Page 4 THE DAILY NEWB, Monday, January 13, igjf, Illock "0 1 distant 501.57 . mi a irnigiu line of bearing Mr." 3D' IS" east.J"' h Point J,r The Daily News section or easterly limits or Pure Cream TO SUBSCRIBERS anr Ihn innat nnii,.i., .' UIM Ave,;;, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA fl nil nun ii nn n nia nr iia."'a Blork or Prince Itupert on record in t .. ."i Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Makes Subscribers to The News lieglstry o. 993, Section Onicf at One,Victoria,thence B north e A v,i,n the arfi"aske(f to pay the delivery 13' west 1181.5R tin tn f i.. lei. and Third Avenue. Printing Publishing Co., harbour headline ror boys oach month l-rlnce HuTirt T i'ed hour; thence Worth 53 deg, , H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. when they call, except l78.7i. reet along said o 0I Richness thence South 30 de. sa,("ne! where payment has been - .uaa oio.nn rn,.i why you inence norm ov aeg. S7 r made for the year In ad-vancc. should use Ihenco south 30 dc. 33' Eaat !" Z 1 thence 35s:" ! Sor.lS iS 3ef- east SUBSCRIPTION RATES: There Is a pure cream richness The boys when Znm-Buk thence , about Tacinc Milk that 1 the only IhpnrA City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. secret behind Its goodness for collecting carry official receipts Instead of right or radius SJ8J.04 reel described if, cooking;. which should always ordinary a point which Ilea In a straight; lTn. J5 By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. You see, all we do to the rih be preserved. ointment. bearing llio ftuitlieasteru.North 53 eAircmlty deg. 37' 48 AT Itj f u.,"SS1 rresh milk as It comes from the scribed course; thence South eg , To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.60. n farm Is to evaporate water out of 1st. Because 30" West 910.46 reet to the point hi It. ginning, Uw parcel or land here nbLrnSl Zim-Buk has described containing 37.70 acres J? Telephone 98. This leaves the natural butter superior sooth-Inn more fat and other cream solids as they AND WIIEItEASi the said company TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch were. MAIL SCHEDULE This is due and to healing its requested Corporation the of Municipal the City or Council Prince of Rur,cr1 til Then we seal It up so It remains power. to grant exemption rrom the Contract Rates on application. fresh and sweet. i unique composition. Zam-Duk certain taxes upon the above dwriDr! Try It In the next recipe which For the EasL is composed exclusively lands and real property and the IniDrov, tnents upon or to be placed upon the calls for milk or cream. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat of herbal extracts aforementioned or upon the foreshore DAILY EDITION. Monday, January 13, 1019 trdays at 9:30 a.m. and vegetable oils and is water run ror adjacent a period thereto,or ten such(to)exemption years to Pacific Milk Co. 100 medicine. the first day of January. A. ri ioio 'P Ject to the terms and conditions that tni, From the East. 2nd. Bseaiia Zam-Duk auras bylaw hereinafter set forth. LIMITED This Is owing; to AM) WHEREAS; the Obligation to Soldier ar parmanont. said Munlcln.i 332 DRAKE STREET Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs the fact that the oils and extracts Council or the Corporation or the c tv .if And Family. lays at 5:45 p. in. of which Zam-Buk Is composed Prince Itupert as an Inducement Jo Our grave obligation to the Soldier and his family cannot be Factory at Ladner, B. O. are scf blended and refined that said shipbuilding company plant to erect and and other opera enterprise,to the skiS Its of penetration Is extraordinary. has agreed that the Canada Food Board Llcana 14-186. power exemption hertiuari,, questioned. The modern stale is happily more conscious of its For Vancouver: While ordinary ointment niontt.ttait .hall . rn.HA responsibilities to the fighting man than was ever the case in the una ays 10 p. in, remains on the surface quests A.ND and WHEItEAS the said the said Company r. Municipal Council past, for this is "the first war since the world began which has Tuesdays 5 p.m skin, Zam-Duk literally soaks the Corporation or the City or Prince itu.of seriously disturbed the conscience of mankind, and set it working Thursdays 10 p. in. through and destroys to the underlying skin dlseasesat tissues. said pert proposes company that exemption there be rrom given Oener.i to til on the duties of conscious remorse and active gratitude." The Saturdays 7 a.m their very roots. In this way, taxes to be Imposed by the Corporation or the City or Prince Itupert during duties of restoration which, as a nation, we have been led to as only, enn at permanent cure be or ten (10) years but not exemption a period rrom effected. special taxes Imposed under debenture bv" sume are not to be evaded. From Vancouver 3rd. Beoaut Zam-Buk la antl-aaptlo. laws or local Improvement bylaws Sundays .10 p.m NOW TIlEHEFortE; the Municipal Coun-ell In other Making Soldier words, germs or the Corporation or the City or I'rin,, tVednesdays 10:30 a.m cannot live where Zam-Duk Is Itupert enact as rollows; Into Citizen. RECONSTRUCTION OF Saturdays 10:30 a.m. applied. This prevents any possibility 1. IJurlng the period or len years rrom WHARF, MAS8ETT, of festering or blood-poisoning. the first day or January, A. D. toit the The process of making a soldier into a civilian is no easier b. e. said Company, Its successors and assign, 1 1,r.ii P 4..iHm n!.iil!nnn ! I n oslrltMC Ctn. rt n . 'i I 1. a t II II I For shall be exempt rrom payment to the city wiuii wiui ui turning uivuiuiia uiiu suxuit'i o. uvci J man, wiwi a icw NOTICE Anyox: 4th. Baoausa Zam-Buk la pur. or rrlnce itupert all General Taxes, Health exceptions, discharged from the army will be thrown into civil SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Sundays r. . 10 p.m Its parity Is due to Its herbal to Taxes and taxes School levied Taxes,under but shall be liable nay general life with the loss of the precious quality of initiative, a loss ser undersigned, and endorsed "Tedder for Vednesdays 10 p. m composition, and this particularly and local Improvement bylaws. debenture ious in proportion to the length of his service. The private sol Float Construction ana Fre of gut a wharf,snea new Massett.Landing Saturdays '. 10 p. m mothers.commends Zam-Buk to and 2. assigns K tho said rails Company,to begin us operating successors the oueen cnanotte u. (J. win ue dier lives a life in which his thinking is done for him. He is celved at this office islands,until 4:00 p.m. re on From Anyox: Sth. Bseausa Zam-Buk Is aoo-nomlaal. herelntorore shipbuilding mentioned plant, upon within the premises forbidden to rely on his own judgment, and he is forced to ac work Thursday,mentioned.January 30th, 1910 for the Tuesdays a.m Owing to Its freedom or one year rrom the first day o the January,space cept, even in regard to the trifling details of his existence, the or Tenders win not be considered unless Thursdays a.m. from animal fat, Zam-Buk cannot A. D. 1919, or It the said Company, m become rancid. It there, successors and assigns at any time during ders of a superior. The soldier's discharge cannot alter this made ana in upon accordance forms furnished wun conditions by Department con Sundays p.m fore, lust ss good to Is.the last the continuance or the ten (10) years habit of mind. When he became talned therein. mentioned In this bylaw, fall ror the una,. carefully developed originally a application. or one year to operate the said shlpbulldini Plans and specifications to be seen on recruit he remained a civilian for months after he put on the application to the Post Master, New Massett For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet The reliability of this herbal piatu or to operate some other large industrial enterprise upon the said uniform, the reverse is equally true. After his discharge the u.. ana at ine oaice or tne Dominion points: remedy has established It as the then this bylaw thai) cease to be premises,crrcm. nihllc Works at Prince Rupert. B. C soldier is still In effect a soldier until a forgotten attitude of mind Each tender must be accompanied bv an Sundays .10 p.m. been household for balm wherever It has and the exemption rrom taxes hcrby given used eczema, ringworm. siiiiu i-i'Bo iu exi.i, has had to itself. critical accepted cneque on a cnarterea Dank, pay From Port and Naas 3, Nothing herein contained shall In an opportunity re-assert Through a :i)ic to tne orner or tne Honourable tne Simpson abscesses, ulcers, running sores, any period, just when he should be re-establishing himself in civilian Minister of Public Works, equal to ten River Points: bad legs, blood-poisoning, piles, way me uiy affect or the rrince agreement itupert and made the between Orind ncr cent. (10) or tne amount or tne the fatalistic habit of the old soldier is to luesdays bolls, pimples, burns, scalds. Trunk Pacific Hallway Company Llmiirii life, easy-going likely eiuier. Dominion War Bonds will bo ac .a.m. hands cuts, chapped or chilblains. and the Orand Trunk Pacific Development ;epted as security,' and Interest will be This must in mind lest the be made Company Limited and Ills cling. we keep ex-soldter a mowed on deposit after contract Is award Ail dealers, 60c box. Malesiv the King in his Hlgbt to the Province or British victim 01 nis yery patriotism, it is an irony or xate mat tne man ea. By order, Queen Charlotte Islands: Columbia and which agreement Is set forth who has served his country longest at the Front and who has been E. P. OINORAS, For Massett, Port Clements and in Chapter thirty (30) In the year lilt of the Statutes or British Columbia, the Intention under the heaviest strain "in the line" will inevitably Tad the Dominion Department Acting of District Public Engineer.Works. Upper Island points: being that this bylaw is only to he transition to the hardest to And relaxation rrlnce is. 1919 7 binding between the cily or Prince Rupert peace accomplish. the itupert, c, January ?, Thursdays p. m. and the Prince Itupert Lrydork and Engineering from a rigid discipline and the dreary monotony of routine LAND ACT "rom Masset, Port Clements and and assigns.Company Limited, Its successors are perils which wilt confront every soldier wherever his work Upper Island points: 4. This bylaw shall come Into force on may have lain. The public will only need lo be reminded of this OTICE PURCHASE OF INTENTION LAND. TO AFPLY TO Sundays, a. m. It the Is day anally or registration reconsidered thereof,It shall but be before submitted to view his problem with an understanding mind. The returned N QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND vor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte occupation or description of each person the to or the vote of,the rate-payers of City Prince Hupert. soldier does not ask for sympathy or for favors, but he is entitled '"DISTRICT RECORDING DISTRICT OF Uliy ana L.ovcr ISiana points. il0'Proposed identify in such sucn candidate.a maimer as auiucieuuy PASSED THE MUli.i I ' ' NCIL OF to receive his both from his and from his SKEENA AND SITUATE ON THE 7 THE CITY OK rMNCE HUPEB.T on the 3rd as right, employer SHOE OF GRAY BAY, MORESBY ISLAND. Sundays p. m. qualification for oi day or January, A. D. 1919. fellows, an intelligent comprehension of his difficulties. TAKE NOTICE that I. Yoshlmatsu Mukal From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte The qualification ruLitt of candidate for the or 1 the hereby above certify that tblr Is a true copy f Vancouver, British Columbia, farmer. In City and Lower Island points said Hoard, is that the candidate shall he Dated this bylaw 3rd day as passed.or January, A, D. Solemn Debt tend to apply for permission to purchase a person.who Is a Ilrltlsh .Subject and ol 1919. ' one hundred and sixty acres of land Thursdays. ! the rull are or SI years, FREDERICK PETEB.9, Owed to Men. - bounded as follows: City Clerk. Commencing at a post planted at the SCHOOL TRUBTEE8 1 i J 1.1 J 1 l 1 i a uuiiuuums owe u suiemn ueui, u- ueui ueyouu repayment, iu North East corner of Lot 866, Moresby Is For Skagway and the Yukon. I am notified oy the Secretary or the land, on Gray Bay: thence West twenty 'School Board that It will he necessary to A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF the men of their Expeditionary Force, who, let us never forget, chains; thence North eighty chains; thence Every ten days. 'hold an election ror three persons to Serve I'KI.MCE ItUPEHT TO GR.A.NT TO THE placed themselves between us and the German host. But if our East twenty chains to the foreshore; thence From Skagway and Yukon. for a term of two years, to take the places CHEAT WAIl VETERANS ASSOCIATION following the foreshore southerly to the or Mrs. Elizabeth C. Klrkpatrlck, L. W. OF CANADA (PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH) obligation to them can never be discharged in full, our simple point of commencement, containing 160 Every ten days. I'atmore and George Munro,, whose term A SITE FOR A MEMORIAL BUILD1N0 IN less. 'etplres In IS It. It will be necessary that THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. acrts more or duty as their fellow citizens will not be accomplished until tin YOSHIMATSU MUKAL nominations be banded to the Ileturnlnir last man to leave the army has been re-established in our national DATED this Sth day of December. A. D MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS PROCLAMATION Officer at the time and place as In the THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE'CORPORATION 1818 .case of Mayor and Aldermen provided by OF THE CITY OF PRINCE 1VIB. l- it life. He must be given a chance to re-discover himself in a world I Statute, as set out above, and also at the RUPERT ENACT AS FOLLOWS: -t. PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to the time of nomination each candidate make a It shall be lawful for the City or that will be strangely new. FORESHORE LEASE Electors Prince Rupert to rree site to the or the Municipality or the City declaration showing his Qualification In the grant a or rrlnce Itupert, that 1 hereby require the manner as provided ror Mayor and Alder- Great War Veterans Association or Canada Teaching Blind to LAND ACT presence or tne saia Electors at toe city men. (Prince Rupert Branch) to be used by them clerk's Office, In the City Hall. City of qualification for school trucwe ror thn purpose or erecting and used See With Hands. fotlea of Intention to Apply to Lata Land. Prince Itupert, on Monday the 13th day of in in., i-uv srhnni ninriri. rr iiu nm thereon a memorial building to be used January, A. D. 1019, at 1 o'clock noon, 'second and third ror the benefit of the members of the said Teaching the blind to see with their hands and to do useful In Skcena Land Rlstrlct, Recording DIs- ror the purpose of electing persons to rep- s British Subject class,or the any rull person age or being SI Association and their successors and for rlct of Skeena, and situate on the west resent them In the Municipal Council as such public purposes as Is from time to work and thus mitigate to some extent the affliction which has oast of Smith Island, about two miles Mayor and Aldermen. I years,. i. .actually.i residing- . within. . the.l City. nine aeiermtnea. fallen them is the work of the St. Dunstan's Hostel. It is north' and west of Oceanic Cannery, Range The mode of nomination at Candidate!! ;auu nriin.Having uvcii,. ,in. lur n, mo nninA,i.n bix mounts nexi S. The said alte shall be granted lo the upon - - ' ifiivvum, iitv u i u vy 1 iivu,iiaiuii, ,1,0 ICg- ive, coast Disinci. Shall be as rollows: 'islered owner In the Land nniro. said Association by deed to the Association especially for the care of those who have lost their sight in the Take notice that we the Oosse. Mlllerd The Candidates shall be nominated In nr i mi r., mni nrnnonv in th ..1.1 sriuu-.i or to trustees ror the said Association to acklng company Limited, of Vancouver writing. The writing shall be subscribed .. be nominated by them. i)iciri-t nr tm .mi v.iun ih i.t war. The appeal for such a cause cannot go unheeded. That is crunatlon Cannerymen. Intend to apply by two voters or the Municipality as pro-, Municipal Assessment Roll, or $500.00 or 3. The Deed shall be signed by the the reason why the ladies of this city are interesting themselves or permission to tease tne following ue poser and seconder, and It shall be delivered more over and above. any registered Jud Mayor and the City Clerk and shall be an . . , .. chum lanas: I n ,h Until in I n tr ilfrifAf- a t nv lima tin- ' T ordinary quit claim deed without cove' in the cause by giving a benefit concert at the Westholme Theatre Commencing at a post planted at the thp flntn nr .Y" nnlli'n mil i 9nn nm ineiii t .n or iiiaiKC,. -..aim t ueing.i. oinerwise.t . . quail-lu'F.n nants. ' ' lieu iu 'uic a, an fjictuuil UI QCIIOOI 1 rus-1 oi-thcnst corner; thence south SO chains of the dav of nomination: thn snld u'rlilnir; in ti.A m ahi m ....n 4. The Land to be granted Is: All and tomorrow night. The cause .s the most appealing one that ever allowing high water, mark; thence west comes before the people of this city and the concert will be a chains to low water mark; thence north Schedule to the Municipal Election Act, 'school Trustee In such City School Dis"!lantl Uuste, lying and being In the City 0 chains, following low water mark; and shall state the names, residence and rlct. of Prince Rupert, containing by admeasure- splendid one. That should be double reason for patronage. hence east 3 chains to place of beginning. j occupation or description or each person) ot'ven under my hand at Prince nupcrt. iiiviii, rive uuuureu aim i weuiy-mrrc w na containing o.u acres, more or less. proposed In such manner as sufllctently to'fl. C this 4lh Day of January A. D. 1919! thousandth Acres (523-1000) be the same MILLEHD PACK1NO COMPANY UOSSE, Irl0nflfr Bllph (-.nrlttatn I'uanir n,n(lrlala FREDERICK PETERS. more or less, ana being composed df THE BRITISH ELECTIONS. LIMITED. shall before he shall be capable or being I Returning onirer purl or parcel No. SS referred to In the )ated 3rd December, 1918. Fit nominated or elected, and not later than I Ilrltlsh Columbia Statutes ror the year 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon of the day A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MUNICIPAL I ..1919.. . Chan.r 30.. Fnl 179., clause . T. of LAND ACT ui iiu.imia null, iuuic tciiu nit; a uctiai aviuil 1 iiiiivrii nc tiii.' uiiNiriiv.1 -m. sciieduie thereto and shown on Plan no. showing his quallllcatlon, In the form pre- i POHATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE Section one and five, deposited In the Notice of Inttntlon to Apply to Leas Land scribed by Statute. These forms will be RUPERT TO GRANT EXEMPTION FltOM I -"hd Registry omce on the SSnd day or In Skeena Land District, Recording dls- supplied by the City Clerk's onice to tier IAIN TAXES TO THE PRINCE ''."'V" " iraci ny uo i, rlct or Skeena, and situate on the west sons actually presenting nomination papers RUPERT DRYDOCK AND ENOINEERINO ! Hcularly described as rollows, that Is to duly executed. In the event or Commencing Intersection of the oast of Smith Island, about two miles a poll being COMPANY LIMITED. ""V1 at Ive coast District. necessary, such poll will be opened on . i the northerly boundary or the Lane, Block r lorth and west of Oceanic Cannery, Range Thursday the 16th day or January. 1919. WHEREAS; the Prince Rupert Drydock 3i Section i, wltt the westerly boundary Take notice that we, the Gosse, Mlllerd at the Council Chamber In the City llali nd Engineering Company Limited, a com- r. Agnew Place, thence westerly along acklng Company Limited, of Vancouver. In the City of Prince IIUDrrt. from the pany duly Incorporated In the Province or ,8,a,d, northerly boundary or lane two hun II. C, occupation cannerymen. Intend to uuur ui units u ciuca. a.m. 10 ine nour or British Columbia proposos to ODerate a "llu lm vifi"mjf-iuur aim nimjr-iuui v,.w 7 o clues p. m.. or wmcn every Dcrson is shiniini iriino- ntmi .i,,i mh.. innn.iri.i liundredlh (874.84) reet. more or less, to apply for permission to lease the following hereby reauired to take notice and irnvcin .niupn-iui in ih. rn ,i . ills lntprsicllnni wiih th. pxierlv boun' I efcriuea Commencing lanas:at a post planted at the hlmsclr accordingly, and WIIEREASi for the purpose or dary uf Fulton Street, thence northerly lariii'n.airf th aM rv.'mn.nv i. i,n..ini . along the said eastern- boundary or Fulton lortnwest corner; thence east 10 chains; hence south SO chains; thence west 10 QUALIFICATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR lease of the following described lands ands,rcel 0,18 hundred and thirty-nine and chains to high water mark; thence north ireai property ana improvements, s tuale I"1"5 lrm" i ieei, aiun w i i The Qualification for a candidata for in ih c iv nf HMn. n ..,. easterly artd naralll in thn nnrtherlv boun- 0 chains following high water mark and Mayor Is that the said candidate shall be ii'ir.i. Ai I avii .itmn'in n,.i dary of said land one hnndrnl and seventy ontainmg ta.o acres, more or less. GOSSE. MILLERD PACKING- COMPANY a iitrson who Is a British Subject or the tain parrel or tract or land and land cover- '' "! twenty-five one hundredth LIMITED rull age or SI years, not disqualified under eJ with water, situate In the bed of the n S) Mi. more or less to the wester y )ATED 3rd December, 1918. FI4 any law and who has for the six months harbour or Prlnco Rupert In rront or water boundary or Agnew Place; thence southerly next preceding the day or nomination, been Lot Block "O" In the City or Prince aloK 'ho said westerly boundary or Agnew the registered owner In the Land Registry Rupert, In the District of Comox-Atlln and I'lsre, one hundred (100) reet to point of MINERAL ACT omce or land or real properly In the City Province or British Columbia, which may .commencement, shown coloured red on or Pr nee Rupert to the astessed value, on bo more particularly described as rollows: 'Msn attached hereto. For the purpose of the last Municipal Assessment Roll of Bealunlnir at a nolnt (inmm r,nm n, this description. Avenues are assumed to Certificate of Improvements. 1.000.00 or more over and abovfc anv u,..twiv mr ,r i m ir. ihl , lien. Kail anrl wm anil si,ivta. Northerly cbi.icicu juuainciii ur ciwrsv. biiu wiio section 7, (as shown on plan No. 9!3 of towards tho Harbour. Is otherwise duly qualified as a Municipal the Towuslte or Prince Itupert registered 5. This Bylaw shall come to force on NOTICE uicr. In the Land Registry omce at Victoria. 11. I lie Registration thereof. Drum Luminon, I X L, Caledonia, Mavis, C.) S. 43 deg. 47VW. S44.91 reet to a I PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF QUALIFICATION FOR CANDIDATE FOR post known as "Post No. 176 or Prince THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY Ol-PRINCE bis. Kitchener, Big Thing, Dumfries, ALDERMEN Of nu.ieri luwiiaii?'-; inence a 03 deg. 30' RUPERT THIS 80TII DAY lonlalve. Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Orey The qualification ror candidate ror Alder. V. 405.94 reet to said point or beginning, DECEMBER, A. D, 1918. opper. Wharf and Bunker mineral claims, men is mat tne aaia candidate shall be a thence S. 25 deg. 13 ' W. 340.71 recti person wno is a uriusn suDject or the TAKE NOTICE Is a true Ituate full thenro 403.36 reet along a curve to the that the above In the Skeena Mining Division of age or twenty-one years, not disqualified right or radius 2288.34 feet, described copy or the proposed bylaw upon which tange 4, Coast District. Where located: under any iaw and who has ror tho six rrom a point which lies In a line drawn at Ihe vote or the ratepayers will be taken at )n Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. months preceding the day or nomination right angles rrom the last described course the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson, been the registered owner In the Land ana rrom us souinwestern extremity: 16th day or January, A. D. 1919, from the Registry Ofllce In the City of Prince Rupert thence 8. 59 deg. 27' W. 840.71 reel; hour or 9:00 a.m. to the hour of 7;00 . C. L. S., or Trail, B. C., acting as agent or the value on the last Municlnal An. thence 8, 68 deg. 57. W, 350.01 reet, p. in. or the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, sessment Roll of 1600.00 or more over and thence N. 30 deg. 33 W. 368.46 reet, F PETEns. City Clerk, Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. 82.. above any registered Judgment? or charge thcnle S. 59 deg. 27 W. 59.0 reel; thence ami miu jj uiuerwiae uuiy quauueu as a N. 30 deg, 33 W. 848.66 reet, to the LAND ACT 639-C, intend, sixty days from the date Municipal voter. established harbour headline ror Prince hereor, to apply to the Mining Recorder Rupert Harbour; thence along said harbour for Certificate of Improvements, for the ELEOTION OP POLICE COMMISSIONERS Headline ii. oil aeg. 40' 01" IS. 1912.08 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that l.nrte. feet, thence S. 30 deg. S. 33' E. QUEEN urpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the 1066.26 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. the provisions or the Municipal Acl, Amendment Icet to the point or beginning-, as ilinun bow claims. Act 1917, I require the presence or outlined in red on blue-print plan attached TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Humphrey And further lake notice that action, un-ler the Electors at the place and time shove and signed as relative thereto and contain. Simpson of Prince Rupert, occupation section 37, must be commenced before mentioned, ror the purpose or electing one ing an area ui acres more or less, master mariner. Intends to apply ror pet-mission who shall person serve on the Board or together with those he Issue or such Certificate or Improve-nents. Commissioners or Police, to take the place Block "0" above high portions water mark,or waterfront according to lease the roilowlng described or Qeorge Hill, whose term expires In 1919. to a plan or record In said Land Registry land: Dated this list day or September, A, D. The mode or nomination or candidates ror Ofllce as No. 923. Section n ami 7 Commencing at a post planted at a wit 918. such Police Commissioners' snail Be as rollows: which He within the boundaries abovo do' ness post situated at the Intersection of scribed and also all piers, wharves, landing J. D. ANDERSON. Candidates shall be nominated In writ. stages and Steps and the lhren erti,mi the north boundary of Lot 2353, with the Ing, the writing shall be subscribed by dry-docks appertaining thereto and used shore Ilnei thence north SO chains, thence two or the Munlclnalltv Voters a. nrnnnaer Queen Charlotte Islanders can-lot and seconder and It shall be delivered to tnerewitn.And ' (Secondly) ALL and RiNmiTAii east 20 chains, more or less, to tho shore do better than mall their me at any time between the date or thla such portion or portions or that certain line; thence rollowlng shore line to 'I'6 notice and 2:00 p.m. or the day or nomination. pjreel or tract of land and land covered by point or commencement, containing 20 acres A s printing needs to The Nnws Print The writing may be in the form water being a part of said water front more or less, situated near Klum-Kwol Bay. rUB ELECTOR i "Well, I suppose I must do my duty and Shop and get the work done Number Elections 5 In tho Act. Schedule Inserting or Coinmllnnir tho Municipal Illock thereof,"O"which and parcel of or water tract lot nr I in anrl front maw EUGENE II, SIMPSON, jrjick one, but none of them thrill me," rornpt!y and well. or Police Board In the appropriate place, bn more particularly described as rollows: Morris Doumonl, Agent. aim auau aiaie 1110 names, resioence and Beginning at a point In said water rront Date, December 3rd, 1918, F. 1