Momlay. January 13, 1010, THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 9 Building Materials of IllllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllllllUlllllllli llli!lllll!llllllllll!IIIIIIIII!lllinilllllllllll!l Prince Rupert By William Bruce," F.EJ.A.S.A.', Denti Architect. siry ( Amr feelik W1 15, During the transitive period AN ATTACK OP- Ajip "r -T - DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! which we are passing through at APPLE PIE. J t AW Vou the present time, when improved V f MEAN One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your AfPLE. J methods of construction and conservation are eatrerly soueIiL for Efficiency f ' ' Lingerie the writer; of this brief descriptive or of the building materials obtainable Hats in the city of Prince Rupert Take off the trimming desires to place before the when soiled and dtp up interested citizens the following Dr. Bayne and down in a bowl full of facts that inaV be of some value Lux suds- rich, copious, in promoting tho growth and development creamy. Never rub. Press of the city. OFFICE HOURS: carefullyand out the water.stretch Rinse to built The is rock thoroughly on which fireproof,the city being Is Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.3f; Evening, 7 to 9 j dry. Your fabrics will of a micacouB nature and at be fresh, .clean and the same time capable of carry Dental Nurse in attendance. sheer as when new. ing heavy loads, when the pressure Phone 109 for appointment The Lux way mean economy is applied on the natural in fine things it wathei them iplendidly. bed of the stone. It should not bo assumed that LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED,Two.!. fCocrrlftit. 1818. b? tb Bteolu T.lurim N.w Tort Uenli) Co.l every piece of stone in the district is of good quality, as we find good and bad material in all deposits FARM LOANS. Salvation Army. of rock. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT When using the fireproof stone Winnipeg, Jan. 11. Under the Public meetings. Tuesdays. of Prince Rupert, it should always OR farm loan system 800 Manitoba anursaays and Saturdays at 8 p be laid in its natural bed t n rm r r o ni'n a nm wntt lnn 111 Inn . Sundays at 7:30 , luiiui? uaiv outuicu inu iinuiuii p. rn. rt -,. ill! t l i i S. S. PRINCE GEORGE "", .""77"3 , , LU, , uress,n dollars and only nine are in ar THE DAILY NEWS unu uiuiuuiB iiiis Kinu or stone rears today. THE SUPREME COlinT OF BRITISH can prepare it to make a hicli SAILING Classified : Advertising r class of walling suitable for street Advertise in tho Daily News. IN TION THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMI.MSTKA- MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, .fronts and any other kind of , . and Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. building, in IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH i.y lilt MATTER OF THE Phone 98 course or square ESTATE OF COLUMBIA. uuaiAV wick, DECEASED, INTESTATE MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. dressed rubble. The natural bed IN THE MATTER OF THE "AD.MI.MSTRA . iThli l the Adrertiaing Column that'of the stone is very suitable for Tiua ACT" TAKE NOTICE In nriln, r in. S. S. PRINCE JOHN and Honour F. McB. Young-, made the 3rd day people read whei they want anything the building of rain and damp I." THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF of January. A. D. 1919, I, the undersigned. Thursday 10 p. m. for Massett, Port Clements and Buckley ,,., it bnngt return pi oof walls and the top bed of ev JOHN TATE. BUNTING, DECEASED; J.NTES the estate nn of appuiiufu Oustav Wick,Administratrix deceased, Bay and Moresby Island Points. ery stone can be laid with a slight TAKE NOTICE that In order of His and all parties havlmr claims mimi tn WVAKTED, Honour r. McB. Younr. made the 4 th dav said estate are hereby required to furnish lilt outwaijds and thoroughly pre oi January, a. v. iviv, I was appointed uic, iruin.-riy verniea, to me, on or before TRAIN SERVICE vent tho rain from the Auiimiis-iraior to me estate or Joim Hunt the 7th day or February, A. D. 1919, VANTED Furnished house liy entering lng-, deceased, and all parties having: and required all parties to Pav indebted the to the nr estate are Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY andSATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for Smlthers walls amount their m. ciawns against saia estate ace nereoy required Prince Oeorre. Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all young couple without children. to rurnlsh same, properly verified debiedness to me forinwitn. Tho crushed stone when mixed anna rtnlnfa at nrl smith . WICK, Administratrix. references. Phono id me, on or neiore ine sin aay or reoru Can give willi good Portland cement make ary, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted to Dated this 7th day of January, 1919. Red 407. tf ne estate are reauirea to Dav ine amount a valuable fireproof concrete. The oi meir inueDteaness to me rortnnitti. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH For Information and reservations apply to WANTED Furnished on unfur llreproof stone is not very hard JOHN Omclal II. McMULLIN,Administrator. COLUMBIA. G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. nished roominu house. Reliable and durable for road and street DATED this 8th day or January, 1919. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION City Ticket Office, E26 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 parly. Mrs, Leadlay, phono Red making, but it is suitable for the AC1 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH and 407. If construction of fireproof build- COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF - inirc when mixed with trnnd PnH IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA MALCOLM MCKAY, DECEASED; INTESTATE. TION ACT" 11 4 A"'I't.M 1 1 1. 1 1 :1 t. , uniiiu-ucsii uuu typewriter. Jaad cftinent and it has been prov and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TAKE NOTICE that In order nr Hl irticulars in run first letter: ed by thorough testing that Mr?j II. H. CIIHI3TE.NSEN, DECEASED; IN Honour F. McB. Younir. made the 3ist dav to box 212 Daily News ofTlco. janij Water will not it. TESTATE. of December, A. D. 1918, 1 was appointed destroy TAKE NOTICE that In order oT Ills Administrator to the estate of Malcolm McKay, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY REPORTER One of Prince Rupert's most Honour F. McB. Younir. made the 4th day deceased, and all parties bavlnr claims WANTED Prefer or January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed ag-alnst the said estate are hereby required ably young man or woman to esteemed and- professional citi Auiiiiiiisiraior 10 me estate or it. it, in lunusii same, properly verniea. to me. zens granted permission to the Clirlstensen. deceased, and all Dartles on or before the 6th- day or February. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points learn the work. News. and all Daily iiaving- claims ag-ainsi me said estate are 1919, parties Indebted to the estate writer to prepare and test a num hereby requlrea to rurnlsh same, properly are required to pay the amount or their via Steamer to Vancouver and the verniea. to me. on or Derore tne sin asv Indebtedness to me Torlhwltb. COMFORTABLE ROOMS with or bcr of samples of concrete com- or February. A. D. 1919. and all parties JOHN 11. McMULLIN, Canadian Pacific Railway without board, at "Tho Ark."I posed of crashed ryjck mixed with Indebted to the estate are required to pay Omclal Arimlnlalpalnr Hid amount or their Indebtedness to mo DATED this 6th day or January, 1919, Phone Black 210. tf Portland cement and the reliable rormwitn. Meals and Berth included on Steamer JOHN II. MCMULLIN, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH testing appliances has proved fCllAMBERMAID Omclal Administrator. WANTED. Hotel1 that a mixture of local crushed DATED this 8 Hi day or January, 1819. COLUMBIA. Central. J rock and Portland cement makes IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT SITUATIONS WANTED a high class fireproof concrete, IN THE MATTER COLUMBIA.OF THE "ADMINISTRA TION ACT and January 17th, 31st; February 14th and, 28th; March lth, and Slst, and suitable for the best class of TION ACT" IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF April Jnd. EXPERIENCED HOOK - KEEPER buildings. and CARL RICHARD CARLSON, DECEASED IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF INTESTATE. and stenographer desires pos-j Another important point is that STANLEY WOZNEY, DECEASED; IN FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANGELL, 8KAOWAY, ALASKA owing to the nature of the stone. TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His January 13th and 27th; February 1 0th and Sltli; March 7th, 17th and 28th .TAKE NOTICE that In order or His Honour F. McB. Young-, made the 31st day iJOX 216. tf it can bo crashed or ground very Honour F, McB. Young-, made the 4th day of December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed or January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed Administrator to tbe estate or Carl Richard qOAilD fine, and colored light or dark red Administrator to the estates or Stanley Carlson, deceased, and all parties having red with oxide of iron finished Wozney, deceased, and all parties bavin? Claims against tbe said estate are bereb claims ag-alnst the sold estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verllle W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. BOARD AND llftOM lSffered young.with a marble surface or cast in reouirea to rurnisn same, croperiy ven to me, on or before the 6th day of Febru iady in 'moulds ded, to me, on or before the 8th day or ary, A. 13. 1919, and all parties Indebted to private Iioinef' Central. to obtain ornamental Street an Co Fourth rod Third Pr.'nco onrunrv. A. u. iwiv. ana an parties in tne estate are requlrea to pay the amount ner Avenue, Rupert. B.C. Apply box 212, Dally News. surface to take the place of ex- debted to the estate are required to pay i meir i.ia?2ictiness 10 me rortnwitn. . t i i i. i ,i. tne amount or tneir inaenteaness to me JOHN II. McMULLIN, ilieudive cui stuuu worn, uutu forthwith. omclal Administrator. FOn 8ALE JOHN H. MCMULLIN, DATED this 6th day or January, 1919. J pleasing and effective in color. Omclal Administrator. FOU SALE -Gasoline engine, 20 If concrete ship building is DATED this 8tb day or January, 1919. COLUMBIA:THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH h-P. !nco begun at Prnco IluPert, the Buffalo, with equipment. N, THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH To be 3een at Akerborg, Thorn local stone will bo very valuable COLUMBIA. TION THE MATTER ACT, OF THE ADMINISTRA The jUnion COAST SERVICE. $ IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA Ltd, for such work as the concrete will AND son, Offers to bo inado to TION ACT" Imperial Ministry of Munitions resist severe strains up to lyid and THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TOH5TEN TOHSTENSON, DECEASED: 021 2nd Ave, 10 over 30,000 lbs. per-squaro ft. and WILLIAM SUNBEHO, DECEASED; IN-T INTESTATE. Anyox, Port Simpson and Naas Points, F S T A T K it bo made waterproof can thoroughly Co. of B.C. TAKE NOTICE tbat In order or Ills TAKE NOTICE, that In order of Ills Mondays, 7 a.m. t un SALE House and Lot 18, in nddjtlon to its fireproof Honour F. McB. Young-, made the 4tb day Honour F. McB. Young, nude tho 31st day of January, A. D. 1919, 1 was appointed or December, A. D. 1 "lock 1918, was appointed rr 32, Section. 5, $1,200 ' qualities. Administrator to tl.e estate of William Administrator to Hie estate of Torsten :: Ltd. :: John Barnsley, General Agent lerms. k. T. Keyos, International sunberv. deceased, and all parties Having Torstenson. deceased, and all parties having t claims ag-alnst the said estate are hereby claims against the said estate are Falls, Minn. tf It is just as cheap to get your required to rurnlsh same, properly veri hereby required to furnish tame, properly printing done well and done at fied, to me, on or before the 8th day of verified, to me, on or before the 0th day tuli SALE White ebruary. A. D. 1919., and all parties in or February, A. D. 1919. and all parties Leghorn lomo as it is to send it away. Try debted to the estate are required to pay Indebted to the estate are required to pay rooster.rooster, Phono also. Plymouth Hluof508,Rock 855 Tho News Print Shop. forthwith.the amount jun.i or tnelr ii. Indebtedness nicmui.u.1, to me i forthwith.Hie amount junm of their n. niCMULLlft,Indebtedness to me Advertise In The Daily News Summit Ave, 9 (Continued on Pago Six.) 'DATEP this 8th day omclal of January,Administrator.1919, 'DATED this 6th day omclal of January,Administrator.1919. The Paper that gets Quick Results run sale iNo. 4 Portable Hubbard Oven, limisi new. Apply La Casso Bakery, box 413. I'rlnce rtupert. tf FOR RENT It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken vauajvt Next week, three or four housekeeping rooms unfurnished. Two minutes from Post Olllco. Apply Daily Jows Olllco, Box 215. 10 TAXI SEnVICE Rtt X ' M oor foR. s the people, who uve 1 S MoT" 2 f FEVO 1 ? r4. TW Woose. ( taFraSSSSrf TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICj; P SURE If T,s HtKOTE5 Tl o I f ; OEM BEATS Art THEY " 1 Night and Day. Phono 09. I TWIKK. IS THE JUL! I l Tl I ' ME.VER. AHSVJE.R. THP fSHNT THE: A I OR W BOOK VJHEK SOO WrtU ; ?LL fc fXr&otVf LOST J dKs'MAK' I MAM ,ME CAM ) HEAR HE- MM M W i X? LOST KtS HECK RIN THE ( JEW fj 1 S -r Pockclbook, Fulton St on Return to Daily News offlco. I ml" J I off. rsHouioJ- fWwSf (i 0 a- LOST Gilt Eaglo badgo of Naval Air Service, used as brooch. Finder ploaso return to Dally News Offlco, 'Reward. FOUND FOUND New'pocket book. Apply uany jvows offlco, Oh say Tho News Prhit Shop 'oes Us work about as cheap as "ost shops and qulto as well, 6'ves you the work on timo whene'er posslblo and hands It out ' a pleasant "Thank you." rt at do you say to giving tiiom "lal on your next job? Onnvrlrftt 1018 it (t. GvoIl Ctleiraoi Vf T r. flor 00.1