Pass apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal from Buck Point; thence south 80 chains; and petroleum 6ver the following described I Mutt and Jeff and other, features lie nee east 80 chains;, thence north 80 lands on the West coast or Moresby Island, chains; thence west 80 chains to the point British Columbia, also add to the interest of cr commencing at a post commencement. planted about 200 yards from the southerly Hotel the program. Located November 16th, 1918. shore or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or Hyder CHARLES E. BURGESS, tho northeast coiner of Robert Reld's application By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. for . licence; thence south 80 thalns; thence west 80 chains; Uiencc Portland Canal, B.C. DIFFICULTIES OF TRAIL SKEENA LAND DI3TRICT DISTRICT OF north 80 chains; thence eat 80 chains to yUi.fc.Ti UlAHLUTTE, ISLANDS, uie noun oi commencement. TAKE NOTICE that I. Hans K. Christen Located November 17th, 1918. M. K. JAMIESON, Proprietor CLUB AIRED IN COURT fen, or Prince Rupert. H. C. llsherman. in- Hans PETER K. JENSEN. ii-uu iu appiy i or a licence' 10 prospect ror By Chrlstensen, Agent, coal and petroleum over the following tin. Chew if after every meal scribed lands on the west coast or.Moreahv SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Gateway to Ih famout $)uth Mint The case of Hatch vs. Ernst ,Island, Brltlsli Columbia, commencing at a QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. was heard yesterday before Judge wesieriy from uuvu,a small-j bay ui a and nine island buuiii in TAKU NOTICE that I. Albert k". Estesvaag The Lasts! ui i nine ivupcri, ii. u., nsnerman, intend Flavour Now Open for Business Young in the County Court. This I.-'ands i.anoe i-ass near uuiwt't'ii Log point Moresby and about.and.3 Chaatl miles and to apply petroleum ror a over licence the to following prospect ror coal was for the dissolution of partnership easterly along the Moresby Island side of anus on i ni! wesi uoasi or Moresby described Island Canoe Pass from Buck Point; thencu north in the Trail Club on Sixth 80 chains; thenco east 80 chains; thence iiriiisn uoiumDia, commencing at a post planted about oo yards rrom tho Street, and an accounting. The sou Hi oU chains; thence west 80 chain to shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles southerly east of tne point or commencement. Ildward Lipsott, President affairs of this club were gone into Located November ICIM, 1918. me iioruiuusi curlier or itouert Held s ap Harry Lipsctt, Manager Hotel Prince Rupart- and some interesting details wore HANS K. CHRISTENSEN, Applicant. chains;imicsiiuii thenco ior east licence:80 chains;liienrn thence mutii north un 1'dward Cunningham, Vice-President 80 chains; thence west 80 chains to the brought out in court. After SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ponii ui commencement. hearing counsel and tho evidence! L.IIAHL.UTTE ISLANDS, Located November 17th, 19(8. , .. EUROPEAN PLAN tllT KrtTirr !.( I.nnl..l a .1 1 ALBERT" K, ESTESVAAO. . the ludffo advised that tlin mattnr 'or Ray point. California, hotel keener. In- Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. $1.60 per day and up. Applicant. bo settled out nf court, failing JSM Stt'.aVai." jr . . 0 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT FIRST-CLA88 OAFE which there wasVho possibility of ,f SlflrMM vur.r.,1 I.UAJIL.U I I , ISLANDS, OF limited : A La Carte. ins uiuKing an oruen, ior sale, a post piamea snout i mno south from TAKE NOTICE that Robert Helrt m ii-i,, Tho '"1! southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 3 Rupert, II. C, tail driver Intends to apply PISHINQ & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE . pialntlH Had made an Offer for a licence to miles east or the southeast corner and loca- prospect for coal .nil to buy or sell at a certain figure, Hon Post or Robert Reld's application ror petroleum over the following described liteamshlp licence; inence norm hu cnuinsi tnence lands on the West Coast of Mnrem.v i.. Supplies, Qas Engines and Accessories while the defendant wanted to uot 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; land. British Columbia. nnnmtn,i.. '., . Fish Netting, thence east 80 chains to the point or commencement. post planted about of a mile South-westerly Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordago St. James Hotel sell. from a small bay and Island In Located November 17th, 1C18. Canoa pass between Moresby and Chaatl PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, Islands near Log point and about 3 miles (LATE "QUEENS") Queen Charlotte Islanders cannot By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. asterly along tho Moresby Island side or FIRST CLASS ROOMS do better than mall thoir Canoe Pass rrom Buck Point; thence north Registered Ofllce: n'rjnco Huperl Ofnce: Hot and Cold Water. ;printing needs to The News Print SKt'ENA QUEEN LAND CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS.DISTRICT OF the south point 80 chains;or ccmmenceinunt.thence r"' BU east tmainsi 80 chains-tnence to 08 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 Me par Night, and S3 par Weak. Shop and get the work done TAKE NOTICE that Qerlrude Knott, of Located November 16th, 1918. Vancouver, II. C. Pt 0 Box 10o8 ' Prince nupert, U, C. spinster. Intends to ROBERT REID, 'romptly and well. apply for a licence to prospect ror coal and By Hans K, Chrlstensen, Agent,