Page 4 THE DAILY flKWB. Tuesday, January Uf l91g 1 KEPT THE CITY OUT OF DEBT Mayor McClymont Modestly Men tions Fact at Final Meeting of the Council Last Night. NO PUBLIC MEETING Articlt No.I Cut ovt for FOR ELECTIONEERING Rejtrcnct, Alderman Seven Dybhavn Years of Retires Service After HIS Announcement is made by the Dominion As Alderman the City. of Government made now because it feels that Keep Peps handy as the Canadian know, and is entitled wants to vrrc nn.1 safe remedy for Doubtless there are many every winter coughs, colds, sore things which we did not do during to know, just what plans it has made to meet the iliroat, influenza and the past year, but we did not run bronchitis. the city into debt. If that is problems that face the country. Only now has it been possible good thing for an individual it is front Keep well the supplied boys at too.the doubtless good for tho city." to finish the many plans and policies necessitated. That was the way in which Mayor better They can than have Peps nothing to ward close McClymont.of the summed meeting of up the at City the From dny to day the Government will use this space to off colds and chest troubles Council last night. He said that caused by exposure to he thought they had accomplished explain what it is doing to bring- back our soldiers, to ensure bad weather. a good deal. They had not always the comfort of their dependents, to keep the whole nation seen alike as members or tne The Peps medicine Is council but ho thanked the alder and breathed in as a Peps busy prosperous. men for their support. dissolves in the tablet mouth. It penetrates Aldeiynan Casey spoke of the The problem is to take back our soldiers and war-workers into our faithful service of Alderman Dyb where liquid medicine havn who was retiring .from the social and business life under proper working and living conditions. lit; cannot reach; and provides council. As chairman of one of has four phases direct and instant the department's he thought ttie : 3 protection for every part publio would be desirous of in 1. To bring the soldiers home. ' of the throat and chest. formation in regard to those de partments. Extensions t o the 2. To fit those who have suffered overseas for use- -ful TRIAt lighting system were needed, fREE lights had been out, and the public employment. were interested in these 3. To have ready for soldier and worker Send this advertisement things. The citizens were' asking every war and lc. stamp (for if ther.e was to be a meeting to an opportunity for employment. return postage) to Peps discuss civic affairs. The sewer Co., Dupont St., Toronto system had broken down and 4. To assure for them proper living and working and free trial package something had to be done there. conditions. will be sent you. They had been charged with be . . t without ing a close reason.corporation and not The plans of the Government are; such as will help solve these prob-. Ask Public Meeting. lems. What those plans are will be reported to you in this series of Alderman Casey said that as announcements. the Council was now going out of business after being trustees of the people for a year the people (Signed) would like some detailed informa J. A. CALDER, tion in regard to their, work and he thought they ought to call a Chairman. The P. R, Feed Go. public meeting to give an account of their stewardship. He moved The Repatriation Committee that the mayor and aldermen call OTTAWA a meeting for Wednesday night Have In New Seasons got a in St. Andrew's Hall. This was Supply of Seconded by Alderman Kirkpatrick. Bulbs, Hyacinths, Alderman Dybhavn said that so Daffodils, Tulips, far as he could ascertain the peo Easter Lilies ple knew as much about the work SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT -DISTRICT OF Crocus, of the city as they did. . He did QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ... 1 Till'.. MITTri" thai I hlfml f II llPlfni a r T TAKE NOTICE 1 taint uuiRtaa lhat Betty Chris tensen, of nut uunsiuer a meeuns necessary. Bay roint, California, note keeper, intends I'rlnce Rupert. B. C, married woman. Intends Make the Home Beautiful fin n vnio hnlnrr'fnVnn i Ha "PP for 4 licence to prospect for CM. to apply for a licence to nrosnect for u vuto uciuts it vuo ui,- ...h Detroleum over the following described coal and WRKLEYS petroleum over the following described Have Some inter Blooms ! oided not to call the meeting, the in.d on tn.e West Coast of fonsby Island' lands on the Wast Coast of Moresby British Columbia, commencing at a post Island, British Columbia, commencing Indoors and Outside VOto being two to four against. planted about K oti mile south westerly at a post planted about 1 mile south from Llnhfo Nnf flhtalnahla from a small bay and Island In Canoe Pass the southerly shore of Canoe Pass and S biynts Jbctwecn Moresby and Chaatl Islands near miles east of the southeast corner and In answer to the suggestion Loff Point and about 3 miles easterly along location post of Robert Reld's application 908 Third Avenue, iiv,1 the Moresby Island side of Canoe Pass for licence; thence north 80 chains; thence that ttie IlgntS Had been OUt a from Buck Point: thence south 80 chains; least 80 chains: thence south 80 chains: Phone 58 P.O. Box 333 ripal Alriprmnn said ""- " u meutc wniu imni-e tu cnains io me point or com- Buua uyuuavii .cnsins. ,hcnce WCst 80 chains tp the point mencement. iiiul uurmjf u sbunii uver uirue - wii.iiK-i.criiKMii. Located November 17th. ibis. Six if s a hundred lights had been burned BETTY CHIUSTENSEN, good CHARLES E. BUROESS.. By Han K. Chrlstensen. Agent. out and every effort had been By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent, reasons friend: STEEN & LONGWILL SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF made to replace them, but owing SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF QUfcfcil LIlAllLUTTE ISLANDS, to present conditions it had been QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Voetman, of TAKE NOTICE that I, Hans K. Christen rrinie iiuuen. u. l... iisnerman. intends in SANITAn. anD HEATING found impossible to get the en, of Prince Rupert. B. C fisherman. In apply for a licence to prospect for coal globes. The department was do- trii.l to apply for a licence to prospect for and petroleum over tho following described ENGINEERS coal and petroleum over the following de lands on the West Coast or Moresby Island ng its best to keep the city scribed lands on the west coast of Moresby urltisn Columbia, commencing at a post 1 Steadies lighted. Island, British Columbia, commencing at a piauiuu suuui zuv yarus irom me soutnei'iy nerves Agents for post planted about or a mile south hoie or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or Courtesies. westerly from a small bay and Island In tne norineast corner or Robert Reld's ap 2 Allays thirst MoCLARY FURNACES Canoe Pass between Moresbv and Chaatl plication Tor licence; thence north 80 Mrs. Kirkpatrick thanked the Islands near Log Point and about 3 miles chains; thence west 80 chains; thence members of the Council for their easterly along the Moresby Island side of south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to 3 Aids appetite PLUMBINO Canoe Pass from Buck Point; thence north ino point or commencement. courtesy lo a woman, this being 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence Located November t7ih, 1918. and south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains to ANDREW VOETMAN. 4 Helps digestion the first time there had been a the point or commencement. By Hans. K. Chrlstensen, Agent, SHEET METAL WORKS woman on the council. Located HANS November K. CI1RISTENSEN.16th, 1018.Applicant. 5 Keeps teeth clean SKEENA LA.MJ DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Alderman Dybhavn also thank QUttil UIAHLUTTE ISLANDS. ed the aldermen and those other SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF TAKE NOTICE that Peter Jensen, of 6 It's economical Night 570 CHARLOTTE phones QUEEN ISLANDS. I'rlnce Rupert, B. C, net colleagues who had worked with boss. Intends to and Blue 270 lAnc j-tuuiE. mai uaniei u suinenano, apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal him during the past seven years of Bay Point, Calirornla, hotel keeper. In- and petroleum over the following described The right work, at tha right lends to apply for a llcenco to prospect ror lands on the West coast or Moresby Island on tho council. There had been coal and petroleum over the rollowlnir ile. fninmiiin Mmmnrin. ., . tlma, and at the right price. l?c,rlb?d ',and Jn n? We Coast of Moresby planted about 200 yards from the southerly BOme IlVCiy CXCIiangeS ai limes Brlt sh Columbia, commenc nar at hnn nr r.nnnn ii nrt i ,r,n. DUl ne believed tnat ttlOSO WHO ,i'.iK.,. uul.V 1 10 Ul" '!.om lne normeasi corner or Robert Reld's ap. . , , iiiiit ii i"'."s i-.ui" riu anu x pucaiiou lur licence; inence south 80 nuu uuuil eiecieu nau nunesiiy nines east oi ine souincasi corner ana loca- chains; thence west 80 chains; thence dnnft thpir hpsi fnr fho rifv n ' "ou5r,.i,e,us "PP""" ror north so cnains; thence east 80 chains to w ubcubci iuciic iiuriu du cimiu; uieucu tne point or commencement. they had seen it. Ill leaving the est 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; Located November 1 7lh, 1518. Hotel Myder council 11 u icit liiub iiu nua i.u v iiitrui-diiirui. By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. Located November 17th, 1918. ing friends. He wished the coun DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Portland Canal, B.C. cilors success at the elections. By Hans K, Chrlstensen, Agent. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS.DISTRICT OF TAKI2 NOTICE that I, Albert K. Estesvaag I SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF i M Ii. JAMIESON, Proprietor SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF v mircv r it.n i nTTP 101 i v r.a of Prince Rupert. B. C.. fisherman, intend to apply for a licence to prospect ror coal QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, or unit notrnlonm over tl.n rnll Prince Rupert. B.C.. spinster. Intends to ind nn ihn wmi Cimst nr Mnrui. ii,.nri Gateway lo the femout Q)uh Mine TAKE NOTICE that Allle E. Burgess, of PP'y. ror a licence to prospect for coal and British Columbia, commencing at a nost nay I'oint. i.aniornia. warred woman, in- i f-. .v " ucm-nucu nianieu auoui xuu yarns irom tne souinenv tends to, apply for a licence to prospect Ja"" n.,.,n.e wen coast of Moresby Is- shore or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or Now for Business ror coal ana petroleum over me rouowing .". "" iuiiiu, luiiuucutiiu at a ine norineast corner or iionert Held s ap Open described lands on the West coast or ,!'; imeu auoui one inue aouin rrom tne plication ror licence; thence south 80 Moresby Island, British Columbia, com- southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 8 rnlles chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north meticlng at a post planted about S00 yards ',,n southeast corner and location 80 chains; thence west 80 chains to the rrom the southerly shore or Canne Pass post Robert Reld's application for point of commencement. and i miles east or the northeast corner licence; thence aoutn 80 chains; 41icnce Located November 17th. 19j, lor Robert Reld's application ror licence; west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains;! ALBERT K, E3TESVAAO. thence north 80 chains; thence East 80 thence east 80 chains 10 the point of com-1 Annllrant Hotel Prince Rupert I chains; thence south 80 chains; thence mencement. . west 80 chains to the point or commence- Located November OERTRUDE 17th, 1918.KNOTT. ,SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Iment. EEN CHARLOTTE ISI.ANIlH Located November 17th, to 18. By Hans K, Chrlstensen, Agent. TAKE NOTICE that Robert Held, nf Prlni-A EUROPEAN PLAN A I.I.I K E, UUHUKSS, Ily Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. SKEENA LAND D.STRICT-D.STRICT OF VoTl&l SfliVc $1.50 per day and up. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ,petroleum over the following described SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF take NOTICE that Annie Lindsay, of' ianas on mo west uoast or Moresby Is- QUfcN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. I'rlnce Rupert, B. C, spinster, Intends to 'i'"'. British Columbia, commencing at a FIRST-CLASS CAFE apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal and P" planted about or a mile South A La Carte, TAKE NOTICE that I. John Chrlstensen. petroleum over the following described westerly from a small bay and Island In ct Prince Rupert, B. C, fisherman. Intend lands, on the West Coast of Moresby Is. Canoe pass between Moresby and Chaatl to apply Tor a licence to prospect Tor coal land, British Columbia, commencing at a Islands near Log point and about 3 miles and petroleum over the rollowfng described post planted about I mile south rrom the easterly along the Moresby Island side or Ijndi on the West Coast or Morsby Island, southerly shore of Canoe Pass and mllca Canoe Pass from Buck Point; thence north British Columbia, commencing at a post east or me southeast corner and location u cnains; inence west su cnains; thence Hotel planted about 4 of a mile south westerly nost or uoueri noias application ror a south 80 chains) thence east 80 chains to Chew it after every meal St. James from a small bay and Island In Canoe Pass licence: thence south 80 chains; thence the point of. commencement. between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; Located November 1 0th, 1918. (LATE "QUECNS") I'oint, and about 3 miles easterly along tnrnre west 80 chains to the point of commencement. ROBERT REID. i ho Moresby Island side of Canne pass By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. The Flavour Lasts! . FIRST CLASS IIOOMS from llurk Point; thence Soulh 80 chains: Located November 17th. 1918. Hot and Cold Water. thence west 80 chains: thence north 80 ANNIE LINDSAY, Thero bo chains: thence east 80 chains to the point By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. may something you too Night, and S3 psr Wk. or commencement. want. See the classified column par Located November JOHN CHHISTENgEN,Ifitn, lot 8.Applicant, Advertise in the Dally News. on Pago 5, 'The Daily News' Advertising Gets Results